Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Honor Roll
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project comprises the three
main chronologically ordered websites - on Ancient, Medieval and Modern History - and, in
addition, a number of subsidiary themed pages. The Project seeks
present original source texts in a context that lends itself to educational use. As a
result, it has become one of t the most widely used historical text resource on the
Internet - the Medieval Sourcebook alone is used as an online
textbook in over seventy college courses. A number of people have contributed to this project, and they are list below.
- Contributing Editors are those people who who have sought out,
selected, and transferred to etext a variety of sources, and have made important
suggestions towards the development of the Project.
- Contributors have donated individual texts or translations in a
specific area.
Contributing Editors
- Jerome S. Arkenberg, Cal. State Fullerton, [[email protected]]
Scanning and input of hundreds of texts in the Medieval, as well the Modern and Ancient
History Sourcebooks.
Contributors: Medieval
- Nicolás Agrait
- Richard Barton [[email protected]] Translations
- The Cathedral Chapter of Chartres: The Riot of 1210,
trans. Richard Barton
The circumstances of the Chartres Riot of 1210 described from the viewpoint of the
Cathedral chapter. It provides clear insight into urban social tensions, and also sheds
light on elements of liturgical procedure (particularly the liturgy of excommunication),
on the cult of the Virgin, and on the increasing competency of the French crown in
judicial matters.
- Three Disputes involving the Cathedral Chapter of
Notre-Dame of Chartres, 1215-1224
- Henry III: Documents of the Church of Salisbury in
the Early 13th Century
- The Register of Roger Martival, Bishop of Salisbury,
Texts from the Register of Roger Martivall, Bishop of Salisbury. The last one, in
particular, is of interest, as it is concerned with criminous clerks and clerical status.
- Philip II Augustus: Suppression of Etampes Commune,
- Charters relating to Judicial Duels, 11th - 12th Century
- Duel between Engelardus and the monks of Saint-Serge of Angers, c.1100
- Abbots Daibert and Otbrannus prevent a battle between their monks, 27 and 28
April, 1064
- Trouble between St Martin of Tours and Holy Cross of Talmont leads to a judicial
battle, 1098
- Abbot Robert of Mont-Saint-Michel seeks the right to determine where duels are
- Gesta Arnaldi: The Deeds of
Bishop Arnald of Le Mans and the Le Mans Commune, 1065-1081,
From a compilation known as the Acts of the Bishops Living in the City of Le
Mans, from a period when Maine was the object of a lengthy power struggle between
Normandy and Anjou.The text also also provides the most detailed evidence for one of the
earliest French communes - that of Le Mans in 1070.
- Peasant Servitude and Obligations: Rulings by Louis VI and Louis VII of France (12th Century)
- Disputing and Dispute Resolution in Monastic Charters from the Vendômois, c. 1040-1118
14 documents from the Cartulaire de la Trinité de Vendôme with reference to monastic life, rural life, dispute resolution, duels.
- Robert Blackmon. [email protected],Scanning
and proofing of
- The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints. Compiled by
Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275. First Edition Published 1470. Englished by
William Caxton, First Edition 1483, Edited by F.S. Ellis, Temple Classics, 1900 (Reprinted
1922, 1931.)
- David Burr, Virginia Tech [[email protected]].
See his home page. Translations of the following
- Anselm - God
- Aquinas - God
- Aquinas - Law
- St. Bernard: Apology [d.1153]
- Documents on Francis of Assisi - Testament, Lives, Rule
- Documents on Heresy
- Orderic Vitalis
- Villani
- William H. Campbell [[email protected]] Translation of
- Fredric L. Cheyette of Amherst, [[email protected]]
Translation of
- Geoffrey W. Clement. Introduction, translation and notes to
- Jonathan Couser ([email protected]). Translations of the following texts
Kenneth Cutler [[email protected]] See his homepage. Translation of
- Simon Doubleday [[email protected]],
Translation of
- Jean Dunbabin. For Permission to mount the translation of:
- Dawn Marie Hayes [[email protected]]
Translation of
- Laura Gazzoli. Translation of
- Paul Hyams of Cornell University. See his Home
Page. Translations of the following texts
- Holly Ingraham [[email protected] ]. For input of
the following
- Andrew S.Jacobs [ andrew AT ] [These translations are all online at Andrew Jacobs. He gave permission for them to be mounted at the IHSP as well.]
- Piacenza Pilgrim 570 CE. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Piacenza Pilgrim (570 CE, Latin)
- Ps.-Amphilochius of Iconium, In circumcisionem et Basilium. c. 6th C. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Ps.-Amphilochius of Iconium, In circumcisionem et Basilium (6th [?] cen. CE, Greek)
- Zeno, On the Lord's Birth II before 380 CE. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Zeno, On the Lord's Birth II (before 380 CE, Latin)
- Maximos the Confessor, Letter 8: On the forced conversion of Jews and Samaritans 632. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Maximos the Confessor, Letter 8 (end), On the forced conversion of Jews and Samaritans (632 C.E., Greek)
- John Chrysostom, On Changing Names late 4th Cent. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - John Chrysostom, On Changing Names (late 4th cen. CE, Greek)
- Bordeaux Pilgrim 333 CE Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Bordeaux Pilgrim (333 CE, Latin)
- Taching of Jacon the Newly Baptised. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Teaching of Jacob Newly Baptized (c. 640 CE, Greek)
- Amphilochius of Iconium: Against the Heretics (Against False Asceticism) late 4th Cent. Also online at Dr Jacob's website - Amphilochius of Iconium, Against the Heretics (Against False Asceticism) (late 4th cen. CE, Greek)
- Elka Klein [[email protected]] Translation of:
- Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: A Daughter's
Inheritance, 1293,
- Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: A Jewish Widow and
her Daughter, 1261-1262
- Jewish Community of Barcelona: The Book of
Document Forms, 13th century
- Converts to Judaism: France and Germany
- Royal Grants to the Jewish Community of Barcelona,
- Reciting the Grace after Meals: The Status of
Jewish Women, from Berakhot, chap. 7
- Jewish Views of Royal Monetary
Policy in Aragon, 13th Century
- A Business Partnership between a Jew and
Christian in Barcelona, 1235-1242 CE
Documents on exploitation of royal mills by Jews and Christians in Barcelona.
- Jews and Christians in Teruel: The Fuero of Teruel,
1176 CE
Excerpts from the Fuero, or urban ordinance.
- Elka Klein [[email protected]] Scanning of:
- Gerald of Wales: A Witty Jew, c. 1185
- Richard I of England: Charter by Which
Many Liberties are Granted and Confirmed to the Jews, 22 March, 1190
- A Rabbinic Responsum: The Shabbat Goy
- English Jewry is Organised: The Ordinances of the Jews,
- Peter of Blois: Against the Perfidy of the
Jews , before 1198
- The Abbey of St. Edmund’s and the Jews,
- King John of England and the Jews: Charters,
- From the Dialogue of the Exchequer: On
Usury, c.1170
- Appointment of an Archpriest of the Jews in
England, July 1199
- Contact between English Jews and
Christians: Two Twelfth-century Views
- Gilbert Crispin: Disputation of a Jew with a
Christian about the Christian Faith, before 1096
- An Israelite Bishop without Guile, c. 1168
- Gerald of Wales: Two Cistercian Monks
turn Jews, before 1200
- Anselm of Canterbury: How to Treat a Convert,
before 1100
- Gerald of Wales: Barnacle Geese Should
Convince the Jew of the Immaculate Conception, 1188
- Judah Ha-Levi (ca 1075-1141): The Kuzari, also known as The Book of Argument and Proof in Defense of the Despised Faith (Kitab al
The entire first book of the Kuzari, a philosophical treatise written by the
Spanish Jewish philosopher and poet, Judah Ha-Levi. It is written in the form of a
dialogue, purportedly between the king of the Khazars and the representatives of various
belief systems, culminating with a rabbi.
- Ordinance of the Jews of the Crown of
Aragon, 1354 CE
This ordinance or takkanah was the product of an increased sense of Jewish
vulnerability in the years after the Black Death (1348).
- Synod of Castilian Jews, 1432
Ordinances from assembly of the Jews of the kingdom of Castile at Valladolid in
- Nikos Koukounas [[email protected]] Translation of:
- Steve Lane [[email protected]] Translation of:
- Wendy Lewis. [[email protected]] Translation
- C. Liang [ [email protected] ]. For input and
HTML of the following
- Felice Lifshitz [ [email protected] ]
- G.A. Loud (University of Leeds)
- Rigord of St. Denis (1145/50-1209): The King of France on the Third Crusade from Gesta Philippi Augusti (The Deeds of Philip Augustus), by Rigord of St. Denis, translated by Paul Hyams (Cornell University) and expanded by. G.A. Loud
- Scott Ian McLetchie [[email protected]]
Translations of
- The Chronicle of "Benedict of Peterborough": The Murder of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of
Canterbury, 29 December 1170
- Peter of Blois: Description of Henry II [Letter no. 66: to Walter, archbishop of Palermo, 1177)]
- The Chronicle of "Benedict of Peterborough": The Death of King Henry II, 1189
- Gerald of Wales: The Death of King Henry II,
from the Life of Archbishop Geoffrey of York
- Gerald of Wales: The Discovery of the Tomb
of King Arthur, from On the Instruction of a Prince (De Instructione
Principis), c. 1223
- Gerald of Wales: The Conquest of Ireland,
Book I, Chapter 46: Description of Henry II, king of the English.
- Scott Ian McLetchie [[email protected]].
For input of the following:
- Roger of Hoveden: The Revolt of 1173-74, from The
- Roger of Hoveden: The Revolt and Death of the Young
King, 1183, from The Chronicle
- Gerald of Wales: On Henry II and his sons,
from The Topography of Ireland, Chapters 49-50
- Gerald of Wales: Death of King Henry II and
comments on the Angevin Family, from De Instructione Principis (On the
Instruction of a Prince)
- Roger of Hoveden: The Last Days and Death of Henry II,
1189, from The Chronicle
- John of Salisbury: Policraticus IV.1-4:
On Princes and Tyrants
- John of Salisbury: Policraticus, Book
VI, chapter 24
- Selections from the Bible on Marriage
- St Augustine: On Marriage and Concupiscence,
A crucial text for understanding why marriage was such a problem for medieval canonists
and theologians.
- St Jerome (c. 320-420): On Marriage and Virginity,
From Letter XXII to Eustochium and from the treatise Against Jovinian
- St Jerome (c. 320-420): On The Song of Songs,
From the treatise Against Jovinian
- Roger of Hoveden: The Chronicle: On the
Disputes between Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Henry II of England,
early 13th c.
All the material from this chronicle relevant to the Becket matter; Roger quotes many
letters written by those closely involved in the dispute, including Thomas himself.
- Gervase of Canterbury, d. 1205: Thomas Becket's Life,
from History of the Archbishops of Canterbury
A precis of Thomas' career taken from Gervase's History of the Archbishops of
- Gervase of Canterbury, d. 1205: Thomas Becket's Death
Description of the martyrdom from the same work.
- William of Newburgh: Becket and Henry,
selections from Book II of his History, c. 1200
Three chapters concerning Becket's career, the murder, and Henry II's penance at the tomb
in 1174.
- Brendan McManus, [[email protected]].
Translation of
- Oldradus de Ponte: No. 35 (Questio), early 14th
The issue here is the validity of a marriage contract made under duress. A woman
was kidnapped, held captive and raped over a period of twelve days. During that time, the
villain compelled the woman to pronounce the words of a marriage ceremony, after which he
endeavored to consummate the marriage.
- Oldradus de Ponte: No. 92 (Questio), early 14th
The here was the responsibility of a knight who had been entrusted with a castle
while a war was going on. That knight gave custody of the castle to someone else who then
lost it to the enemy. Was the original knight liable for the castle's loss? What is the
responsibility of someone who undertakes to keep something safe for someone else?
- Jo Ann McNamara [[email protected]]
Translation of:
- M. Markowski [[email protected]] Translation
- Robert T. Miller. [[email protected]] Translation
- John C. Moore of Hofstra University. [[email protected]].
Translation of:
- Tony Devaney Morinelli. [[email protected]].
Translation of:
- Martin Nelson [St Mary's School, Medford OH] Translations of
- William North [[email protected] or [email protected]]. Translation of
- Maureen O'Brien [ [email protected] ].
Translations of:
- Hanna Witte Orr. [ [email protected] ]. For
input of the following
- Miss MariLi Pooler, Brooklyn NY , [[email protected]].
For input of the following
- Alexander Pyle, Colorado State University, [[email protected]].
For input and HTML of the following
- Karen Rosenstiel [ [email protected] ] For input of
- Seth Seyfried of the University of Utah. See his Home Page. For input and HTML of the
- Life of St. Columba
- The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle on Alfred the Great
- Asser's Life of King Alfred
- The Chronicle of Ethelwerd
- Henry I: Charter of Liberties, 1100
- Constitutions of Clarendon 1164
- Assize of Clarendon 1166
- Inquest of Sherifs 1170
- Magna Carta 1215
- Confirmation of Charters 1297
- Ordinance of Laborers, 1349
- Statute of Laborers, 1351
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Cornish Eyre
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward
III--Manor of Brightwaltham
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Lincolnshire Eyre
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Northamptonshire Eyre
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Bedfordshire Eyre
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Staffordshire Eyre
- Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225--Shropshire Eyre
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward I
-- Manors of the Abbey of Bec, A.D. 1247
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward I
-- Manors of the Abbey of Bec, A.D. 1248
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward I
-- Manors of the Abbey of Bec, A.D. 1249,
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward I
-- Manors of the Abbey of Bec, A.D. 1275
- Select Pleas in Manorial and Other Seignorial Courts, Reigns of Henry III and Edward I
-- Manors of the Abbey of Bec, A.D. 1280
- Stephen J. Shoemaker [[email protected] ] [HTML] and Gabriel Caswell [Scanning] of Florida State University [ home page at ]
- Mario Spagnuolo, [ [email protected] ]
Translation of
- Frederick II: Lictere Generales,
establishing the University of Naples, trans. Mario Spagnuolo, 1224
- Mike Tanksley of Johns Hopkins Univ, [[email protected]]
for the input of:-
- Guillame de Tyr (William of Tyre) (c.1130- 1190): Historia rerum in partibus
transmarinis gestarum [History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea], full text of Old French
version (13th century)
- Cynthia Whidden Green. Translation of:
- Michelle Ziegler [ [email protected] ] and Early Medieval Resources for
Britain, Ireland and Brittany. Preparation of:
Contributors: Other Sourcebooks
- John Coker <[email protected]>.
Scanning of:
- Diogenes Laërtius: The Lives
and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
Book VI: The Cynics [Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus, Onesicritus,
Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus, Menedemus.][At this
- Diogenes
Laërtius: The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers:
Book VII: The Stoics [Zeno, Ariston, Herillus, Dionysius, Cleanthes,
Sphaerus, Chrysippus] [At this Site]
- Diogenes Laërtius: The Lives and
Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
The Sceptics: Life of Pyrrho [At this Site]
This text is part of the Internet History
Sourcebooks Project. The Sourcebooks are collectionsof
public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising
or excessive layout) for educational use.Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright.
Permission is granted for electronic copying for temporary location on course websites,
distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do
reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial
© Paul Halsall, January 1996-March 2023
[email protected]
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.
© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]