Computer Science
Degree Options: Major, Minor
Locations: Lincoln Center, Rose Hill
Visit the Computer and Information Science Department
Wherever there’s a computer, there’s a skilled person developing, maintaining, hacking, advancing or simply using it. Be that person.

The computer science major emphasizes science and technology, including software design and programming, computer architecture and functions, and the development of an ability to analyze and solve problems in using the computer as a tool.
Get inspired by the classes we offer. Programming. Bioinformatics. Robotics. Video game design. Cyber security. Networking. Database management. Health and medical informatics.
Our faculty members are active researchers driven by intellectual curiosity and the desire to make an impact. Join them in one of our labs. Requirements: open mind, warm heart, and lots of passion.
You’ll learn more than computer science here. You’ll also study philosophy, theology, history, mathematics, languages, and the performing arts through Fordham’s common core curriculum, the centerpiece of our liberal arts education. We want you to excel in your field—and as a human being.
The department of Computer Information Systems is a dynamic and vibrant place, with a faculty of well-respected scholars who are equally committed to teaching and research.
The BS in computer science differs from the BA in that it requires classes in machine learning, knowledge discovery, and data mining.
Special programs include:
- Interdisciplinary degree in information systems through Fordham’s School of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS)
- 3-2 program for students studying engineering and computer science
- Five-year master’s degree
- Research Labs
Informatics and Data Mining Lab conducts research in the emerging fields of computational intelligence and informatics related to:
- bioinformatics, brain informatics, cognitive informatics and neuroinformatics
- financial computing and informatics
- business analytics and business intelligence
- combinatorial fusion analysis
Robotics and Computer Vision Lab investigates the frontiers of robotics, including developing software to built robot systems for defense, visual homing systems inspired by ants and bees, and fusing data from a team of robots on a search-and-rescue mission.
WISDM (Wireless Sensor Data Mining) Lab collects, mines and analyzes sensor data from smart phones and other mobile devices using activity recognition, biometric identification and trait recognition. The lab is supported by NSF funding and has received a Google Faculty Research Award.
Study Abroad
Study abroad enriches you academically, culturally and personally. There is a whole globe of study abroad possibilities available through Fordham’s International and Study Abroad Program.
We connect you to internships at leading organizations in the private and public sectors, including:
- Philips
- Charney Research
- Key Digital
- Microsoft
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- SiriusFM
- Fox News
Fordham’s Career Services offers CareerLink, database of thousands of job and internship opportunities exclusively for Fordham students.
- Discrete Structures
Data Structures
Operating Systems
Theory of Computation
Data Communications and Networks
Intro to Video Game Design
Brains and Behaviors in Beasts and Bots Wherever you find a computer system, you’ll find a person responsible for developing, maintaining, hacking, advancing or simply using it.
You graduate from our program prepared for a career or advanced study in computer science, information technology, system design, telecommunications, computer applications and much more.
We connect you with employers looking for:
- Software developers
- Programmers
- UX designers
- Data scientists
- Cybersecurity engineers
- Web designers
Our career services tap Fordham’s ties with more than 2,600 companies. We offer:
- postgraduation career search
- resume development, Interviewing practice
- networking skill development
- hands-on case-study sessions with industry executives
- field-specific advising/coaching
You also get access to our powerful (and Fordham-loyal) network of alumni, who want to see you succeed as they have.
Learn More about the Computer Science Degree