Medieval Sourcebook:
Bede: The Life and Miracles of St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindesfarne
Bede was born in 673, in Northumberland, became a monk and
died at Jarrow in 735. His modern feast day is May 25. He was
one of the most important intellects, and most prolific writers
of his time. Among his other accomplishments was in becoming the
only Englishman in Dante's Divine Comedy. His most important
work his is History of the English Church and People, but
he wrote many others - biblical commentaries and hagiography in
Bede's Life of St. Cuthbert, given here complete in
the translation by J.A. Giles, recounts the life of Cuthbert,
famed in his time as a miracle worker. Cuthbert was probably born
in Northumberland circa 634. He was educated by Irish monks at
Melrose Abbey. At various times in his life, Cuthbert was a monk,
a solitary, and - briefly - a bishop. He died on Farne Island
in 687. His feast day is March 20. An early anonymous Life of Cuthbert was written about 700, but the discovery of Cuthbert's
uncorrupt body gave a new impetus to the cult, and Bede used the
earlier Life to write his own verse Life, around
716, and this, longer, prose Life around 721. This includes
ten chapters of new material, derived from Herefrith (3, 6, 8-9,
19, 23, 31, 35, 43, and 46). Both the anonymous (in 7 manuscripts)
and Bede's life (in 38 manuscripts) survive. Bede's version was
used for two famous 12th-century illuminated [Oxford, Univ. Col
MS 165, and Brit. Mus. Yates Thompson MS 26]. [Farmer, 16-17].
The relics of St. Cuthbert have a particularly well documented
history. As indicated it was the discover of the incorrupt body
which led Bede to write. In 875, after the second Viking raid
on Lindesfarne, the body was moved to Northumbria, and rested
at several sites until in 995 the casket was moved to Durham,
and enshrined there on September 4, 999. There it was visited
by William the Conqueror in 1069. Later it was moved to Durham
Cathedral. In 1104, when Cuthbert had been dead 418 years, the
casket was opened, and the body was found to be still smelling
sweet, and uncorrupt. Throughout the middle ages, Durham was the
major pilgrimage center of the North of England, and Cuthbert
the most famous saint.
The commissioners of Henry VIII were sent to destroy the tomb
in 1537. Archbishop Charles of Glasgow, who wrote a History
of St. Cuthbert, (London: New York: 1887) reports that:-
[Dr. Lee, Dr. Henly and Mr. Blythman on approaching the Shrine]
found many valuable and goodly jewels…After the spoil of
his ornaments and jewels they approached near his body, expecting
nothing but dust and ashes: but, perceiving the chest he lay in
strongly bound with iron, the goldsmith…broke it open, when
they found him lying whole uncorrupt with his face bare, and his
beard as of a fortnight's growth, and all the vestments about
him as he was accustomed to say mass.
The monks were allowed to bury him on the ground under where
the shrine had been. This was opened again in 1827, at which time
a skeleton, swathed in decayed robes, was found. The designs matched
those described in the 1104 accounts, although some argued the
real body was elsewhere. [Cruz, 54-55].
The question of how one tackles stories like those of Cuthbert's
relics is an important one for historians of sanctity.
In the late 19th century, St. Cuthbert's name became attached
to the co-operative retail society of Southeast Scotland, and
his name still adorns countless store fronts, being among the
most familiar of all early English saints.
To the holy and most blessed Father Bishop Eadfrid,
and to all the Congregation of Brothers also, who serve Christ
in the Island of Lindisfarne, Bede, your faithful fellow-servant,
sends greeting.
INASMUCH as you bade me, my beloved, prefix to the book, which
I have written at your request about the life of our father Cuthbert,
of blessed memory, some preface, as I usually do, by which its
readers might become acquainted with your desire and my readiness
to gratify it, it has seemed good to me, by way of preface, to
recall to the minds of those among you who know, and to make known
to those readers who were before ignorant thereof, how that I
have not presumed without minute investigation to write any of
the deeds of so great a man, nor without the most accurate examination
of credible witnesses to hand over what I had written to be transcribed.
Moreover, when I learnt from those who knew the beginning, the
middle, and the end of his glorious life and conversation, I sometimes
inserted the names of these my authors, to establish the truth
of my narrative, and thus ventured to put my pen to paper and
to write. But when my work was arranged, but still kept back from
publication, I frequently submitted it for perusal and for correction
to our reverend brother Herefrid the priest, and others, who for
a long time had well known the life and conversation of that man
of God. Some faults were, at their suggestion, carefully amended,
and thus every scruple being utterly removed, I have taken care
to commit to writing what I clearly ascertained to be the truth,
and to bring it into your presence also, my brethren, in order
that by the judgment of your authority, what I have written might
be either corrected, if false, or certified to be true. Whilst,
with God's assistance, I was so engaged, and my book was read
during two days by the elders and teachers of your congregation,
and was accurately weighed and examined in all its parts, there
was nothing at all found which required to be altered, but every
thing which I had written was by common consent pronounced worthy
to be read without any hesitation, and to be handed over to be
copied by such as by zeal for religion should be disposed to do
so. But you also, in my presence, added many other facts of no
less importance than what I had written, concerning the life and
virtues of that blessed man, and which well deserved to be mentioned,
if I had not thought it unmeet to insert new matter into a work,
which, after due deliberation, I considered to be perfect.
Furthermore, I have thought right to admonish your gracious company,
that, as I have not delayed to render prompt obedience to your
commands, so you also may not be slow to confer on me the reward
of your intercession; but when you read this book, and in pious
recollection of that holy father lift up your souls with ardour
in aspiration for the heavenly kingdom, do not forget to entreat
the Divine clemency in favour of my littleness, in as far as I
may deserve both at present with singleness of mind to long for
and hereafter in perfect happiness to behold the goodness of our
Lord in the land of the living. But also when I am defunct, pray
ye for the redemption of my soul, for I was your friend and faithful
servant; offer up masses for me, and enrol my name among your
own. For you, also, most holy prelate, remember to have promised
this to me, and in testimony of such future enrolment you gave
orders to your pious brother Guthfrid, that he should even now
enrol my name in the white book of your holy congregation And
may your holiness know that I already have written in heroic verse,
as well as in this prose work, which I offer to you, the life
of this same our father beloved by God, somewhat more briefly
indeed, but nevertheless in the same order, because some of our
brethren entreated the same of me: and if you wish to have those
verses, you can obtain from me a copy of them. In the preface
of that work I promised that I would write more fully at another
time of his life and miracles; which promise, in my present work,
I have, as far as God has allowed me, done my best to perform.
Wherefore it is my prayer for you, that Almighty God may deign
to guard your holinesses in peace and safety, dearest brethren
and masters of mine.-Amen !
THE beginning of our history of the life of the blessed Cuthbert
is hallowed by Jeremiah the prophet, who, in exaltation of the
anchorite's perfect state, says, " It is good for a man,
when he hath borne the yoke from his youth; he shall sit alone,
and shall be silent, because he shall raise himself above himself."
For, inspired by the sweetness of this good, Cuthbert, the man
of God, from his early youth bent his neck beneath the yoke of
the monastic institution; and when occasion presented itself,
having laid fast hold of the anachoretic life, he rejoiced to
sit apart for no small space of time, and for the sweetness of
divine meditation to hold his tongue silent from human colloquy.
But that he should be able to do this in his advanced years, was
the effect of God's grace inciting him gradually to the way of
truth from his early childhood; for even to the eighth year of
his life, which is the first year of boyhood succeeding to infancy,
he gave his mind to such plays and enjoyments alone as boys delight
in, so that it might be testified of him as it was of Samuel,
" Moreover Cuthbert knew not yet the Lord, neither had the
voice of the Lord been revealed to him. " Such was the panegyric
of his boyhood, who in more ripened age was destined perfectly
to know the Lord, and opening the ears of his mind to imbibe the
voice of God. He took delight, as we have stated, in mirth and
clamour; and, as was natural at his age, rejoiced to attach himself
to the company of other boys, and to share in their sports: and
because he was agile by nature, and of a quick mind, he often
prevailed over them in their boyish contests, and frequently,
when the rest were tired, he alone would hold out, and look triumphantly
around to see if any remained to contend with him for victory.
For in jumping, running, wrestling, or any other bodily exercise,
he boasted that he could surpass all those who were of the same
age, and even some that were older than himself. For when he was
a child, he knew as a child, he thought as a child; but afterwards,
when he became a man, he most abundantly laid aside all those
childish things.
And indeed Divine Providence found from the first a worthy preceptor
to curb the sallies of his youthful mind. For, as Trumwine of
blessed memory told me on the authority of Cuthbert himself, there
were one day some customary games going on in a field, and a large
number of boys were got together, amongst whom was Cuthbert, and
in the excitement of boyish whims, several of them began to bend
their bodies into various unnatural forms. On a sudden, one of
them, apparently about three years old, runs up to Cuthbert, and
in a firm tone exhorts him not to indulge in idle play and follies,
but to cultivate the powers of his mind, as well as those of his
body. When Cuthbert made light of his advice, the boy fell to
the ground, and shed tears bitterly. The rest run up to console
him, but he persists in weeping. They ask him why he burst out
crying so unexpectedly. At length he made answer, and turning
to Cuthbert, who was trying to comfort him, "Why," said
he, "do you, holy Cuthbert, priest and prelate ! give yourself
up to these things which are so opposite to your nature and rank?
It does not become you to be playing among children, when the
Lord has appointed you to be a teacher of virtue even to those
who are older than yourself." Cuthbert, being a boy of a
good disposition, heard these words with evident attention, and
pacifying the crying child with affectionate caresses, immediately
abandoned his vain sports, and returning home, began from that
moment to exhibit an unusual decision both of mind and character,
as if the same Spirit which had spoken outwardly to him by the
mouth of the boy, were now beginning to exert its influence inwardly
in his heart. Nor ought we to be surprised that the same God can
restrain the levity of a child by the mouth of a child, who made
even the dumb beast to speak when He would check the folly of
the prophet: and truly it is said in his honour, " Out of
the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou perfected praise !
BUT because to every one who hath shall be given, and he shall
have abundance; that is, to every one who hath the determination
and the love of virtue, shall be given, by Divine Providence,
an abundance of these things; since Cuthbert, the child of God,
carefully retained in his mind what he had received from the admonition
of man, he was thought worthy also of being comforted by the company
and conversation of angels. For his knee was seized with a sudden
pain, and began to swell into a large tumour; the nerves of his
thigh became contracted, and he was obliged to walk lamely, dragging
after him his diseased leg, until at length the pain increased,
and he was unable to walk at all. One day he had been carried
out of doors by the attendants, and was reclining in the open
air, when he suddenly saw at a distance a man on horseback approaching,
clothed in white garments, and honourable to be looked upon, and
the horse, too, on which he sat, was of incomparable beauty. He
drew near to Cuthbert, and saluted him mildly, and asked him as
in jest, whether he had no civilities to show to such a guest.
" Yes," said the other, " I should be most ready
to jump up and offer you all the attention in my power, were I
not, for my sins, held bound by this infirmity: for I have long
had this painful swelling in my knee, and no physician, with all
his care, has yet been able to heal me. " The man, leaping
from his horse, began to look earnestly at the diseased knee.
Presently he said, "Boil some wheaten flour in milk, and
apply the poultice warm to the swelling, and you will be well."
Having said this, he again mounted his horse and departed. Cuthbert
did as he was told, and after a few days was well. He at once
perceived that it was an angel who had given him the advice, and
sent by Him who formerly deigned to send his archangel Raphael
to restore the eyesight of Tobit. If any one think it incredible
that an angel should appear on horseback, let him read the history
of the Maccabees, in which angels are said to have come on horseback
to the assistance of Judas Maccabaeus, and to defend God's own
FROM this time the lad becoming devoted to the Lord, as he afterwards
assured his friends, often prayed to God amid dangers that surrounded
him, and was defended by angelic assistance; nay, even in behalf
of others who were in any danger, his benevolent piety sent forth
prayers to God, and he was heard by Him who listens to the cry
of the poor, and the men were rescued out of all their tribulations.
There is, moreover, a monastery lying towards the south, not far
from the mouth of the river Tyne, at that time consisting of monks,
but now changed, like all other human things, by time, and inhabited
by a noble company of virgins, dedicated to Christ. Now, as these
pious servants of God were gone to bring from a distance in ships,
up the above-named river, some timber for the use of the monastery,
and had already come opposite the place where they were to bring
the ships to land, behold a violent wind, rising from the west,
carried away their ships, and scattered them to a distance from
the river's mouth. The brethren, seeing this from the monastery,
launched some boats into the river, and tried to succour those
who were on board the vessels, but were unable, because the force
of the tide and violence of the winds overcame them. In despair
therefore of human aid, they had recourse to God, and issuing
forth from the monastery, they gathered themselves together on
a point of rock, near which the vessels were tossing in the sea:
here they bent their knees, and supplicated the Lord for those
whom they saw under such imminent danger of destruction. But the
Divine will was in no haste to grant these vows, however earnest;
and this was, without a doubt, in order that it might be seen
what effect was in Cuthbert's prayers. For there was a large multitude
of people standing on the other bank of the river and Cuthbert
also was among them. Whilst the monks were looking on in sorrow,
seeing the vessels, five in number, hurried rapidly out to sea,
so that they looked like five sea-birds on the waves, the multitude
began to deride their manner of life, as if they had deserved
to suffer this loss, by abandoning the usual modes of life, and
framing for themselves new rules by which to guide their conduct.
Cuthbert restrained the insults of the blasphemers, saying, "What
are you doing, my brethren, in thus reviling those whom you see
hurried to destruction ? Would it not be better and more humane
to entreat the Lord in their behalf, than thus to take delight
in their misfortunes? " But the rustics, turning on him with
angry minds and angry mouths, exclaimed, " Nobody shall pray
for them: may God spare none of them ! for they have taken away
from men the ancient rites and customs, and how the new ones are
to be attended to, nobody knows. " At this reply, Cuthbert
fell on his knees to pray, and bent his head towards the earth;
immediately the power of the winds was checked, the vessels, with
their conductors rejoicing, were cast upon the land near the monastery,
at the place intended. The rustics blushing for their infidelity,
both on the spot extolled the faith of Cuthbert as it deserved,
and never afterwards ceased to extol it: so that one of the most
worthy brothers of our monastery, from whose mouth I received
this narrative, said that he had often, in company with many others,
heard it related by one of those who were present, a man of the
most rustic simplicity, and altogether incapable of telling an
BUT whereas the grace of Christ, which is the directress of the
life of the faithful, decreed that its servant should encounter
the merit of a more rigid institution, and earn the glory of a
higher prize, it chanced upon a time that he was tending a flock
of sheep entrusted to his care on some distant mountains. One
night, whilst his companions were sleeping, and he himself was
awake, as he was wont to be, and engaged in prayer, on a sudden
he saw a long stream of light break through the darkness of the
night, and in the midst of it a company of the heavenly host descended
to the earth, and having received among them a spirit of surpassing
brightness, returned without delay to their heavenly home. The
young man, beloved of God, was struck with the sight, and, stimulated
to encounter the honours of spiritual warfare, and to earn for
himself eternal life and happiness among God's mighty ones, he
forthwith offered up praise and thanksgivings to the Lord, and
called upon his companions, with brotherly exhortations, to imitate
his example. "Miserable men that we are," said he, "whilst
we are resigning ourselves to sleep and idleness, we take no thought
to behold the light of God's holy angels, who never sleep. Behold,
whilst I was awake and praying, during a moderate portion of the
night, I saw such great miracles of God. The door of heaven was
opened, and there was led in thither, amidst an angelic company,
the spirit of some holy man, who now, for ever blessed, beholds
the glory of the heavenly mansion, and Christ its King, whilst
we still grovel amid this earthly darkness: and I think it must
have been some holy bishop, or some favoured one from out of the
company of the faithful, whom I saw thus carried into heaven amid
so much splendour by that large angelic choir. " As the man
of God said these words, the hearts of the shepherds were kindled
up to reverence and praise. When the morning was come, he found
that Aidan, bishop of the Church of Lindisfarne, a man of exalted
piety, had ascended to the heavenly kingdom at the very moment
of his vision. Immediately, therefore, he delivered over the sheep,
which he was feeding, to their owners, and determined forthwith
to enter a monastery.
AND when he now began with care to meditate on his intended entrance
to a more rigid course of life, God 's grace was revealed to him,
whereby his mind was strengthened in its purpose, and it was shown
to him by the clearest evidence, that to those who seek the kingdom
of God and his righteousness, the bounty of the Divine promise
will grant all other things also, which are necessary for their
bodily support. For on a certain day, as he was journeying alone,
he turned aside at the fourth hour into a village which lay at
some distance, and to which he found his way. Here he entered
the house of a pious mother of a family, in order to rest himself
a little, and to procure food for his horse rather than for himself,
for it was the beginning of winter. The woman received him kindly,
and begged him to allow her to get him some dinner, that he might
refresh himself. The man of God refused, saying, " I cannot
yet eat, for it is a fast-day." It was the sixth day of the
week, on which many of the faithful, out of reverence to the Lord's
passion, are accustomed to extend their fasting even to the ninth
hour. The woman, from a motive of hospitality, persisted in her
request. "Behold," said she, "on the way you are
going there is no village, nor house; you have a long journey
before you, and cannot get through it before sunset. Let me entreat
you, therefore, to take some food before you go, or else you will
be obliged to fast all the day, and perhaps even till to-morrow."
But though the woman pressed him much, his love of religion prevailed,
and he fasted the whole day until the evening.
When the evening drew near, and he perceived that he could not
finish his intended journey the same day, and that there was no
house at hand in which he could pass the night, he presently fell
upon some shepherds' huts, which, having been slightly constructed
in the summer, were now deserted and ruinous. Into one of these
he entered, and having tied his horse to the wall, placed before
him a handful of hay, which the wind had forced from the roof.
He then turned his thoughts to prayer, but suddenly, as he was
singing a psalm, he saw his horse lift up his head and pull out
some straw from the roof, and among the straw there fell down
a linen cloth folded up, with something in it. When he had ended
his prayers, wishing to see what this was, he came and opened
the cloth, and found in it half of a loaf of bread, still hot,
and some meat, enough of both to serve him for a single meal.
In gratitude for the Divine goodness, he exclaimed, "Thanks
be to God, who of his bounty hath deigned to provide a meal for
me when I was hungry, as well as a supper for my beast."
He therefore divided the piece of bread into two parts, of which
he gave one to his horse and kept the other for himself; and from
that day forward he was more ready than before to fast, because
he now felt convinced that the food had been provided for him
in the desert by the gift of Him who formerly fed the prophet
Elias for so long a time by means of ravens, when there was no
man to minister unto him, whose eyes are upon those that fear
Him, and upon those who trust in his mercy, that He may save their
souls from death, and may feed them when they are hungry. I learnt
these particulars from a religious man of our monastery of Weremouth,
a priest of the name of Ingwald, who now, by reason of his extreme
old age, is turning his attention, in purity of heart, to spiritual
things rather than to earthly and carnal affections, and who said
that the authority on which his relation rested was no less than
that of Cuthbert himself.
MEANWHILE this reverend servant of God, abandoning worldly things,
hastens to submit to monastic discipline, having been excited
by his heavenly vision to covet the joys of everlasting happiness,
and invited by the food with which God had supplied him to encounter
hunger and thirst in his service. He knew that the Church of Lindisfarne
contained many holy men, by whose teaching and example he might
be instructed, but he was moved by the great reputation of Boisil,
a monk and priest of surpassing merit, to choose for himself an
abode in the abbey of Melrose. And it happened by chance, that
when he was arrived there, and had leaped from his horse, that
he might enter the church to pray, he gave his horse and travelling
spear to a servant, for he had not yet resigned the dress and
habits of a layman. Boisil was standing before the doors of the
monastery, and saw him first. Foreseeing in spirit what an illustrious
man the stranger would become, he made this single remark to the
bystanders: " Behold a servant of the Lord ! " herein
imitating Him who said of Nathaniel, when he approached Him, "
Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile ! "
I was told this by that veteran priest and servant of God, the
pious Sigfrid, for he was standing by when Boisil said these words,
and was at that time a youth studying the first rudiments of the
monastic life in that same monastery, but now he is a man, perfect
in the Lord, living in our monastery of Yarrow, and amid the last
sighs of his fainting body thirsting for a happy entrance into
another life. Boisil, without saying more, kindly received Cuthbert
as he approached; and when he had heard the cause of his coming,
namely, that he preferred the monastery to the world, he kept
him near himself, for he was the prior of that same monastery.
After a few days, when Eata, who was at that time priest and abbot
of the monastery, but afterwards bishop of Lindisfarne, was come,
Boisil told him about Cuthbert, how that he was a young man of
a promising disposition, and obtained permission that he should
receive the tonsure, and be enrolled among the brethren. When
he had thus entered the monastery, he conformed himself to the
rules of the place with the same zeal as the others, and indeed,
sought to surpass them by observing stricter discipline; and in
reading, working, watching, and praying, he fairly outdid them
all. Like the mighty Samson of old, he carefully abstained from
every drink which could intoxicate; but was not able to abstain
equally from food, lest his body might be thereby rendered less
able to work: for he was of a robust frame arid of unimpaired
strength, and fit for any labour which he might be disposed to
take in hand.
SOME years after, it pleased King Alfred, for the redemption of
his soul, to grant to Abbot Eata a certain tract of country called
Inrhipum, in which to build a monastery. The abbot, in consequence
of this grant, erected the intended building, and placed therein
certain of his brother-monks, among whom was Cuthbert, and appointed
for them the same rules and discipline which were observed at
Melrose. It chanced that Cuthbert was appointed to the office
of receiving strangers, and he is said to have entertained an
angel of the Lord who came to make trial of his piety. For, as
he went very early in the morning, from the interior of the monastery
into the strangers' cell, he found there seated a young person,
whom he considered to be a man, and entertained as such. He gave
him water to wash his hands; he washed his feet himself, wiped
them, and humbly dried them in his bosom; after which he entreated
him to remain till the third hour of the day and take some breakfast,
lest, if he should go on his journey fasting, he might suffer
from hunger and the cold of winter. For he took him to be a man,
and thought that a long journey by night and a severe fall of
snow had caused him to turn in thither in the morning to rest
himself. The other replied, that he could not tarry, for the home
to which he was hastening lay at some distance. After much entreaty,
Cuthbert adjured him in God's name to stop; and as the third hour
was now come, prayer over, and it was time to breakfast, he placed
before him a table with some food, and said, " I beseech
thee, brother, eat and refresh thyself, whilst I go and fetch
some hot bread, which must now, I think, be just baked. "
When he returned, the young man, whom he had left eating, was
gone, and he could see no traces of his footsteps, though there
had been a fresh fall of snow, which would have exhibited marks
of a person walking upon it, and shown which way he went. The
man of God was astonished, and revolving the circumstances in
his mind, put back the table in the dining-room. Whilst doing
so, he perceived a most surprising odour and sweetness; and looking
round to see from what it might proceed, he saw three white loaves
placed there, of unusual whiteness and excellence. Trembling at
the sight, he said within himself, " I perceive that it was
an angel of the Lord whom I entertained, and that he came to feed
us, not to be fed himself. Behold, he hath brought such loaves
as this earth never produced; they surpass the lily in whiteness,
the rose in odour, and honey in taste. They are, therefore, not
produced from this earth, but are sent from paradise. No wonder
that he rejected my offer of earthly food, when he enjoys such
bread as this in heaven." The man of God was stimulated by
this powerful miracle to be more zealous still in performing works
of piety; and with his deeds did increase upon him also the grace
of God. From that time he often saw and conversed with angels,
and when hungry was fed with unwonted food furnished direct from
He was affable and pleasant in his character; and when he was
relating to the fathers the acts of their predecessors, as an
incentive to piety, he would introduce also, in the meekest way,
the spiritual benefits which the love of God had conferred upon
himself. And this he took care to do in a covert manner, as if
it had happened to another person. His hearers, however, perceived
that he was speaking of himself, after the pattern of that master
who at one time unfolds his own merits without disguise, and at
another time says, under the guise of another, " I knew a
man in Christ fourteen years ago, who was carried up into the
third heaven."
MEANWHILE, as every thing in this world is frail and fluctuating,
like the sea when a storm comes on, the above-named Abbot Eata,
with Cuthbert and the other brethren, were expelled from their
residence, and the monastery given to others. But our worthy champion
of Christ did not by reason of his change of place relax his zeal
in carrying on the spiritual conflict which he had undertaken;
but he attended, as he had ever done, to the precepts and example
of the blessed Boisil. About this time, according to his friend
Herefrid the priest, who was formerly abbot of the monastery of
Lindisfarne, he was seized with a pestilential disease, of which
many inhabitants of Britain were at that time sick. The brethren
of the monastery passed the whole night in prayer for his life
and health; for they thought it essential to them that so pious
a man should be present with them in the flesh. They did this
without his knowing it; and when they told him of it in the morning,
he exclaimed, " Then why am I lying here ? I did not think
it possible that God should have neglected your prayers: give
me my stick and shoes." Accordingly, he got out of bed, and
tried to walk, leaning on his stick; and finding his strength
gradually return, he was speedily restored to health: but because
the swelling on his thigh, though it died away to all outward
appearances, struck into his inwards, he felt a little pain in
his inside all his life afterwards; so that, as we find it expressed
in the Apostles, " his strength was perfected in weakness."
When that servant of the Lord, Boisil, saw that Cuthbert was restored,
he said, " You see, my brother, how you have recovered from
your disease, and I assure you it will give you no further trouble,
nor are you likely to die at present. I advise you, inasmuch as
death is waiting for me, to learn from me all you can whilst I
am able to teach you; for I have only seven days longer to enjoy
my health of body, or to exercise the powers of my tongue."
Cuthbert, implicitly believing what he heard, asked him what he
would advise him to begin to read, so as to be able to finish
it in seven days. "John the Evangelist," said Boisil.
"I have a copy containing seven quarto sheets: we can, with
God's help, read one every day, and meditate thereon as far as
we are able. " They did so accordingly, and speedily accomplished
the task; for they sought therein only that simple faith which
operates by love, and did not trouble themselves with minute and
subtle questions. After their seven days' study was completed,
Boisil died of the above-named complaint; and after death entered
into the joys of eternal life. They say that, during these seven
days, he foretold to Cuthbert every thing which should happen
to him: for, as I have said before, he was a prophet and a man
of remarkable piety. And, moreover, he had three years ago foretold
to Abbot Eata, that this pestilence would come, and that he himself
would die of it; but that the abbot should die of another disease,
which the physicians call dysentery; and in this also he was a
true prophet, as the event proved. Among others, he told Cuthbert
that he should be ordained bishop. When Cuthbert became an anchorite,
he would not communicate this prophecy to any one, but with much
sorrow assured the brethren who came to visit him, that if he
had a humble residence on a rock, where the waves of the ocean
shut him out from all the world, he should not even then consider
himself safe from its snares, but should be afraid that on some
occasion or other he might fall victim to the love of riches.
AFTER the death of Boisil, Cuthbert took upon himself the duties
of the office before mentioned; and for many years discharged
them with the most pious zeal, as became a saint: for he not only
furnished both precept and example to his brethren of the monastery,
but sought to lead the minds of the neighbouring people to the
love of heavenly things. Many of them, indeed, disgraced the faith
which they professed, by unholy deeds; and some of them, in the
time of mortality, neglecting the sacrament of their creed, had
recourse to idolatrous remedies, as if by charms or amulets, or
any other mysteries of the magical art, they were able to avert
a stroke inflicted upon them by the Lord. To correct these errors,
he often went out from the monastery, sometimes on horseback,
sometimes on foot, and preached the way of truth to the neighbouring
villages, as Boisil, his predecessor, had done before him. It
was at this time customary for the English people to flock together
when a clerk or priest entered a village, and listen to what he
said, that so they might learn something from him, and amend their
lives. Now Cuthbert was so skilful in teaching, and so zealous
in what he undertook, that none dared to conceal from him their
thoughts, but all acknowledged what they had done amiss; for they
supposed that it was impossible to escape his notice, and they
hoped to merit forgiveness by an honest confession. He was mostly
accustomed to travel to those villages which lay in out of the
way places among the mountains, which by their poverty and natural
horrors deterred other visitors. Yet even here did his devoted
mind find exercise for his powers of teaching, insomuch that he
often remained a week, sometimes two or three, nay, even a whole
month, without returning home; but dwelling among the mountains,
taught the poor people, both by the words of his preaching, and
also by his own holy conduct.
WHEN this holy man was thus acquiring renown by his virtues and
miracles, Ebbe, a pious woman and handmaid of Christ, was the
head of a monastery at a place called the city of Coludi, remarkable
both for piety and noble birth, for she was half-sister of King
Oswy. She sent messengers to the man of God, entreating him to
come and visit her monastery. This loving message from the handmaid
of his Lord he could not treat with neglect, but, coming to the
place and stopping several days there, he confirmed, by his life
and conversation, the way of truth which he taught.
Here also, as elsewhere, he would go forth, when others were asleep,
and having spent the night in watchfulness return home at the
hour of morning-prayer. Now one night, a brother of the monastery,
seeing him go out alone followed him privately to see what he
should do. But he when he left the monastery, went down to the
sea, which flows beneath, and going into it, until the water reached
his neck and arms, spent the night in praising God. When the dawn
of day approached, he came out of the water, and, falling on his
knees, began to pray again. Whilst he was doing this, two quadrupeds,
called otters, came up from the sea, and, lying down before him
on the sand, breathed upon his feet, and wiped them with their
hair after which, having received his blessing, they returned
to their native element. Cuthbert himself returned home in time
to join in the accustomed hymns with the other brethren. The brother,
who waited for him on the heights, was so terrified that he could
hardly reach home; and early in the morning he came and fell at
his feet, asking his pardon, for he did not doubt that Cuthbert
was fully acquainted with all that had taken place. To whom Cuthbert
replied, " What is the matter, my brother ? What have you
done? Did you follow me to see what I was about to do? I forgive
you for it on one condition,-that you tell it to nobody before
my death." In this he followed the example of our Lord, who,
when He showed his glory to his disciples on the mountain, said,
" See that you tell no man, until the Son of man be risen
from the dead." When the brother had assented to this condition,
he give him his blessing, and released him from all his trouble.
The man concealed this miracle during St. Cuthbert's life; but,
after his death, took care to tell it to as many persons as he
was able.
MEANWHILE the man of God began to wax strong in the spirit of
prophecy, to foretell future events, and to describe to those
he was with what things were going on elsewhere. Once upon a time
he left the monastery for some necessary reason, and went by sea
to the land of the Picts, which is called Niduari. Two of the
brethren accompanied him; and one of these, who afterwards discharged
the priest's office, made known to several the miracle which the
man of God there performed. They arrived there the day after Christmas-day,
hoping, because the weather and sea were both tranquil, that they
should soon return; and for this reason they took no food with
them. They were, however, deceived in their expectations; for
no sooner were they come to land, than a tempest arose, and prevented
them from returning. After stopping there several days, suffering
from cold and hunger, the day of the holy Epiphany was at hand,
and the man of God, who had spent the night in prayer and watching,
not in idleness or sloth, addressed them with cheerful and soothing
language, as he was accustomed: "Why do we remain here idle?
Let us do the best we can to save ourselves. The ground is covered
with snow, and the heaven with clouds; the currents of both winds
and waves are right against us: we are famished with hunger, and
there is no one to relieve us. Let us importune the Lord with
our prayers, that, as He opened to his people a path through the
Red Sea, and miraculously fed them in the wilderness, He may take
pity on us also in our present distress. If our faith does not
waver, I do not think He will suffer us to remain all this day
fasting-a day which He formerly made so bright with his heavenly
majesty. I pray you, therefore, to come with me and see what provision
He has made for us, that we may ourselves rejoice in his joy."
Saying these words, he led them to the shore where he himself
had been accustomed to pray at night. On their arrival, they found
there three pieces of dolphin's flesh, looking as if some one
had cut them and prepared them to be cooked. They fell on their
knees and gave thanks to God. "You see, my beloved brethren,"
said Cuthbert, "how great is the grace of God to him who
hopes and trusts in the Lord. Behold, He has prepared food for
his servants; and by the number three points out to us how long
we must remain here. Take, therefore, the gifts which Christ has
sent us; let us go and refresh ourselves, and abide here without
fear, for after three days there will most assuredly be a calm,
both of the heavens and of the sea." All this was so as he
had said: three days the storm lasted most violently; on the fourth
day the promised calm followed, and they returned with a fair
wind home.
IT happened, also, that on a certain day he was going forth from
the monastery to preach, with one attendant only, and when they
became tired with walking, though a great part of their journey
still lay before them ere they could reach the village to which
they were going, Cuthbert said to his follower, "Where shall
we stop to take refreshment? or do you know any one on the road
to whom we may turn in ? "-" I was myself thinking on
the same subject," said the boy; "for we have brought
no provisions with us. and I know no one on the road who will
entertain us, and we have a long journey still before us, which
we cannot well accomplish without eating. " The man of God
replied, " My son, learn to have faith, and trust in God,
who will never suffer to perish with hunger those who trust in
Him." Then looking up, and seeing an eagle flying in the
air, he said, " Do you perceive that eagle yonder? It is
possible for God to feed us even by means of that eagle."
As they were thus discoursing, they came near a river, and behold
the eagle was standing on its bank. "Look," said the
man of God, "there is our handmaid, the eagle, that I spoke
to you about. Run, and see what provision God hath sent us, and
come again and tell me." The boy ran, and found a good-sized
fish, which the eagle had just caught. But the man of God reproved
him, " What have you done, my son? Why have you not given
part to God's handmaid? Cut the fish in two pieces, and give her
one, as her service well deserves." He did as he was bidden,
and carried the other part with him on his journey. When the time
for eating was come, they turned aside to a certain village, and
having given the fish to be cooked, made an excellent repast,
and gave also to their entertainers, whilst Cuthbert preached
to them the word of God, and blessed Him for his mercies; for
happy is the man whose hope is in the name of the Lord, and who
has not looked upon vanity and foolish deceit. After this, they
resumed their journey, to preach to those among whom they were
ABOUT the same time, as he was preaching the word of life to a
number of persons assembled in a certain village, he suddenly
saw in the spirit our old enemy coming to retard the work of salvation,
and forthwith began by admonitions to prevent the snares and devices
which he saw were coming. "Dearest brethren," said he,
"as often as you hear the mysteries of the heavenly kingdom
preached to you, you should listen with attentive heart and with
watchful feelings, lest the devil, who has a thousand ways of
harming you, prevent you by superfluous cares from hearing the
word of salvation." As he said these words, he resumed the
thread of his discourse, and immediately that wicked enemy, bringing
supernatural fire, set light to a neighbouring house, so that
flakes of fire seemed to fly through the air, and a storm of wind
and thunder shook the sky. Nearly the whole multitude rushed forward,
to extinguish the fire, (for he restrained a few of them himself,)
but yet with all their real water they could not put out the false
flames, until, at Cuthbert's prayer, the author of the deceit
was put to flight, and his fictitious fires dispersed along with
him. The multitude, seeing this, were suffused with ingenuous
blushes, and, falling on their knees before him, prayed to be
forgiven for their fickleness of mind, acknowledging their conviction
that the devil never rests even for an hour from impeding the
work of man's salvation. But he, encouraging them under their
infirmity, again began to preach to them the words of everlasting
BUT it was not only in the case of an apparition of a fire that
his power was shown; for he extinguished a real fire by the fervency
of his tears, when many had failed in putting it out with all
the water they could get. For, as he was travelling about, preaching
salvation, like the apostles of old, he one day entered the house
of a pious woman, whom he was in the habit of often visiting,
and whom, from having been nursed by her in his infancy, he was
accustomed on that account to call his mother. The house was at
the west end of the village, and Cuthbert had no sooner entered
it to preach the word of God, than a house at the other end of
the place caught fire and began to blaze most dreadfully. For
the wind was from the same quarter, so that the sparks from the
kindled thatch flew over the whole village. Those who were present
tried to extinguish it with water, but were driven back by the
heat. Then the aforesaid handmaid of the Lord, running to the
house where Cuthbert was, besought him to help them, before her
own house and the others in the village should be destroyed. "
Do not fear, mother," said he; " be of good cheer; this
devouring flame will not hurt either you or yours." He then
went out and threw himself prostrate on the ground before the
door. Whilst he was praying, the wind changed, and beginning to
blow from the west, removed all danger of the fire assailing the
house, into which the man of God had entered.
And thus in two miracles he imitated the virtues of two of the
fathers. For in the case of the apparition of fire above mentioned,
he imitated the reverend and holy father Saint Benedict, who by
his prayers drove away the apparition of a fire like a burning
kitchen, which the old enemy had presented before the eyes of
his disciples: and, in the case of the real fire which he thus
extinguished, he imitated that venerable priest Marcellinus of
Ancona, who, when his native town was on fire, placed himself
in front of the flames, and put them out by his prayers, though
all the exertions of his fellow-countrymen had failed to extinguish
them with water. Nor is it wonderful that such perfect and pious
servants of God should receive power against the force of fire,
considering that by their daily piety they enable themselves to
conquer the desires of the flesh, and to extinguish all the fiery
darts of the wicked one: and to them is applicable the saying
of the prophet, [Is. 43:2] " When thou walkest through the
fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the fire kindle
upon thee." But I, and those who are, like me, conscious
of our own weakness and inertness, are sure that we can do nothing
in that way against material fire, and, indeed, are by no means
sure that we shall be able to escape unhurt from that fire of
future punishment, which never shall be extinguished. But the
love of our Saviour is strong and abundant, and will bestow the
grace of its protection upon us, though we are unworthy and unable
in this world to extinguish the fires of vicious passions and
of punishment in the world which is to come.
BUT, as we have above related how this venerable man prevailed
against the false stratagems of the devil, now let us show in
what way he displayed his power against his open and undisguised
enmity. There was a certain prefect of King Egfrid, Hildemer by
name, a man devoted with all his house to good works, and therefore
especially beloved by Saint Cuthbert, and often visited by him
whenever he was journeying that way. This man's wife, who was
devoted to almsgiving and other fruits of virtue, was suddenly
so afflicted by a devil, that she gnashed her teeth, uttered the
most pitiable cries, and, throwing about her arms and limbs, caused
great terror to all who saw or heard her. Whilst she was lying
in this state, and expected to die, her husband mounted his horse,
and, coming to the man of God, besought his help, saying, "My
wife is ill, and at the point of death: I entreat you to send
a priest to visit her before she dies, and minister to her the
sacrament of the body and blood of Christ; and, also, that when
she is dead, she may be buried in this holy place." He was
ashamed to say that she was out of her senses, because the man
of God had always seen her in her right mind. Whilst the holy
man was going to find out a priest to send to her, he reflected
in his mind that it was no ordinary infirmity, but a visitation
of the devil; and so, returning to the man who had come to entreat
him in his wife's behalf, he said, " I will not send any
one, but I will go myself to visit her."
Whilst they were going, the man began to cry, and the tears ran
down his cheeks, for he was afraid lest Cuthbert, finding her
afflicted with a devil, should think that she had been a false
servant of the Lord, and that her faith was not real. The man
of God consoled him: " Do not weep because I am likely to
find your wife otherwise than I could wish; for I know that she
is vexed with a devil, though you are afraid to name it: and I
know, moreover, that, before we arrive, she will be freed, and
come to meet us, and will herself take the reins, as sound in
mind as ever, and will invite us in and minister to us as before;
for not only the wicked but the innocent are sometimes permitted
by God to be afflicted in body, and are even taken captive in
spirit by the devil." Whilst he thus consoled the man, they
approached the house, and the evil spirit fled, not able to meet
the coming of the holy man. The woman, freed from her suffering,
rose up immediately, as if from sleep, and, meeting the man of
God with joy, held the bridle of his horse, and, having entirely
recovered her strength, both of mind and body, begged him to dismount
and to bestow his blessing upon her house; and ministering sedulously
to him, testified openly that, at the first touch of the rein,
she had felt herself relieved from all the pain of her former
WHILST this venerable servant of the Lord was thus during many
years, distinguishing himself by such signs of spiritual excellence
in the monastery of Melrose, its reverend abbot, Eata, transferred
him to the monastery in the island of Lindisfarne, that there
also he might teach the rules of monastic perfection with the
authority of its governor, and illustrate it by the example of
his virtue; for the same reverend abbot had both monasteries under
his jurisdiction. And no one should wonder that, though the island
of Lindisfarne is small, we have above made mention of a bishop,
and now of an abbot and monks; for the case is really so. For
the same island, inhabited by servants of the Lord, contains both,
and all are monks. For Aidan, who was the first bishop of that
place, was a monk, and with all his followers lived according
to the monastic rule. Wherefore all the principals of that place
from him to the present time exercise the episcopal office; so
that, whilst the monastery is governed by the abbot, whom they,
with the consent of the brethren, have elected, all the priests,
deacons, singers, readers, and other ecclesiastical officers of
different ranks, observe the monastic rule in every respect, as
well as the bishop himself. The blessed pope Gregory showed that
he approved this mode of life, when in answer to Augustine, his
first missionary to Britain, who asked him how bishops ought to
converse with their clerks, among other remarks he replied, "
Because, my brother, having been educated in the monastic rule,
you ought not to keep aloof from your clerks: in the English Church,
which, thanks be to God, has lately been converted to the faith,
you should institute the same system, which has existed from the
first beginning of our Church among our ancestors, none of whom
said that the things which he possessed were his own, but they
had all things common." When Cuthbert, therefore, came to
the church or monastery of Lindisfarne, he taught the brethren
monastic rules both by his life and doctrines, and often going
round, as was his custom, among the neighbouring people, he kindled
them up to seek after and work out a heavenly reward. Moreover,
by his miracles he became more and more celebrated, and by the
earnestness of his prayers restored to their former health many
that were afflicted with various infirmities and sufferings; some
that were vexed with unclean spirits, he not only cured whilst
present by touching them, praying over them, or even by commanding
or exorcising the devils to go out of them; but even when absent
he restored them by his prayers, or by foretelling that they should
be restored; amongst whom also was the wife of the prefect above
There were some brethren in the monastery who preferred their
ancient customs to the new regular discipline. But he got the
better of these by his patience and modest virtues, and by daily
practice at length brought them to the better system which he
had in view. Moreover, in his discussions with the brethren, when
he was fatigued by the bitter taunts of those who opposed him,
he would rise from his seat with a placid look, and dismiss the
meeting until the following day, when, as if he had suffered no
repulse, he would use the same exhortations as before, until he
converted them, as I have said before, to his own views. For his
patience was most exemplary, and in enduring the opposition which
was heaped equally upon his mind and body he was most resolute,
and, amid the asperities which he encountered, he always exhibited
such placidity of countenance, as made it evident to all that
his outward vexations were compensated for by the internal consolations
of the Holv Spirit.
But he was so zealous in watching and praying, that he is believed
to have sometimes passed three or four nights together therein,
during which time he neither went to his own bed, nor had any
accommodation from the brethren for reposing himself. For he either
passed the time alone, praying in some retired spot, or singing
and making something with his hands, thus beguiling his sleepiness
by labour; or, perhaps, he walked round the island, diligently
examining every thing therein, and by this exercise relieved the
tediousness of psalmody and watching. Lastly, he would reprove
the faintheartedness of the brethren, who took it amiss if any
one came and unseasonably importuned them to awake at night or
during their afternoon naps. "No one," said he, "can
displease me by waking me out of my sleep, but, on the contrary,
give me pleasure; for, by rousing me from inactivity, he enables
me to do or think of something useful." So devout and zealous
was he in his desire after heavenly things, that, whilst officiating
in the solemnity of the mass, he never could come to the conclusion
thereof without a plentiful shedding of tears. But whilst he duly
discharged the mysteries of our Lord's passion, he would, in himself,
illustrate that in which he was officiating; in contrition of
heart he would sacrifice himself to the Lord; and whilst he exhorted
the standers-by to lift up their hearts and to give thanks unto
the Lord, his own heart was lifted up rather than his voice, and
it was the spirit which groaned within him rather than the note
of singing. In his zeal for righteousness he was fervid to correct
sinners, he was gentle in the spirit of mildness to forgive the
penitent, so that he would often shed tears over those who confessed
their sins, pitying their weaknesses, and would himself point
out by his own righteous example what course the sinner should
pursue. He used vestments of the ordinary description, neither
noticeable for their too great neatness, nor yet too slovenly.
Wherefore, even to this day, it is not customary in that monastery
for any one to wear vestments of a rich or valuable colour, but
they are content with that appearance which the natural wool of
the sheep presents.
By these and such like spiritual exercises, this venerable man
both excited the good to follow his example, and recalled the
_vicked and perverse from their errors to regularity of life.
WHEN he had remained some years in the monastery, he was rejoiced
to be able at length, with the blessing of the abbot and brethren
accompanying him, to retire to the secrecy of solitude which he
had so long coveted. He rejoiced that from the long conversation
with the world he was now thought worthy to be promoted to retirement
and Divine contemplation: he rejoiced that he now could reach
to the condition of those of whom it is sung by the Psalmist:
" The holy shall walk from virtue to virtue; the God of Gods
shall be seen in Zion. " At his first entrance upon the solitary
life, he sought out the most retired spot in the outskirts of
the monastery. But when he had for some time contended with the
invisible adversary with prayer and fasting in this solitude,
he then, aiming at higher things, sought out a more distant field
for conflict, and more remote from the eyes of men. There is a
certain island called Farne, in the middle of the sea, not made
an island, like Lindisfarne, by the flow of the tide, which the
Greeks call rheuma, and then restored to the mainland at its ebb,
but lying off several miles to the East, and, consequently, surrounded
on all sides by the deep and boundless ocean. No one, before God's
servant Cuthbert, had ever dared to inhabit this island alone,
on account of the evil spirits which reside there: but when this
servant of Christ came, armed with the helmet of salvation, the
shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word
of God, all the fiery darts of the wicked were extinguished, and
that wicked enemy, with all his followers, were put to flight.
Christ's soldier, therefore, having thus, by the expulsion of
the tyrants, become the lawful monarch of the land, built a city
fit for his empire, and houses therein suitable to his city. The
building is almost of a round form, from wall to wall about four
or five poles in extent: the wall on the outside is higher than
a man, but within, by excavating the rock, he made it much deeper,
to prevent the eyes and the thoughts from wandering, that the
mind might be wholly bent on heavenly things, and the pious inhabitant
might behold nothing from his residence but the heavens above
him. The wall was constructed, not of hewn stones or of brick
and mortar, but of rough stones and turf, which had been taken
out from the ground within. Some of them were so large that four
men could hardly have lifted them, but Cuthbert himself, with
angels helping him, had raised them up and placed them on the
wall. There were two chambers in the house, one an oratory, the
other for domestic purposes. He finished the walls of them by
digging round and cutting away the natural soil within and without,
and formed the roof out of rough poles and straw. Moreover, at
the landing-place of the island he built a large house, in which
the brethren who visited him might be received and rest themselves,
and not far from it there was a fountain of water or their use.
BUT his own dwelling was destitute of water, being built on hard
and stony ground. The man of God, therefore, sent for the brethren,
for he had not yet withdrawn himself entirely from the sight of
visitors, and said to them, " You see that my dwelling is
destitute of water; but I pray you, let us beseech Him who turned
the solid rock into a pool of water and stones into fountains,
that giving glory, not to us, but to his own name, He may vouchsafe
to open to us a spring of water, even from this stony rock. Let
us dig in the middle of my hut, and, I believe, out of his good
pleasure, He will give us drink." They therefore made a pit,
and the next morning found it full of water, springing up from
within. Wherefore there can be no doubt that it was elicited by
the prayers of this man of God from the ground which was before
dry and stony. Now this water, by a most remarkable quality, never
overflowed its first limits so as to flood the pavement, nor yet
ever failed, however much of it might be taken out; so that it
never surpassed or fell short of the daily necessities of him
who used it for his sustenance.
Now when Cuthbert had, with the assistance of the brethren, made
for himself this dwelling with its chambers, he began to live
in a more secluded manner. At first, indeed, when the brethren
came to visit him, he would leave his cell and minister to them.
He used to wash their feet devoutly with warm water, and was sometimes
compelled by them to take off his shoes, that they might wash
his feet also. For he had so far withdrawn his mind from attending
to the care of his person, and fixed it upon the concerns of his
soul, that he would often spend whole months without taking off
his leathern gaiters. Sometimes, too, he would keep his shoes
on from one Easter to another, only taking them off on account
of the washing of feet, which then takes place at the Lord 's
Supper. Wherefore, in consequence of his frequent prayers and
genuflexions, which he made with his shoes on, he was discovered
to have contracted a callosity on the junction of his feet and
legs. At length, as his zeal after perfection grew, he shut himself
up in his cell away from the sight of men, and spent his time
alone in fasting, watching, and prayer, rarely having communication
with any one without, and that through the window, which at first
was left open, that he might see and be seen; but, after a time,
he shut that also, and opened it only to give his blessing, or
for any other purpose of absolute necessity.
AT first, indeed, he received from his visitors a small portion
of bread, and drank water from the fountain; but afterwards he
thought it more fitting to live by the labour of his own hands,
like the old fathers. He therefore asked them to bring him some
instruments of husbandry, and some wheat to sow; but when he had
sown the grain in the spring, it did not come up. At the next
visit of the monks, he said to them, "Perhaps the nature
of the soil or the will of God, does not allow wheat to grow in
this place: bring me, I beg of you, some barley: possibly that
may answer. If, however, on trial it does not, I had better return
to the monastery than be supported here by the labour of others."
The barley was accordingly brought, and sown, although the season
was extraordinarily late; and the barley came up most unexpectedly
and most abundantly. It no sooner began to ripen, than the birds
came and wasted it most grievously. Christ's holy servant, as
he himself afterwards told it, (for he used, in a cheerful and
affable manner, to confirm the faith of his hearers by telling
them the mercies which his own faith had obtained from the Lord,)
drew near to the birds, and said to them, " \0lhy do you
touch that which you have not sown ? Have you more share than
I in this ? If you have received license from God, do what He
allows you; but if not, get you gone, and do no further injury
to that which belongs to another." He had no sooner spoken,
than all the flock of birds departed, and never more returned
to feed upon that field. Thus in two miracles did this reverend
servant of Christ imitate the example of two of the fathers: for,
in drawing water from the rock, he followed the holy St. Benedict,
who did almost the same thing, and in the same way, though more
abundantly, because there were more who were in want of water.
And in driving away the birds, he imitated the reverend and holy
father St. Antony, who by his word alone drove away the wild asses
from the garden which he had planted.
I AM here tempted to relate another miracle which he wrought in
imitation of the aforesaid father St. Benedict, in which the obedience
and humility of birds are a warning to the perversity and pride
of mankind. There were some crows which had long been accustomed
to build in the island. One day the man of God saw them, whilst
making their nests, pull out the thatch of the hut which he had
made to entertain the brethren in, and carry it away to build
with. He immediately stretched out his hand, and warned them to
do no harm to the brethren. As they neglected his command, he
said to them, " In the name of Jesus Christ, depart as speedily
as possible, and do not presume to remain any longer in the place,
to which you are doing harm." He had scarcely uttered these
words, when they flew away in sorrow. At the end of three days
one of the two returned, and finding the man of God digging in
the field, spread out its wings in a pitiable manner, and bending
its head down before his feet, in a tone of humility asked pardon
by the most expressive signs it could, and obtained from the reverend
father permission to return. It then departed and fetched its
companion; and when they had both arrived, they brought in their
beaks a large piece of hog's lard, which the man of God used to
show to the brethren who visited him, and kept to grease their
shoes with; testifying to them how earnestly they should strive
after humility, when a dumb bird that had acted so insolently,
hastened by prayers, lamentation, and presents, to obliterate
the injury which it had done to man. Lastly, as a pattern of reformation
to the human race, these birds remained for many years and built
their nests in the island, and did not dare to give annoyance
to any one. But let no one think it absurd to learn virtue from
birds; for Solomon says, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider
her ways, and be wise."
BUT not only did the animals of the air and sea, for the sea itself,
as the air and fire, on former occasions which we have mentioned,
exemplified their obedience to the venerable man. For it is no
wonder that every creature should obey his wishes, who so faithfully,
and with his whole heart, obeyed the great Author of all creatures.
But we for the most part have lost our dominion over the creation
that has been subjected to us, because we neglect to obey the
Lord and Creator of all things. The sea itself I say, displayed
the most ready obedience to Christ'› servant, when he had
need of it. For he intended to build a little room in his monastery,
adapted to his daily necessities: and on the side towards the
sea, where the waves had scooped a hollow, it was necessary to
put some support across the opening, which was twelve feet wide.
He therefore asked the brethren, who came to visit him, when they
returned the next time, to bring him a beam twelve feet long,
to support his intended building. They readily promised to bring
it, and having received his blessing, departed; but by the time
they reached home they had entirely forgotten the matter, and
on their next visit neglected to carry the timber which they had
promised. He received them mildly, and giving them welcome in
God's name, asked them for the wood which he had requested them
to bring. Then they, remembering what they had promised, apologized
for their forgetfulness. Cuthbert, in the most gentle manner,
pacified them, and requested them to sleep there, and remain till
the morning; "for," said he, " I do not think that
God will forget my service or my necessities." They accepted
his invitation; and when they rose in the morning, they saw that
the tide had, during the night, brought on shore a beam of the
required size, and placed it exactly in the situation where the
proposed chamber was to be built. When they saw this, they marvelled
at the holiness of the venerable man, for that even the elements
obeyed him, and took much shame to themselves for their forgetfulness
and sloth, who were taught even by the senseless elements what
obedience Ought to be shown to God's holy saints.
BUT many came to the man of God, not only from the furthest parts
of Lindisfarne, but even from the more remote parts of Britain,
led thither by the fame of his virtues, to confess the errors
which they had committed, or the temptations of the devil which
they suffered, or the adversities common to mortals, with which
they were afflicted, and all hoping to receive consolation from
a man so eminent for holiness. Nor did their hope deceive them
For no one went away from him without consolation, no one returned
afflicted with the same grief which had brought him thither. For
he knew how to comfort the sorrowful with pious exhortation; he
could recall the joys of celestial life to the memory of those
who were straitened in circumstances, and show the uncertainty
of prosperity and adversity in this life: he had learnt to make
known to those who were tempted the numerous wiles of their ancient
enemy, by which that mind would be easily captivated which was
deprived of brotherly or Divine love; whereas, the mind which,
strengthened by the true faith, should continue its course, would,
by the help of God, break the snares of the adversary like the
threads of a spider's web. "How often," said he, "have
they sent me headlong from the high rock ! How many times have
they thrown stones at me as if to kill me ! Yea, they sought to
discourage me by various trials of apparitions, and to exterminate
me from this scene of trial, but were never able to affect my
body with injury, or my mind with fear."
He was accustomed to relate these things more frequently to the
brotherhood, lest they should wonder at his conversation as being
peculiarly exalted, because, despising secular cares, he preferred
to live apart. " But," said he, "the life of monks
may well be wondered at, who are subjected in all things to the
orders of the abbot, the times of watching, praying, fasting,
and working, being all regulated according to his will; many of
whom have I known far exceed my littleness, both in purity of
mind and advancement in prophetic grace. Among whom must I mention,
with all honour, the venerable Boisil, servant of Christ, who,
when an old man, formerly supported me in my youth at Melrose
Abbey, and while instructing me, he foretold, with prophetic truth,
all things which would happen to me; and of all things which he
foretold to me, one alone remains which I hope may never be accomplished."
Cuthbert told us this was a prophecy of Boisil, that this, our
holy servant of Christ, should attain to the office of a bishop;
though he, in his eagerness after the heavenly life, felt horrified
at the announcement.
BUT though our man of God was thus secluded from mankind, yet
he did not cease from working miracles and curing those who were
sick. For a venerable handmaid of Christ, Elfled by name, who,
amid the joys of virginity, devoted her motherly care and piety
to several companies of Christ's handmaids, and added to the lustre
of her princely birth the brighter excellence of exalted virtue,
was inspired with much love towards the holy man of God. About
this time, as she afterwards told the reverend Herefrid, presbyter
of the church of Lindisfarne, who related it to me, she was afflicted
with a severe illness and suffered long, insomuch that she seemed
almost at the gates of death. The physicians could do her no good,
when, on a sudden, the Divine grace worked within her, and she
by degrees was saved from death, though not fully cured. The pain
in her inside left her, the strength of her limbs returned, but
the power of standing and walking was still denied her; for she
could not support herself on her feet, nor move from place to
place, save on all fours. Her sorrow was, therefore, great; and
she never expected to recover from her weakness, for she had long
abandoned all hope from the physicians. One day, as she was indulging
her bitter thoughts, she turned her mind to the holy and tranquil
life of the reverend father Cuthbert; and expressed a wish that
she had in her possession some article that had belonged to him;
"for I know, and am confident," said she, "that
I should soon be well." Not long after this, there came a
person who brought with him a linen girdle from Saint Cuthbert:
she was overjoyed at the gift, and perceiving that Heaven had
revealed to the saint her wish, she put it on, and the next morning
found herself able to stand upon her feet. On the third day she
was restored to perfect health.
A few days after, one of the virgins of the same monastery was
taken ill with a violent pain in the head; and whilst the complaint
became so much worse that she thought she should die, the venerable
abbess went in to see her. Seeing her sorely afflicted, she brought
the girdle of the man of God to her, and bound it round her head.
The same day the pain in the head left her, and she laid up the
girdle in her chest. The abbess wanted it again a few days after,
but it could not be found either in the chest or anywhere else.
It was at once perceived that Divine Providence had so ordered
it, that the sanctity of the man of God might be established by
these two miracles, and all occasion of doubting thereof be removed
from the incredulous. For if the girdle had remained, all those
who were sick would have gone to it, and whilst some of them would
be unworthy of being cured, its efficacy to cure might have been
denied, whereas their own unworthiness would have been to blame.
Whereof, as I said before, Heaven so dealt forth its benevolence
from on high, that when the faith of believers had been strengthened,
all matter for detraction was forthwith removed from the malice
of the unrighteous.
AT another time, the same Elfled, who was a most holy virgin,
and mother of the virgins of Christ, sent for the man of God,
adjuring him in the name of our Lord that she might be all:)wed
to see him and to speak about certain things of importance. He
therefore entered with the brethren into a ship, and went over
to an island which is situated in the mouth of the river Coquet,
from which it received its name. The island was also remarkable
for the number of its monks. The abbess, who had requested him
to meet her in this island, when she had enjoyed his conversation
for some time, and the man of God had answered many questions
that she put to him; on a sudden, in the midst of his conversation,
she fell at his feet and adjured him, bv the terrible and sacred
name of our heavenly King and his angels, that he would tell her
how long her brother Egfrid would live and govern the English
nation. " For I know," she said, " that you abound
in the Spirit of prophecy, and that, if you are willing, you are
able to tell me even this. " But he, shuddering at the adjuration,
and yet not being willing openly to reveal the secret which she
had asked him, replied, " It is a wonderful thing that you,
being a wise woman and skilled in sacred Scriptures, should call
long the duration of human life: the Psalmist says, that ' our
years shall perish like a spider's web,' and Solomon advises,
that if a man shall live many years, and shall have been prosperous
in all of these, he ought to remember the gloomy time of many
days, which when it shall come, the past is convicted of folly;
how much more then ought that man, to whose life one year only
is wanting, to be considered as having lived a short time when
death stands at his door ! "
On hearing these words she lamented the dreadful prophecy with
many tears- but then having wiped her face. she with feminine
boldness adjured him by the majesty of the Holy One, that he would
tell her who would be the heir to the kingdom, seeing that Egfrid
had neither sons nor brothers. After a short silence, he said,
" Do not say that he is without heirs, for he shall have
a successor, whom you shall embrace like Egfrid himself with the
affection of a sister."-"But," said she, "I
beseech you to tell me where he may be found." He answered,
"You behold this great and spacious sea, how it aboundeth
in islands. It is easy for God out of some of these to provide
a person to reign over England. " She therefore understood
him to speak of Alfrid, who was said to be the son of her father,
and was then, on account of his love of literature, exiled to
the Scottish islands. But she was aware that Egfrid proposed to
make him a bishop, and wishing to know if the effect would follow
the intention, she began by inquiring in this manner: "Oh,
with what various intentions are the hearts of men distracted
! Some rejoice in having obtained riches, others always eager
after them are still in want: but thou rejectest the glory of
the world, although it is offered thee; and although thou mightest
obtain a bishopric, than which there is nothing more sublime on
earth, yet thou preferrest the recesses of thy desert to this
rank."-" But," said he, " I know that I am
not worthy of so high a rank; nevertheless, I cannot shun the
judgment of the Supreme Ruler, who, if he decreed that I should
subject myself to so great a burden, would, I believe, restore
me after a moderate freedom, and perhaps after not more than two
years would send me back to my former solitude and quiet. But
I must first request you in the name of our Lord and Saviour that
you do not relate to any one before my death the things which
I have told you. " When he had expounded to her the various
things which she asked, and had instructed her concerning the
things which she had need of, he returned to his solitary island
and monastery, and continued his mode of life as he had commenced
Not long after, in a full synod, Archbishop Theodore of blessed
memory presiding in the presence of God's chosen servant, the
holy King Egfrid, he was unanimously elected to the bishopric
of the see of Lindisfarne. But, although they sent many messengers
and letters to him, he could not by any means be drawn from his
habitation, until the king himself, above mentioned, sailed to
the island, attended by the most holy Bishop Trumwine, and by
as many other religious and influential men as he could: they
all went down on their knees before him, and adjured him by the
Lord, with tears and entreaties, until they drew him away from
his retirement with tears in his eyes and took him to the synod.
When arrived there, although much resisting, he was overcome by
the unanimous wish of all, and compelled to submit to undertake
the duties of the bishopric; yet the ordination did not take place
immediately, but at the termination of the winter which was then
beginning. And that his prophecies might be fulfilled in all things,
Egfrid was killed the year afterwards in battle with the Picts,
and was succeeded on the throne by his illegitimate brother Alfrid,
who, a few years before, had devoted himself to literature in
Scotland, suffering a voluntary exile, to gratify his love of
WHEN Cuthbert, the man of God, after having been elected to the
bishopric, had returned to his island, and for some time had served
God in secret with his accustomed devotion, the venerable Bishop
Eata called him and requested him to come to an interview with
him at Melrose. The conversation being finished, and Cuthbert
having commenced his journey homewards, a certain attendant of
King Egfrid met him, and besought him that he would turn aside
and give a benediction at his house. When he had arrived there,
and had received the grateful salutations of all, the man pointed
out to him one of his servants who was infirm, saying, "
I thank God, most holy father, that you have thought worthy to
enter our house to see us, and, indeed, we believe that your arrival
will afford us the greatest profit both of mind and body. For
there is one of our servants tormented with the worst infirmity,
and is this day afflicted with such great pain that he appears
more like a man dying than sick. For his extremities being dead,
he seems only to breathe a little through his mouth and nostrils."
Cuthbert immediately blessed some water, and gave it to a servant
whose name was Baldhelm, who is still alive and filling the office
of presbyter in the bishopric of Lindisfarne, which he adorns
by his good qualities. He also has the faculty of relating in
the sweetest manner the virtues of the man of God to all who are
desirous of knowing, and it was he that told me the miracle which
I relate. The man of God, then, giving him the holy water, said,
" Go and give it to the sick man to drink." In obedience
to these words he brought the water to the sick man, and when
he poured it into his mouth the third time, the sick man, contrary
to his usual custom, fell asleep. It was now evening, and he passed
the night in silence, and in the morning appeared quite well when
his master visited him.
THE venerable man of God, Cuthbert, adorned the office of bishop,
which he had undertaken, by the exercise of many virtues, according
to the precepts and examples of the Apostles. For he protected
the people committed to his care with frequent prayers, and invited
them to heavenly things by most wholesome admonitions, and followed
that system which most facilitates teaching, by first doing himself
what he taught to others. He saved the needy man from the hand
of the stronger, and the poor and destitute from those who would
oppress them. He comforted the weak and sorrowful; but he took
care to recall those who were sinfully rejoicing to that sorrow
which is according to godliness. Desiring still to exercise his
usual frugality, he did not cease to observe the severity of a
monastic life, amid the turmoil by which he was surrounded. He
gave food to the hungry, raiment to the shivering, and his course
was marked by all the other particulars which adorn the life of
a pontiff. The miracles with which he shone forth to the world
bore witness to the virtues of his own mind, some of which we
have taken care briefly to hand down to memory.
Now, when King Egfrid had rashly led his army against the Picts,
and devastated their territories with most atrocious cruelty,
the man of God, Cuthbert, knowing that the time was now come,
concerning which he had prophesied the year before to his sister,
that the king would live only one year more, came to Lugubalia
(which is corruptly called by the English Luel) to speak to the
queen, who was there awaiting the result of the war in her sister's
monastery. But the next day, when the citizens were leading him
to see the walls of the town, and the remarkable fountain, formerly
built by the Romans, suddenly, as he was resting on his staff,
he was disturbed in spirit, and, turning his countenance sorrowfully
to the earth, he raised himself, and, lifting his eyes to heaven,
groaned loudly, and said in a low voice, " Now, then, the
contest is decided ! " Tbe presbyter, who was standing near,
in incautious haste answered, and said, " How do you know
it ? " But he, unwilling to declare more concerning those
things which were revealed to him, said, " Do you not see
how wonderfully the air is changed and disturbed? Who is able
to investigate the judgments of the Almighty? " But he immediately
entered in and spoke to the queen in private, for it was the Sabbath-day.
"Take care," said he, "that you get into your chariot
very early on the second day of the week, for it is not lawful
to ride in a chariot on the Lord 's day; and go quickly to the
royal city, lest, perchance, the king may have been slain. But
I have been asked to go to-morrow to a neighbouring monastery,
to consecrate a church, and will follow you as soon as that duty
is finished."
But when the Lord's day was come, whilst he was preaching the
word of God to the brethren of the same monastery, the sermon
being finished, he began again to teach his listening congregation,
as follows:-" I beseech you, my beloved, according to the
admonitions of the Apostle, to watch, remain stedfast in the faith,
act manfully, and be comforted, that no temptation may find you
unprepared, but rather that you may be always mindful of the precept
of the Lord Himself, ' Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.'
" But some thought he said this because a pestilence had
not long before afflicted them and many others with a great mortality,
and that he spoke of this scourge being about to return. But he,
resuming his discourse, said, "When I formerly lived alone
in my island, some of the brethren came to me on the day of the
Holy Nativity, and asked me to go out of my cabin and solemnize
with them this joyful and hallowed day. Yielding to their prayers,
I went out, and we sat down to feast. But, in the middle of the
banquet, I suddenly said to them, ' I beseech you, brethren, let
us act cautiously and watchfully, lest, perchance, through carelessness
and a sense of security, we be led into temptation.' But they
answered, ' We entreat you, let us spend a joyful day now, for
it is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ ! ' To which I agreed.
Some time after this, when we were indulging ourselves in eating,
merriment, and conversation, I again began to admonish them that
we should be solicitous in prayer and watchfulness, and ever prepared
to meet all temptations. But they replied, ' You teach well; nevertheless,
as the days of fasting, watching, and prayer are numerous, let
us to-day rejoice in the Lord. For the angel manifested great
joy to the shepherds when the Lord was born, and told them that
it was a day to be celebrated by all people !'' Well, ' said I,
' let us do so. ' But when I repeated the words of the same admonition
the third time, they perceived that I would not have suggested
this so earnestly for no purpose, and said to me in fear, ' Let
us do as you teach, for it is incumbent on us to watch in spirit,
armed against the snares and temptations of the devil. ' When
I said these things, I did not know any more than they that any
new temptation would happen to us; but I was only admonished,
as it were instinctively, that the state of the heart is to be
always fortified against the storms of temptations. But when they
returned from me to their own home, that is, to the monastery
of Lindisfarne, they found that one of their brethren was dead
of a pestilence; and the same disease increased, and raged so
furiously from day to day, for months, and almost for a whole
year, that the greater part of that noble assembly of spiritual
fathers and brethren were sent into the presence of the Lord.
Now, therefore, my brethren, watch and pray, that if any tribulation
assail you, it may find you prepared. '
When the venerable man of God, Cuthbert, had said these things,
the brethren thought, as I have before stated, that he spoke of
a return of the pestilence. But the day after, a man who had escaped
from the war explained, by the lamentable news which he brought,
the hidden prophecies of the man of God. It appeared that the
guards had been slain, and the king cut off by the sword of the
enemy, on the very day and hour in which it was revealed to the
man of God as he was standing near the well.
NOT very long afterwards, the same servant of God, Cuthbert, was
summoned to the same city of Lugubalia, not only to consecrate
priests, but also to bless the queen herself with his holy conversation.
Now there was a venerable priest of the name of Herebert, who
had long been united to the man of God, Cuthbert, in the bond
of spiritual friendship, and who, leading a solitary life, in
an island in the large marsh from which the Derwent rises, used
to come to him every year, and receive from him admonitions in
the way of eternal life. When this man heard that he was stopping
in that city, he came according to his custom, desiring to be
kindled up more and more by his wholesome exhortations in aspiring
after heavenly things. When these two had drunk deeply of the
cup of celestial wisdom, Cuthbert said, among other things, "Remember,
brother Herebert, that you ask me now concerning whatever undertaking
you may have in hand, and that you speak to me about it now, because,
after we shall have separated, we shall see each other no more
in this life. I am certain that the time of my death approaches,
and the time of leaving my earthly tenement is at hand."
Upon hearing these words, he threw himself at his feet with tears
and lamentations, saying, " I beseech you by the Lord not
to leave me, but be mindful of your companion, and pray the Almighty
Goodness that, as we have served Him together on earth, we may
at the same time pass to heaven to see his light. For I have always
sought to live according to the command of your mouth; and what
I have left undone through ignorance or frailty, I have equally
taken care to correct, according to your pleasure." The bishop
yielded to his prayers, and immediately learnt in spirit, that
he had obtained that which he had sought from the Lord. "Arise,
my brother," says he, "and do not lament, but rejoice
in gladness, for his great mercy has granted us that which we
asked of Him." The event confirmed his promise and the truth
of the prophecy; for they never met again, but their souls departed
from their bodies at one and the same moment of time, and were
joined together in a heavenly vision, and translated at the same
time by angels to the heavenly kingdom. But Herebert was first
afflicted with a long infirmity, perhaps by a dispensation of
holy piety, in order that the continual pain of a long sickness
might supply what merit he had less than the blessed Cuthbert,
so that being by grace made equal to his intercessor, he might
be rendered worthy to depart this life at one and the same hour
with him, and to be received into one and the same seat of everlasting
WHEN he was one day going round his parish to give spiritual admonitions
throughout the rural districts, cottages, and villages, and to
lay his hand on all the lately baptized, that they might receive
the Holy Spirit, he came to the mansion of a certain earl, whose
wife lay sick almost unto death. The earl himself, meeting him
as he entered, thanked the Lord on his knees for his arrival,
and received him with kind hospitality. When his feet and hands
were washed, according to the custom of hospitality, and the bishop
had sat down, the man began to tell him about the sickness of
his wife, who was despaired of, and besought him to consecrate
some water to sprinkle on her. " I believe," said he,
" that by-and-by she will either, by the grace of God, be
restored to health, or else she will pass by death to life eternal,
and soon receive a recompense for so heavy and long-continued
trouble." The man of God assented to his prayers, and having
blessed the water which was brought to him, gave it to the priest,
directing him to sprinkle it on the patient. He entered the bedroom
in which she lay, as if dead, and sprinkled her and the bed, and
poured some of the healing draught down her throat. Oh, wonderful
and extraordinary circumstance ! the holy water had scarcely touched
the patient, who was wholly ignorant what was brought her, than
she was so restored to health, both of mind and body, that being
come to her senses she blessed the Lord and returned thanks to
Him, that He thought her worthy to be visited and healed by such
exalted guests. She got up without delay, and being now well,
ministered to those who had been instrumental in curing her; and
it was extraordinary to see her, who had escaped the bitter cup
of death by the bishop's benediction, now the first of the nobleman's
family to offer him refreshment, following the example of the
mother-in-law of the Apostle Peter, who, being cured of a fever
by the Lord, arose forthwith and ministered unto Him and his disciples.
BUT the venerable Bishop Cuthbert effected a cure similar to this,
of which there were many eye-witnesses, one of whom is the religious
priest, Ethelwald, at that time attendant on the man of God, but
now abbot of the monastery of Melrose. Whilst, according to his
custom, he was travelling and teaching all, he arrived at a certain
village, in which were a few holy women, who had fled from their
monastery through fear of the barbarian army, and had there obtained
a habitation from the man of God a short time before: one of whom,
a sister of the above-mentioned priest, Ethelwald, was confined
with a most grievous sickness; for during a whole year she had
been troubled with an intolerable pain in the head and side, which
the physicians utterly despaired of curing. But when they told
the man of God about her, and entreated him to cure her, he in
pity anointed the wretched woman with holy oil. From that time
she began to get better, and was well in a few days.
I MUST not here pass over a miracle which was told to me as having
been worked by his holiness, though he himself was absent. We
mentioned a prefect of the name of Hildemer, whose wife the man
of God freed from an unclean spirit. The same prefect afterwards
fell seriously ill, so that his malady daily increased, and he
was confined to his bed, apparently near death. Many of his friends
were present who had come to console him in his sickness. Whilst
they were sitting by the bedside, one of them mentioned that he
had with him some consecrated bread which Cuthbert had given him:
"And I think," said he, "that if we were in faith
to give him this to eat, nothing doubting, he would be well."
All present were laymen, but at the same time very pious men,
and turning to one another, they professed their faith, without
doubting, that by partaking of that same consecrated bread he
might be well. They therefore filled a cup with water, and putting
a little of the bread into it, gave it him to drink: the water
thus hallowed by the bread no sooner touched his stomach than
all his inward pain left him, and the wasting of his outward members
ceased. A perfect recovery speedily ensued, and both himself and
the others who saw or heard the rapidity of this wonderful cure
were thereby stirred up to praise the holiness of Christ's servant,
and to admire the virtues of his true faith.
As this holy shepherd of Christ's flock was going round visiting
his folds, he came to a mountainous and wild place, where many
people had got together from all the adjoining villages, that
he might lay his hands upon them. But among the mountains no fit
church or place could be found to receive the bishop and his attendants.
They therefore pitched tents for him in the road, and each cut
branches from the trees in the neighbouring wood to make for him
self the best sort of covering that he was able. Two days did
the man of God preach to the assembled crowds; and minister the
grace of the Holy Spirit by imposition of hands upon those that
were regenerate in Christ; when, on a sudden, there appeared some
women bearing on a bed a young man, wasted by severe illness,
and having placed him down at the outlet of the wood, sent to
the bishop, requesting permission to bring him, that he might
receive a blessing from the holy man. When he was brought near,
the bishop perceived that his sufferings were great, and ordered
all to retire to a distance. He then betook himself to his usual
weapon, prayer, and bestowing his blessing, expelled the fever,
which all the care and medicines of the physicians had not been
able to cure. In short, he rose up the same hour, and having refreshed
him self with food, and given thanks to God, walked back to the
women who had brought him. And so it came to pass, that whereas
they had in sorrow brought the sick man thither, he now returned
home with them, safe and well, and all rejoicing, both he and
they alike.
AT the same time the plague made great ravages in those parts,
so that there were scarcely any inhabitants left in villages and
places which had been thickly populated, and some towns were wholly
deserted. The holy father Cuthbert, therefore, went round his
parish, most assiduously ministering the word of God, and comforting
those few who were left. But being arrived at a certain village,
and having there exhorted all whom he found there, he said to
his attendant priest, " Do you think that any one remains
who has need that we should visit and converse with him? or have
we now seen all here, and shall we go elsewhere? " The priest
looked about, and saw a woman standing afar off, one of whose
sons had died but a little time before, and she was now supporting
another at the point of death, whilst the tears trickling down
her cheek bore witness to her past and present affliction. He
pointed her out to the man of God, who immediately went to her,
and, blessing the boy, kissed him, and said to his mother, "
Do not fear nor be sorrowful; for your child shall be healed and
live, and no one else of your household shall die of this pestilence."
To the truth of which prophecy the mother and son, who lived a
long time after that, bore witness.
BUT now this man of God, foreseeing his end approaching, had determined
to lay aside the duties of his pastoral office, and return to
his former solitary life, that by shaking off the cares of this
life he might occupy himself amidst unrestrained psalmody and
prayer in preparing for the day of his death, or rather of his
entrance into everlasting life. He wished first to go round his
parishes, and visit the houses of the faithful in his neighbourhood;
and then, when he had confirmed all with such consolatory admonitions
as should be required, to return to the solitary abode which he
so longed after. Meanwhile, at the request of the noble and holy
virgin, the Abbess Elfleda, of whom I have before made mention,
he entered the estate belonging to her monastery, both to speak
to her and also to consecrate a church therein; for there was
there a considerable number of monks. When they had taken their
seats, at the hour of repast, on a sudden Cuthbert turned away
his thoughts from the carnal food to the contemplation of heavenly
things. His limbs being much fatigued by his previous duties,
the colour of his face changed, his eyes became unusually fixed,
and the knife dropped from his hands upon the table. The priest,
who stood by and ministered to him, perceiving this, said to the
abbess, "Ask the bishop what he has just seen: for I know
there was some reason for his hand thus trembling and letting
fall the knife, whilst his countenance also changed so wonderfully:
he has surely seen something which we have not seen." She
immediately turned to him and said, "I pray you, my lord
bishop, tell me what you have just seen, for your tired hand did
not let fall the knife just now without some cause." The
bishop endeavoured to conceal the fact of his having seen any
thing supernatural, and replied in joke, "I was not able
to eat the whole day, was I? I must have left off some time or
other." But, when she persisted in her entreaty that he would
tell the vision, he said, " I saw the soul of a holy man
carried up to heaven in the arms of angels."-" From
what place," said she, " was it taken ? "-"
From your monastery," replied the bishop; upon which she
further asked his name. " You will tell it me," said
he, "to-morrow, when I am celebrating mass." On hearing
these words, she immediately sent to the larger monastery to inquire
who had been lately removed from the body. The messenger, finding
all safe and well, was preparing to return in the morning to his
mistress, when he met some men carrying in a cart the body of
a deceased brother to be buried. On inquiring who it was, he found
that it was one of the shepherds, a worthy man, who, having incautiously
mounted a tree, had fallen down, and died from the bruise, at
the same time that the man of God had seen the vision. He immediately
went and told the circumstance to his mistress, who went forthwith
to the bishop, at that time consecrating the church, and in amazement,
as if she were going to tell him something new and doubtful, "
I pray," said she, " my lord bishop, remember in the
mass my servant Hadwald," (for that was his name,) "who
died yesterday by falling from a tree." It was then plain
to all that the holy man possessed in his mind an abundant spirit
of prophecy; for that he saw before his eyes at the moment the
man's soul carried to heaven, and knew beforehand what was afterwards
going to be told him by others.
WHEN he had gone regularly through the upper districts, he came
to a nunnery, which we have before mentioned, not far from the
mouth of the river Tyne; where he was magnificently entertained
by Christ's servant, Abbess Verca,-a woman of a most noble character,
both in spiritual and temporal concerns. When they rose from their
afternoon repose, he said he was thirsty, and asked for drink.
They inquired of him what he would have, whether they should bring
him wine, or beer. " Give me water," said he; and they
brought him a draught from the fountain. But he, when he had given
thanks and tasted it, gave it to his attendant priest, who returned
it to the servant. The man, taking the cup, asked if he might
drink out of the same cup as the bishop. " Certainly,"
said the priest, "why not? " Now that priest also be
longed to the same monastery. He therefore drank, and the water
seemed to him to taste like wine. Upon which he gave the cup to
the brother who was standing near, that he might be a witness
of so great a miracle; and to him also the taste seemed, without
a doubt, to be that of wine. They looked at one another in amazement;
and when they found time to speak, they acknowledged to one another
that they had never tasted better wine. I give this on the authority
of one of them, who stopped some time in our monastery at Weremouth.
and now lies buried there.
WHEN Cuthbert had passed two years in the episcopal office, knowing
in spirit that his last day was at hand, he divested himself of
his episcopal duties and returned to his much-loved solitude,
that he might there occupy his time in extracting the thorns of
the flesh, and kindle up to greater brightness the flame of his
former humility. At this time he was accustomed to go out frequently
from his cell, and converse with the brethren, who came to visit
him. I will here mention a miracle which he then wrought, in order
that it may be more evident to all men what obedience should be
rendered to his saints, even in the case of commands which they
seem to have given with carelessness or indifference. He had one
day left his cell, to give advice to some visitors; and when he
had finished, he said to them, " I must now go in again;
but do you, as you are inclined to depart, first take food; and
when you have cooked and eaten that goose, which is hanging on
the wall, go on board your vessel in God's name, and return home."
He then uttered a prayer, and, having blessed them, went in. But
they, as he had bidden them, took some food; but having enough
provisions of their own, which they had brought with them, they
did not touch the goose.
Now when they had refreshed themselves, they tried to go on board
their vessel, but a sudden storm utterly prevented them from putting
to sea. They were thus detained seven days in the island by the
roughness of the waves, and yet they could not call to mind what
fault they had committed. They therefore returned to have an interview
with the holy father, and to lament to him their detention. He
exhorted them to be patient, and on the seventh day came out to
console their sorrow, and give them pious exhortations. When,
however, he had entered the house in which they were stopping.
and saw that the goose was not eaten, he reproved their disobedience
with mild countenance and in gentle language. " Have you
not left the goose still hanging in its place? What wonder is
it that the storm has prevented your departure ? Put it immediately
into the caldron, and boil and eat it, that the sea may become
tranquil, and you may return home."
They immediately did as he had commanded; and it happened most
wonderfully that the moment the kettle began to boil, the wind
began to cease, and the waves to be still. Having finished their
repast, and seeing that the sea was calm, they went on board,
and, to their great delight, though with shame for their neglect
reached home with a fair wind. Their shame arose from their disobedience
and dullness of comprehension, whereby, amid the chastening of
their Maker, they were unable to perceive and to correct their
error. They rejoiced, because they now saw what care God had for
his faithful servant, so as to vindicate him from neglect, even
by means of the elements. They rejoiced, too, that the Lord should
have had so much regard to themselves, as to correct their offences
even by an open miracle. Now this, which I have related, I did
not pick up from any chance authority, but I had it from one of
those who were present,-a most reverend monk and priest of the
same monastery, Cynemund, who still lives, known to many in the
neighbourhood for his years and the purity of his life.
THE solemn day of the nativity of our Lord was scarcely over,
when the man of God, Cuthbert, returned to his dwelling on the
island. A crowd of monks were standing by as he entered into the
ship; and one of them, an old and venerable monk, strong in faith
but weak in body, in consequence of a dysentery, said to him,
" Tell us, my lord bishop, when we may hope for your return.
" To this plain question, he replied as plainly, "When
you shall bring my body back here." when he had passed about
two months in the enjoyment of his rest, and had as usual subdued
both his body and mind with his accustomed severity, he was suddenly
seized with illness, and began to prepare for the joy of everlasting
happiness, through pain and temporal affliction. I will describe
his death in the words of him who related it to me, namely, his
attendant priest Herefrid, a most religious man, who also at that
time presided over the monastery of Lindisfarne, in the capacity
of abbot.
"He was brought to the point of death," said he, "after
having been weakened by three weeks of continued suffering. For
he was taken ill on the fourth day of the week; and again on the
fourth day of the week his pains were over, and he departed to
the Lord. But when I came to him on the first morning after his
illness began - (for I had also arrived at the island with the
brethren three days before) - in my desire to obtain his blessing
and advice as usual, I gave the customary signal of my coming,
and he came to the window, and replied to my salutation with a
sigh. ' My lord bishop,' said I, ' what is the matter with you
? Has your indisposition come upon you this last night?'' Yes,'
said he, ' indisposition has come upon me. ' I thought that he
was speaking of an old complaint, which vexed him almost every
day, and not of a new malady; so, without making any more inquiries,
I said to him, ' Give us your blessing, for it is time to put
to sea and return home.'' Do so, ' replied he; ' go on board,
and return home in safety. But, when the Lord shall have taken
my spirit, bury me in this house, near my oratory, towards the
south, over against the eastern side of the holy cross, which
I have erected there. Towards the north side of that same oratory
is a sarcophagus under the turf, which the venerable Abbot Cudda
formerly gave me. You will place my body therein, wrapping it
in linen, which you will find in it. I would not wear it whilst
I was alive, but for the love of that highly favoured woman, who
sent it to me, the Abbess Verca, I have preserved it to wrap my
corpse in.' On hearing these words, I replied, ' I beseech you,
father, as you are weak, and talk of the probability of your dying,
to let some of the brethren remain here to wait on you."
Go home now,' said he' but return at the proper time.' So I was
unable to prevail upon him, not withstanding the urgency of my
entreaties; and at last I asked him when we should return to him.
' When God so wills it,' said he, ' and when He Himself shall
direct you.' We did as he commanded us; and having assembled the
brethren immediately in the church, I had prayers offered up for
him without intermission; ' for,' said I, ' it seems to me, from
some words which he spoke, that the day is approaching on which
he will depart to the Lord.'
"I was anxious about returning to him on account of his illness,
but the weather prevented us for five days; and it was ordered
so by God, as the event showed. For God Almighty, wishing to cleanse
his servant from every stain of earthly weakness, and to show
his adversaries how weak they were against the strength of his
faith, kept him aloof from men, and put him to the proof by pains
of the flesh, and still more violent encounters with the ancient
enemy. At length there was a calm, and we went to the island,
and found him away from his cell in the house where we were accustomed
to reside. The brethren who came with me had some occasion to
go back to the neighbouring shore, so that I was left alone on
the island to minister to the holy father. I warmed some water
and washed his feet, which had an ulcer from a long swelling,
and, from the quantity of blood that came from it, required to
be attended to. I also warmed some wine which I had brought, and
begged him to taste it; for I saw by his face that he was worn
out with pain and want of food. When I had finished my service,
he sat down quietly on the couch, and I sat down by his side.
"Seeing that he kept silence, I said, ' I see, my lord bishop,
that you have suffered much from your complaint since we left
you, and I marvel that you were so unwilling for us, when we departed,
to send you some of our number to wait upon you. ' He replied,
' It was done by the providence and the will of God, that I might
be left without any society or aid of man, and suffer somewhat
of affliction. For when you were gone, my languor began to increase,
so that I left my cell and came hither to meet any one who might
be on his way to see me, that he might not have the trouble of
going further. Now, from the moment of my coming until the present
time, during a space of five days and five nights, I have sat
here without moving.' -' And how have you supported life, my lord
bishop? asked I; ' have you remained so long without taking food?
' Upon which, turning up the couch on which he was sitting, he
showed me five onions concealed therein, saying, ' This has been
my food for five days; for, whenever my mouth became dry and parched
with thirst, I cooled and refreshed myself by tasting these; '-now
one of the onions appeared to have been a little gnawed, but certainly
not more than half of it was eaten;-' and,' continued he, ' my
enemies have never persecuted me so much during my whole stay
in the island, as they have done during these last five days.
' I was not bold enough to ask what kinds of persecutions he had
suffered: I only asked him to have some one to wait upon him.
He consented, and kept some of us with him; amongst whom was the
priest Bede the elder, who had always been used to familiar attendance
upon him. This man was consequently a most faithful witness of
every thing which he gave or received, whom Cuthbert wished to
keep with him, to remind him if he did not make proper compensation
for any presents which he might receive, that before he died he
might render to every one his own. He kept also another of the
brethren with him, who had long suffered from a violent diarrhea,
and could not be cured by the physicians; but, for his religious
merit, and prudent conduct, and grave demeanour, was thought worthy
to hear the last words of the man of God, and to witness his departure
to the Lord.
"Meanwhile I returned home, and told the brethren that the
holy father wished to be buried in his own island; and I added
my opinion, that it would be more proper and becoming to obtain
his consent for his body to be transported from the island, and
buried in the monastery with the usual honours. My words pleased
them, and we went to the bishop, and asked him, saying, ' We have
not dared, my lord bishop, to despise your injunction to be buried
here, and yet we have thought proper to request of you permission
to transport your body over to the monastery, and so have you
amongst us.' To which he replied, ' It was also my wish to repose
here, where I have fought my humble battles for the Lord, where?
too, I wish to finish my course, and whence I hope to be lifted
up by a righteous Judge to obtain the crown of righteousness.
But I think it better for you, also, that I should repose here
on account of the fugitives and criminals who may flee to my corpse
for refuge; and when they have thus obtained an asylum, inasmuch
as I have enjoyed the fame, humble though I am, of being a servant
of Christ, you may think it necessary to intercede for such before
the secular rulers, and so you may have trouble on my account.
' When, however, we urged him with many entreaties, and asserted
that such labour would be agreeable and easy to us, the man of
God at length, after some deliberation, spoke thus: -' Since you
wish to overcome my scruples, and to carry my body amongst you,
it seems to me to be the best plan to bury it in the inmost parts
of the church, that you may be able to visit my tomb yourselves,
and to control the visits of all other persons. ' We thanked him
on our bended knees for this permission, and for his advice; and
returning home, did not cease to pay him frequent visits.
" His malady now began to grow upon him, and we thought that
the time of his dissolution was at hand. He bade his attendants
carry him to his cell and oratory. It was the third hour of the
day. We therefore carried him thither, for he was too feeble to
walk himself. When we reached the door, we asked him to let one
of us go in with him, to wait upon him; for no one had ever entered
therein but himself. He cast his eyes round on all, and, fixing
them on the sick brother above mentioned, said, ' Walstod shall
go in with me.' Now Walstod was the man's name. He went in accordingly,
and stayed till the ninth hour: when he came out, and said to
me, ' The bishop wishes you to go in unto him; but I have a most
wonderful thing to tell you: from the moment of my touching the
bishop, when I supported him into the oratory, I have been entirely
free from my old complaint. ' No doubt this was brought about
by the effect of his heavenly piety, that, whereas in his time
of health and strength he had healed many, he should now heal
this man, when he was himself at the point of death, that so there
might be a standing proof how strong the holy man was in spirit,
though his body was at the lowest degree of weakness. In this
cure he followed the example of the holy and reverend father and
bishop, Aurelius Augustine, who, when weighed down by the illness
of which he died, and lying on his couch, was entreated by a man
to lay his hand on a sick person whom he had brought to him, that
so he might be made well. To which Augustine replied, ' If I had
such power, I should first have practised it towards myself.'
The sick man answered, ' I have been commanded to come to you:
for some one said to me in a dream, Go to Bishop Augustine, and
let him place his hand upon you, and you shall be well.' On hearing
this, Augustine placed his hand upon him, gave him his blessing,
and sent him home perfectly recovered.
" I WENT in to him about the ninth hour of the day, and found
him lying in one corner of his oratory before the altar. I took
my seat by his side, but he spoke very little, for the weight
of his suffering prevented him from speaking much. But when I
earnestly asked him what last discourse and valedictory salutation
he would bequeath to the brethren, he began to make a few strong
admonitions respecting peace and humility, and told me to beware
of those persons who strove against these virtues, and would not
practise them. ' Have peace,' said he, ' and Divine charity ever
amongst you: and when you are called upon to deliberate on your
condition, see that you be unanimous in council. Let concord be
mutual between you and other servants of Christ; and do not despise
others who belong to the faith and come to you for hospitality,
but admit them familiarly and kindly; and when you have entertained
them, speed them on their journey: by no means esteeming yourselves
better than the rest of those who partake of the same faith and
mode of life. But have no communion with those who err from the
unity of the Catholic faith, either by keeping Easter at an improper
time, or by their perverse life. And know and remember, that,
if of two evils you are compelled to choose one, I would rather
that you should take up my bones, and leave these places, to reside
wherever God may send you, than consent in any way to the wickedness
of schismatics, and so place a yoke upon your necks. Study diligently,
and carefully observe the Catholic rules of the Fathers, and practise
with zeal those institutes of the monastic life which it has pleased
God to deliver to you through my ministry. For I know, that, although
during my life some have despised me, yet after my death you will
see what sort of man I was, and that my doctrine was by no means
worthy of contempt. '
" These words, and such as these, the man of God delivered
to us at intervals, for, as we before said, the violence of his
complaint had taken from him the power of speaking much at once.
He then spent the rest of the day until the evening in the expectation
of future happiness; to which he added this also, that he spent
the night in watchfulness and prayer. When his hour of evening
service was come, he received from me the blessed sacrament, and
thus strengthened himself for his departure, which he now knew
to be at hand, by partaking of the body and blood of Christ; and
when he had lifted up his eyes to heaven, and stretched out his
hands above him, his soul, intent upon heavenly praises, sped
his way to the joys of the heavenly kingdom.
"I IMMEDIATELY went out, and told the brethren, who had passed
the whole night in watchfulness and prayer, and chanced at that
moment in the order of evening service to be singing the 59th
Psalm, which begins, ' O Lord, thou hast rejected us and destroyed
us; thou hast been angry, and hast pitied us. ' One of them instantly
lighted two candles, and, holding one in each hand, ascended a
lofty spot, to show to the brethren who were in the monastery
of Lindisfarne, that the holy man was dead; for they had agreed
beforehand that such a signal should be made. The brother, who
had waited an hour on an opposite height in the island of Lindisfarne,
ran with speed to the monastery, where the brethren were assembled
to perform the usual ceremonies of the evening service, and happened
to be singing the above-named Psalm when the messenger entered.
This was a Divine dispensation, as the event showed. For, when
the man of God was buried, the Church was assailed by such a blast
of temptation, that several of the brethren left the place rather
than be involved in such dangers.
" At the end of a year, Eadbert was ordained bishop. He was
a man of great virtues, learned in the Holy Scripture, and in
particular given to works of charity. If I may use the words of
Scripture, The Lord built up Jerusalem, i.e. the vision of peace,
and gathered together the dispersion of Israel. He healed those
who were contrite in heart, and bound up their bruises, so that
it was then given openly to understand the meaning of the hymn
which was then for the first time sung, when the death of the
sainted man was known; namely, that after his death his countrymen
should be exposed to be repulsed and destroyed, but after a demonstration
of his threatening anger should again be protected by the Divine
mercy. He who considers the sequel also of the above-named Psalm
will perceive that the event corresponded to its meaning. The
body of the venerable father was placed on board a ship, and carried
to the island of Lindisfarne. It was there met by a large crowd
of persons singing psalms, and placed in the church of the holy
Apostle Peter, in a stone coffin on the right-hand side of the
BUT even when the servant of Christ was dead and buried, the miracles
which he worked whilst alive did not cease. For a certain boy,
in the territory of Lindisfarne, was vexed so terribly by an evil
spirit, that he altogether lost his reason, and shouted and cried
aloud, and tried to tear in pieces with his teeth his own limbs,
or whatever came in his way. A priest from the monastery was sent
to the sufferer; but, though he had been accustomed to exorcise
and expel evil spirits, yet in this case he could not prevail:
he therefore advised the lad's father to put him into a cart and
drive him to the monastery, and to pray to God in his behalf before
the relics of the holy saints which are there. The father did
as he was advised; but the holy saints, to show how high a place
Cuthbert occupied amongst them, refused to bestow on him the benefit
desired. The mad boy, therefore, by howling, groaning, and gnashing
his teeth, filled the eyes and ears of all who were there with
horror, and no one could think of any remedy; when, behold, one
of the priests, being taught in spirit that by the aid of the
holy father Cuthbert he might be cured, went privately to the
place where he knew the water had been thrown, in which his dead
body had been washed; and taking from thence a small portion of
the dirt, he mixed it with some water, and carrying it to the
sufferer, poured it into his open mouth, from which he was uttering
the most horrible and lamentable cries. He instantly held his
tongue, closed his mouth, and shutting his eyes also, which before
were bloodshot and staring hideously, he fell back into a profound
sleep. In this state | he passed the night; and in the morning,
rising up from his slumber, free from his madness, he found himself
also, by the merits and intercession of the blessed Cuthbert,
free from the evil spirit by which he had been afflicted. It was
a marvellous sight, and delectable to all good men, to see the
son sound in mind accompany his father to the holy places, and
give thanks for the aid of the saints; although the day before,
from the extremity of his madness, he did not know who or where
he was. When, in the midst of the whole body of the brethren looking
on and congratulating him, he had on his knees offered up before
the relics of the martyrs praise to the Lord God and our Saviour
Jesus Christ, he returned to his home, freed from the harassing
of the foe, and confirmed in the faith which he before professed.
They show to this day the pit into which that memorable water
was thrown, of a square shape, surrounded with wood, and filled
with little stones. It is near the church in which his body reposes,
on the south side. From that time God permitted many other . cures
to be wrought by means of those same stones, and the dirt from
the same place.
Now Divine Providence, wishing to show to what glory this holy
man was exalted after death, who even before death had been distinguished
by so many signs and miracles, inspired the minds of the brethren
with a wish to remove his bones, which they expected to find dry
and free from his decayed flesh, and to put them in a small coffer,
on the same spot, above the ground, as objects of veneration to
the people. This wish they communicated to the holy Bishop Eadbert
about the middle of Quadragesima; and he ordered them to execute
this on the 20th of April, which was the anniversary of the day
of his burial. They accordingly did so; and opening the tomb,
found his body entire, as if he were still alive, and his joints
were still flexible, as if he were not dead, but sleeping. His
clothes, also, were still undecayed, and seemed to retain their
original freshness and colour. When the brethren saw this, they
were so astonished, that they could scarcely speak, or look on
the miracle which lay before them, and they hardly knew what they
were doing. As a proof of the uncorrupted state of the clothes,
they took a portion of them from one of the extremities,-for they
did not dare to take any from the body itself,-and hastened to
tell what they had found to the bishop, who was then walking alone
at a spot remote from the monastery, and closed in by the flowing
waves of the sea. Here it was his custom to pass the Quadragesima;
and here he occupied himself forty days before the birthday of
our Lord in the utmost devotion, accompanied with abstinence,
prayer, and tears. Here, also, his venerable predecessor, Cuthbert,
before he went to Farne, as we have related, Spent a portion of
his spiritual warfare in the service of the Lord. The brethren
brought with them, also, the piece of cloth in which the body
of the saint had been wrapped. The bishop thanked them for the
gift, and heard their report with eagerness, and with great earnestness
kissed the cloth as if it were still on the saint's body. "Fold
up the body," said he, " in new cloth instead of this,
and place it in the chest which you have prepared. But I know
of a certainty that the place which has been consecrated by the
virtue of this heavenly miracle will not long remain empty; and
happy is he to whom the Lord, who is the giver of true happiness,
shall grant to rest therein." To these words he added what
I have elsewhere expressed in verse, and said,
" What man the wondrous gifts of God shall tell?
What ear the joys of paradise shall hear?
Triumphant o'er the gates of death and hell,
The just shall live amid the starry sphere," &c.
When the bishop had said much more to this effect, with many tears
and much contrition, the brethren did as he ordered them; and
having folded up the body in some new cloth, and placed it in
a chest, laid it on the pavement of the sanctuary.
MEANWHILE, God's chosen servant, Bishop Eadbert, was seized by
an illness, which daily grew more and more violent, so that not
long after, that is, on the sixth of May, he also departed to
the Lord. It was an especial mercy granted to his earnest prayers,
that he left this life by a gradual, and not a sudden death. His
body was placed in the grave of the blessed father Cuthbert, and
upon it they placed the coffin in which the body of that saint
lay. And to this day miracles are there wrought if the faith of
those who seek them admit of it. Even the clothes which had covered
his blessed body, whether dead or alive, still possess a healing
LASTLY, there came from foreign parts a certain priest of the
reverend and holy Wilbrord Clement, bishop of the Fresons, who,
whilst he was stopping at the monastery, fell into a severe illness,
which lasted so long, that his life was despaired of. Overcome
with pain, he seemed unable either to live or die, until, thinking
on a happy plan, he said to his attendant, "Lead me, I beg
of you, to-day after mass," (for it was Sunday,) "to
the body of the holy man of God, to pray: I hope his intercession
may save me from these torments, so that I may either return whole
to this life, or die, and go to that which is everlasting."
His attendant did as he had asked him, and with much trouble led
him, leaning on a staff, into the church. He there bent his knees
at the tomb of the holy father, and, with his head stooping towards
the ground, prayed for his recovery; when, suddenly, he felt in
all his limbs such an accession of strength from the incorruptible
body of the saint, that he rose up from prayer without trouble,
and returned to the guests' chamber with out the assistance of
the conductor who had led him, or the staff on which he had leaned.
A few days afterwards he proceeded in perfect health upon his
intended journey.
THERE was a young man in a monastery not far off, who had lost
the use of all his limbs by a weakness which the Greeks call paralysis.
His abbot, knowing that there were skilful physicians in the monastery
of Lindisfarne, sent him thither with a request that, if possible,
he might be healed. The brethren, at the instance of their own
abbot and bishop also, attended to him with the utmost care, and
used all their skill in medicine, but without effect, for the
malady increased daily, insomuch that, save his mouth, he could
hardly move a single limb. Being thus given over by all worldly
physicians, he had recourse to Him who is in heaven, who, when
He is sought out in truth, is kind towards all our iniquities,
and heals all our sicknesses. The poor man begged of his attendant
to bring him something which had come from the incorruptible body
of the holy man; for he believed that by means thereof he might,
with the blessing of God, return to health. The attendant, having
first consulted the abbot, brought the shoes which the man of
God had worn in the tomb, and having stripped the poor man's feet
naked, put them upon him; for it was in his feet that the palsy
had first attacked him. This he did at the beginning of the night,
when bedtime was drawing near. A deep sleep immediately came over
him; and as the stillness of night advanced, the man felt a palpitation
in his feet alternately, so that the attendants, who were awake
and looking on, perceived that the virtue of the holy man's relics
was be ginning to exert its power, and that the desired restoration
of health would ascend upwards from the feet. As soon as the monastery
bell struck the hour of midnight prayer, the invalid himself was
awakened by the sound and sat up. He found his nerves and the
joints of his limbs suddenly endowed with inward strength: his
pains were gone; and perceiving that he was cured, he arose, and
in a standing posture spent the whole time of the midnight or
matin song in thanksgiving to God. In the morning he went to the
cathedral, and in the sight of all the congratulating brethren
he went round all the sacred places, offering up prayers and the
sacrifice of praise to his Saviour. Thus it came to pass, that,
by a most wonderful vicissitude of . things, he, who had been
carried thither weak and borne upon a cart, returned home sound
in his own strength, and with all his limbs strengthened and confirmed.
Where fore it is profitable to bear in mind that this change was
the work of the right hand of the Most High, whose mighty miracles
never cease from the beginning of the world to show themselves
forth to mankind.
NOR do I think I ought to omit the heavenly miracle which the
Divine mercy showed by means of the ruins of the holy oratory,
in which the venerable father went through his solitary warfare
in the service of the Lord. Whether it was effected by the merits
of the same blessed father Cuthbert, or his successor Ethelwald,
a man equally devoted to the Lord, the Searcher of the heart knows
best. There is no reason why it may not be attributed to either
of the two, in conjunction with the faith of the most holy father
Felgeld; through whom and in whom the miraculous cure, which I
mention, was effected. He was the third person who became tenant
of the same place and its spiritual warfare, and, at present more
than seventy years old, is awaiting the end of this life, in expectation
of the heavenly one.
When, therefore, God's servant Cuthbert had been translated to
the heavenly kingdom, and Ethelwald had commenced his occupation
of the same island and monastery, after many years spent in conversation
with the monks, he gradually aspired to the rank of anchoritish
perfection. The walls of the aforesaid oratory, being composed
of planks somewhat careless]y put together, had become loose and
tottering by age, and, as the planks separated from one another,
an opening was afforded to the weather. The venerable man, whose
aim was rather the splendour of the heavenly than of an earthly
mansion, having taken hay, or clay, or whatever he could get,
had filled up the crevices, that he might not be disturbed from
the earnestness of his prayers by the daily violence of the winds
and storms. When Ethelwald entered and saw these contrivances,
he begged the brethren who came thither to give him a calf's skin,
and fastened it with nails in the corner, where himself and his
predecessor used to kneel or stand when they prayed, as a protection
against the storm.
Twelve years after, he also ascended to the joys of the heavenly
kingdom, and Felgeld became the third inhabitant of the place.
It then seemed good to the right reverend Eadfrid, bishop of the
church of Lindisfarne, to restore from its foundation the time-worn
oratory. This being done, many devout persons begged of Christ's
holy servant Felgeld to give them a small portion of the relics
of God's servant Cuthbert, or of Ethelwald his successor. He accordingly
determined to cut up the above-named calf's skin to pieces, and
give a portion to each. But he first experienced its influence
in his own person: for his face was much deformed by a swelling
and a red patch. The symptoms of this deformity had become manifest
long before to the monks, whilst he was dwelling among them. But
now that he was living alone, and bestowed less care on his person,
whilst he practised still greater rigidities, and, like a prisoner,
rarely enjoyed the sun or air, the malady increased, and his face
became one large red swelling. Fearing, therefore, lest he should
be obliged to abandon the solitary life and return to the monastery;
presuming in his faith, he trusted to heal himself by the aid
of those holy men whose house he dwelt in, and whose holy life
he sought to imitate. For he steeped a piece of the skin above
mentioned in water, and washed his face therewith; whereupon the
swelling was immediately healed, and the cicatrice disappeared.
This I was told, in the first instance, by a religious priest
of the monastery of Jarrow, who said that he well knew Felgeld's
face to have been in the deformed and diseased state which I have
described, and that he saw it and felt it with his hand through
the window after it was cured. Felgeld after wards told me the
same thing, confirming the report of the priest, and asserting
that his face was ever afterwards free from the blemish during
the many years that he passed in that place. This he ascribed
to the agency of the Almighty Grace, which both in this world
heals many, and in the world to come will heal all the maladies
of our minds and bodies, and, satisfying our desires after good
things, crown us for ever with its mercy and compassion, AMEN.
Bede, Life and Miracles of St. Cuthbert, in a volume entitled Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation,. trans. J.A.
Giles, Everyman's Library 479,(London: J.M. Dent; New York: E.P.
Dutton, 1910), 286-349
See also
Battiscombe, C.F. ed., The Relics of St. Cuthbert, (Oxford:
Colgrave. B. ed., Two Lives of St. Cuthbert, (Cambridge:
Crux, Joan Carroll, The Incorruptibles: A Study of the Incorruption
of Bodies of Various Catholic Saints and Beati, (Rockford
IL: Tan, 1977)
Webb. J.F., trans., The Age of Bede, Intro. By D. H. Farmer
(London: Penguin, 1965, rev. 1988) - inlcudes Bede: Life of Cuthbert,
Eddius Stephanus: Life of Wilfrid: Bede: Lives of the Abbots of
Wearmouth and Jarrow (trans. D.H. Farmer):, and the Voyage of
St. Brendan.
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© Paul Halsall June 1997
[email protected]
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