Graphics Elements

Graphic elements are the most dynamic tool in our visual language toolbox. They are used to connect photography and text, display information without words, and direct our audience through a communication piece.

Color Bars

Color bars are an excellent way to add accent colors to a communication without overwhelming the page and diverting too far from the Fordham Maroon color. Color bars are also able to add a Fordham Maroon into any piece. This simple convention connects all Fordham’s communications in a subtle but effective way.

Photo and page frames

Use color bars on the edge of a page, the corner of an image, or to highlight the edges of a full-bleed image. They can successfully be used in different colors in the same communication piece.


For more formal pieces, color bars can be used as a simple boarder on one or two edges of a communication. This can be really helpful when a piece needs a bit of Fordham Maroon color. They can also differentiate schools by using Edwards Parade Green for Rose Hill, Skyscraper Blue for Lincoln Center and Purpose Yellow for Gabelli.

Connect to color blocks

Color bars can connect to color blocks, making a full-bleed image appear inset in the page while connecting to Fordham’s overall visual language.

Quotation Marks

The voices of Fordham’s students, faculty and community are critical to telling the University story.
Our graphic quotation mark makes those quotes pop from a page.


The voices of Fordham’s students, faculty and community are critical to telling the University story.
Our graphic quotation mark makes those quotes pop from a page.

Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs require more detail and nuance than all of our other graphic elements. Because these are first and foremost to communicate complicated information. It’s still important that they are visually interesting and align with the Fordham brand.

University Seal

The University Seal may be used as a graphic element in select instances. The rules for the seal as an identity still apply here, but there are additional guidelines for how to use the seal correctly as a watermark or supergraphic. As a graphic element, the seal will bleed off the edge of a composition or fade into the background.

as a seal or stamp
Our seals can be used as seal in layout! They add prestige and formality to compositions, and even work on materials that are more friendly.

as a watermark
Setting the seal in 10% black or Fordham Maroon allows us to use the seal with text on top and even mailing insignia. Becuase our seals are so detailed they add depth and texture when used as a watermark.

as a supergraphic
Similar to using the seal as a watermark, we can use it as a supergraphic. The seal can but used in a darker color to pop on the page. The scale of the seal can be a bold way to add visual interest and playfulness to a composition while remaining sophisticated.