Medieval Sourcebook:
The Siege and Capture of Antioch:
Collected Accounts
OCTOBER, 1097-JULY, 1098
The Syrian city of Antioch almost proved the undoing of the
undoing of the Crusade. After having struggled through Asia Minor,
the Latins became bogged down in protracted siege of the City.
Once the had captured it, they faced serious Muslim resistance
from Kerbogha, atabeg of Mosul. The "finding" of the
Holy Lance [which had pierced the side of Christ, in June 1098
led to a revival of morale. Even after Kerbogha was repulsed,
it took until November 1098 before the final push for Jerusalem
could be made.
The Sufferings of the Crusaders
The Fall of Antioch
Kerbogba's Attack
The Discovery of the Holy Lance
The Defeat of Kerbogha
1. The Gesta Version
Now grain and all food began to be excessively dear before the
birthday of the Lord. We did not dare to go outside; we could
find absolutely nothing to eat within the land of the Christians,
, and no one dared to enter the land of the Saracens without a'
great army. At last holding a council, our seignors decided how
they might care for so many people. They concluded in the council
that one part of our force should go out diligently to collect
food and to guard the army everywhere, while the other part should
remain faithfully to watch the enemy. At length, Bohemund said,
"Seignors, and most distinguished knights, if you wish, and
it seems honorable and good to you, I will be the one to go out
with, the Count of Flanders on this quest." Accordingly,
when the services of the Nativity had been most gloriously celebrated
on Monday, the second day of the week, they and more than twenty
thousand knights and footmen went forth and entered the land of
the Saracens, safe and unharmed.
There were assembled, indeed, many Turks, Arabs, and Saracens
from Jerusalem, Damascus, Aleppo, and other regions, who were
on their way to reinforce Antioch. So, when they heard that a
Christian host was being led into their land, they made themselves
ready there for battle against the Christians, and at earliest
daybreak they came to the place where our people were gathered
together. The barbarians divided themselves and formed two battle
lines, one in front and one behind, seeking to surround us from
every side. The worthy Count of Flanders, therefore, girt about
on all sides with the armor of true faith and the sign of the
cross, which he loyally wore daily, went against them, together
with Bohemund, and our men rushed upon them all together. They
immediately took to flight and hastily turned their backs; very
many of them were killed, and our men took their horses and other
spoils. But others, who had remained alive, fled swiftly and went
away to the wrath of perdition. We, however, returning with great
rejoicing, praised and magnified God, Three in One, who liveth
and reigneth now and forever, Amen.
Finally, the Turks in the city of Antioch, enemies of God and
Holy Christianity, bearing that Lord Bohemund and the Count of
Flanders were not in the siege, came out from the city and boldly
advanced to do battle with us. Knowing that those most valiant
knights were away, they lay in ambush for us everywhere, more
especially on that side where the siege was lagging. One Wednesday
they found that they could resist and hurt us. The most iniquitous
barbarians came out cautiously and, rushing violently upon us,
killed many of our knights and foot soldiers who were off their
guard. Even the Bishop of Puy on that bitter day lost his seneschal,
who was carrying and managing his standard. And had it riot been
for the stream which was between us and them, they would have
attacked us more often and done the greatest hurt to our people.
At that time the famous man, Bohemund, advancing with his army
from the land of the Saracens, came to the mountain of Tancred,
wondering whether perchance he could find anything to carry away,
for they were ransacking the whole region. Some, in truth, found
something, but others went away empty-handed. Then the wise man,
Bohemund, upbraided them, saying: "Oh, unhappy and most wretched
people! O, most vile of all Christians! Why do you want to go
away so quickly? Only stop; stop until we shall all be gathered
together, and do not wander about like sheep without a shepherd.
Moreover, if the enemy find you wandering, they will kill you,
for they are watching by night and by day to find you alone, or
ranging about in groups without a leader; and they are striving
daily to kill you and lead you into captivity." When his
words were finished, he returned to his camp with his men, more
empty-handed than laden.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 132-34
2. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
And since already in the third month of the siege food was bought
too dearly, Bohemund and the Count of Flanders were chosen to
lead an army into Hispania for food, the Count and the
Bishop of Puy being left as a guard in the camp. For the Count
of Normandy was away at the time, and the Duke was very ill. However,
when the enemy learned this, they repeated their customary assaults.
The Count, moreover, was compelled to attack them in his usual
manner, and, after forming the ranks of the foot soldiers, he,
with some knights, pursued the assailants. He captured and killed
two of them on the slope of the little mountain and forced all
the enemy to enter by the bridge. As our foot soldiers saw this,
they left their posts and their standards and ran in a mob up
to their bridges. And when there, as if already in safety, they
cast stones and weapons upon those who were defending the bridge.
The Turks, after forming a line, began to rush against our men
by the bridge and by a path which was lower down. Meanwhile, our
knights chased toward our bridge a certain horse whose master
they had overthrown. When our people saw this, thinking our knights
in flight, they showed their backs to the attack of the enemy
without delay. Then the Turks killed without ceasing those who
fled. Even if the knights of the Franks wished to resist and fight
for their people, they were caught by the crowd of fleeing footmen,
by their arms, and by the manes and tails of the horses, and were
either thrown from their horses, or, out of compassion and regard
for the safety of their people, were brought to flight. The enemy,
indeed, without delay, without pity, slaughtered and pursued the
living and despoiled the bodies of the dead. Moreover, it was
not enough for our men to leave their arms, take flight, despise
shame, but they rushed into the river to be overwhelmed with stones
or arrows of the enemy, or to remain under water. If skill and
strength in swimming bore anyone across the river, he reached
the camp of his companions. However, our flight extended from
their bridge to our bridge. They there killed about fifteen of
our knights and about twenty foot soldiers. The standard bearer
of the Bishop was killed there, and his standard was captured.
A certain very noble youth, Bernard Raymond of Beziers, died there.
Let the servants of God neither complain nor be angry with us,
if our men bequeathed such open shame to the memory of our army;
since God, who in this way desired to drive to penance the minds
of adulterers and robbers, at the same time gladdened our army
in Hispania. For a rumor, going forth from our camp, announced
to Bohemund and his fellows that all was prosperous, and that
the Count had gained a most noble victory. Moreover, this report
aroused their spirits no little. After Bohemund had besieged a
certain village, be heard some of his peasants suddenly fleeing
and shouting, and when he had sent knights to meet them, they
saw an army of Turks and Arabs close at hand. Moreover, among
those who had set out to determine the cause of the flight and
outcry was the Count of Flanders, and with him certain Provençals.
For all from Burgundy, Auvergne, Gascony, and all Goths are called
Provçencals, while the others are called of the Frankish
race: that is, in the army; among the enemy, however, all are
spoken of as Frankish. This Count of Flanders, as we have said,
however, thinking it a disgrace to report about the enemy before
attacking them, rushed impetuously against the phalanxes of the
Turks. The Turks, indeed, unaccustomed to conduct battles with
swords, took to flight for refuge. Nor did the Count sheathe his
sword until he had removed a hundred of the enemy from life. When
he was now returning to Bohemund as victor, he saw twelve thousand
Turks coming behind him, and rising up on the nearest hill toward
the left he saw a countless multitude of foot soldiers. Then,
after communicating his plan to the rest of the army, be took
a number of men back with him and violently attacked the Turks.
Bohemund, indeed, followed at a distance with the rest and guarded
the rear lines. For the Turks have this custom in fighting: even
though they are fewer in number, they always strive to encircle
their enemy. This they attempted to do in this battle also, but
by the foresight of Bohemund the wiles of the enemy were prevented.
When, however, the Turks, and the Arabs, coming against the Count
of Flanders, saw that the affair was not to be conducted at a
distance with arrows, but at close quarters with swords, they
turned in flight. The Count followed them for two miles, and in
this space be saw the bodies of the killed lying like bundles
of grain reaped in the field. The ambushes which Bohemund had
encountered were scattered and put to flight in the same way.
But the countless horde of foot soldiers, of which we spoke above,
slipped away in flight through places impassable to horses. I
would dare, I say, were it not arrogant to judge, to place this
battle ahead of the fights of the Maccabees, since if Maccabaeus
with three thousand felled forty-eight thousand of the enemy,
more than sixty thousand of the enemy were here turned in flight
by a force of forty knights. I do not, indeed, belittle the valor
of the Maccabees, nor exalt the valor of our knights, but I say
that God, then marvelous in Maccabaeus, was now more marvelous
in our troops.
A (strange) result of this achievement was that after the enemy
had been put to flight the courage of our men decreased, so that
they did not dare to pursue those whom they saw headlong in flight.
Accordingly, when the army returned victorious and empty-handed,
there was such famine in the camp that two solidi were scarcely
enough to keep one man in bread for a day, nor were other things
to be obtained less dearly.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 134-36
The Sufferings of the Crusaders
3. The Gesta Version
When the Armenians and Syrians, however, saw that our men were
returning utterly empty-handed, they counselled together and went
away through the mountains and places of which they had previous
knowledge, making subtle inquiry and buying grain and other bodily
sustenance. This they brought to the camp, in which hunger was
great beyond measure, and they sold a single assload for eight perpre, which is worth one hundred and twenty solidi of denarii. There, indeed, many of our men died because they
did not have the means wherewith to buy at such a dear price.
William Carpenter and Peter the Hermit secretly left because of
the great sorrow and misery. Tancred pursued and caught them,,
and brought them back in disgrace. They gave him a pledge that
they would return willingly to camp and render satisfaction to
seignors. Then William lay all that night, like an evil thing,
in the tent of Bohemund. On the next day at early dawn he came
shamefacedly and stood in the presence of Bohemund, who, addressing
him, said, "O, the misfortune and infamy of all France, the
disgrace and villainy of Gaul! O, most evil of all whom the earth
endures! Why did you so vilely flee? Was it, perchance, for the
reason that you wished to betray these knights and the host of
Christ, as you betrayed others in Hispania?" He was
entirely silent and no speech proceeded from his mouth, Almost
all those of Frankish race gathered together and humbly asked
Lord Bohemund not to let anything worse befall him. He nodded,
with calm countenance, and said, "To this I willingly consent
for love of you, if he will swear to me with his whole heart and
mind that be will never withdraw from the march to Jerusalem,
whether for good or evil; and if Tancred will agree not to let
anything untoward befall him, either through him or his men."
When William had heard these words, he willingly agreed, and Bohemund
forthwith dismissed him. Later, indeed, Carpenter, caught in the
greatest villainy, slipped away by stealth without long delay.
This poverty and wretchedness God meted out to us because of our
sins. Thus in the whole army no one could find a thousand knights
who had horses of the best kind.
Meanwhile the hostile Tetigus, upon hearing that the army
of the Turks had come upon us, said that he was afraid, thinking
that we would all perish and fall into the hands of the enemy.
Fabricating all the falsehoods which be could industriously scatter,
he said: "Seignors and most illustrious men, you see that
we are here in the greatest need, and aid is coming to us from
no side. So permit me now to return to my country of Romania,
and I will, for certain, cause many ships to come hither by sea,
laden with grain, wine, barley, meat, butter, and cheese, and
all the goods which you need. I shall also cause horses to be
brought for sale, and a market to be brought hither in the fealty
of the Emperor.
So I will swear all this loyally to you and attend to it. Also,
my servants and my tent are still in camp, from which you may
believe firmly that I will return as quickly as possible."
And so he concluded his speech. That foe went and left all his
possessions in the camp, and he remains., and will remain, in
Therefore in this way the greatest need came upon us, because
the Turks pressed us on all sides, so that none of us dared now
to go out of the tents, for they constrained us on one side, and
excruciating hunger on the other; but of succour and help we bad
none. The lesser folk, and the very poor fled to Cyprus, Romania,
and into the mountains. Through fear of the most evil Turks we
dared not go to the sea, and the way was never made open to us.
Accordingly, when Lord Bohemund heard that an innumerable host
of Turks was coming against us, be went cautiously to the others,
saying: "Seignors, most illustrious knights, what are we
going to do? For we are not so great that we can fight on two
sides. But do you know what we may do? Let us make two lines of
ourselves; let a portion of the foot soldiers remain together
to guard the pavilions, and by feinting they will be able to resist
those who are in the city. Let the other portion, however, consisting
of knights, go with us to meet our enemy, who are lodged here
"ear us in the fortress Aregh beyond the Iron Bridge."
Moreover, when evening came the famous man, Bohemund, advanced
with the other most illustrious knights and went to lie between
the river and the lake. At earliest daybreak he straightway ordered
scout to go out and see how many squadrons of Turks there were,
where (they were) and definitely what they were doing. They went
out., and began to inquire craftily where the lines of the Turks
were bidden. Then they saw innumerable Turks, divided into two
battle lines, coming from the side of the river, with their greatest
valor marching in the rear. The scouts returned very quickly,
saying, "Behold! See, they come! Be prepared, therefore,
all you, for they are already near us." And the wise man,
Bohemund, spoke to the others, "Seignors, most invincible
knights, array you selves for battle, each one for himself."
They answered: "Wise and famous man! Great and magnificent
man! Brave and Victorious man! Arbiter of battles, and judge of
disputes! Make arrangements for us and yourself." Thereupon,
Bohemund commanded that each one of the princes should himself
form his line in order. They did so, and six lines were formed.
Five of them went out together to attack them (the enemy). Bohemund,
accordingly, marched short distance in the rear with his line.
Thus, when our men were successfully united, one band urged on
the other. The clamor resounded to the sky. All fought at the
same time. Showers of weapons darkened the air. When their troops
of greatest valor, who had been in their rear, came up, they attacked
our forces sharply, so that our men fell back a little. As the
most learned man, Bohemund, saw this, he groaned. Then he commanded
his constable, that is to say Robert, son of Girard, saying: "Go
as quickly as you can, like a brave man, and remember our illustrious
and courageous forefathers of old. Be keen in; the service of
God and the Holy Sepulchre, and bear in mind that this battle
is not carnal, but spiritual. Be, therefore, the bravest athlete
of Christ. Go in peace. The Lord be with you everywhere."
And so that man, fortified on all sides with the sign of the cross,
went into the lines of the Turks, just as a lion, famished for
three or four days, goes forth from his cave raging and thirsting
for the blood of beasts and, rushing unexpectedly among the herds
of sheep, tears them to pieces as they flee hither and thither.
So violently did he press upon them that the tips of his renowned
standard flew over the heads of the Turks. Moreover, as the other
lines saw that the standard of Bohemund was so gloriously borne
before them, they went back to the battle again, and with one
accord our men attacked the Turks, who, all amazed, took to flight.
our men, therefore, pursued them even to the Iron Bridge and cut
off their beads. The Turks, however, rushed hastily back to their
camps and, taking everything they could find there, despoiled
the whole camp, set it on fire, and fled. The Armenians and Syrians,
knowing that the Turks had utterly lost the battle, went out and
watched at the narrow places, where they killed and captured many
of them. And so by the favor of God our enemy was overcome on
that day. Moreover, our men were sufficiently rewarded with horses
and many other things which they greatly needed. And they carried
the heads of one hundred dead before the gate of the city, where
the envoys of the Emir of Babylon, who had been sent to the princes,
were encamped. During the whole day those who had remained in
the tents had fought before the three gates of the city with those
who were inside. This battle was fought on the Wednesday before
the beginning of Lent, on the fifth day before the Ides of February,
with the favor of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with the Father
and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God forever and ever.
Amen. Our men returned triumphant and joyful from the victory
which, under God's guidance, they had obtained on that day over
their defeated enemy. The enemy, entirely beaten, fled, ever roaming
and wandering hither and thither. Some (at length) went to Chorosan,
but others entered the land of the Saracens.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 136-39
4. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
And so the poor began to leave, and many rich who feared poverty.
If any for love of valor remained in camp, they suffered their
horses to waste away by daily hunger. Indeed, straw did not abound;
and fodder was so dear that seven or eight solidi were not sufficient
to buy one night's food for a horse. Another calamity also befell
the army, for Bohemund, who had become most distinguished in Hispania said that be would leave; that be bad come for honor, and
(now) beheld his men and horses perishing for want; and he (further)
said that he was not a rich man, I whose private resources would
suffice for so long a siege. We found out afterwards that he had
said this for the reason that he was ambitiously longing to become
head of the city of Antioch.
Meanwhile, there was a great earthquake on the third day before
the Kalends of January, and we beheld a very marvelous sign in
the sky. For in the first watch of the night the sky was so red
in the north that it seemed as if dawn had arisen to announce
the day. And though in this way God chastised His army, so that
we were intent upon the light which was rising in the darkness,
yet the minds of some were so blind and abandoned that they were
recalled neither from luxury nor robbery. At this time the Bishop
prescribed a fast of three days and urged prayers and alms, together
with a procession, upon the people; moreover, he commanded the
priests to devote themselves to masses and prayers, the clerics
to psalms. Thereupon, the merciful Lord, remembering His compassion,
put off the punishment of His children, lest the arrogance of
their adversaries increase.
There was, besides, in our army a certain member of the Emperor's
household whom he had given to us in his place, Tatius by name,
mangled in nose and all virtue. I had almost forgotten him, since
be deserved to be abandoned to oblivion forever. This man, however,
was daily whispering in the ears of the princes that they should
scatter to the neighboring camp, and then assail the people of
Antioch by frequent assaults and ambush. However, as all this
was made clear to the Count (for he had been sick since the day
when he was forced to flee at the bridge), be called his princes
and the Bishop of Puy together. After holding a council, he gave
them fifty marks of silver on this condition, truly, that if any
of his knights lost a horse, it should be restored to him out
of those fifty marks and other (resources) which had been given
to the brotherhood. Moreover, this kind of cooperation was of
great profit at that time, since the poor of our army, who wanted
to cross the river to gather herbs, feared the frequent assaults
of the enemy, and since very rarely did any care to go against
the enemy, because their horses were starved and weak, and, in
addition, so few that scarcely one hundred could be found in the
whole army of the Count and Bishop. A similar lot bad befallen
Bohemund and the other princes. Accordingly, for this reason our
knights were not afraid to meet the enemy, especially those who
had had or weak horses, since they knew that if they lost their
horses they would obtain better ones. Moreover, something else
occurred, namely that all the princes except the Count promised
the city to Bohemund, provided it was taken. So Bohemund and the
other princes swore to this agreement, that they would not withdraw
from the siege of Antioch for seven years, unless the city was
While these matters were happening in the camp, rumor also announced
that the army of the Emperor was coming. It was reported to have
been assembled from many peoples; namely, Slavs and Patzinaks
and Cumans and Turcopoles. For they are called Turcopoles who
either were reared among the Turks, or were born of a Turkish
father and a Christian mother. These peoples, moreover, because
they had hurt us on the march confessed that they were afraid
to meet us. All this, however, that mangled Tatius had made up,
and he had made such comments in order to be able to get away.
This man, after heaping up not only (these) statements, but even
the very greatest insults, betrayal of his companions, and perjury,
slipped away in flight, after having granted to Bohemund two or
three cities, Turso, Mamistra, Adana. Accordingly, after acquiring
everlasting shame for himself and his people in this way, be feigned
a journey to the army of the Emperor, and, leaving his tents and
his servants, he set out with the curse of God.
It was announced to us at this time that the chief of the Caliph
was coming to the help of Antioch with a large army, which he
was leading from Chorosan. On this account, after a council had
been held in the house of the Bishop, it was decided that the
foot soldiers should guard the camp and the knights should go
out of the camp against the enemy; for they said that if the many
unwarlike and fearful in our army saw a multitude of Turks, they
would afford examples of fright, rather than of boldness. Our
men, therefore, set forth at night, lest those in the city should
notice (their departure) and report it to those who were coming
to aid them, and hid themselves among the little mountains about
two leagues distant from our camp.
However, when it became morning, the enemy appeared with the sun.
Let them hearken, let them hearken, I beg, who have at one time
and another tried to hurt the army, so that, when they recognize
that God enlarges His compassion among us, they may hasten to
make restitution by lamenations of penance. Accordingly, after
the knights had been formed in six squadrons, God multiplied them
so much that they who had scarcely seemed to number seventy before
the formation, after it were sworn to number more than two thousand
in each squadron. What, indeed, shall I say of their boldness,
when the knights even sang the military songs so festively that
they regarded the coming battle as if it were a game? Moreover,
the battle happened to be fought in this place where the swamp
and river are a mile apart. This, however, prevented the enemy
from spreading out, so that they could not encircle us in their
usual manner. For God, who had given us other things, afforded
us six successive valleys for advancing to battle. In one hour
after going forth the field was taken, and while the sun shone
brightly, the battle was committed to arms and shields. Our men,
moreover, at first advanced a little, while the Turks, though
they scattered to shoot with their bows, yet made a move to retreat.
But our men suffered very much until the first ranks of the Turks
were pushed into the rear, for as we learned from their deserters,
there were said to be not less than twenty-eight thousand horsemen
in this battle. And when the first line of the Turks was sufficiently
mixed up with the following lines, the Franks called upon the
Lord and charged. Nor was there delay; the Lord, strong and mighty
in battle, was present. He protected His children, and hurled
down the enemy. So the Franks pursued them even to their very
strongly fortified camp, which was about ten miles from the place
of battle. But the custodians of the camp, upon seeing this, set
fire to it and fled. We were, however, so rejoiced and exultant
at this, that we hailed as a second victory the burning of the
And thus on that same day the light in the camp was so great that
there was no place toward the city where fighting was not going
on. For the enemy had arranged that, while we were most fiercely
engaged by the besieged, we should be overwhelmed by their unexpected
aid from the rear. But God, who granted victory to our knights,
fought among our foot soldiers (also). And on that day we obtained
no less a triumph over the besieged than our knights reported
over the helpers. Accordingly, after the victory and the spoils
had been won, the several heads of the dead were brought to the
camp. And that we might cause fear among the enemy by the evidence
of the (fate of) their scattered allies, the heads that had been
brought along were suspended on stakes. This we believed later
to have been done by the disposition of God. For when the standard
of the Blessed Mary had been captured, they put it point downward
in the ground, as if to shame us. And thus it happened hat they
were restrained from taunting us by the sight of the uplifted
heads of their men.
At this time there were in our camp envoys from the King of Babylon,
who, upon seeing the wonders which God was working through His
servents, glorified Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary, who through
His poor had ground to dust their mightiest tyrants. These envoys,
moreover, promised us favor and good will with their king; besides,
they told of very many good deeds of their king toward the Egyptian
Christians and our pilgrims. Thereupon, our envoys were sent back
with them to enter upon a treaty and friendship with the King.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 139-42
The Fall of Antioch
5. The Gesta Version
I can not enumerate all the things which we did before the city
was captured, beause there is no one in these regions, whether
cleric or layman, who can at all write or tell just how things
happened. Nevertheless, I will say a little.
There was a certain Emir of the race of the Turks, whose name
was Pirus, who took up the greatest friendship with Bohemund.
By an interchange of messengers Bohemund often pressed this man
to receive him within the city in a most friendly fashion, and,
after promising Christianity to him most freely, he sent word
that be would make him rich with much honor. Pirus yielded to
these words and promises, saying, "I guard three towers,
and I freely promise them to him, and at whatever hour he wishes
I will receive him within them." Accordingly, Bohemund was
now secure about entering the city, and, delighted, with serene
mind and joyful countenance, became to all the leaders, bearing
joyful words to them in this wise: "Men, most illustrious
knights, see how all of us, whether of greater or less degree,
are in exceeding poverty and misery, and how utterly ignorant
we are from what side we will fare better. Therefore, if it seems
good and honorable to you, let one of us put himself ahead of
the rest, and if he can acquire or contrive (the capture of) the
city by any plan or scheme, by himself, or through the help of
others, let us with one voice grant him the city as a gift."
They absolutely refused and spurned (the suggestion) saying, "This
city shall be given to no one, but we will bold it equally; since
we have had equal effort, so let us have equal reward from it."
Bohemund, upon hearing these words, laughed a bit to himself and
immediately retired. Not much later we listened to messages concerning
(the approach of) an army of our enemy, Turks, Publicani, Agulani, Azimites, and very many other gentile nations that I know
not how to enumerate or name. Immediately all our leaders came
together, and held a council, saying: "If Bohemund can acquire
the city, either by himself, or with the help of others, let us
give it to him freely and with one accord, on condition that if
the Emperor comes to our aid and wishes to carry out every agreement,
as be swore and promised, we will return it to him by right. But
if be does not do this, let Bohemund keep it in his power."
Immediately, therefore, Bohemund began meekly to beseech his friend
in daily petition, holding out most humbly the greatest and sweetest
promises in this manner: "Behold, we have now truly a fit
time to accomplish whatever good we wish; therefore, now, my friend
Pirus, help me." Greatly pleased at the message, be replied
that be would aid him in every way, as he ought to do. Accordingly,
at the approach of night, he cautiously sent his son to Bohemund
as a pledge, that he might be the more secure about his entrance
to the city. He also sent word to him in this wise: "Tomorrow
sound the trumpets for the Frankish host to move on, pretending
that they are going to plunder the land of the Saracens, and then
turn back quickly over the mountain on the right. With alert mind,
indeed, I will be awaiting those forces, and I will take them
into the towers which I have in my power and charge." Then
Bohemund ordered a certain servant of his, Malacorona by name,
to be called, and bade him, as herald, to admonish most of the
Franks faithfully to prepare themselves to go into the land of
the Saracens. This was so done. Thereupon Bohemund entrusted his
plan to Duke Godfrey, and the Count of Flanders, also to the Count
of St. Gilles and the Bishop of Puy, saying, "The grace of
God favoring, Antioch will this night be surrendered to us."
All these matters were at length arranged; the knights held the
level places and the foot soldiers the mountain. All the night
they rode and marched until dawn, and then began to approach the
towers which that person (Pirus) was watchfully guarding.
Bohemund straightway dismounted and gave orders to the rest, saying,
"Go with secure mind and happy accord, and climb by ladder
into Antioch which, if it please God, we shall have in our power
immediately." They went up the ladder, which had already
been placed and firmly bound to the projections of the city wall.
About sixty of our men climbed up it and were distributed among
the towers which that man was watching. Pirus, upon seeing that
so few of our men had ascended, began to tremble with fear for
both himself and our men, lest they fall into the hands of the
Turks. And be said, "Micro Francos echome There are
few Franks here! Where is most fierce Bohemund, that unconquered
knight?" Meanwhile a certain Longobard servant descended
again, and ran as quickly (as possible) to Bohemund, saying, "Why
do you stand here, illustrious man? Why have you come hither?
Behold, we already hold three towers!" Bohemund was moved
with the rest, and all went joyfully to the ladder. Accordingly,
when those who were in the towers saw this, they began to shout
with happy voices, "God wills it!" We began to shout
likewise; now the men began to climb up there in wondrous fashion.
Then they reached the top and ran in haste to the other towers.
Those whom they found there they straightway sentenced to death;
they even killed a brother of Pirus. Meantime the ladder
by which we had ascended broke by chance, whereupon there arose
the greatest dismay and gloom among us. However, though the ladder
had been broken, there was still a certain gate near us which
had been shut on the left side and had remained unknown to some
of the people, for it was night. But by feeling about and inquiring
we found it, and all ran to it; and, having broken it open, we
entered through it.
Thereupon, the noise of a countless multitude resounded through
all the city. Bohemund did not give his men any rest, but ordered
his standard to be carried up in front of the castle on a certain
hill. Indeed, all were shouting in the city together.
Moreover, when at earliest dawn those in the tents outside heard
the most violent outcry sounding through the city, they rushed
out hurriedly and saw the standard of Bohemund up on the mount,
and with rapid pace all ran hastily and entered the city. They
killed the Turks and Saracens whom they found there, except those
who had fled into the citadel. Others of the Turks went out through
the gates, and by fleeing escaped alive.
But Cassianus, their lord, fearing the race of the Franks
greatly, took flight with the many others who were with him and
came in flight to the land of Tancred, not far from the city.
Their horses, however, were worn out, and, taking refuge in a
certain villa, they dashed into a house. The inhabitants of the
mountain, Syrians and Armenians, upon recognizing him (Cassianus), straightway seized him, cut off his head, and took it into
the presence of Bohemund, so that they might gain their liberty.
They also sold his sword-belt and scabbard for sixty besants.
All this occurred on the third day of the incoming month of June,
the fifth day of the week, the third day before the Nones of June.
All the squares of the city were already everywhere full of the
corpses of the dead, so that no one could endure it there for
the excessive stench. No one could go along a street of the city
except over the bodies of the dead.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 151-53
6. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
Meanwhile, messengers began to come very frequently, saying that
aid was coming to the enemy. Moreover, this report came to us
not only from the Armenians and the Greeks, but was also announced
to us by those who were in the city. When the Turks had obtained
Antioch fourteen years before, they had converted Armenians and
Greek youths, as if for want of servants, and had given them wives.
When such men as these had a chance to escape, they came to us
with horses and arms. And when this report became frequent, many
of our men and the Armenian merchants began to flee in terror.
Meanwhile, good knights who were scattered among the fortresses
came and brought arms, fitted, and repaired them. And when the
gradually lessening swelling (of pride) had flowed from our army,
and courage, ever ready to undergo dangers with brothers and for
brothers, had come (in its place), one of the converted who was
in the city sent word to our princes through Bohemund that be
would surrender the city to us.
Accordingly, when the plan had been communicated, the princes
sent Bohemund and the Duke of Lorraine and the Count of Flanders
to try it out. And when they had come to the hill of the city
at midnight, an intermediary sent back by him who was surrendering
the city said, "Wait until the light passes." For three
or four men went along the walls of the city with lamps all night,
arousing and admonishing the watchers. After this, however, our
men approached the wall, raised a ladder, and began to ascend
it. A certain Frank, Fulger by name, brother of Budellus of Chartres,
was the first boldly to ascend the wall; the Count of Flanders,
following, sent word to Bohemund and the Duke to ascend; and since
all hurried, each to go ahead of the other, the ladder was broken.
But those who had climbed up went down into the city and opened
a certain little postern. Thus our men went in, and they did not
take captive any of those whom they found. When the dawn of day
appeared, they shouted out. The whole city was disturbed at this
shout, and the women and small children began to weep. Those who
were in the castle of the Count, aroused at this outcry since
they were nearer (it), began to say to one another, "Their
aid has come!" Others, however, replied, "That does
not sound like the voice of joyful people." And when the
day whitened, our standards appeared on the southern hill of the
city. When the disturbed citizens saw our men on the mountain
above them, some fled through the gate, others hurled themselves
headlong. No one resisted; in truth, the Lord had confounded them.
Then after a long time, a joyful spectacle was made for us, in
that those who had so long defended Antioch against us were now
unable to flee from Antioch. Even if some of them had dared to
take flight, yet they could not escape death. A certain incident
occurred there, joyful and delightful enough for us. For when
some Turks strove to flee among the cliffs which divide the bill
in two from the north, they encountered some of our men, and when
the Turks were forced to go back, the repulsed fugitives went
with such rapidity that they all fell over the precipice together.
Our joy over the fallen enemy was great, but we grieved over the
more than thirty horses who had their necks broken there.
How great were the spoils captured in Antioch it is impossible
for us to say, except that you may believe as much as you wish,
and then add to it. Moreover, we cannot say how many Turks and
Saracens then perished; it is, furthermore, cruel to explain by
what diverse and various deaths they died. When those foes who
guarded the castle on the middle hill saw the destruction of their
men and that our men were refraining from besieging them, they
kept their castle. Gracianus, however, who had gone out
by a certain postern, was captured and beheaded by some Armenian
peasants, and his head was brought to us. This, I believe, was
done by the ineffable disposition of God, that he who had caused
many men of this same race to be beheaded should be deprived of
his head by them. The city of Antioch was captured on the third
day before the Nones of June; it had been besie ed, however, since
about the eleventh day before the Kalends of November.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 153-55
Kerbogha's Attack
7. The Gesta Version
Some time before, Cassianus, Emir of Antioch, had sent
a message to Curbara, chief of the Sultan of Persia, while
he was still at Chorosan, to come and help him while there was
yet time, because a very mighty host of Franks was besieging him
shut up in Antioch. If the Emir would aid him, he (Cassianus) would give him Antioch, or would enrich him with a very great
gift. Since Curbara had had a very large army of Turks
collected for a long time, and had received permission from the
Caliph, their Pope, to kill the Christians, he began a long march
to Antioch. The Emir of Jerusalem came to his aid with an army,
and the King of Damascus arrived there with a very large host.
Indeed, Curbara likewise collected countless pagan folk,
Turks, Arabs, Saracens, Publicani, Azimites, Kurds, Persians, Agulani and countless other peoples. The Agulani were
three thousand in number and feared neither lances, arrows, nor
any kind of arms, because they and all their horses were fitted
with iron all around, and they refused to carry any arms except
swords into battle. All of these came to the siege of Antioch
to disperse the gathering of Franks.
And when they neared the city, Sensadolus, son of Cassianus, Emir of Antioch, went to meet them, and straightway rushed
in tears to Curbara, beseeching him with these words: "Most
invincible chief, I, a supplicant, pray thee to help me, now that
the Franks are besieging me on every side in the city of Antioch;
now that they hold the city in their sway and seek to alienate
us from the region of Romania, or even yet from Syria and Chorosan.
They have done everything that they wished; they have killed my
father; now nothing else remains except to kill me, and you, and
all the others of our race. For a long time now I have been waiting
for your help to succor me in this danger."
To him Curbara replied: "If you want me to enter wholeheartedly
into your service and to help you loyally in this danger, give
that town into my hands, and then see how I will serve you and
protect it with my men."
Sensadolus replied, "If you can kill all the Franks
and give me their heads, I will give you the town, and I will
do homage to you and guard the town in your fealty."
To this Curbara answered: "That won't do; hand over
the town to me immediately." And then, willy-nilly, he handed
the town over to him.
But on the third day after we had entered the town, Curbara's advance guard ran in front of the city; his army, however,
encamped at the Iron Gate. They took the fortress by siege and
killed all of the defenders, whom we found in iron chains after
the greater battle had been fought.
On the next day, the army of the pagans moved on, and, nearing
the city, they encamped between the two rivers and stayed there
for two days. After they had retaken the fortress, Curbara summoned one of his emirs whom he knew to be truthful, gentle,
and peaceable and said to him, "I want you to undertake to
guard this fortress in fealty to me, because for the longest time
I have known you to be most loyal; therefore, I pray you, keep
this castle with the greatest care, for, since I know you to be
the most prudent in action, I can find no one here more truthful
and valiant."
To him the Emir replied: "Never would I refuse to obey you
in such service, but before you persuade me by urging, I will
consent, on the condition that if the Franks drive your men from
the deadly field of battle and conquer, I will straightway surrender
this fortress to them."
Curbara said to him: I recognize you as so honorable and
wise that I will fully consent to whatever good you wish to do."
And thereupon Curbara returned to his army.
Forthwith the Turks, making sport of the gatherings of Franks,
brought into the presence of Curbara a certain very miserable
sword covered with rust, a very worn wooden bow, and an exceedingly
useless lance, which they had just recently taken from poor pilgrims,
and said, "Behold the arms which the Franks carry to meet
us in battle!" Then Curbara began to laugh, saying
before all who were in that gathering, "These are the warlike
and shining arms which the Christians have brought against us
into Asia, with which they hope and expect to drive us beyond
the confines of Cborosan and to wipe out our names beyond the
Amazon rivers, they who have driven our relatives from Romania
and the royal city of Antioch, which is the renowned capital of
all Syria!" Then be summoned his scribe and said: "Write
quickly several documents which are to be read in Chorosan."
"To the Caliph, our Pope, and to our King, the Lord Sultan,
most valiant knight, and to all most illustrious knights of Chorosan;
greeting and honor beyond measure.
Let them be glad enough and delight with joyful concord and satisfy
their appetites; let them command and make known through all that
region that the people give themselves entirely to exuberance
and luxury, and that they rejoice to bear many children to fight
stoutly against the Christians. Let them gladly receive these
three weapons which we recently took from a squad of Franks, and
let them now learn what arms the Frankish host bears against us;
bow very fine and perfect they are to fight against our arms which
are twice, thrice, or even four times welded, or purified, like
the purest silver or gold. In addition, let all know, also, that
I have the Franks shut up in Antioch, and that I hold the citadel
at my free disposal, while they (the enemy) are below in the city.
Likewise, I hold all of them now in my hand. I shall make them
either undergo sentence of death, or be led into Chorosan into
the harshest captivity, because they are threatening with their
arms to drive us forth and to expel us from all our territory,
or to cast us out beyond upper India, as they have cast out all
our kinsmen from Romania or Syria. Now I swear to you by Mohammed
and all the names of the gods that I will not return before your
face until I shall have acquired with my strong right hand the
regal city of Antioch, all Syria, Romania, and Bulgaria, even
to Apulia, to the honor of the gods, and to your glory, and to
that of all who are of the race of the Turks." And thus he
put an end to his words.
The mother of the same Curbara, who dwelt in the city of
Aleppo, came immediately to him and, weeping said: "Son are
these things true which I hear?"
"What things?" he said.
"I have heard that you are going to engage in battle with
the host of the Franks," she replied.
And he answered: "You know the truth fully."
She then said, "I warn you, son, in the names of all the
gods and by your great kindness, not to enter into battle with
the Franks, because you are an unconquered knight, and I have
never at all heard of any imprudence from you or your army. No
one has ever found you fleeing from the field before any victor.
The fame of your army is spread abroad, and all illustrious knights
tremble when your name is heard. For we know well enough, son,
that you are mighty in battle, and valiant and resourceful, and
that no host of Christians or pagans can have any courage before
your face, but are wont to flee at the mention of your name, as
sheep flee before the wrath of a lion. And so I beseech you, dearest
son, to yield to my advice never to let it rest in your mind,
or be found in your counsel, to wish to undertake war with the
Christian host."
Then Curbara, upon hearing his mother's warning, replied with
wrathful speech: "What is this, mother, that you tell me?
I think that you are insane, or full of furies. For I have with
me more emirs than there are Christians, whether of greater or
lesser state."
His mother replied to him: "O sweetest son, the Christians
cannot fight with your forces, for I know that they are not able
to prevail against you; but their God is fighting for them daily
and is watching over them and defending them with His protection
by day and night, as a shepherd watches over his flock. He does
not permit them to be hurt or disturbed by any folk, and whoever
seeks to stand in their way this same God of theirs likewise puts
to rout, just as He said through the mouth of the prophet David,'
'Scatter the people that delight in wars,' and in another place:
'Pour out Thy wrath upon the nations that know Thee not and, against
the kingdoms that call not upon Thy name.' Before they are ready
to begin battle, their God, all powerful and potent in battle,
together with His saints, has all their enemies already conquered.
How much more will He now prevail against you, who are His enemies,
and who are preparing to resist them with all:, your valor! This,
moreover, dearest, know in very truth: these'. Christians, called
'sons of Christ' and by the mouth of the prophets 'sons of adoption
and promise,' according to the apostle are the heirs of Christ
to whom He has already given the promised inheritance, saying
through the prophets, 'From the rising to the setting of the sun
shall be your border and no one shall stand before you.' Who can
contradict or oppose these words? Certainly, if you undertake
this battle against them, yours will be the very greatest loss
and disgrace, and you will lose many of your faithful knights
and all the spoils which you have with you, and you will turn
in flight with exceeding fear. However, you shall not die now
in this battle, but, nevertheless, in this year, because God does
not with quick anger immediately judge him who has offended Him,
but when He wills, He punishes with manifest vengeance, and so
I fear He will exact of you a bitter penalty. You shall not die,
now, I say, but you shall perish after all your present possessions."
Then Curbara, deeply grieved in his heart at his mother's words,
replied "Dearest mother, pray, who told you such things about
the Christian folk, that God loves only them, and that He restrains
the mightiest host from fighting against Him, and that those Chrisians
will conquer us in the battle of Antioch, and that they will capture
our spoils, and will pursue us with great victory, and that I
shall die in this year by a sudden death?" Then his mother
answered him sadly: "Dearest son, behold the times are more
than a hundred years since it was found in our book and in the
volumes of the Gentiles that the Christian host would come against
us, would conquer us everywhere and rule over the pagans, and
that our people would be everywhere subject to them. But I do
not know whether these things are to happen now or in the future.
Wretched woman that I am, I have followed you from Aleppo, most
beautiful city, in which, by gazing and contriving ingenious rhymes,
I looked back at the stars of the skies and wisely scrutinized
the planets and the twelve signs, or count less lots. In all of
these I found that the Christian host would win everywhere, and
so I am exceedingly sad and fear greatly lest I remain bereft
of you."
Curbara said to her: "Dearest mother, explain to me all the
in credible things which are in my heart."
Answering this, she said: "This, dearest, I will do freely,
if I know the things which are unknown to you."
He said to her: "Are not Bohemund and Tancred gods of the
Franks, and do they not free them from their enemies, and do not
these men in one meal eat two thousand heifers and four thousand
His mother answered: "Dearest son, Bohemund and Tancred are
mortals, like all the rest; but their God loves them greatly above
all the others and gives them valor in fighting beyond the rest.
For (it is) their God, Omnipotent is His name, who made heaven
and earth and established the seas and all things that in them
are, whose dwelling-place is in heaven prepared for all eternity,
whose might is everywhere to be feared."
Her son said "(Even) if such is the case, I will not refrain
from fighting with them." Thereupon, when his mother heard
that he would in no way yield to her advice, she returned, a very
sad woman, to Aleppo, carrying with her all the gifts that she
could take along.
But on the third day Curbara armed himself and most of the Turks
with him and went toward the city from the side on which the fortress
was located. Thinking that we could resist them, we prepared ourselves
for battle against them, but so great was their valor that we
could not withstand them, and under compulsion, therefore, we
entered the city. The gate was so amazingly close and narrow for
them that many died there from the pressure of the rest. Meanwhile,
some fought outside the city, others within, on the fifth day
of the week throughout the day until the evening.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 163-68
8. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
In the meantime, while our men, engaged in counting and identifying
their spoils, had desisted from the siege of the upper fortress,
and, while listening to the pagan dancing girls, had feasted in
splendor and magnificence, not at all mindful of God who had granted
them so great a blessing, they were besieged by the pagans on
the third day, on the Nones of the same June. And so it was brought
about that they who by the mercy of God bad so long besieged the
Turks in Antioch were through His disposition in turn besieged
by the Turks. And that we might be the more fearful, the upper
fortress which is a kind of citadel, was in the hands of the enemy.
Our men, accordingly, under the stress of fear, took up the siege
of the fortress.
Corbaga [ie Kerbogha], however, lord of the Turks, expecting the
battle to take place there, fixed his tents at a distance of about
two miles from the city and, with ranks arrayed, came up to the
bridge of the city. Our men, however, bad strengthened the fortress
of the Count on the first day, fearing that if they proceeded
to battle it would be seized by the enemy who were in the citadel,
or, if they deserted the fortress which was before the bridge
and the enemy occupied it, that the enemy would shut us off from
a chance to fight and block our exit.
There was in the army a knight most distinguished and very dear
to all, Roger of Barneville by name, who, while pursuing the army
of the retiring enemy, was captured and deprived of his head.
Fear and grief, accordingly, assailed our men, so that many were
led to the desperate hope of flight. Thereupon, when the Turks
had once and again suffered a repulse in fighting, they besieged
the fortress on the third day; and the fighting was carried on
there with such violence that the might of God alone was believed
to defend the fortress and resist the adversaries. For when the
Turks were already prepared to cross the moat and destroy the
walls, they were taken with fright, I know not why, and rushed
headlong into flight. Then, seeing no reason for their flight,
they returned to the siege after they bad run a short distance,
blaming their own timidity; and, as if to atone for the disgrace
of the flight they bad made, they attacked more violently and
again were more violently terrified by the might of God. Therefore
the enemy returned to their camp on that day. On the next day,
however, they returned to the fortress with a very great supply
of siege machinery, but our men set fire to the fortress and thrust
themselves within the walls of the city. And thus, as the fear
of the Franks was increased, the boldness of the enemy grew; forsooth,
we had nothing outside the city, and the fortress, which was the
bead of the city, was held by our foes. The Turks, emboldened
by this, arranged to enter against us by the fortress. Our men,
however, relying on their favorable and lofty location, fought
against the enemy and at the first attack overthrew them; but,
forgetful of the threatening battle and intent upon plunder, they
(in turn) were most vilely put to flight. For more than a hundred
men were suffocated in the gate of the city, and even more horses.
Then the Turks who had entered the fortress wanted to go down
into the city. For the valley between our mountain and their fortress
was not large, and in the middle of it was a certain cistern and
a little level place. Nor did the enemy have a path down into
the city except through our mountain; wherefore they strove with
every intent and all their might to drive us out and remove us
from their path. The battle was waged with such force from morning
to evening that nothing like it was ever heard of. There was a
certain frightful and as yet unheard of calamity befell us, for
amidst the hail of arrows and rocks, and the constant charge of
javelins, and the deaths of so many, our men became unconscious.
If you ask for the end of this fight, it was night.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 168-69
The Discovery of the Holy Lance
9. The Gesta Version
But one day as our leaders, sad and disconsolate, were standing
back before the fortress, a certain priest came to them and said:
"Seignorss, if it please you, listen to a certain matter
which I saw in a vision. When one night I was lying in the church
St. Mary, Mother of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of
the world, appeared to me with His mother and St. Peter, prince
of the apostles, and stood before me and said, 'Knowest thou me?"
I answered, 'No.' At these words, lo, a whole cross on His head.
"A second time, therefore, the Lord asked me 'Knowest thou,
"To Him I replied: I do not know Thee except that I see cross
on thy head like that of Our Saviour.'
"He answered, 'I am He.'
'Immediately I fell at His feet, humbly beseeching that He help
us in the oppression which was upon us. The Lord responded: I
have helped you in goodly manner and I will now help you. I permitted
you to have the city of Nicaea, and to win all battles and I conducted
you hither to this point, and I have grieved at the misery which
you have suffered in the siege of Antioch. Behold with timely
aid I sent you safe and unharmed into the city, and lo! (you are)
working much evil pleasure with Christian and depraved pagan women,
whereof a stench beyond measure arises unto heaven.'
"Then the loving Virgin and the blessed Peter fell at His
feet, praying and beseeching Him to aid His people in this tribulation,
and the blessed I Peter said: 'Lord, for so long a time the pagan
host has held my house, and in it they have committed many unspeakable
wrongs. But now, since the enemy have been driven hence, Lord,
the angels rejoice in heaven.'
"The Lord then said to me: 'Go and tell my people to return
to Me, and I will I return to them, and within five days I will
send them great help. Let them daily chant the response Congregati
sunt, all of it, including the verse.'
"Seignors, if You do not believe that this is true, let me
climb up into this tower, and I will throw myself down, and if
I am unharmed, believe that this is true. If, however, I shall
have suffered any hurt, behead me, or cast me into the fire."
Then the Bishop of Puy ordered that the Gospel and the Cross be
brought, so that be might take oath that this was true.
All our leaders were counselled at that time to take oath that
not one of them would flee, either for life or death, as long
as they were alive. Bohemund is said to have been the first to
take the oath, then the Count of St. Gilles, Robert of Normandy,
Duke Godfrey, and the Count of Flanders. Tancred, indeed, swore
and promised in this manner: that as long as he had forty knights
with him he would not only not withdraw from that battle, but,
likewise, not from the march to Jerusalem. Moreover, the Christian
assemblage exulted greatly upon hearing this oath.
There was a certain pilgrim of our army, whose name was Peter,
to whom before we entered the city St. Andrew, the apostle, appeared
and said: "What art thou doing, good man?"
Peter answered, "Who art thou?"
The apostle said to him: "I am St. Andrew, the apostle. Know,
my son, that when thou shalt enter the town, go to the church
of St. Peter. There thou wilt find the Lance of our Saviour, Jesus
Christ, with which He was wounded as He hung on the arm of the
cross." Having said all this, the apostle straightway withdrew.
But Peter, afraid to reveal the advice of the apostle, was unwilling
to make it known to the pilgrims. However, he thought that he
had seen a vision, and said: "Lord, who would believe this?"
But at that hour St. Andrew took him and carried him to the place
where the Lance was hidden in the ground. When we were a second
time situated in such (straits) as we have stated above, St. Andrew
came again, saying to him: "Wherefore hast thou not yet taken
the Lance from the earth as I commanded thee? Know verily, that
whoever shall bear this lance in battle shall never 'be overcome
by an enemy." Peter, indeed, straightway made known to our
men the mystery of the apostle.
The people, however, did not believe (it), but refused, saying:
"How can we believe this?" For they were utterly terrified
and thought that they were to die forthwith. Thereupon, this man
came forth and swore that it was all most true, since St. Andrew
had twice appeared to him in a vision and had said to him: "Rise'
go and tell the people of God not to fear, but to trust firmly
with whole heart in the one true God and they will be everywhere
victorious. Within five days the Lord will send them such a token
that they will remain happy and joyful, and if they wish to fight,
let them go out immediately to battle, all together, and all their
enemies will be conquered, and no one will stand against them."
Thereupon, when they beard that their enemies were to be overcome
by them, they began straightway to revive and to encourage one
another, saying: "Bestir yourselves, and be everywhere brave
and alert, since the Lord will come to our aid in the next battle
and will be the greatest refuge to His people whom He beholds'
lingering in sorrow."
Accordingly, upon hearing the statements of that man who reported
to us the revelation of Christ through the words of the apostle,
we went in haste immediately to the place in the church of St.
Peter which he had pointed out. Thirteen men dug there from morning
until vespers. And so that man found the Lance, just as he had
indicated. They received it with great gladness and fear, and
a joy beyond measure arose in the whole city.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 174-76
10. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
And so, as we said, when our men were in a panic and while they
were on the verge of despair, divine mercy was at hand for them;
and that mercy which had corrected the children when they were
wanton, consoled them when they were very sad, in the following
way. Thus, when the city of Antioch had been captured, the Lord,
employing His power and kindness, chose a certain poor peasant,
Provençal by race, through whom He comforted us; and He
sent these words to the Count and Bishop of Puy:
"Andrew, apostle of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, has
recently admonished me a fourth time and has commanded me to come
to you and to give back to you, after the city was captured, the
Lance which opened the side of the Saviour. Today, moreover, when
I had set out from the city with the rest to battle, and when,
caught between two horsemen, I was almost suffocated on the retreat,
I sat down sadly upon a certain rock, almost lifeless. When I
was reeling like a woebegone from fear and grief, St. Andrew came
to me with a companion, and he threatened me much unless I returned
the Lance to you quickly."
And when the Count and Bishop asked him to tell in order the apostolic
revelation and command, he replied: "At the first earthquake
which occurred at Antioch when the army of the Franks was besieging
it, such fear assailed me that I could say nothing except 'God
help me.' For it was night, and I was lying down; nor was there
anyone else in my hut to sustain me by his presence. When, moreover,
the shaking of the earth had lasted a long time, and my fear had
ever increased, two men stood before me in the brightest raiment.
The one was older, with red and white hair, black eyes, and kindly
face, his beard, indeed, white, wide, and thick, and his stature
medium; the other was younger and taller, handsome in form beyond
the children of men. And the older said to me 'What doest thou?'
and I was very greatly frightened because I knew that there was
no one present. And I answered, 'Who art thou?'
"He replied, 'Rise, and fear not; and heed what I say to
thee. I am Andrew the Apostle. Bring together the Bishop of Puy
and the Count of St. Gilles and Peter Raymond of Hautpoul, and
say these words to them: "Why has the Bishop neglected to
preach and admonish and daily to sign his people with the cross
which he bears before them, for it would profit them much?"'
And be added, 'Come and I will show thee the Lance of our father,
Jesus Christ, which thou shalt give to the Count. For God has
granted it to him ever since he was born.'
"I arose, therefore, and followed him into the city, dressed
in nothing except a shirt. And he led me into the church of the
apostle of St. Peter through the north gate, before which the
Saracens had built a mosque. In the church, indeed, were two lamps,
which there gave as much light as if the sun had illuminated it.
And he said to me, 'Wait here.' And be commanded me to sit upon
a column, which was closest to the stars by which one ascends
to the altar from the south; but his companion stood at a distance
before the altar steps. Then St. Andrew, going under ground, brought
forth the Lance and gave it into my hands.
"And he said to me 'Behold the Lance which opened His side,
whence the salvation of the whole world has come.'
"While I held it in my bands, weeping for joy, I said to
him, 'Lord, if it is Thy will, I will take it and give it to the
"And be said to me 'Not now, for it will happen that the
city will be taken. Then come with twelve men and seek it here
whence I drew it forth and where I hide it,' And he hid it.
"After these things had been so done, he led me back over
the wall to my home; and so they left me. Then I thought to myself
of the condition of my poverty and your greatness, and I feared
to approach you. After this, when I had set forth for food to
a certain fortress which is near Edessa, on the first day of Lent
at cockcrow, St. Andrew appeared to me in the same garb and with
the same companion with whom he had come before, and a great brightness
filled the house. And St. Andrew said 'Art thou awake?'
"Thus aroused, I replied 'No, Lord; my Lord, I am not asleep?
"And be said to me 'Hast thou told those things which I bade
thee tell some time ago?'
"And I answered 'Lord, have I not prayed thee to send some
one else to them, for, fearful of my poverty, I hesitated to go
before them?'
"And be said 'Dost thou not know why the Lord led you hither,
and how much He loves you and why He chose you especially? He
made you come hither (to rebuke) contempt of Him and to avenge
His people. He loves you so dearly that the saints already at
rest, foreknowing the grace of Divine arrangements, wished that
they were in the flesh and struggling along with you. God has
chosen you from all peoples, as grains of wheat are gathered from
the oats. For you excel in favor and rewards all who may come
before or after you, just as gold excels silver in value.'
"After this they withdrew, and such illness oppressed me
that I was about to lose the light of my eyes, and I was arranging
to dispose of my very meagre belongings. Then I began to meditate
that these things bad justly befallen me because of my neglect
of the apostolic command. Thus, comforted, I returned to the siege.
Thinking again of the handicap of my poverty, I began to fear
that if I went to you, you would say that I was a serf and was
telling this for the sake of food; therefore, I was silent instead.
And thus in the course of time, when at the Port of St. Simeon
on Palm Sunday I wa lying down in the tent with my lord, William
Peter , St. Andrew appeared with a companion. Clad in the same
habit in which he had come before, be spoke thus to me, 'Why hast
thou not told the Count and Bishop and the others what I commanded
"And I answered 'Lord, have I not prayed thee to send another
in my place who would be wiser and to whom they would listen?
Besides the Turks are along the way and they kill those who come
and go.'
"And St. Andrew said 'Fear not that they will harm thee.
Say also to the Count not to dip in the river Jordan when he comes
there, but to cross in a boat; moreover when he has crossed, dressed
in a linen shirt and breeches, let him be sprinkled from the river.
And after his garments are dry, let him lay them away and keep
them with the Lance of the Lord.' And this my lord, William Peter,
heard, though he did not see, the apostle.
"Thus comforted, I returned to the army. And when I wanted
to tell you this, Icould not bring you together. And so I set
out to the port of Mamistra. There, indeed, when I was about to
sail to the island of Cyprus for food, St. Andrew threatened me
much if I did not quickly return to you and tell you what had
been commanded me. And when I thought to myself how I would return
to camp, for that port was three days distant from the camp, I
began to weep most bitterly, since I could find no way of returning.
At length, admonished by my lord and my companions, we entered
the ship and began to row to Cyprus. And although we were borne
along all day by oar and favoring winds up to sunset, a storm
then suddenly arose, and in the space of one or two hours we returned
to the port which we had left. And thus checked from crossing
a second and a third time, we returned to the island at the Port
of St. Simeon. There I fell seriously ill. However, when the city
was taken, I came to you. And now, if it please you, test what
I say."
The Bishop, however, thought it nothing except words; but the
Count believed it and handed over the man that had said this to
his chaplain, Raymond, to guard.
Our Lord jest; Christ appeared on the very night which followed
to a certain priest named Stephen, who was weeping for the death
of himself and his companions, which he expected there. For some
who came down from the fortress frightened him, saying that the
Turks were already descending from the mountain into the city,
and that our men were fleeing and had been defeated. For this
reason the priest, wishing to have God witness of his death; went
into the church of the Blessed Mary in the garb of confession
and, after obtaining pardon, began to sing psalms with some companions.
While the rest were sleeping, and while he watched alone, after
having said, "Lord, who shall dwell in tabernacle, or who
shall rest in Thy holy hill?" a certain man stood before
him, beautiful beyond all, and said to him, "Man, who are,
these people that have entered the city?"
And the priest answered "Christians."
"Christians of what kind?"
"Christians who believe that Christ was born of a Virgin
and suffered on the Cross, died, and was buried, and that He arose
on the third day and ascended into heaven."
And that man said "And if they are Christians, why do they
fear the multitude of pagans?" And he added, "Dost thou
not know me?"
The priest replied 1 do not know thee, but I see that thou art
most beautiful of all."
And the man said, "Look at me closely."
And when the priest intently scrutinized him, he saw a kind of
cross much brighter than the sun proceeding from his head. And
the priest said to the man who was questioning him, "Lord,
we say that they are images of Jesus Christ which present a form
like thine."
The Lord said to him, "Thou hast said well, since I am He.
Is it not written of me that I am the Lord, strong and mighty
in battle? And who is the Lord in the army?"
"Lord," replied the priest, 1here never was in the army
but one Lord, for rather do they put trust in the Bishop."
And the Lord said, "Say this to the Bishop, that these people
have put me afar from them by evil doing, and then let him speak
to them as follows: 'The Lord says this: "Return to me, and
I will return to you. And when they enter battle, let them say
this 'Our enemy are assembled and glory in their own bravery;
destroy their might, O Lord, and scatter them, so that they may
know that there is no other who will fight for us except Thee,
0 Lord,' And say this also to them 'If ye do whatever I command
you, even for five days, I will have mercy upon you!"'
I moreover, while He was saying this, a woman of countenance radiant
beyond measure approached and, gazing upon the Lord, said to him,
"Lord, what art thou saying to this man?'
And the Lord said to her, "I am asking him about these people
who have entered the city, who they are."
Then the Lady replied, "O , my Lord, these are the people
for whom I entreat thee so much."
And when the priest shook his companion who was sleeping near
him, so that he might have a witness of so great a vision, they
had disappeared from his eyes.
However, when morning came the priest climbed the bill opposite
the castle of the Turks, where our princes were staying, all except
the Duke, who was guarding the castle on the north hill. And thus,
after assembling a gathering, he told these words to our princes,
and, in order to show that it was true, be swore upon the Cross.
Moreover, wishing to satisfy the incredulous, he was willing to
pass through fire, or to jump from the top of the tower. Then
the princes swore that they would neither flee from Antioch nor
go out, except with the common consent of all; for the people
at this time thought that the princes wanted to flee to the fort.
And thus many were comforted, since in the past night there were
few who stood steadfast in the faith and did not wish to flee.
And bad not the Bishop and Bohemund shut the gates of the city,
very few would have remained. Nevertheless, William of Grandmesnil
fled, and his brother, and many others, cleric and lay. It befell
many, however, that when they had escaped from the city with the
greatest danger, they faced the greater danger of death at the
hands of the Turks.
At this time very many things were revealed to us through our
brethren; and we beheld a marvelous sign in the sky, For during
the night there stood over the city a very large star, which,
after a short time, divided into three parts and fell in the camp
of the Turks.
Our men, somewhat comforted, accordingly, awaited the fifth day
which. the priest had mentioned. On that day, moreover, after
the necessary preparations, and after every one had been sent
out of the Church of St. Peter, twelve men, together with that
man who had spoken of the Lance, began to dig. There were, moreover
among those twelve men the Bishop of Orange, and Raymond, chaplain
of the Count, who has written this, and the Count himself, and
Pontius of Balazun, and Feraldus of Thouars. And after we had
dug from morning to evening, some began to despair of finding
the Lance. The Count left, because he had to guard the castle;
but in place of him and the rest who were tired out from digging,
we induced others, who were fresh to continue the work sturdily.
The youth who had spoken of the Lance, however, upon seeing us
worn out, disrobed and, taking off his shoes, descended into the
pit in his shirt, earnestly entreating us to pray to God give
us His Lance for the comfort and victory of His people. At length,
the Lord was minded through the grace of His mercy to show us
His Lance. And I, who have written this, kissed it when the point
alone had as yet appeared above ground. What great joy and exultation
then filled the city I cannot describe. Moreover the Lance, was
found on the eighteenth day before the Kalends of July.
On the second night, St. Andrew appeared to the youth through
whom he had given the Lance to us and said to him "Behold,
God has given to the Count that which he never wished to give
to anyone and has made him standard-bearer of this army, as long
he shall continue in His love."
When the youth asked mercy from him for the people, St. A drew
replied to him that verily would the Lord show mercy to His people.
And, again, when he asked the same saint about his companion,
who it was he had so often seen with him, St. Andrew answered,
"Draw near and kiss His foot."
And so, when he was about to draw near, he saw a wound on His
foot as fresh and bloody as if it had just been made. When, however,
he hesitated to draw near because of the wound and blood, St.
Andrew said to him:
"Behold, the Father who was wounded on the Cross for us,
whence this wound. The Lord likewise commands that you celebrate
that day on which He gave you His Lance. And since it was found
at vespers, and that day cannot be celebrated, celebrate the solemn
festival on the eighth day in the following week , and then each
year on the day of the finding of the Lance. Say, also, to them
that they conduct themselves as is taught in the Epistle of my
brother, Peter, which is read today." (And the Epistle was
this: "Humble yourselves under the mighty band of God.")
"Let the clerics sing this hymn before the Lance: Lustra
sex qui jam peracta tempus inplens corporis. And when they
shall have said, Agnus in cruce levatus immolandus stipite, let them finish the hymn on bended knees."
When, however, the Bishop of Orange and I, after this, asked Peter
Bartholomew if he knew letters, he replied, "I do not,"
thinking that if he were to say I do , we would not believe him.
He did know a little; but at that hour be was so ignorant that
he neither knew letters nor had any remembrance of the things
be had learned from letters, except the Paternoster, Credo
in Deum, Magnificat, Glory in Excelsis Deo, and Benedictus
Dominus Deus Israel. He had lost the others as if he had never
heard them, and though he was able afterwards to recover a few,
it was with the greatest effort.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 176-82
The Defeat of Kerbogha
11. The Gesta Version
From that hour we took counsel of battle among ourselves. Forthwith,
all our leaders decided upon the plan of sending a messenger to
the Turks, enemies of Christ, to ask them with assured address:
"Wherefore have you most haughtily entered the land of the
Christians, and why have you encamped, and why do you kill and
assail servants of Christ?' When their speech was already ended,
they found certain men, Peter the Hermit and Herlwin, and they
told them as follows: "Go to the accursed army of the Turks
and carefully tell them all this, asking them why they have boldly
and haughtily entered the land of the Christians and our own?"
At these words, the messengers left and went to the profane assemblage,
saying everything to Curbara and the others as follows..
"Our leaders and nobles wonder wherefore you have rashly
and most haughtily entered their land, the land of the Christians?
We think, forsooth, and believe that you have thus come hither
because you wish to become Christians fully; or have you come
hither for the purpose of harassing the Christians in every way?
All our leaders together ask you, therefore, quickly to leave
the land of God and the Christians, which the blessed apostle,
Peter by his preaching converted long ago to the worship of Christ.
But they grant, in addition, that you may take away all your belongings,
horses, mules, asses, camels, sheep, and cattle; all other belongings
they permit you to carry with you, wherever you may wish."
Then Curbara, chief of the army of the Sultan of Persia,
with all the others full of haughtiness, answered in fierce language
"Your God and your Christianity we neither seek nor desire,
a we spurn you and them absolutely. We have now come even hither
because we marvelled greatly why the princes and nobles who you
mention call this land theirs, the land we took from an effeminate
people. Now, do you want to know what we are saying to you? Go
back quickly, therefore, and tell your seignors that if they desire
to become Turks in everything, and wish to deny the God whom you
worship with bowed heads, and to spurn your laws, we will give
them this and enough more of lands, castles, and cities. In addition,
moreover, (we will grant) that none of you will longer remain
a foot soldier, but will all be knights, just as we are; and we
will ever bold you in the highest friendship. But if not, let
them know that they will all undergo capital sentence, or will
be led in chains to Chorosan, to serve us and our children in
perpetual captivity forever."
Our messengers speedily came back, reporting all this most cruel
race had replied. Herlwin is said to have known both tongues,
and to have been the interpreter for Peter the Hermit, Meanwhile,
our army, frightened on both sides, did not know what to do; for
on one side excruciating famine harassed them, on the other fear
of the Turks constrained them.
At length, when the three days fast had been fulfilled, and a
procession had been held from one church to another, they confessed
their sins, were absolved, and faithfully took the communion of
the body and blood of Christ; and when alms had been give they
celebrated mass. Then six battle lines were formed from the forces
within the city. In the first line, that is at the very head,
was Hugh the Great with the Franks and the Count of Flanders;
in the second, Duke Godfrey with his army; in the third was Robert
the Norman with his knights; in the fourth, carrying with him
the Lance of the Saviour, was the Bishop of Puy, together with
his people and with the army of Raymond, Count of St. Gilles,
who remained behind to watch the citadel for fear lest the Turks
descend into the city; in the fifth line was Tancred, son of Marchisus,
with his people, and in the sixth line was the wise man, Bohemund,
with his army. Our bishops, priests, clerics, and monks, dressed
in holy vestments, came out with us with crosses, praying and
beseeching the Lord to make us safe, guard us, and deliver us
from all evil. Some stood on the wall of the gate, holding the
sacred crosses in their hands, making the sign (of the cross)
and blessing us. Thus were we arrayed, and, protected with the
sign of the cross, we went forth through the gate which is before
the mosque.
After Curbara saw the lines of the Franks, so beautifully
formed, coming out one after the other, he said: "Let them
come out, that we may the better have them in our power!"
But after they were outside the city and Curbara saw the
huge host of the Franks, he was greatly frightened. He straightway
sent word to his Emir, who had everything in charge, that if he
saw a light burn at the head of the army he should have the trumpets
sounded for it to retreat, knowing that the Turks had lost the
battle. Curbara began immediately to retreat little by
little toward the mountain, and our men followed them little by
little. At length the Turks divided; one party went toward the
sea and the rest halted there, expecting to enclose our men between
them. As our men saw this, they did likewise. There a seventh
line was formed from the lines of Duke Godfrey and the Count of
Normandy, and its head was Reinald. They sent this (line) to meet
the Turks, who were coming from the sea. The Turks, however, engaged
them in battle and by shooting killed many of our men. Other squadrons,
moreover, were drawn out from the river to the mountain, which
was about two miles distant. The squadrons began to go forth from
both sides and to surround our men on all sides, hurling, shooting,
and wounding them. There came out from the mountains, also, countless
armies with white horses, whose standards were all white. And
so, when our leaders saw this army, they were entirely ignorant
as to what it was, and who they were, until they recognized the
aid of Christ, whose leaders were St. George, Mercurius, and Demetrius.
This is to be believed, for many of our men saw it. However, when
the Turks who were stationed on the side toward the sea saw that
that they could hold out no longer, they set fire to the grass,
so that, upon seeing it, those who were in the tents might flee.
The latter, recognizing that signal, seized all the precious spoils
and fled. But our men fought yet a while where their (the Turks)
greatest strength was, that is, in the region of their tents.
Duke Godfrey, the Count of Flanders, and Hugh the Great rode near
the water, where the enemy's strength lay. These men, fortified
by the sign of the cross, together attacked the enemy first. When
the other lines saw this, they likewise attacked. The Turks and
the Persians in their turn cried out. Thereupon, we invoked the
Living and True God and charged against them, and in the name
of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Sepulchre we began the battle,
and, God helping, we overcame them. But the terrified Turks took
to flight, and our men followed them to the tents. Thereupon,
the knights of Christ chose rather to pursue them than to seek
any spoils, and they pursued them even to the Iron Bridge, and
then up to the fortress of Tancred. The enemy, indeed, left their
pavilions there, gold, silver, and many ornaments, also sheep,
cattle, horses, mules, camels, asses, grain, wine, butter, and
many other things which we needed. When the Armenians and Syrians
who dwelt in those regions heard that we had overcome the Turks,
they ran to the mountain to meet them and killed as many of them
as they could catch. We, however, returned to the city with great
joy and praised and blessed God, who gave the victory to His people.
Thereupon, when the Emir who was guarding the citadel saw that Curbara and all the rest bad fled from the field before
the army of the Franks, he was greatly frightened. Immediately
and with great baste be sought the standards of the Franks. Accordingly,
the Count of St. Gilles, who was stationed before the citadel,
ordered his standard to be brought to him. The Emir took it and
carefully placed it on the tower. The Longobards who were there
said immediately: "This is not Bohemund's standard!"
Then the Emir asked and said: "Whose is it?" They answered:
"It belongs to the Count of St. Gilles." Thereupon,
the Emir went and seized the standard and returned it to the Count.
But at that hour the venerable man, Bohemund, came and gave him
his standard. He received it with great joy and entered into an
agreement with Bohemund that the pagans who wished to take up
Christianity might remain with him (Bohemund), and that he should
permit those who wished to go away to depart safe and without
any hurt. He agreed to all that the Emir demanded and straightway
sent his servants into the citadel. Not many days after this the
Emir was baptized with those of his men who preferred to recognize
Christ. But those who wished to adhere to their own laws Lord
Bohemund bad conducted to the land of the Saracens.
This battle was fought on the fourth day before the Kalends of
July, on the vigil of the apostles Peter and Paul, in the reign
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has honor and glory forever and
ever. Amen. And after our enemies bad now been completely conquered,
we gave fitting thanks to God, Three and One, and the Highest.
Some of the enemy, exhausted, others, wounded in their flight
hither and thither, succumbed to death in valley, forest, fields,
and roads. But the people of Christ, that is, the victorious pilgrims,
returned to the city, rejoicing in the happy triumph over their
defeated foes.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 182-85
12. Version of Raymond d'Aguiliers
As we have said, when our men were beaten, discouraged, and in
narrow straits, divine aid appeared. And the blessed Andrew taught
us through the youth who had spoken of the Lance how we ought
to conduct ourselves before the battle and in the battle:-
"You have all offended deeply, and you have been deeply bumbled;
and you have cried out to the Lord, and the Lord has heard you.
And now let each one turn himself to the Lord because of his sins,
and let him give five alms because of the five wounds of the Lord.
If be cannot do this, let him say the Paternoster five
times. When this has been done, begin battle in the name of the
Lord by day or by night, as the judgment of the princes deems
best, because the hand of God will be with you. If anyone has
doubt of victory, let the gates be opened for him, and let him
go forth to the Turks, and he will see how their God will save
him. Moreover if anyone shall refuse to fight, let him be classed
with Jude the betrayer of the Lord, who deserted the apostles
and sold his Lord to the Jews. Let them fight in the faith of
St. Peter, holding in mind that God promised him that after the
third day He would arise and appear to him, and for this reason,
also, because this land is justly St. Peter's, and not the pagans'.
And let your battle-cry be 'God help us!' and verily God will
help you. All your brothers who died since the beginning of the
expedition are present with you in this fight; you have only to
storm the tenth part of the enemy, because they will assail nine
parts in the might and command of God. And do not put off the
battle, because (if you do), the Lord will lead as many enemies
from the other sides as you have on this side, and He will keep
you shut up here until you devour one another. But know certainly
that those days are at hand which the Lord promised to the Blessed
Mary and to His apostles, saying that He would raise up the kingdom
of the Christians, after the ingdom of the pagans had been cast
down and ground into dust. But do not turn to their tents in search
of gold and silver."
Then the power of God was disclosed, in that He who had commanded
the above words to be preached to us through His apostle so comforted
the hearts of all that each one in faith and hope seemed to himself
already to have triumphed over his enemy. They urged on one another,
and in urging regained courage for fighting. The crowd, too, which
in the past days seemed to be consume with want and fright, now
reproached the princes and complain of the delay of the battle.
However, when the day for battle ha been fixed, our princes sent
word by Peter the Hermit to Corbara leader of the Turks,
to give up the siege of the city, because it was by right the
property of St. Peter and the Christians. That proud leader replied
that, rightly or wrongly, he was going to rule over the Franks
and the city. And be compelled Peter the Hermit, who was unwilling
to bow, to kneel to him.
The question was raised at this time as to who should guard the
city against those who were in the citadel, while the rest went
forth to fight. They built a stone wall and ramparts on our hilt
against the enemy; these they fortified with many rocks, finally
leaving Count Raymond, who was deathly ill, and about two hundred
men there.
The day of the fight had come. In the morning all partook of communion
and gave themselves to God, to death, if He willed, or to the
glory of the Roman church and the race of the Franks. Moreover,
they decided about the battle as follows: that two double lines
should be made of the Count's and Bishop's people, so that the
foot soldiers went before the knights and halted at the command
of the princes; and the knights were to follow them and guard
them from the rear. Similar arrangement was made of the people
of Bohemund and Tancred; the like of the people of the Count of
Normandy and the Franks; likewise, of the people of the Duke and
the Burgundians. Moreover, trumpeters went through the city shouting
that each man should stay with the princes of his people. It was
likewise ordered that Hugh the Great, the Count of Flanders, and
the Count of Normandy should advance to the battle first, then
the Duke, the Bishop after the Duke, and Bohemund after the Bishop.
They assembled, each man to his own standard and kinfolk, within
the city before the gate of the bridge.
Oh, how blessed is the people whose Lord is God! Oh, how blessed
the people whom God has chosen! Oh, how unaltered His face! How
changed the army from sadness to eagerness! Indeed, during the
past days princes and nobles went along the. city streets calling
upon the aid of God at the churches, the common people (walked)
with bare feet, weeping and striking their breasts. They had been
so sad that father did not greet son, nor brother brother, upon
meeting, nor did they look back. But now you could see them going
forth like swift horses, rattling their arms, and brandishing
their spears, nor could they bear to refrain from showing their
happiness in word and deed. But why do I grieve about many matters?
They were given the power to go forth, and what bad been agreed
upon by the princes was fulfilled in order.
Meanwhile Corbara, leader of the Turks, was playing at
chess within his tent. When he received the message that the Franks
were advancing to battle, he was disturbed in mind because this
seemed beyond expectation, and he called to him a certain Turk
who bad fled from Antioch, Mirdalin by name, a noble known to
us for his military prowess. "What is this?" he said.
"Didn't you tell me the Franks were few and would not fight
with us?" And Mirdalin replied to him, "I did not say
that they would not fight, but come, and I will look at them and
tell you if you can easily overcome them."
And now the third line of our men was advancing. When he saw how
the lines were arrayed, Mirdalin said to Corbara, "These
men can be killed; but they cannot be put to flight."
And then Corbara said "Can none of them be driven
back all?"
And Mirdalin replied, "They will not yield a footstep, even
if all the people of the pagans attack them."
Then, although disturbed in mind, he drew up his many and multiple
lines against us. And when at first they could have prevented
our exit, they allowed us to go out in peace. Our men, however,
now directed their lines toward the mountains, fearing that the
Turks might surround them from the rear. However, the mountains
were about two long miles from the bridge. We were advancing in
open file as the clergy are wont to march in processions. And
verily we had a procession! For the priests and many monks, dressed
in white robes, went in front of the lines of our knights, chanting
and invoking the aid of the Lord and the benediction of the saints.
The enemy, on the contrary, rushed against us and shot arrows. Corbara, now ready to do what he had just recently refused,
likewise sent word to our princes {proposing) that five or ten
Turks should do battle with a like number Franks, and that those
whose knights were conquered should peacefully yield to the others.
To this our leaders replied , "You were unwilling when we
wanted to do this; now that we have advanced to fight, let each
fight for his right."
And when we had occupied the whole plain, as we said, a certain
portion of the Turks remained behind us and attacked some of our
foot soldiers. But those foot soldiers, turning about, sustained
the attack of the enemy vigorously. When, indeed, the Turks could
in no way drive them out, they set fire around them so that those
who did not fear the swords might at all events be terrified by
fire. And thus they forced them to give way, for the place had
much dry hay.
And when the lines had gone forth, the priests, with bare feet
and garbed in their priestly vestments, stood on the walls of
the city, calling upon God to defend His people, and through the
victory of the Franks in this battle to afford a testimony hallowed
by His blood. Moreover, as we were advancing from the bridge up
to the mountain, we met with great difficulty because the enemy
wanted to surround us. In the midst of this, the lines of the
enemy fell upon us who were in the squadron of the Bishop, and
though their forces were greater than ours, yet, through the protection
of the Holy Lance which was there, they there wounded no one;
neither did they hit any of us with arrows. I beheld these things
of which I speak and I bore the Lance of the Lord there. If anyone
says that Viscount Herachus, the standard-bearer of the Bishop,
was wounded in this battle, let him know that he handed over this
standard to another and fell behind our line some distance.
When all our fighting men had left the city, five other lines
appeared among us. For, as has already been said, our princes
had drawn up only eight, and we were thirteen lines outside the
city. In the beginning of the march out to battle the Lord sent
down upon all His army a divine shower, little but full of blessing.
All those touched by this were filled with all grace and fortitude
and, despising the enemy, rode forth as if always nourished on
the delicacies of kings. This miracle also affected our horses
no less. For whose horse failed until the fight was over, even
though it had tasted nothing except the bark or leaves of trees
for eight days? God so multiplied our army that we, who before
seemed fewer than the enemy, were in the battle more numerous
than they. And when our men had thus advanced and formed in line,
the enemy turned in flight without giving us a chance to engage
in battle. Our men pursued them until sunset. There the Lord worked
marvelously as well in the horses as in the men; forsooth, the
men were not called away from battle by avarice, and those pack
horses which their masters had led into battle, after a scant
feeding, now very easily followed the sleekest and swiftest horses
of the Turks.
But the Lord did not wish us to have this joy only. For the Turks
who were guarding the citadel of the city gave up hope upon seeing
the headlong flight of their people; some, on the Pledge of their
lives alone, surrendered themselves to us, and the rest fled headlong.
And though this battle was so terrible and frightful, yet few
knights of the enemy fell there; but of their foot soldiers scarcely
any escaped. Moreover, all the tents of the enemy were captured,
much gold and silver, and the greatest amount of spoils - grain
and cattle and camels without measure or number.
And that incident of Samaria about the measures of wheat and barley
which were bought for a shekel was renewed for us Moreover, these
events occurred on the vigils of St. Peter and Paul through which
intercessors was granted this victory to the pilgrim church of
the Franks by the Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth God
through all ages. Amen.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 185-89
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© Paul Halsall December 1997
[email protected]
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