Huneberc of Heidenheim: The Hodoeporican of St. Willibald, 8th Century
[Talbot Introduction]
The authoress of the following life remained anonymous for a long time until B.
Bischoff discovered the interpretation of a cryptogram inserted in an early manuscript
between the biographies of the two brothers Willibald and Wynnebald. It then appeared that
her name was Huneberc, an AngloSaxon nun of Heidenheim. She had evidently taken down the
description of Willibald's travels from his own mouth, when, as Bishop of Eichstatt, he
related his experiences to his brethren. The changes in the narrative from " he
" to " we " seem to point to interruptions in the story, as if the bell for
Compline or some other monastic duty had intervened to break the continuiy. The style is
unpolished, full of digressions and marred by the piling up of adjectives to emphasize her
mean;cng, but between the lines one can sense her intense curiosity to discover all about
the places Willibald had visited. The repetitions and amplifications are obviously due to
the questions put to him whilst the narrative was being told.
Willibald was first and foremost a pilgrim, and we must not expect to find in his
narrative the notes of a scientific observer. He tells us litde about a great number of
things we should like to know, such for instance as the character of the people, the
conditions of the country and the state of the towns he passed through. The value of the Hodoeporicon lies in its being the only narrative extant of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the eighth
century, thus forming a bridge between the works of Arculfus (670) and Bernardus Monachus
(865). His notices of the Holy Places at Jerusalem, however, are of the highest interest,
and some of them are of great archaeological value. Among these, special attention may be
called to his references to the Church of Calvary with its three memorial crosses outside
its eastern wall; his statement that the stone in front of the sepulchre was only a copy
of the one which the angel rolled away; his allusion to the column that marked the spot
where, tradition said, the Jews had tried to carry off the body of our Lady; and his
placing of the Church of Sion in the middle of Jerusalem.
Sources: The Hodoeporicon first appeared in Dom
Mabillon's Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, vol. iii, 2, pp. 367 seq. The
best edition is that of Holder-Egger in Mommenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores, vol.
xv, I, pp. 8o-iI7. An English translation was made by Canon W. R. Brownlow for the Palestine
Pilg7ims Text Society (London, 1895).
[Thomas Head's alternate translation of the
preface is also online]
[153] To the venerable priests, deacons, abbots and brethren beloved in Christ, whom
our holy bishop, as a good leader and tender father, has appointed throughout his diocese
to be priests, chaste levites, monks and novices, to all these who live under religious
observance, I, an unworthy sister of Saxon origin, last and least in life and manners,
venture to write for the sake of posterity and present to you who are religious and
preachers of the Gospel a brief account of the early life of the venerable Willibald.
Although I lack the necessary experience and knowledge because I am but a weak woman, yet
I would like, as far as lies in my power, to gather together a kind of nosegay of his
virtues and give you something by which you may remember them. And here I repeat that I am
not urged on through presumption to attempt a task for which I am so ill fitted. It is
your authority and kindness and God's grace which has prompted me to describe the scenes
where the marvels of the Incarnate Word were enacted, for Willibald visited and saw these
places with his own eyes and trod with his feet in the footsteps of Him who was born into
this world, suffered and rose again for our sake. Of all these places Willibald has given
us a faithful description. For this reason, it did not seem right to allow these things to
pass into oblivion, nor to be silent about the things God has shown to His servant in
these our days. We heard them from his own lips in the presence of two deacons who will
vouch for their truth: it was on the 20th of June, the day before the summer solstice.
I know that it may seem very bold on my part to write this book when there are so many
holy priests capable of doing beter, but as a humble relative I would like to record
something of their deeds and travels for future ages. [154] In the hope, then, that you
will excuse me and kindly grant me your indulgence, relying also on the grace of God, I
present to you this narrative, traced in letters of ink and dedicated to the glory of God,
the Giver of all good.
* * *
First of all, I will tell of the early life of the venerable high priest of God,
Willibald: how he submitted to the discipline of monastic life, how he followed the
examples of the saints and how he imitated and observed their way of life. Then I will
speak of his early manhood, the time of his maturity and of his old age, even till he
became decrepit, combining and putting into order the few facts that there are and weaving
them into a continuous narrative.
When he was a baby in the cradle, a lovable little creature, he was cherished fondly by
those who nursed him, especially by his parents, who lavished their affection on him and
brought him up with great solicitude until he reached the age of three. At that age, when
his limbs were still weak and delicate, he was suddenly attacked by a severe illness: the
contraction of his limbs made it impossible for him to breathe and threatened to end his
life. When his father and mother saw that he was at the doors of death they were full of
fear and grief, and their suspense grew as they saw him, gripped by the disease, hovering
between life and death. It seemed that the child, whom they had hoped would be their
survivor and heir, would soon be carried to an untimely grave. But God Almighty, Creator
of heaven and earth, did not intend that His servant should be released from the prison of
his body and depart unknown to the rest of the world, for he was destined to preach the
Gospel to the ends of the earth and to bring a multitude of neophytes to the faith of
But let us return to the early infancy of the blessed man. When his parents, in great
anxiety of mind, were still uncertain about the fate of their son, they took him and
offered him up before the holy Cross of our Lord and Saviour. And this they did, not in
[155] the church but at the foot of the Cross, for on the estates of the nobles and good
men of the Saxon race it is a custom to have a cross, which is dedicated to our Lord and
held in great reverence, erected on some prominent spot for the convenience of those who
wish to pray daily before it. There before the cross they laid him. Then they began
earnestly to implore God, the Maker of all things, to bring them consolation and to save
their son's life. And in their prayers they made a solemn promise that in return for the
health of their child they would at once have him tonsured as the first step to Sacred
Orders and would dedicate him to the senice of Christ under the discipline of monastic
No sooner had they made these vows than they put their words into deeds. They enlisted
their son in the senice of the heavenly King; their favour was granted by the Lord, and
the former health of the child was restored.
When this remarkable boy had reached the age of five he began to show the first signs
of spiritual understanding. His parents hastened to carry out the promises they had made,
and as soon as they had taken council with their noble friends and kinsfolk they lost no
time in instructing him in the sacred obligations of monastic life. Without delay they
entrusted him to the care of Theodred, a man both venerable and trustworthy, and begged
him to be responsible for taking the child to the monastery, where he should make suitable
arrangements and dispositions on his behalf. So they set out and took him to the monastery
which is called Waldheim [Bishops Waltham]. There they handed him over to the venerable
Abbot Egwald, offering him as a novice, because of his age, to be obedient in all things.
In accordance with the rules of monastic life the abbot immediately laid the case before
the community and asked them if they would advise and allow this to be done. The response
of the monks was immediate, and by their unanimous consent he was accepted and received by
them into the community to share in their life.
Afterwards this boy of unassuming manners was initiated and perfectly trained in sacred
studies. He gave careful and assiduous attention to the learning of the psalms and applied
his mind to the examination of the other books of Holy Writ. Young though [156] he was in
age, he was advanced in wisdom, so that in him through the divine mercy the words of the
prophet were fulfilled: " Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast
perfected praise." Then, as his age increased and his mental powers developed, and
more so as the growth of divine grace kept pace with his increasing strength and stature,
he devoted his energies to the pursuit of divine love. Long and earnest meditation filled
his days. Night and day he pondered anxiously on the means of monastic perfection and the
importance of community life, wondering how he might become a member of that chaste
fellowship and share in the joys of their common discipline.
Next he began to inquire how he could put these ideas into effect so that he could
despise and renounce the fleeting pleasures of this world and forsake not merely the
temporal riches of his earthly inheritance but also his country, parents and relatives. He
began also to devise means of setting out on pilgrimage and travelling to foreign
countries that were unknown to him. After some time had elapsed, when he had outgrown the
foolish pranks of childhood, the unsteadiness of youth and the disturbing period of
adolescence, through the ineffable dispensation of divine grace he came to manhood. By
that time he was greatly beloved by the community because of his obedience and his
meekness. All held him in the deepest affection and respect. By assiduous application to
his daily duties and continual attention to his studies he disciplined his mind with such
vigour and firmness that he made unbroken progress in the way of monastic perfection.
The young servant of Christ, as we have already mentioned, was eager to go on
pilgrimage and travel to distant foreign lands and find out all about them. When he had
decided to brave the perils of the pathless sea he went immediately to his father and
opened his heart to him, telling him the secrets he had concealed from others. He begged
him earnestly to advise him on the project and to give his permission; but not content
with that, he asked his father to go with him. He invited him to share in this hazardous
enterprise and to undertake this difficult mode of life, eager to detach him from the
pleasures of the world, from the delights of earth and from the false prosperity of
wealth. He [157] asked him to enter, with the help of God, into the divine service and to
enroll in the heavenly army, to abandon his native country and to accompany him as a
pilgrim to foreign parts. Using all his powers of persuasion, he coaxed him to join his
sons on a visit to the sacred shrine of St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles. At first his
father declined, excusing himself from the journey on the plea that he could not leave his
wife and small children. It would be cruel, and unchristian, he said, to deprive them of
his protection and to leave them at the mercy of others. Then the soldier of Christ
repeated his solernn exhortations and his long and urgent entreaties, beseeching him, now
with fearful threats of damnation, now with bland promises of eternal life, to consent,
softening his heart by describing the beauty of paradise and the sweetness of the love of
Christ. In this way, employing every means of persuasion and speaking to him heart to
heart, he strove to extort from him his agreement to the plan. At last, by the help of
Alrnighty God, his insistence prevailed. His father and his brother Wynnebald gave their
promise that they would embark on the enterprise he had in mind and in which he had
persuaded them to join.
Following this discussion, a certain time elapsed. At the change of the seasons,
towards the end of summer, his father and unmarried brother set out on the journey to
which they had agreed. At a suitable time in the surnmer they were ready and prepared.
Taking with them the necessary money for the journey and accompanied by a band of friends,
they came to a place, which was known by the ancient name of Hamblemouth, near the port of
Hamwih. Shortly afterwards they embarked on a ship. When the captain of the swiftsailing
ship had taken their fares, they sailed, with the west wind blowing and a high sea
running, amidst the shouting of sailors and the creaking of oars. When they had braved the
dangers at sea and the perils of the mountainous waves, a swift course brought them with
full sails and following winds safely to dry land. At once they gave thanks and
disembarked, and, pitching their tents on the banks of the river Seine, they encamped near
the city which is called Rouen, where there is a market.
[158] For some days they rested there and then continued their journey, visiting the
shrines of the saints that were on their way and praying there. And so going by degrees
from place to place they came to Gorthonicum. [1] Pursuing their journey, they came to
Lucca. Hitherto Willibald and Wynnebald had taken their father along with them on their
journey. But at Lucca he was struck down almost at once by a severe bodily sickness and
after a few days it seemed that his end was near. As the sickness increased, his weary
limbs grew cold and stiff, and in this way he breathed his last. As soon as the two
brothers saw that their father was dead they wrapped his body in a flne shroud and with
filial piety buried it in the Church of Saint Frigidian at Lucca, where it still rests.[2]
Immediately afterwards they set out on their way, going steadily on foot through the vast
land of Italy, through the deep valleys, over the craggy mountains, across the level
plains, climbing upwards towards the peaks of the Apennines. And after they had gazed on
the peaks covered with snow and wreathed in banks of cloud, with the help of God and the
support of His saints they passed safely through the ambushes of the fierce and arrogant
soldiery [3] and came with all their relatives and company to the shrine of St. Peter,
Prince of the Apostles. There they besought his protection and gave many thanks to God,
because they had escaped unscathed from the grievous perils of the sea and the manifold
difficulties of travel in a foreign land, and been accounted worthy to climb the Scala
Santa and reach the famous basilica of St. Peter.
[1] Possibly Dertonicum or the neighbourhood of the chief town in Liguria,
called Chortina m the ancient Life of Charlemagne.
[2] In 721 the Saracen conquerors of Spain had been defeated by Duke Eudes
beneath the walls of Toulouse. Liudprand, King of the Lombards, held armed possession of
the greater part of Italy, while the Exarchs of Ravenna represented the tyranny of the
Eastern Empire, ruled at that time by Leo, the Isaurian. The reigning Pope was Grezory II.
[3] On the legend created by Reginald of Eichstatt about St. Richard, the
father BfolWI inlldbald, seue M. Coens, Legende et Miracles du Roi S. Richard", Analecta
The two brothers remained there from the feast of St. Martin until Easter of the
following year. During that time, whilst the cold and bare winter was passing and spring
with its flowers was beginning to appear and Eastertide was shedding its sunny [159]
radiance over the whole earth, the two brothers had been leading a life of monastic
discipline under the prescriptions of the Holy Rule. Then with the passing of the days and
the increasing heat of the summer, which is usually a sign of future fever, they were
struck down with sickness. They found it difficult to breathe, fever set in, and at one
moment they were shivering with cold, the next burning with heat. They had caught the
black plague. So great a hold had it got on them that, scarcely able to move, worn out
with fever and almost at the point of death, the breath of life had practically left their
bodies. But God in His neverfailing providence and fatherly love deigned to listen to
their prayers and come to their aid, so that each of them rested in turn for one week
whilst they attended to each other's needs. In spite of this, they never failed to obsene
the normal monastic Rule as far as their bodily weakness would allow; they persevered all
the more zealously in their study and sacred reading, following the words of Truth, who
said: "He who perseveres unto the end shall be saved."
After this celebrated bearer of Christ's Cross had continued to pursue the life of
perfection with great steadfastness of mind and inward contemplation, he grew more eager
to follow a stricter mode of life. A more austere and rigorous obsenance of the monastic
Rule, not an easier one, was what he most desired. He longed to go on pilgrimage to a more
remote and less wellknown place than the one in which he was now staying. So, energetic as
ever, he sought the advice of his friends and asked permission from his kinsmen to go. He
begged them to follow him on his wanderings with their prayers, so that throughout the
course of his journey their prayers would keep him from harm and enable him reach the city
of Jerusalem and gaze upon its pleasant and hallowed walls.
So after the solemnities of Easter Sunday were over this restless battler set off on
his journey with two companions. On their way they came to a town east of Terracina
[Fondi] and stayed there two days. Then, leaving it behind, they reached Gaeta, which
stands at the edge of the sea. At this point they went on board a ship and crossed over
the sea to Naples, where they left the ship [160] in which they had sailed and stayed for
two weeks. These citieS belong to the Romans: they are in the territory of Benevento, but
owe allegiance to the Romans. And at once, as is usual when the mercy of God is at work,
their fondest hopes were fulfilled, for they chanced upon a ship that had come from Egypt,
so they embarked on it and set sail for a town called Reggio in Calabria. At this place
they stayed two days; then they departed and betook themselves to the island of Sicily,
that is to say, to Catania, where the body of St. Agatha, the virgin, rests. Mount Etna is
there Whenever the volcanic fire erupts there and begins to spread and threaten the whole
region the people of the city take the body of St. Agatha and place it in front of the
oncoming fiames and they stop immediately. [l] They stayed there three weeks. Thence they
sailed for Syracuse, a city in the same country. Sailing from Syracuse, they crossed the
Adriatic and reached the city of Monembasia,[2] in the land of Slavinia, and from there
they sailed to Chios, leaving Corinth on the port side. Sailing on from there, they passed
Samos and sped on towards Asia, to the city of Ephesus, which stands about a mile from the
sea. Then they went on foot to the spot where the Seven Sleepers lie at rest.[3] From
there they walked to the tomb of St. John, the Evangelist, which is situated in a
beautiful spot near Ephesus, and thence two miles farther on along the sea coast to a
great city called Phygela, where they stayed a day. At this place they begged some bread
and went to a fountain in the middle of the city, and, sitting on the edge of it, they
dipped their bread in the water and so ate. They pursued their journey on foot along the
sea shore to the town of Hierapolis, which stands on a high mountain; and thence they went
to a place called Patara, where they remained until the bitter and icy winter had passed.
Afterwards they sailed from
[1] This is reported in her Acta to have taken place for the first time
in A.D 252, when the pagans took her veil. See Acta Sanctorum for 5 February.
[2] Monembasia is a small town near the south of Morea. The Slavonic Bulgarians
were allpowerful at Constantinople, where they had placed Leo III on the imperial
throne. It is not surprising, then, that Morea should have been occupied by them
[Halsall note: Talbot seems to overlook widespread Slavic settlement in the Morea -- i.e.
the Peloponnese -- at this period.]
[3] See Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum, 27 July. These seven martyrs
suffered under the Emperor Decius about A.D. 250. He stopped up the mouth of the cave
where they had taken refuge and so starved them to death. The names are: John,
Constantine, Maxuninian, Malchus, Martinian, Denys and Serapion.
[161] there and reached a city called Miletus,[l] which was formerly threatened with
destruction from the waters. At this place there were two solitaries living on "
stylites ", that is, colurnns built up and strengthened by a great stone wall of
immense height, to protect them from the water. Thence they crossed over by sea to Mount
Chelidonium and traversed the whole of it. At this point they suffered very much from
hunger, because the country was wild and desolate, and they grew so weak through lack of
food that they feared their last day had come. But the Almighty Shepherd of His people
deigned to provide food for His poor servants.
[1] If Miletus is meant, the pilgrims must have landed there before reaching
Patara. The only place between Patara and Chelidonia is a town, now a village, called
Myra, mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles xxvii. 27 in the Greek version. The Vulgate
calls it Lystra.
Sailing from there, they reached the island of Cyprus, which lies between the Greeks
and the Saracens, and went to the city of Pamphos, where they stayed three weeks. It was
then Eastertime, a year after their setting out. Thence they went to Constantia,[2] where
the body of St. Epiphanius rests, and they remained there until after the feast of St.
John the Baptist.
[2] Costanza near Famagosta, anciently called Salamis. St. Epiphanius was Bishop
of Salamis for thirtysix years and died in A.D. 403.
Once more they set saii and reached the town of Antarados,[3] which lies near the sea
in the territory of the Saracens. Then they went on foot for about nine or twelve miles to
a fort called Arche,[4] where they had a Greek bishop. There they sang a litany according
to the Greek rite.[5] Leaving this place, they set out on foot for the town named
Emesa,[6] about twelve miles distant, where there is a large church built by St. Helena in
honour of St. John the Baptist [7] and where his head was for a long time preserved. This
is in Syria now.
[3] Called Antaradus by the Greeks and Tortosa in the Middle Ages. The r uns of
a magnificent Gothic cathedral can still be seen. The modern name ps Tartus.
[4] Akkar on Jebel Akkar? It has a ruined Saracenic castle, but is quiet off the
road. The place corresponding to Willibald's description may be Husn el-Akrad, or the
Kurds' castle, which is fifteen miles from Antaradus.
[5] The Greek liturgy with its constant repetition of the Kyrie would
naturally strike the pilgrims as a litany, and this is the word they use here.
[6] The modern name is Homs, with extensive ruins dating from the first century.
It was captured by the Saracens [Halsall: i.e. Muslims] in A.D. 636.
[7] The church which is mentioned by Eusebius as among those built by the
Empress Helena; but he says ( Vita Constantini, iii, 47) that at the same time that
Helena was building churches in Jerusalem and Bethlehem Constantine was buildinz them
" in all the other provinces ".
[162] At that time there were seven companions with Willibald and he made the eighth.
Almost at once they were arrested by the pagan Saracens, and because they were strangers
and came without credentials they were taken prisoner and held as captives. They knew not
to which nation they belonged, and, thinking they were spies, they took them bound to a
certain rich old man to find out where they came from. The old man put questions to them
asking where they were from and on what errand they were employed. Then they told him
everything from the beginning and acquainted him with the reason for their journey. And
the old man said "I have often seen men coming from those parts of the world;
fellowcountrymen of theirs, they cause no mischief and are merely anxious to fulfil
their law." Then they left him and went to the court, to ask permission to pass over
to Jerusalem. But when they arrived there, the governor said at once that they were spies
and ordered them to be thrust into prison until such time as he should hear from the king
what was to be done with them. Whilst they were in prison they had an unexpected
experience of the wonderful dispensation of Almighty God, who mercifully deigns to protect
his servants everywhere, amidst weapons of war and tortures, barbarians, and soldiers,
prisons and bands of aggressors, preserving and shielding them from all harm. A man was
there, a merchant, who wished to redeem them and release them from captivity, so that they
should be free to continue their journey as they wished. He did this by way of alms and
for the salvation of his own soul. But he was unable to release them. Every day,
therefore, he sent them dinner and supper, and on Wednesday and Saturday he sent his son
to the prison and took them out for a bath and then took them back again. Every Sunday he
took them to church through the market place, so that if they saw anything on sale for
which they had a mind he could buy it for them and so give them pleasure. The citizens of
the town, who are inquisitive people, used to come regularly to look at them, because they
were young and handsome and clothed in beautiful garments. Then whilst they were still
languishing in prison a man from Spain came and spoke with them inside the prison itself
and made careful inquiries about their nationality and homeland. And they [163] told him
everything about their journey from first to last. This Spaniard had a brother at the
king's court, who was the chamberlain of the King of the Saracens. And when the governor
who had sent them to prison came to court, both the Spaniard who had spoken to them in
prison and the captain of the ship in which they had sailed from Cyprus came together in
the presence of the Saracens' king, whose name was EmiralMummenin. And when the
conversation turned on their case, the Spaniard told his brother all that he had learned
about them whilst speaking to them in the prison, and he asked his brother to pass this
information on to the king and to help them. So when, afterwards, all these three came to
the king and mentioned their case, telling him all the details from first to last, the
king asked whence they came; and they answered: "These men come from the West where
the sun sets; we know nothing of their country except that beyond it lies notbing but
water." Then the king asked them, saying: " Why should we punish them? They have
done us no harm. Allow them to depart and go on their way." The other prisoners who
were in captivity had to pay a fine of three measures of corn, but they were let off
With this permission they at once set out and travelled a hundred miles to Damascus, in
Syria, where the body of St. Ananias rests. They stayed there a week. About two miles
distant stands a church on the spot where St. Paul was first converted and where our Lord
said to him: " Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me ", etc. After praying in the
church, they went on foot to Galilee, to the place where Gabriel first came to our Lady
and said: " Hail Mary." There is a church there now, and the village where the
church is is called Nazareth. The Christians have often had to come to terms with the
pagan Saracens about tbis church, because they wished to destroy it. After commending
themselves to the Lord there, they set out on foot and came to the town of Chana [Halsall:
i.e. Cana], where our Lord changed water into wine. A vast church stands there, and in the
church one of the altars has on it one of the six water pots which our Lord ordered to be
filled with water and then changed into wine; from it they drank some wine. They stayed
for one day there. Departing thence, they reached Mount Thabor, [Halsall: i.e. Tabor]
[164] where our Lord was transfigured. At the moment there is a monastery of monks there,
and the church is dedicated to our Lord Moses and Elias, and the place is called by those
who live there Holy Mount. There they prayed.
Then they made for the town called Tiberias. It stands at the edge of the sea on which
our Lord walked dryshod and where Peter sank when walking on the waters towards Him.
Many churches and synagogues of the Jews are built there, and great honour is paid to our
Lord. They remained there for several days. At that point the Jordan flows into the lake.
Thence they set off round the lake and went to the village of Magdalene and came to the
village of Capharnaum, where our Lord raised to life the ruler's daughter. Here there was
a house and a great wall, and the people said that Zebedee used to live there with his
sons John and James. Then they went to Bethsaida, the native place of Peter and Andrew. A
church now occupies the site where their home once stood. They passed the night there, and
on the following morning set off for Corazain, where our Lord cured the man possessed of
the devil and drove the demons into a herd of swine. A church stands there now.
After praying there, they departed and came to the spot where two fountains, Jor and
Dan, spring from the earth and then pour down the mountainside to form the river Jordan.
There, between the two fountains, they passed the night and the shepherds gave usl sour
miik to drink. At this spot there are wonderful herds of cattle, long in the back and
short in the leg, bearing enormous horns; they are all of one colour, dark red. Deep
marshes lie there, and in the surnmertime, when the great heat of the sun scorches the
earth, the herds betake themselves to the marshes and, plunging themselves up to their
necks in the water, leave only their heads showing.
[l] It will be noticed that the writer seerns to be reporting the very words of
Willibald as she introduces the pronoun us.
Departing thence, they came to Caesarea, where there was a church and a great number of
Christians. They rested there for a short time and set out for the monastery of St. John
the Baptist, where about twenty monks were living. They stayed the night [165] and then
went forward about a mile to the Jordan, where our Lord was baptized. At this spot there
is now a church built high up on columns of stone; beneath the church, however, the ground
is dry. On the very place where Christ was baptized and where they now baptize there
stands a little wooden cross: a little stream of water is led off and a rope is stretched
over the Jordan and tied at each end. Then on the Feast of the Epiphany the sick and
infirm come there and, holding on to the rope, plunge themselves in the water. Barren
women also come there. Our Bishop Willibald bathed himself there in the Jordan. They
passed the day there and then departed.
Thence they came to Galgala, which is about five miles away. In the church there, which
is small and made of wood, there are twelve stones. These are the twelve stones which the
children of Israel took from the Jordan and carried more than five miles to Galgala and
set up as witnesses of their passage. After saying prayers there, they went on towards
Jericho, which is more than seven miles distant from the Jordan. The fountain which
bubbled up there on the brow of the hill was barren and quite useless to man before the
prophet Eliseus came and blessed it and made it flow. Afterwards the people of the city
drew it off into their fields and gardens and other places that needed it, and now
wherever this fountain flows, the crops inaease and promote health, all by reason of the
blessing given by Eliseus the prophet. They went on from there to the monastery of St.
Eustochium, which stands in the middle of the plain between Jericho and Jerusalem.
Then they came to Jerusalem, to the very spot where the holy cross of our Lord was
found. On the site of the place called Calvary now stands a church. Formerly this was
outside Jerusalem, but when Helena discovered the cross she placed the spot within the
walls of Jerusalem. There now stand three crosses outside the church near the wall of the
eastern end, as a memorial to the cross of our Lord and those who were crucified with Him.
At present they are not inside the church, but outside beneath a pent roof. Nearby is the
garden in which the tomb of our Saviour was placed. This tomb was cut from the rock and
the rock stands above ground: it is squared at the bottom and tapers towards a point at
the top.
[166] On the highest point of it stands a cross, and a wonderful house has been
constructed over it. At the eastern end a door has been cut in the rock of the sepulchre,
through which people can enter into the tomb to pray. Inside there is the slab on which
the body of our Lord lay, and on this slab flfteen lamps of gold burn day and night; it is
situated on the north side of the interior of the tomb and lies at one's right hand as one
enters the tomb to pray. In front of the door of the sepulchre lies a great square stone,
a replica of that first stone which the angel rolled away from the mouth of the sepulchre.
On the Feast of St. Martin our bishop came there, and as soon as he reached the spot he
began to feel sick and was confined to his bed until a week before Christmas. Then when he
recovered and began to feel a little better he got up and went to the church called Holy
Sion, which stands in the centre of Jerusalem. He prayed there and then went to Solomon's
Porch, where there is a pool at which the sick used to lie waiting for the angel to move
the waters, after which the first who went down into them was cured: this is where our
Lord said to the paralytic: "Arise, take up thy bed and walk."
Willibald himself said that in front of the gate of the city stood a tall pillar, on
top of which rose a cross, as a sign and memorial of the place where the Jews attempted to
take away the body of our Lady. For when the eleven Apostles were bearing the body of Holy
Mary away from Jerusalem the Jews tried to snatch it away as soon as they reached the gate
of the city. But as soon as they stretched out their hands towards the bier and
endeavoured to take her their arms became fixed, stuck as it were to the bier, and they
were unable to move until, by the grace of God and the prayers of the Apostles, they were
released, and then they let them go. Our Lady passed from this world in that very spot in
the centre of Jerusalem which is called Holy Sion. And then the eleven Apostles bore her,
as I have already said, and finally the angels came and took her away from the hands of
the Apostles and carried her to paradise.
Bishop Willibald came down from the mount and went to the valley of Josaphat: it is
situated to the east of the city of Jerusalem. [167] In the valley there is a church of
our Lady andl the church is her tomb (not that her body lies at rest there, but as a
memorial to her). After praying there, he climbed Mount Olivet,which is near to the valley
at its eastern end-the valley lies betveen Jerusalem and Alount Olivet. On Mount Olivet
there is now a church on the spot where our Lord prayed before His passon and said to his
Disciples: " Watch and pray that ye enter nct into temptation." Then he came to
the very hill whence our lord ascended into heaven. In the centre of the church is a
bsautiful candlestick sculptured in bronze: it is square and stands ia the middle of the
church where our Lord ascended into heavel In thle middle of the bronze candlestick is a
square vessel of glass, and in the glass is a small lamp, and round about the lamp, c]osed
on all sides, is the glass. The reason why it is closed on all sides is that the lamp may
burn both in good weather and bad. The church has no roof and is open to the sky, and two
pillars stad there inside the church, one against the northern wall, theother against the
southern wall. They are placed there in remembrance of the two men who said: "Men of
Galilee, why standye looking up into heaven?" Any man who can squeeze his body
b\etween the pillars and the wall is freed from his sins.
Then he came to the place where the angel appeared to the shepherds and said: "I
announce to you tidigs of great joy." Thence he came to Bethlehem, where our
Lord was born, about six miles distant from Jerusalem. The place where our Lord was born
was formerly a cave underneath the glound and is now a square chamber cut out of the rock;
the earth has been dug away on all sides and thrown aside, and now the church has been
built above it. There our Lord was born. An altar has been raised above it also, but
another small [portable] altar has been made, so that when they wish to celebrate Mass
within thecave they can take up the small altar whilst Mass is being saidad afterwards can
take it out again. The church which stands over the spot where our Lord was born is built
in the form of a cross, a house of great beauty.
After praying there, they departed and care to a large town called Thecua: this is the
place where the Holy Innocents were [168] slaughtered by Herod. A church stands
there now. In it rests the body of one of the prophets. Then they came to the Laura
[Halsall" i.e. monastery] in the valley: it is a great monastery and there resides
the abbot and the doorkeeper who keeps the keys of the church. Many are the monks who
belong to that monastery, and they dwell Scattered round the valley on the summits of the
hills where they have little cells cut out for them from the stony rock of the hills. The
mountain surrounds the valley in which the monastery is built: there lies the body of St.
Saba. [l]
[1] St. Saba founded the monastery in A.D. 483 and was made by the Patriarch of
Jerusalem archimandrite over all the monasteries of Palestine.
Thence they came to the spot where Philip baptized the eunuch A small church stands
there in the wide valley between Bethlehem and Gaza. From there they made towards Gaza,[2]
where there is a holy place, and after praying there they went to St. Mathias, where there
is a large temple to the Lord. And whilst solemn High Mass was being celebrated there, our
Bishop Willibald, standing and listening, lost his sight and was blind for two months.
Thence they went to St. Zacharias, the prophet, not the father of St. John the Baptist,
but the other prophet. Thence they went to the town of Hebron, where lie the bodies of the
three patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with their wives.
[2] The pilgrims seem to have gone back on their tracks. The ruins of the church
built by Constantine at Gaza may still be seen.
Then he returned to Jerusalem, and, going into the church where the holy Cross of
Christ was found, his eyes were opened and he received his sight. He stayed there for a
little while and then set out for a place called Lydda, to the Church of St. George,[3]
which lies about ten miles distant from Jerusalem. Thence he came to another village Joppa
, where stands a church to St. Peter, the Apostle: this was where St. Peter raised up the
widow Dorcas to life. He prayed there and set out once more and came [169] to the Adriatic
sea at a great distance from Jerusalem, to the cities of Tyre and Sidon. These two cities
are six miles apart and stand on the edge of the sea. Thence he went to Tripoli on the
seashore, and crossed over Mount Libanus to Damascus. From there he went to Caesarea and
back once more, for the third time, to Jerusalem, where he spent the whole winter.
[3] The remains of the church of St. George, who was said to have been born
there, are still to be seen: they have been restored as a Greek Church. Arculf gives the
first account of St. George known to have been circulated in Britain. It is worthy of
notice that the north of England where his narrative was well known, had a great devotion
to St. George, a piace being assigned to him in the AngloSaxon ritual of Durham, which
is probably of the early ninth century. A "Passilon of St. George " was written
by Aelfric, Archbishop of York, A.D. 102151. Arculf describes the marble column to which
St. George was bound whilst being scourged.
He then travelled over three hundred miles to the town of Emesa in Syria, and thence he
came to Salamias[1] which is on the farther borders of Syria. He spent the whole season of
Lent there because he was ill and unable to travel. His companions, who were in his party,
went forward to the King of the Saracens, named Murmumni, to ask him to give them a leter
of safe conduct, but they could not meet him because he himself had withdrawn from that
region on account of the sickness and pestilence that infested the country. And when they
could not find the king they returned and stayed together in Salamias until a week before
Easter. Then they came again to Emesa and asked the governor there to give them a letter
of safe conduct, and he gave them a letter for every two persons. They could not travel
there in company but only two by two, because in this way it was easier for them to
provide food for themselves. Then they came to Damascus.
[1] Now Salfimebeh. {?}
From Damascus they came for the fourth time to Jerusalem, and after spending some time
there they went to the town of Sebaste, which was formerly called Samaria; but after it
was destroyed they built another town there and called it Sebaste. At the present time the
bodies of St. John the Baptist, Abdias and Eliseus the prophet rest there. Near the town
is the well where our Lord asked the Samaritan woman to give Him water to drink. Over that
well there now stands a church, and there is the Mount on which the Samaritans worshipped
and of which the woman said to our Lord: " Our forbears worshipped on this mount, but
Thou sayest that Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." Then, after
praying there, they passed through the country of the Samaritans to a large town on the
far borders of their land and spent one night there.
[170] Then they travelled across a wide plain covered with Olive trees, and with them
travelled an Ethiopian and his two camels, who led a woman on a mule through the woods.
And as they went on their way, a lion with gaping jaws came out upon them growling and
roaring, ready to seize and devour them; it terrified them greatly. But the Ethiopian
said: "Have no fear-let us go forward." So without hesitation they proceeded on
their way and as they approached the lion it turned aside and, through the help of
Almighty God, left the way open for them to continue their journey. And they said that a
short time after they had left that place they heard the same lion roaring, as if in his
fury he would devour many of the men who went there to gather olives. When they came to
the town which is called Ptolomaeis, which stands by the edge of the sea, they continued
their journey and reached the summit of Libanus, where that mountain juts out into the sea
and forms a promontory. There stands the tower of Libanus. Anyone who lands there without
having a safe conduct cannot pass through the place because it is guarded and closed; and
if anyone comes without a pass the citizens arrest him immediately and send him back to
Tyre. The mount is between Tyre and Ptolomaeis. Then the bishop came to Tyre for the
second time.
When Bishop Willibald was in Jerusalem on the previous occasion he bought himself some
balsam and filled a calabash with it; then he took a hollow reed which had a bottom to it
and filled it with petroleum and put it inside the calabash. Afterwards he cut the reed
equal in length to the calabash so that the surfaces of both were even and then closed the
mouth of the calabash. When they reached the city of Tyre the citizens arrested them, put
them in chains and examined all their baggage to find out if they had hidden any
contraband. If they had found anything they would certainly have punished them and put
them to death. But when they had thoroughly scrutinized everything and could find nothing
but one calabash which Willibald had, they opened it and snuffed at it to find out what
was inside. And when they smelt petroleum, which was inside the reed at the top, they did
not flnd the balsam which was inside the calabash underneath the petroleum, and so let
them go.
[171] They were there for a long time waiting for a ship to get ready. Afterwards they
sailed during the whole of the winter, from the feast of St. Andrew [30 November] until a
week before Easter. Then they landed at the city of Constantinople, where the bodies of
three saints, Andrew, Timothy and Luke the Evangelist, lie beneath one altar, whilst the
body of St. John Chrysostom lies before another. His tomb is there where, as a priest, he
stood to celebrate Mass. Our bishop stayed there for two years and had an alcove in the
church so that every day he could sit and gaze upon the place where the saints lay at
rest. Thence he went to Nicea, where formerly the Emperor Constantine held a council at
which three hundred and eighteen bishops were present, all taking an active part. The
church there resembles the one at Mount Olivet, where our Lord ascended into heaven; and
in the church are all the portraits of the bishops who took part in the Council. Willibald
went there from Constantinople to see how the church was built, and then returned by water
to Constantinople.
After two years they set sail from there with the envoys of the Pope and the Emperor[1]
and went to the city of Syracuse in the island of Sicily. Thence they came to Catania and
then to Reggio, a city of Calabria. They embarked again for Volcano, where the Hell of
Theodoric is. [2] When they arrived there they disembarked to see what this inferno was
like. Willibald, who was inquisitive and eager to see without delay what this Hell was
like inside, wanted to climb to the top of the mountain underneath which the crater lay:
but he was unable to do so because the ashes of black tartar, which had risen to the edge
of the crater, lay there in heaps: and like the snow which, when it drops from heaven with
its falling masses of flakes, heaps them up into mounds, the ashes lay piled in heaps on
the top of the mountain and prevented Willibald from going any farther. All the same, he
saw the black and [172] terrible and fearful flame belching forth from the crater with a
noise like rolling thunder: he gazed with awe on the enormous flames, and the mountainous
clouds of smoke rising from below into the sky. And that pumice stone which writers speak
of he saw issuing from the crater, thrown out with flames and cast irlto the sea, then
washed up again on the seashore by the tide, where men were collecting it and carting it
away. After they had satisfied their curiosity with the sight of the fearsome and terrible
burnirlg fire, its fumes, its stinking smoke and its shooting flames, they weighed anchor
and sailed to the church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle [at Lipari], which stands on the
seashore, and they came to the mountains which are called Didyme, and after praying there
they spent one night. Embarking once more, they came to a city called Naples and remained
there several days. It is the seat of an archbishop whose dignity is great there. Not far
away is the small town of Lucullanum, where the body of St. Severinus is preserved. Then
he came to the city of Capua, and the archbishop there sent him to the bishop of another
town; that bishop sent hiln to the Bishop of Teano, and he in turn sent him to St.
Benedict's [at Monte Cassino]. It was autumn when he reached Monte Cassino, and it was
seven years since he first began his journey from Rome and ten years in all since he had
left his native country.
[1] The return of the legates to Rome was occasioned by the excommurucation clf
Leo the Isaurian in 728, who had threatened Pope Gregorv II.
[2] See the Dialogues of Gregory the Great, iv. c. 30. Theodoric was
supposed to have been cast into hell for having imprisoned and caused the death of Pope
lohn V and for having killed Symmachus, the Senator. Arculf's narrative, Vvritten by
Adamnan, also describes the volcano. This island, the ancient I liera, known as Volcani
Insula from its volcanic phenomena, is the southernnost of the Lipari islands. It lies
twelve miles from Sicily.
And when the venerable man Willibald and Tidbercht, who had travelled everywhere with
him, came to St. Benedict's, they found only a few monks there under Abbot Petronax.
Without delay he joined the community, for which he was so well fitted both by his great
selfdiscipline and his natural aptitude for obedience. He learned much from their
careful teaching, but he in turn taught them more by his outward bearing; he showed them
not so much by words as by the beauty of his character what was the real spirit oftheir
institute; and by proving himselfto be a model of monastic virtue he compelled the
admiration, love and respect of all.
In the first year that he spent there he was sacristan of the church, in the second a
dean of the monastery, and for eight years afterwards he was porter in two monasteries,
four years as porter in the monastery which is perched on a very high hill, and four years
more in the other monastery which stands lower down near [173] the river Rapido, about two
miles away. So for ten years the venerable man Willibald tried to observe, as far as
possible, every detail of the monastic observance as laid down by the Rule of St.
Benedict. And he not only observed it himself but led the others, whom he had brought over
long distances by foot and by sea, to follow him in the traditional path of regular life.
After this, a priest who came from Spain to St. Benedict's and stayed there asked
permission of Abbot Petronax to go to Rome. When the permission was asked Petronax without
hesitation begged Willibald to accompany him and take him to St. Peter's. He gave his
consent at once and promised to fulfil the mission. So they set out, and when they came to
Rome and entered the basilica of St. Peter they asked the protection of the heavenly
keeper of the keys and commended themselves to his kindly patronage. Then the sacred
Pontiff of the Apostolic See, Gregory III, hearing that the venerable man Willibald was
there, sent for him to come into his presence. And when he came to the Supreme Pontiff he
fell down at once on his face to the ground and greeted him. And immediately that pious
Shepherd of the People began to question him about the details of his journey and asked
him earnestly how he had spent seven years travelling to the ends of the earth and how he
had contrived to escape for so long a time the wickedness of the pagans.
Then the active servant of Christ humbly recounted to the glorious Ruler of the People
all the details of his travels as they occurred. He told him how he had passed from place
to place, how he had visited Bethlehem and prayed in the birthplace of his heavenly
Creator, how he had seen where Christ was baptized in the river Jordan and had himself
bathed there. He described his four visits to Jerusalem and Holy Sion, where our Holy
Saviour had hung on the cross, was killed and buried and then ascended into heaven from
Mount Olivet. All these things he told him and described.
After they had discussed these matters during a pleasant and intimate conversation, the
sacred and holy Pontiff intimated to Willibald in a serious and unmistakable tone that St.
Boniface had asked him to arrange for Willibald to leave St. Benedict's and [174] come to
him without delay in the country of the Franks. And after the Apostolic Lord, Pope Gregory
III, had made known to him the desires of St. Boniface, he tried to persuade him, now with
peaceable words of exhortation, now pleading, now commanding, to go to St. Boniface. Then
the illustrious athlete of God, Willibald, promised that he would carry into immediate
effect the request and command of the Pontiff provided he could ask permission, according
to the prescriptions of the Rule, from his abbot. The Supreme Pontiff, in whom is vested
the highest authority, at once replied that his command was sufficient permission, and he
ordered him to set out obediently without any qualm of conscience, saying: "If I am
free to transfer the abbot Petronax himself to any other place, then certainly he has no
permission or power to oppose my wishes." And so Willibald replied on the spot that
he would willingly carry out his wishes and commands, not only there but anywhere in the
world, whereever he had a mind to send him. He then pledged himself to go in accordance
with his wishes without any further delay. After this, the discussion being ended,
Willibald departed at Eastertime, reaching his journey's end on the Feast of St. Andrew.
Tidbercht, however, remained behind at St. Benedict's.
He went to Lucca, where his father was buried, and thence to the city of Pavia, from
there to Brescia and thence to a place which is called Garda. Then he came to Duke Odilo
and stayed a week with him, and thence to Suitgar, with whom he also stayed a week.
Suitgar and Willibald left there for Linthard, where St. Boniface was, and St. Boniface
sent them to Eichstatt to see how they li'ked the place. Suitgar handed over the territory
there to St. Boniface for the redemption of his soul, and St. Boniface passed it on to our
bishop Willibald. At that time it was all waste land-there was not a single house there
and the only building was the church of St. Mary, which still stands, smaller than the
other church which Willibald afterwards built on the site.
When Willibald and Suitgar had remained together at Eichstatt for some little time,
they explored and surveyed the ground and eventually chose a site suitable for a house.
After that they went to St. Boniface at Freising and stayed with him until all of them
[175] returned once more to Eichstatt. There St. Boniface ordained Willibald to the
priestly digmty. The day on which Willibald was ordained was 22 July, the Feast of St.
Apollinaris and St. Mary Magdalen.
After a whole year had passed, St. Boniface commanded him to come to him at once in
Thuringia. And the venerable man of God, Willibald, set off at once for Thuringia and
dwelt as a guest in the house of his brother St. Wynnebald, who had not seen him for the
past eight and a half years since he had parted from him in Rome. And they were glad to
see each other and congratulated each other on their meeting. It was then the season of
autumn when Willibald came to Thuringia.
Soon after he came there, the archbishop St. Boniface, Burchard and Wizo consecrated
him and invested him with the sacred authority of the episcopate. He remained there for a
week after he was consecrated bishop and then returned once more to the place which had
been allotted him. At the time of his consecration Willibald was fortyone years old; he
was consecrated at Salzburg in the autumn, about three weeks before the Feast of St.
The long course of Willibald's travels and sightseeing on which he had spent seven long
years was now over and gone. We have tried to set down and make known all the facts which
have been ascertained and thoroughly investigated. These facts were not learned from
anyone else but heard from Willibald himself; and having received them from his own lips,
we have taken them down and written them in the Monastery of Heidenheim, as his deacons
and other subordinates can testify. I say this so that no one may afterwards say that it
was an idle tale.
At the time that he came to the province from Rome with three of his fellowcountrymen
he was fortyone years old, already mature and middleaged; then he was consecrated
bishop. Afterwards he began to build a monastery in the place called Eichstatt, and he
shortly afterwards practised the monastic life there according to the obsenance which he
had seen at St. Benedict's [Monte Cassino], and not merely there, but also in many other
monastic houses, which he had examined with his experienced eye as he travelled through
various lands. This observance he taught [176] to others by the example of his own life.
With a few fellow labourers he tilled the wide and spacious fields for the divine seed
sowing and cultivating them until harvesttime. And so like a busy bee that flits through
the meadows, purple with violets, aromatic with scented herbs and through the tree
branches yellow with blossom, drinking the sweet nectar but avoiding bitter poison, and
returns to the hive bearing honey on its thighs and body, so the blessed man chose out the
best from all that he had seen abroad with his own eyes, adopted it, and, having adopted
it, submitted it to his disciples for acceptance, showing them good example by word and
deed, in zeal for observance, avoidance of evil, piety, forbearance and temperance.
Soon after the energetic champion of our good God had begun to dwell in the monastery
men flocked to him from all sides, not only from the neighbouring provinces but even from
distant countries, to hear his salutary teaching and wisdom. Willibald and Mother Church,
like a hen that cherishes her offspring beneath her wings, won over many adoptive sons to
the Lord, protecting them continually with the shield of his kindliness. These he trained
with gentleness and sympathy, detaching them from their imperfections until they reached
perfect maturity. These, having followed in the steps of their master and absorbed his
teaching, have now become famous for the training they give to others.
This, then, was Willibald, who at first began to practise a holy life with the support
of but a few helpers, but who at last, after struggling in many ways against the
opposition of numerous chieftains and courtiers, gained possession of a people worthy of
the Lord. Far and wide through the vast province of Bavaria he drove his plough, sowing
the seed and reaping the harvest with the help of many fellowlabourers. And all though
the land of Bavaria, now dotted about with churches, priests' houses and the relics of the
saints, he amassed treasures worthy of our Lord. From these places antiphons now resound,
sacred lessons are chanted, a noble throng of believers shout aloud the miracles of Christ
and with joyful hearts echo from mouth to mouth triumphant praises of their Creator.
[177] What shall I now say of Willibald, my master and your devoted brother? Who was
more outstanding than he in piety, more perfeu in humility? Who more forbearing in
patience, more strict S temperance, greater in meekness? When was he ever backward lo
consoling the downcast? Who was more eager to assist the poor ot more anxious to clothe
the naked? These things are said not for the sake of boasting but for the sake of
recounting what I have seen and heard, things done not by the power of man but by the gran
of God, in order that, according to the words of the Apostle: "He who glories may
glory in the Lord." Amen.
C. H. Talbot, The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany, Being the Lives of SS.
Willibrord, Boniface, Leoba and Lebuin together with the Hodoepericon of St.
Willibald and a selection from the correspondence of St. Boniface, (London and New
York: Sheed and Ward, 1954)
Page numbers are from the Talbot edition.
The copyright status of this text has been checked carefully. The situation is
complicated, but in sum is as follows. The book was published in 1954 by Sheed & Ward,
apparently simultaneously, in both London and New York. The American-printed edition
simply gave 'New York' as place of publication, the British-printed edition gave 'London
and New York'. Copyright was not renewed in 1982 or 1983, as required by US Law. The
recent GATT treaty (1995?) restored copyright to foreign publications which had entered US
public domain simply because copyright had not be renewed in accordance with US law. This
GATT provision does not seem to apply to this text because it was published simultaneously
in the US and Britain by a publisher operating in both countries (a situation specifically
addressed in the GATT regulations). Thus, while still under copyright protection in much
of the world, the text remains in the US public domain.
Some years ago, a collection of such hagiographical texts, including some texts from
Talbot, was published:-
Thomas F.X. Noble and Thomas Head, Soldiers of Christ: Saint and Saints' Lives from
Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State
University Press, 1995).
Soldiers of Christ uses, among others, the Talbot translated texts, but is much
improved by additional notes by the two editors, and by new translations of some parts.
Readers from outside the US should consult this volume, and readers in the US would find
it profitable to do so.
This text is part of the Internet
Medieval Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and
copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history.
Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright.
Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational
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permission is granted for commercial use.
© Paul Halsall, October 1, 2000
[email protected]
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