Student Handbook: Drones

Drones-Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Any use of a UAS/DRONE in, from, or above Fordham University's buildings, campuses, or properties is strictly prohibited except under the following circumstances:

Commercial or Official institutional use

The use of commercially owned drones is permitted only for educational or research purposes. All commercial, contract or University owned UAS:

  • Must comply with all federal (FAA), State of New York and New York City laws;
  • Must provide proof of a Special Airworthiness Certificate/Restricted Category/Section 333 Waiver or Authorization (COA) for civil aircraft;
  • Any commercial use must provide a certificate of specific dron use insurance naming Fordham University as additional insured with a minimum of $5 million in general liability insurance;
  • Must not operate over areas where people assemble, sports venues/fields/arenas, or areas of construction;
  • Must not photograph or video where anyone would have a reasonable expectation of privacy;
  • Must obtain permission from the Department of Public Safety, at least 48 hours in advance;
  • Must provide the Department of Public Safety a flight plan, including the date, time, location, duration and purpose for the flight and name of the UAS operator.
  • Any hobby or recreational use is not permitted.