Ellen van Wilgenburg
Area(s) of Expertise: Biology
Specializations: Ecology, Insects, Spotted Lanternfly, Manhattants, Ants
Stanley Veliotis
Area(s) of Expertise: Business
Specializations: Taxation, Insider Trading, Tax Policy, Market Behavior
Keri Walsh
Area(s) of Expertise: English
Specializations: Irish Studies, James Joyce, French, and American Modernism, Expatriate and Bohemian Cultures
Tiffany Yip
Area(s) of Expertise: Psychology
Specializations: Ethnic Identity Development, Ethnic-Specific Stressors, Social Development
Christiana Zenner
Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Theology, Science and Ethics, Religion and Ecology, and Environmental Studies, Moral Theology, Laudato Si', Laudate Deum
Yijun Zhao
Yijun Zhao

Associate Professor

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Specializations: Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning Methods to Predict Disease Course, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis
Benjamin C. Zipursky
Area(s) of Expertise: Law
Specializations: Defamation Lawsuits, Law and Philosophy, Torts, Personal Injury, Products Liability