Medieval Sourcebook:
Sir Jean Froissart:
John of Gaunt in Portugal, 1385
[Tappan Introduction] Portugal was still an unimportant little country, often
engaged in warfare with the more powerful land of Spain. Each country sought for allies.
Castile found them in the French; Portugal in the English. In 1385 the great battle of
Aljubarrota was fought, and the Portuguese were the winners. The English archers had been
of great service to them in this battle, and now the barons and knights and magistrates of
the principal towns in Portugal met together in Lisbon to plan how to make a closer
alliance with England. The way was open. The Duke of Lancaster, uncle to Richard II, King
of England, had married a daughter of the late King of Castile. Their daughter Costanza
had, then, a claim to the Castilian throne. Therefore, the wily Portuguese wrote some
letters to the duke, saying that now was the time to stand for the rights of his daughter,
and that if he wished to enter Castile, he might pass through Portugal. In England, at
that date French was the court language, and Latin the literary language; therefore, the
letters were written in both tongues, and a messenger was chosen who could speak French as
easily as Portuguese, one Lawrence Fongasse. The duke was well pleased with the
suggestion, and set out with his wife and children and men-at-arms for Portugal.
THE King of Portugal was well pleased at the arrival of the English knights, and
commanded that they should be comfortably lodged. When they were ready, Don Martin
d'Acunha and Don Fernando Martin de Merlo, who were acquainted with the king's habits,
introduced them to him. He received them very graciously; and after some conversation,
which they knew well how to keep up, they presented the falcons and greyhounds. The king
cheerfully accepted them, as he was fond of the chase. They returned the king thanks, on
the part of the Duke and Duchess of Lancaster, for the handsome mules he had given them.
The king replied, these were trifles, merely tokens of affection, such as lords desirous
of maintaining love and friendship ought to make to each other; but he should soon offer
more splendid presents. Wine and spices were now brought, of which the English knights
having partaken, they took leave of the king and returned to their lodgings, where they
supped. On the morrow, they were seated at the king's table. Sir John d'Ambreticourt and
Sir John Sounder were at another table with the great barons of the kingdom, among whom
was Lawrence Fongasse, squire of honor to the king, who was well known to these knights,
having been acquainted with them in England; on which account he made them the best cheer
in his power, and this he knew well how to do.
The dinner the King of Portugal gave to these knights was very handsome and well
served. When over, they adjourned to the council-chamber, and the knights, addressing
themselves to the king, the Count d'Acunha and the Count de Novaire spoke as follows:
"Sire, with all the compliments the Duke of Lancaster has charged us to pay you, he
ordered us to say that he is very desirous of having a personal interview with you."
The king replied, he was equally anxious for it, and added, "I beg of you to hasten
everything as much as possible, that we may have a conference together." "That
will be very proper," said the barons of Portugal; "for until you meet, you will
never understand each other. You may then confer on the most effectual means of carrying
on the war against the King of Castile." "That is true," answered the
knights. "Be speedy about it, then," said the king, "for if the duke wishes
to see me I wish also to see him." They then entered on other conversation; for the
council was to determine when and where this meeting should take place, and inform the
English knights of it. This was done. It was agreed the King of Portugal should go to
Oporto, and the Duke of Lancaster advance along the borders of Galicia; and somewhere
between them and Oporto the meeting was to be held. When the English knights had remained
three days at Coimbra, they departed and followed the same road back to St. Jago, where
they related to the duke and duchess all that had passed. They were with reason well
satisfied with it, for their affairs seemed now likely to be attended to.
When the day of meeting approached, the Duke of Lancaster left his army, under the
command of his marshal, at St. Jago, and attended by three hundred spears and six hundred
archers, and Sir John Holland (who had married his eldest daughter) with many knights,
rode toward the frontiers of Portugal. The King of Portugal, hearing that the duke was set
out from St. Jago, left Oporto with six hundred spears, and went to a town called in that
country Monçao, the last town of Portugal on that side. The duke came to a town on the
frontiers called Melgaço. Between Monçao and Lemgaço runs a small river through meadows
and fields, over which is a bridge called Pont de More.
On a Thursday morning, the King of Portugal and the Duke of Lancaster had their first
interview at this bridge, attended by their escorts, when they made acquaintance with each
other. On the King of Portugal's side had been built a bower, covered with leaves, in
which the duke was entertained at dinner by the king. It was a handsome one; and the
Bishop of Coimbra, the Bishop of Oporto, as also the Archbishop of Braganza, were seated
at the king's table with the duke, and a little below him were Sir John Holland and Sir
Henry Beaumont. There were many minstrels, and this entertainment lasted until night. The
King of Portugal was that day clothed in white lined with crimson, with a red cross of St.
George, being the dress of the Order of Avis, of which he was grand master. When the
people had elected him their king, he declared he would always wear that dress in honor of
God and St. George, and his attendants were all dressed in white and crimson. When it
became late, they took leave of each other, with the engagement of meeting again on the
morrow. The king went to Monçao, and the duke to Melgaço, which places were only
separated by the river and meadows. On the Friday, after hearing the Mass, they mounted
their horses, and rode over the Pont de More, to the spot where they had met the preceding
day. The house which had been erected for this occasion was the fairest and greatest that
had ever been seen there. The king and duke had each their apartments hung with cloth and
covered with carpets, as convenient as if the king had been at Lisbon or the duke in
Before dinner they had a conference on the state of their affairs, how they should
carry on the war, and when they should commence it. They resolved to order their marshals
to continue their attacks during the winter, which the king was to pass in Portugal, and
the duke at St. Jago; and it was settled that, early in March, they would unite their
forces, and march to combat the King of Castile, wherever he might be, and whomever he
might have with him; for the English and Portuguese, when united, would be full thirty
thousand men. When this had been determined, the king's council introduced the subject of
marriage with their king; for the country was very desirous he would marry, as it was now
time; and by it they would be much strengthened; and they thought he could not make a
better choice for himself, nor one more agreeable to them, than by inter-marrying with the
House of Lancaster. The duke, who saw the attachment the king and the Portuguese had for
him, and that he had need of their assistance, as he was come from England to Portugal to
regain his kingdom of Castile, replied with a smile, addressing the king: "Sir King,
I have at St. Jago two girls, and I will give you the choice to take which of them shall
please you best. Send thither your council, and I will return her with them." "
Many thanks," said the king: "you offer me more than I ask. I will leave my
cousin Catherine of Castile; but I demand your daughter Philippa in marriage, whom I will
espouse and make my queen." At these words the conference broke up, as it was
dinnertime. They were seated as on the preceding day, and most sumptuously and plentifully
served, according to the custom of that country. After dinner, the king and duke returned
to their lodgings.
On the Saturday after Mass, they again mounted their horses, and returned to Pont de
More in grand array. The duke this day entertained at dinner the king and his attendants.
His apartments were decorated with the richest tapestry, with his arms emblazoned on it,
and as splendidly ornamented as if he had been at Hertford, Leicester, or at any of his
mansions in England, which very much astonished the Portuguese. Three bishops and one
archbishop were seated at the upper table: the Bishops of Lisbon, of Oporto, of Coimbra,
and the Archbishop of Braganza. The King of Portugal was placed at the middle, and the
duke somewhat below him; a little lower than the duke, the Count d'Acunha and the Count de
Novaire. At the head of the second table was the deputy grand master of Avis: then the
grand master of St. James, in Portugal, and the grand master of St. John, Diego Lopez
Pacheco, Joao Fernandez Pacheco his son, Lopo Vasquez d'Acunha, Vasco Martin d'Acunha,
Lopo Diaz d'Azevedo, Vasco Martin de Merlo, Gonzalves de Merlo, all great barons. The
Abbot of Aljubarrota, the Abbot of St. Mary, in Estremadoura, Sir Alvarez Pereira, marshal
of Portugal, Joao Rodriguez Pereira, Joao Gomez de Silva, Joao Rodriguez de Sa, and many
other Portuguese knights, were there seated; for not one Englishman was at the table that
day, but served their guests. There were numbers of minstrels, who played their parts
well; and the duke gave them and the heralds one hundred nobles each.
When this festival was ended, they took a most friendly leave of each other, until they
should meet again. The king returned to Oporto, and the duke to Melgaço, from whence he
journeyed toward St. Jago. The Count de Novaire escorted him with one hundred Portuguese
lances, until he was out of all danger, when he took leave and returned to Portugal. The
duchess was very impatient for the duke's return, to hear how the conferences had passed;
of course, you may suppose, she received him with joy. She asked what he thought of the
King of Portugal. "On my faith," replied the duke, "he is an agreeable man,
and has the appearance of being a valiant one, and I think he will reign powerfully; for
he is much beloved by his subjects, who say that they have not been so fortunate in a king
for these hundred years. He is but twenty-six years old, and, like the Portuguese, strong
and well-formed in his limbs and body to go through much labor and pain." "Well,
and what was done in regard to the marriage," said the duchess. "I have given
him one of my daughters." "Which?" asked the duchess. "I have offered
him the choice of Catherine or Philippa; for which he thanked me much, and has fixed on
Philippa." "He is in the right," said the duchess; "for my daughter
Catherine is too young for him."
DURING the stay of the Duke of Lancaster in Entenga, a herald arrived from Valladolid,
who demanded where Sir John Holland was lodged. On being shown thither, he found Sir John
within; and, hending his knee, presented him with a letter, saying, "Sir, I am a
herald-at-arms, whom Sir Reginald de Roye sends hither: he salutes you by me, and you will
be pleased to read this letter." Sir John answered he would willingly do so. Having
opened it, he read that Sir Reginald de Roye entreated him, for the love of his mistress,
that he would deliver him from his vow, by tilting with him three courses with the lance,
three attacks with the sword, three with the battle-axe, and three with the dagger; and
that, if he chose to come to Valladolid, he had provided him an escort of sixty spears;
but, if it were more agreeable to him to remain in Entenca, he desired he would obtain
from the Duke of Lancaster a passport for himself and thirty companions.
When Sir John Holland had perused the letter, he smiled, and, looking at the herald,
said, "Friend, thou art welcome; for thou hast brought me what pleases me much, and I
accept the challenge. Thou wilt remain in my lodging with my people, and in the course of
tomorrow, thou shalt have my answer, whether the tilts are to be in Galicia or
Castile." The herald replied, "God grant it." He remained in Sir John's
lodgings, where he was made comfortable; and Sir John went to the Duke of Lancaster, whom
he found in conversation with the marshal, and showed him the letter the herald had
brought. "Well," said the duke, "and have you accepted it? " "
Yes, by my faith, have I: and why not? I love nothing better than fighting, and the knight
entreats me to indulge him: consider, therefore, where you would choose it should take
place." The duke mused awhile, and then said: "It shall be performed in this
town: have a passport made out in what terms you please, and I will seal it."
"It is well said," replied Sir John; "and I will, in God's name, soon make
out the passport."
The passport was fairly written and sealed, for thirty knights and squires to come and
return; and Sir John Holland, when he delivered it to the herald, presented him with a
handsome mantle lined with a minever, and twelve nobles. The herald took leave and
returned to Valladolid, where he related what had passed, and showed his presents.
News of this tournament was carried to Oporto, where the King of Portugal kept his
court. "In the name of God," said the king, "I will be present at it, and
so shall my queen and the ladies." "Many thanks," replied the duchess,
" for I shall be accompanied by the king and queen when I return." It was not
long after this conversation that the King of Portugal, the queen, the duchess, with her
daughter, and the ladies of the court, set out for Entença in grand array. The Duke of
Lancaster, when they were near at hand, mounted his horse; and, attended by a numerous
company, went to meet them. When the king and the duke met, they embraced each other most
kindly, and entered the town together, where their lodgings were as well prepared as they
could be in such a place, though they were not so magnificent as if they had been in
Paris. Three days after the arrival of the King of Portugal, came Sir Reginald de Roye,
handsomely accompanied by knights and squires, to the amount of six score horse. They were
all properly lodged; for the duke had given his officers strict orders they should be well
taken care of. On the morrow Sir John Holland and Sir Reginald de Roye armed themselves,
and rode into a spacious close in Entença, well sanded, where the tilts were to be
performed. Scaffolds were erected for the ladies, the king, the duke, and the many English
lords who had come to witness the combat; for none had stayed at home.
The two knights who were to perform this deed of arms entered the lists so well armed
and equipped that nothing was wanting. Their spears, battle-axes, and swords were brought
them; and each, being mounted on the best of horses, placed himself about a bow-shot
distant from the other; but at times they both pranced about on their horses most
gallantly, for they knew every eye to be upon them. All being now arranged for their
combat, which was to include everything except pushing it to extremity, though no one
could see what mischief might happen, nor how it would end; for they were to tilt with
pointed lances, then with swords, which were so sharp that scarcely a helmet could resist
their strokes; and these were succeeded by battle-axes and daggers, each so well tempered
that nothing could withstand them Now, consider the perils those run who engage in such
combats to exalt their honor; for one unlucky stroke puts an end to the business. Having
braced their targets and examined each other through the visors of their helmets, they
spurred on their horses, spear in hand. Though they allowed their horses to gallop as they
pleased, they advanced on as straight a line as if it had been drawn with a cord, and hit
each other on the visors with such force that Sir Reginald's lance was shivered into four
pieces, which flew to a greater height than they could have been thrown. All present
allowed this to have been gallantly done. Sir John Holland struck Sir Reginald likewise on
the visor, but not with the same success, and I will tell you why: Sir Reginald had but
slightly laced on his helmet, so that it was held by one thong only, which broke at the
blow, and the helmet flew over his head, leaving Sir Reginald bare-headed. Each passed the
other, and Sir John Holland bore his lance without halting. The spectators cried out that
it was a handsome course.
The knights returned to their station, when Sir Reginald's helmet was fitted on again,
and another lance given to him: Sir John grasped his own, which was not worsted. When
ready, they set off full gallop, for they had excellent horses under them, which they well
knew how to manage, and again struck each other on the helmets, so that sparks of fire
came from them, but chiefly from Sir John Holland's. He received a very severe blow, for
this time the lance did not break; neither did Sir John's, which hit the visor of his
adversary without much effect, passing through and leaving it on the crupper of the horse,
and Sir Reginald was once more bare-headed. "Ha," cried the English to the
French, "he does not fight fair; why is not his helmet as well buckled on as Sir John
Holland's? We say he is playing tricks: tell him to put himself on an equal footing with
his adversary." "Hold your tongues," said the duke, "and let them
alone: in arms every one takes what advantage he can if Sir John thinks there is any
advantage in thus fastening on his helmet, he may do the same. But for my part were I in
their situations, I would lace my helmet as tight as possible, and if one hundred were
asked their opinions, there would be fourscore of my way of thinking." The English on
this were silent, and never again interfered.
The ladies declared they had nobly jousted; and they were much praised by the King of
Portugal, who said to Sir John Fernando, "In our country they do not tilt so well,
nor so gallantly: what say you, Sir John?" "By my faith, sir," replied he,
"they do tilt well; and formerly I saw as good jousts before your brother, when we
were at Elvas to oppose the King of Castile, between this Frenchman and Sir William
Windsor; but I never heard that his helmet was tighter laced than it is now."
The king on this turned to Sir John to observe the knights, who were about to begin
their third course. Sir John and Sir Reginald eyed each other, to see if any advantage
were to be gained, for their horses were so excellent that they could manage them as they
pleased, and sticking spurs into them, hit their helmets so sharply that their eyes struck
fire and the shafts of their lances were broken. Sir Reginald was again unhelmed, for he
could never avoid this happening, and they passed each other without falling. All now
declared they had well jousted; though the English, excepting the Duke of Lancaster,
blamed greatly Sir Reginald: but he said, he considered that man as wise who in combat
knows how to seize his vantage. "Know," added he, addressing himself to Sir
Thomas Percy and Sir Thomas Moreaux, "that Sir Reginald de Roye is not now to be
taught how to tilt: he is better skilled than Sir John Holland, though he has borne
himself well."
After the courses of the lance, they fought three rounds with swords, battle-axes, and
daggers, without either of them being wounded. The French carried off Sir Reginald to his
lodging, and the English did the same to Sir John Holland.
From: Eva March Tappan, ed., The World's Story: A History of the World in Story,
Song and Art, 14 Vols., (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914), Vol. V: Italy, France,
Spain, and Portugal, pp. 570-582.
Scanned by Jerome S. Arkenberg, Cal. State Fullerton. The text has been modernized by
Prof. Arkenberg.
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