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Byzantine Paleography


The Bibliography is divided as follows:

A: General

Barrow, W. J. (William James), Manuscripts and Documents: their Deterioration and Restoration, 2d ed.(Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia, 1972)
Browning, Robert, Medieval and Modern Greek, 2nd ed. (Cambridge; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983)
Probably the best English language guide to Medieval Greek.
Byzantine Books and Bookmen. A Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium, 1971, (Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks, Center for Byzantine Studies, Trustees for Harvard University ; New York : distributed by J. J. Augustin, 1975)
Notes: "The papers published in this volume are substantially the same as those delivered at a Colloquium on Byzantine Books and Bookmen directed by Professors Ihor Sevcenko and Cyril Mango and held at Dumbarton Oaks in the spring of 1971."
Grumel, Venance, La chronologie, (Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1958), Series: Bibliotheque byzantine : traite d'etudes byzantines 1 (series. Ed. Paul Lemerle)
A handbook of useful chronological data - regnal dates of Roman emperors, Slavic, Muslim and Latin rules; dates of episcopal succession for a variety of sees; etc.
Hall, Frederick William, A Companion to Classical Texts, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), repr. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1968.; Chicago: 1970; Freeport, N.Y., Books for Libraries Press, 1972
22 facsimiles
Halton, Thomas P. and Stella O'Leary, Classical Scholarship: An Annotated bibliography (White Plains, N.Y. : Kraus International, c1986)
Kazhdan, Aleksandr P., Kniga i pisatel' v Vizantii, (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), Italian trans. La produzione intellettuale a Bisanzio : libri e scrittori in una societa colta, by Xenia Muratova and Mario De Nonno, introduction by Riccardo Maisano, (Naples: Liguori Editore, 1983)
McGuire, Martin Rawson Patrick, Introduction to Classical Scholarship, a Syllabus and Bibliographical guide. New and rev. ed., (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press,1961)
Reynolds, L. D. (Leighton Durham) and N.G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature, 3rd ed. (Oxford : Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1991)
Schubart, Wilhelm, Das buch bei den Griechen und Romern, 3. Aufl., hrsg. von Eberhard Paul., (Heidelberg : Lambert Schneider, 1962)

B: Greek Paleography - General

Barbour, Ruth, "Greek Paleography 8th to 16th Centuries. A.D.", in Encyclopeadia Britannica (1966), Vol 17:, 123-27
Useful summary with 24 short facsimiles.
Bataille, André, Pour une terminologie en paleographie grecque. (Paris, C. Klincksieck, 1954)
Blanchard, A., "Les orgines lointoines de la miniscule", in Colloque international sur la paleographie grecque et byzantine, (Paris: 1974), La paleographie grecque et byzantine : Paris, 21-25 octobre 1974 : [actes du Colloque international sur la paleographie grecque et byzantine / organise par Jean Glenisson et Jacques Bompaire et Jean Irigoin]. (Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1977), 167-173
Canart, Paul e Vittorio Peri, Sussidi bibliografici per i manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Vaticana, Studi e testi 261,(Vatican: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1970)
A bibliography.
Cavallo, Guglielmo, Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica, (Florence: Le Monnier, 1967),
115 plates.
Crisci, Edoardo, Scrivere greco fuori D'egitto: ricerche sui manoscritti greco-orientali di origine non egiziana dal IV secolo a.C. all'VII d.C, (Florence: Edizioni Gonnelli, 1996)
Dain, Alphonse, "L'Ecriture grecque due VIIIe siècle avant notre ère à la fin de la civilisation byzantine", in L'Ecriture et la psychologie des peuples, ed. M. Cohene, (Paris: 1963), 167-183
Dain, Alphonse, Les manuscrits, 3. ed. revue et augm. d'un index, (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1975 [first ed. 1949, 2d. ed. 1964])
A general overview of manuscripts as historical sources; their provenance; their preservation; the tools used to locate them and to read them; the history of their study.
Devreesse, Robert, Introduction a l'etude des manuscrits grecs. (Paris: Impr. nationale, Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1954, 1964)
17 plates
Devreesse, Robert, Les manuscrits grecs de l'Italie meridionale (histoire, classement, paléographie). (Vatican: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana,1955)
7 plates
Diller, Aubrey, Studies in Greek Manuscript Tradition, (Amsterdam : A. M. Hakkert, 1983)
Garcia, Antonio Bravo, La paleografia griega hoy, (Madrid: 1984)
Gardthausen, Viktor Emil, Griechische Palaeographie, (Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1879), 2. Aufl. (Leipzig, Veit & Comp., 1911-13) repr. 2. Aufl. Leipzig : Zentralantiquariat der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978. [See also Noack, Beate, Indices zu Viktor Gardthausen, Griechische Palaeographie, Leipzig 1911/1913, (Amsterdam : A.M. Hakkert, 1983)]
Usually considered a fundamental work.
Gardthausen, V. (Viktor), Das Buchwesen im Altertum und im byzantinischen Mittelalter, 2. Aufl. (Leipzig : Veit, 1911); ATLA fiche1987-1393.
Gardthausen, V. (Viktor), Die Schrift, Unterschriften und Chronologie im Altertum und im byzantinischen Mittelalter, 2. Aufl. (Leipzig: Viet,1913) ATLA fiche 1987-1394.
Gastoue, Amedee, Introduction a la paleographie musicale byzantine. Catalogue des manuscrits de musique byzantine de la Bibliotheque nationale de Paris et des bibliotheque publiques de France, (Paris, Impressions artistiques L. M. Fortin, 1907),
Harlfinger, Dieter,ed. Griechische Kodikologie und Textuberlieferung, (Darmstadt : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [Abt. Verl.], 1980)
De Gregorio, Giuseppe, Il copista greco Manouel Malaxos : studio biografico e paleografico-codicologico, (Vatican: Scuola vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica e archivistica, 1991)
Heller, John L.. ed., Serta Turyniana : Studies in Greek Literature and Palaeography in Honor of Alexander Turyn, (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1974)
Hunger, Herbert, Studien zur griechischen Palaographie, (Vienna: Bruder Hollinek, 1954)
Irigoin, Jean, "pour une étude des centres de copies byzantines", Scriptorium 12 (1958), 208-227; 13 (1959), 177-209
Montfaucon, Bernard de, 1655-1741. Palaeografia Graeca : sive, De ortu et progressu literarum Graecarum : et de variis omnium saeculorum scriptionis Graecas generibus : itemque de abbreviationibus & de notis variarum artium ac disciplinarum :... Parisiis: : apud Ludovicum Guerin, 1708. Repr. Westmead, Eng: Gregg, 1970; Farnborough: Gregg, 1970.
The original work on Greek paleography, and the first use of the word "paleography".
Metzger, Bruce Manning, Manuscripts of the Greek Bible : an Introduction to Greek Palaeography, (New York : Oxford University Press, 1981)
45 plates with descriptions. Some transcriptions. Manuscripts of the Bible form substantial proportion of ancient and medieval manuscript survivals.
Milne, Herbert John Mansfield, Greek Shorthand manuals; Syllabary and Commentary; edited from papyri and waxed tablets in the British museum and from the Antinoe papyri in the possession of the Egypt exploration society, (London, Antrim, N. H., Egypt Exploration Society; [etc., etc.] 1934).
Paleografia e codicologia greca : atti del II colloquio internazionale (Berlino-Wolfenbuttel, 17-21 ottobre 1983) / a cura di Dieter Harlfinger e Giancarlo Prato, con la collaborazione di Marco D'Agostino e Alberto Doda, (Alessandria : Edizioni dell'orso, 1991)
Paleograficheskie snimki s grecheskikh i slavianskikh rukopisei Moskovskoi sinodal'noi biblioteki, VI-XVII vieka / izdal Savva, Episkop Mozhaisii. (Moscow: Tip. V. Got'e, 1863)
La paleographie grecque et byzantine : Paris, 21-25 octobre 1974 : [actes du Colloque international sur la paleographie grecque et byzantine / organise par Jean Glenisson et Jacques Bompaire et Jean Irigoin]. (Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1977)
Polites, Linos, "Ein Schrieberschule in Kloster ton Hodgeon", Byzantinisches Zeitschrift 51 (1958), 17-36, 261-87, rep. In Linos Polites, Paleographie et litterature byzantine et neo-grecque : recueil d'etudes, (London : Variorum Reprints, 1975)
Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600. (Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981-) Series title: Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Byzantinistik ; Bd. 3, etc.
Sigalas, Antonios, Historia tes hellenikes graphes, meta eisagoges: prodromoi kai archai tes graphes, [History of Greek Writing], 2. ekd. velt. (Thessalonica: Kentron Vyzantinon Ereunon, 1974)
Schubart, Wilhelm, Griechische Palaeographie, (Munich: C. H. Beck, 1925-; repr. 1966), Series title: Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft; Abt. 1, Teil 4, Bd. 1
Sobolevskii, A. I. (Aleksiei Ivanovich), Obraztsy grecheskago ustavnago pis'ma : po preimushchestvu IX-XI viekov / sostavili A.I. Sobolevskii i G.F. Tsereteli = Exempla codicum Graecorum litteris uncialibus scriptorum / ediderunt A. Sobolevskij et Gr. Cereteli. (St. Petersburg : Izd. Otd-niia russkago iazyka i slovesnosti Imp. akademii nauk, 1913)
Steffens, Franz, Proben aus griechischen handschriften und urkunden; 24 tafeln in lichtdruck zur ersten einführung in die griechische paläographie für philologen und historiker, (Trier, Schaar & Dathe, 1912).
Steiner, Astrid, Untersuchungen zu einem anonymen byzantinischen Briefcorpus des 10. Jahrhunderts, (Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang, 1987).
Vogel, Marie and Viktor Emil Gardthausen, Die griechischen Schreiber des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, (Leipzig: 1909; repr. Hildescheim, G. Olms, 1966)
Wattenbach, Wilhelm, Anleitung zur griechischen Palaeographie. Mit zwolf Schrifttafeln.. 2. Aufl. , (Leipzig, Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1877). 3. Aufl. , (Leipzig, S. Hirzel [druck von Breitkopf & Hartel] 1895), repr? Hildesheim: H. A. Gerstenberg, 1971.
12 plates A short basic guide. The plates are line representations of the originals rather than photo facsimiles.
Wattenbach, Wilhelm, Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, 4. Aufl. (Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1958)

C: Greek Paleography - Manuals

Groningen, Bernhard Abraham van, Short Manual of Greek Palaeography, 3d rev. ed. (Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1963, [first. ed. 1940, 2d. ed. 1955])
10 facsimiles Based on a college course in paleography directed at philology students. Covers history of writing; materials and book forms; writing (with tables of letter forms, and common ligatures and abbreviations); and additional items such as ornamentation, numbering, etc.
Mioni, Elpidio, Introduzione alla paleografia greca. (Padua: Liviana, 1973): Series title: Studi bizantini e neogreci, 5 Studi, 5.
30 plates A modern introduction to the whole subject. The plates are very well produced.
Thompson, Edward Maunde, An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1912), repr. New York, B. Franklin, 1965, 1973; and as ATLA fiche 1988-6154.
250 facsimiles with transcription Fr. Boyle [Medieval Latin Paleography, p. 20] notes that this was long a standard work, but is now "outdated in most respects". It is, however, probably still of use to Greek paleographers. The facsimiles are usually parts of folios, but all are fully transcribed with the transcriptions on the same page.
Thompson, Edward Maunde, Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography, (London: K. Paul, French, Taubner; New York: D. Appleton, 1893), repr Chicago : Ares, 1966 and 1980
Numerous in text facsimiles. According to Fr. Boyle a reprint of the Encyclopedia Britannica (9th ed., 1885) article. In effect it is a condensed form of the same author's Introduction.


D: Greek Writing

Barbour, Ruth, Greek Literary Hands, A.D. 400-1600, (Oxford; New York: Clarendon Press, 1981) Series title: Oxford palaeographical handbooks.
110 facsimiles - well-produced in original sizes, illustrating the development of Byzantine writing. Only dated MSS are used. Typically 8 to 16 lines of each MS are given. Each is fully transcribed. Unfortunately the transcriptions are placed after the plates (although this might be useful in a classroom).
Cavallo, Guglielmo and H. Maehler, Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period, A.D. 300-800, (London : University of London, Institute of Classical Studies, 1987).
Roberts, Colin H. (Colin Henderson), Greek Literary Hands, 350 B.C.-400 A.D., (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956)
58 facsimiles (on 24 plates) -mostly of papyrus texts. Many but not all MS are transcribed, but only for a few of the lines illustrated.
Wilson, Nigel Guy., Mediaeval Greek Bookhands: Examples Selected from Greek Manuscripts in Oxford libraries, (Cambridge, Mass., Mediaeval Academy of America, 1973) [2 vols. "Plates" and "Text". Bound as one in some edition]
88 plates Based on a course given at the Medieval Academy seminar in 1972, Wilson thought that current handbooks over-emphasized biblical and theological texts. He also wanted to correct some wrong dating of MSS. The transcriptions are partial in most cases.


E: Greek Abbreviations, etc.

See also the Royal Holloway: Porphyrogenitus project (Greek paleography), a web site about a new lexicon of Greek Abbreviations.


Allen, Thomas William, Greek Abbreviation in the Fifteenth Century, <From the Proceedings of the British Academy>, (London, Pub. for the British Academy by H. Milford, Oxford University Press 1926)

Allen, Thomas William, Notes on Abbreviations in Greek manuscripts, with eleven pages of facsimiles by photolithography. (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889), repr. Amsterdam, A.M. Hakkert, 1967; Chicago, Argonaut, 1967. [See Oikonmides]

Avi-Yonah, "Abbreviations in Greek Inscription (The Near East, 200 B.C.-A.D.1100)", Quarterly of Department of Antiquities in Palestine (Jerusalem: Published for the Government of Palestine by Humphrey Milford, London, 1940) [See Oikonomides]
Includes bibliography on lists of abbreviations of earlier classical inscriptions.

Blanchard, Alain, Sigles et abbreviations dans les papyrus documentaires grecs : recherches de paleographie, (London : Institute of Classical Studies, 1974)

Kenyon, Frederic G. "Abbreviations and Symbols in Greek Papyri", in The Palaeography of Greek Papyri, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897, 1899; repr; Chicago, Argonaut, 1970.), 128-130. [see Oikonomides]

Oikonomides, Al. N, Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions : Papyri, Manuscripts, and Early printed books : a manual, (Chicago : Ares Publishers, 1974)
A bound photo-reproduction and compilation of Allen, Notes, Avi-Yonah, "Abbreviations", Kenyon, "Abbreviations and Symbols", Osterman and Giegengack, "Abbreviations" (all cited here in full). There seem to have been fewer abbreviations used in Greek than Latin writing, and so in effect this compilations can function as the "Capelli" for readers of Greek manuscripts.

Osterman, G.F. von, and A.E. Giegengack, "Abbreviations in Early Greek Printed Books", in Manual of Foreign Languages: for the Uses of Printers and Translators, 3d. ed., (Washington DC: GPO, 1936), 196-204 [See Oikonmides]
Early printers of Greek took over wholesale many of the common ligatures and abbreviations, which makes early printed books only slightly easier to read than some manuscripts. This little guide is, then, of use for reading manuscripts as well as early printed material.

Paap, Anton Herman Reinier Everhard, Nomina Sacra in the Greek Papyri of the First Five Centuries A.D.; the sources and some deductions. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1959)

Roberts, Colin H. Manuscript, Society, and Belief in Early Christian Egypt, (London ; New York : published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 1979), 26-48
Covers nomina sacra.

Traube, Ludwig, Nomina sacra, versuch einer geschichte der christlichen kurzung, (Munuch: C. H. Beck, 1907; repr. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1967)

Wallace, W., "An Index of Greek Ligatures and Contractions", Journal of Hellenic Studies 42 (1923), 183-93

F: Watermarks

Briquet, C.-M. (Charles-Moise), Les filigranes. Dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusq'en 1600, avec. 39 figures dans le texte et 16,112 facsimiles de filigranes. (repr. New York: Hacker Art Books, 1985, 1966; original, Geneva: 1907), 4. Vols.
The Briquet Album; a Miscellany on Watermarks, Supplementing Dr. Briquet's Les filigranes, by various paper scholars. (Hilversum, Holland, Paper Publications Society, 1952)
Gerardy. T., Datieren mit Hile von Wasserzeichen, (Bückeburg: 1964)
Harlfinger, Dieter and Johanna Harlfinger, Wasserzeichen aus griechischen Handschriften, I, (Berlin: 1974)
Matejic, Predrag, Watermarks of the Hilandar Slavic Codices: a Descriptive Catalog, (Sofia : Centre international d'information sur les sources de l'histoire balkanique et mediterraneenne, 1981)
MoŠin, Vladimir A. and Seid M. Traljic, Filigranes des XIIIe et XIVe ss, (Zagreb: Academie yougoslave des sciences et des beaux-arts, Institut d'histoire. 1957).
Piccard, G, Die Wasserzeichenkartei Piccard in Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart Findbücher, (Stuttgart: 1961-1987)

G: Byzantine Diplomatics

Dolger, Franz, Byzantinische Diplomatik; 20 Aufsatze zum Urkundenwesen der Byzantiner, (Ettal: Buch-Kunstverlag Ettal, 1956)
Mazal, Otto, Die Prooimien der byzantinischen Patriarchenurkunden, (Vienna: Verl. d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1974)
Medvedev, I. P., Ocherki vizantiiskoi diplomatiki : chastnopravovoi akt, (Leningrad : Nauka, Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1988)
Return to index

H: Papyrology

Bataille, André, Les papyrus, (Paris, Presses universitaires de France,1955), Series title: Bibliotheque byzantine. Traite d'etudes byzantines 2. (ed. Paul Lemerle)
Collomp, Paul, La papyrologie, (Paris, Societe d'edition, Les Belles Lettres, 1927).
David, Martin, and B.A. van Groningen, Papyrological Primer, 4th ed. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1965)
5 plates. See now Pestman.
Kenyon, Frederic G. The Palaeography of Greek Papyri, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897, 1899).; ATLA fiche 1987-1211., repr; Chicago, Argonaut, 1970.
20 facsimiles and a table of alphabets
Page, D.L., Greek Literary Papyri: Texts, Translations and Notes, (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard university press; London, W. Heinemann, 1942-) [Loeb Classical Library]
Pestman, P. W. The New Papyrological Primer, 2nd. ed., rev.(Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994).
[The first edition of this book posed as the fifth edition of David and van Groningen - ie. Pestman, P. W. The New Papyrological Primer, being the fifth edition of David and van Groningen's Papyrological primer, (Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill, 1990)]
Schubart, Wilhelm, Griechische Papyri; Urkunden und Briefe. Vom. 4 Jahrh. v. Chr. bis ins 8. Jahrh. n. Chr., 2 vols. (Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1927)
10 plates
Seider, Richard, Palaographie der griechischen Papyri, (Stuttgart: A. Hiersemann, 1967-1990)
Turner, E. G. (Eric Gardner), Greek Papyri: An Introduction, (Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York : Oxford University Press, 1968, 1980)
4 plates
Turner, E. G. (Eric Gardner), The Papyrologist at Work, (Durham, NC: Duke University, 1973)

I: Facsimiles

[These are specific collections of facsimiles. Many other introductions and handbooks contain facsimiles, as indicated above.]

Bibliography: Voicu, Sever J. and Serenella D'Alisera,
I.MA.G.E.S. = Index in manuscriptorum graecorum edita specimina, (Rome: Borla, 1981)
A 625 page bibliography offering a complete listing to 1981 of reproductions of Greek MSS.
Follieri, Enrica, Codices Graeci Biblithecae Vaticanae selecti, (Vatican: 1979)
70 plates with transcriptions This may be the most beautifully produced selection of MSS. The plates are without exception well-photographed -- all in original sizes -- and bound loosely (which makes them easy to xerox for classroom use). They have been chosen to illustrate the main developments of Greek handwriting (Uncials, Vetusissimi, Vetusti, Recentiores). Follieri attaches an extensive bound intriduction (in Latin), in which all the facsimiles are transcribed.
Franchi de' Cavalieri, Pio Pietro and Johannes Lietzmann, Specimina codicum graecorum vaticanorum. (Bonn: A. Marcvs and E. Weber, 1910), Editio iterata et avcta, (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1910, 1929.)
60 plates with transcriptions
Gamillscheg, Ernst and Dieter Harlfinger. Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800-1600, (Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1981-): Series: Veroffentlichungen der Kommission fur Byzantinistik ; Bd. 3-
Notes: Greek text on facsimiles. in. C in each vol. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: 1. T. Handschriften aus Bibliotheken Grossbritanniens. A. Verzeichnis der Kopisten / erstellt von Ernst Gamillscheg und Dieter Harlfinger. B. Palaographische Charakteristika / erstellt von Herbert Hunger. C. Tafeln -- 2. Frankreich. A. Verzeichnis der Kopisten / erstellt von Ernst Gamillscheg und Dieter Harlfinger. Palaographische Charakteristika / erstellt von Herbert Hunger. C. Tafeln.
Harlfinger, Dieter et al., Specimina Sinaitica : die datierten griechischen Handschriften des Katharinen-Klosters auf dem Berge Sinai : 9. bis 12. Jahrhundert, (Berlin : D. Reimer, c1983)
157 plates
Hatch, William Henry Paine, Facsimiles and Descriptions of Minuscule Manuscripts of the New Testament, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1951)
100 plates.
Kern, Otto, Inscriptiones graecae, Tabulae in usum scholarum 7,Bonn: A. Marcvs et E. Weber, 1913)
50 facsimiles, with some transcriptions
Komines, Athansios, Facsimiles of Dated Patmian Codices, Eng. ed. by Mark. Naoumides, (Athens: 1970)
Lake, Kirsopp and Silva Lake, ed. Dated Greek minuscule manuscripts to the year 1200,(Boston, Mass., The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1934-39), [Indices, 1949]
10 volumes of facsimiles The largest collection of Greek manuscript facsimiles. The plates are loose bound and well made.
Lefort, Louis Theophile and J. Cochez, Palaeographische album van gedagteekende Grieksche minuskel handschriften uit de IXe en Xe eeuw = Album palaeographicum; codicum Graecorum minusculis litteris saec. IX et X certo tempore scriptorum, (Leuven: Philologische studien, 1932).
100 plates An intensive presentation of the oldest minuscule manuscripts.
Norsa, Medea, La scrittura letteraria greca dal secolo IV A.C. all'VIII D.C., (Florence: Tipografia E. Ariani, S.A., 1939)
19 plates with transcriptions
Omont. H., Reproductiones de manuscrits et miniatures de la Bibliothèque Nationale, (Paris: 1891)
Omont. H., Fac-similés des manuscrits grecs datés de la Bibliothèque Nationale du IXe au XIVe siècle, (Paris: 1891)
Omont. H., Fac-similés des plus anciens manuscrits grecs…de la Bibliothèque Nationale du IVe au XIIe siècle, (Paris: 1892)
Spatharakis, Iohannis, Corpus of Dated Illuminated Greek Manuscripts: to the year 1453, (Leiden: Brill, 1981), 2 vols. Series title: Byzantina Neerlandica
611 plates, 395 including texts
Steffens, Franz,. Proben aus grieschischen Handschriften und Urkunden, (Trier: Schaar und Dathe, 1912)
24 facsimiles The plates date from the 4th century BCE to 1493. All plates are transcribed in an attached booklet.
Turyn, Alexander, Codices graeci vaticani : saeculis XIII et XIV scripti annorumque notis instructi. Congessit enarravit eorumque specimina protulit tabulis ccv phototypice expressis, (Vatican: Ex Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, 1964), Series title: Codices e vaticanis selecti quam simillime expressi: series maior ; v. 28.
205 plates, arranged chronologically, with descriptions.
Turyn, Alexander, Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the Libraries of Italy, (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1972): v. 1. Text--v. 2. Plates.
265 plates
Turyn, Alexander, Dated Greek Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the Libraries of Great Britain, (Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies : Trustees for Harvard University; Locust Valley, N.Y. : Distributed by J.J. Augustin, 1980)
126 plates
Turner, E. G. (Eric Gardner), Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, (Oxford: Clarendon Press ;Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971), 2nd ed. rev. and enl. / edited by P.J. Parsons. (London : University of London, Institute of Classical Studies, 1987)
73 facsimiles with partial transcription
Tsereteli, Grigoriy, De Comendiis scripturae codicum greacorum, (St. Petersburg: 1896)
Wattenbach, Wilhelm, Scripturae graecae specimina, in usum scholarum collegit et explicavit Guilelmus Wattenbach. Libri cui inscriptum erat: Schrifttafeln zur Geschichte der griechischen schrift. Editio quarta, (Berlin: G. Grote, 1936)
35 plates
Wittek, Martin, Album de paleographie grecque. Specimens d'ecritures livresques du IIIe siecle avant J. C. au XVIIIe siecle, conserves dans des collections belges. (Ghent: E. Story-Scientia, 1967)
64 plates
Wittek notes that historians and philologists in training can rarely work directly with manuscripts. His text then is a teaching tool directly focused on providing examples for learners' transcription excercises.

J: Textual Criticism

Barile, Elisabetta, Littera antiqua e scritture alla greca : notai e cancellieri copisti a Venezia nei primi decenni del Quattrocento, (Venice:Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 1994)
Bieler, Ludwig, "The Grammarian's Craft", Classical Folia 10 (1958), 3-42
Collomp, Paul, La critique des textes, (Paris, Societe d' edition, Les Belles Lettres, 1931)
Conference on Editorial Problems (23rd : 1987 : University of Toronto) Editing Greek and Latin Texts : papers given at the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 6-7 November 1987, ed. John N. Grant, (New York : AMS Press, c1989)
Delatte, A. et A. Severyns. Emploi des signes critiques, disposition de l'apparat dans les editions savantes de textes grecs et latins, conseils et recommandations. New ed., (Brussels: Union academique internationale, 1938)
Groningen, Bernhard Abraham van, Traite d'histoire et de critique des textes grecs, (Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij., 1963)
Hunger, Herbert, et al., Geschichte der Textuberlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur, (Zurich: Atlantis Verlag [1961-64]).
Maas, Paul, Textkritik. 4. Aufl, (Leipzig : B. G. Teubner, 1960), trans. as Textual Criticism, trans. Barbara Flower, (Oxford: Clarendon Press [1963, c1958])
Pasquali, Giorgio, Storia della tradizione e critica del testo, 2. ediz. con nuova prefaz. e aggiunta di 3 append, (Florence: F. LeMonnier 1962)
Sitterly, Charles Fremont, Praxis in Manuscripts of the Greek Testament: the mechanical and literary processes involved in their writing and preservation: with table of mss. and thirteen facsimile plates / by Charles F. Sitterly. (New York : Eaton & Mains ; Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings, c1898) ATLA fiche 1985-3266.
13 plates
West, M. L. (Martin Litchfield), Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique Applicable to Greek and Latin Texts, (Stuttgart, B. G. Teubner, 1973)

K: Latin Paleography

See items by Bischoff and Boyle for bibliography

See also the Paleography and Codicology: Bibliography at the Labyrinth Web site [Georgetown University].

Bischoff, Bernhard, Latin Paleography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages, trans. Daibhi o Croinin and David Ganz, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990). German original Palaographie des romischen Altertums und des abendlandischen Mittelalters 2., uberarbeitete Aufl., (Berlin : E. Schmidt,1986, c1979)
Boyle, Leonard, Medieval Latin Paleography: A Bibliographical Introduction, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984)
Extensive [2207 entries] annotated bibliography.
Boyle, Leonard, "Diplomatics " in Medieval Studies, 2nd edition., ed., James M. Powell, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1992. 82-113
With a good basic bibliography.
Brown, Michelle P., A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c1990)
53 plates with partial transcriptions. A recent and well-done introduction.
Cappelli, A. Lexicon abbreviaturarum...., . Milano: Hoepli, 1973.
The essential lexicon of circa. 13,000 abbreviations in Latin documents.
Giry, A. Manuel de diplomatique, . Paris: Hachette, 1894.
Graesse, J.G., F. Benedict, H. Plechl. Orbis latinus: Lexicon lateinischer geographischer Namen, . 3 vols. Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1971.
A dictionary of Latin place names and their vernacular equivalents. Try to find the 3-volume set, not the single volume abridgement.
John, James L., "Latin Paleography" in Medieval Studies, 2nd edition., ed., James M. Powell, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1992. 3-81
A short basic and thorough introduction to Latin paleography. With a good basic bibliography.
Knight, Stan, Historical Scripts: A Handbook for Calligraphers, (New York: Taplinger, 1986)
40 facsimiles As its title suggests this is directed at calligraphers, but it contains an accessible selection of facsimiles of basic script forms. The real advantage of this book, however, is that in addition to full page reproductions, there are magnifications of each document so that letter formation can be seen clearly.
Potthast, A. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi: Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europaischen Mittelalters bis 1500, . Berlin: W.Weber, 1896.
An index to medieval writers, alphabetized by author. Lists mss., editions and translations.
Repertorium fontium historiae medii aevi, . Romae: Instituto storico Italiano, 1978 - . An updating of Potthast (above). Far more detailed, but still incomplete - only goes to K.

L: See also


Dekkers, E. Clavis patrum latinorum, . Steenbrugis: in abbatia Sancti Petri, 1961; and Geerard, Maurice. Clavis patrum graecorum, . Turnhout: Brepols, 1974- .
Indexes of patristic authors, keyed to Migne's Patrology.


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