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by Paul Halsall, 1997 See also the document on Byzantine Sources in Translation

Some cultures have history as distinct field of interest, some don't. Among those that do not we may list the ancient Egyptians, where apparently the lone Egyptian historian, Manetho, wrote for Greeks, and Indian culture, where the history of the subcontinent has to be gleaned largely from Greek, Persian, and Chinese sources. Among those cultures that do value history, a number stand out: the Jewish tradition in particular has affected all later Jewish, Christian and Muslim civilization and world views. In terms of continuity the two longest such historiographical traditions seem to have been that of the Chinese and the Greeks. The Greek tradition, beginning with Herodotos, Thukydides continued throughout Antiquity. Less well known is that it continued in Byzantium, the subject here, and is one of the reasons for interest in and ability to research, Byzantine history despite the loss much material available to historians of other medieval societies.

For much of Byzantine history a series of historical accounts, often covering about fifty years each, continued, one after another, each giving a detailed account of the history of the empire from the perspective of the governmental and ecclesiastical elites. There was an element of self-consciousness about this tradition, even though, unlike in China, it was not a government project - thus Michael Psellos acknowledges Leo the Deacon, and Anna Komnena picks up the torch from Psellos. As noted by Harry Turtledove in his translation of Theophanes Chronographia, these historical accounts self-consciously looked back to Thukydides and were written in a classicizing and sometimes clumsy Greek. Alongside such historical works were also a series of more popularly written chronicles, often arranged year by year and written in a less formal style. These chronicles often begin with creation and lifted content for most of their text from earlier chroniclers, or sometimes historians. The historiographic and chronographic traditions are parallel, with distinct audiences. Occasionally, as with Theophanes, the historiographical tradition faltered or has been lost and the chronographers are our main sources.

As can be seen below virtually the entire corpus has been edited and in many cases re-edited. Translations of all but a few texts are now available in English, French, German or Italian.

Here are four tables, arranged by lifetime of author, of the historiographical and chronographical traditions of Byzantine culture.

CAVEAT: These tables, especially the last two, are not complete, nor definitive. Suggestions, etc. are welcome.

  Table I: Byzantine Historians

Note: for reference to "FE" see "Farrar and Evans" in the short bibliography that follows. 

Period Covered 
Eusebios of Caesarea  



Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History 

ed I.A. Heikel, (Leipzig: 1902) 

ed. and English translation, Kirsopp Lake and J.E.I Oulton, Loeb Classical Library, 2 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. An ecclesiastical history to the twentieth year of the reign of Constantine : being the 324th of the Christian era, trans. by C.F. Cruse. 4th ed., carefully rev., to which is prefixed The life of Eusebius by Valesius, trans by S. E. Parker, (London : S. Bagster, 1847) 

English trans. as The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine, by G.A. Williamson, (New York: Penguin, 1965) 

ed. and French trans. Histoire ecclesiastique / Eusebe de Cesaree ; texte grec, traduction et notes, by Gustave Bardy. rev. ed. (Paris : Cerf, 1984-) Series title: Sources chretiennes ; no 55 

church history to 324
Eunapios of Sardis (346-414) 


[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 7-56; also cf. Excerpt de legationibus, ed. C. de Boor, (1903), 591-92 

ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus, (Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..

ed. and English trans., W.C. Wright, Philostratus and Eunapius: The Lives of the Sophists, Loeb Classical Library (London: 1922) 

Olympidoros of Thebes 


[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 57-68 

ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus, (Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..

and for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960) [Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped into one narrative] 



Historia Nea /New History 

ed. L. Mendelssohn, (Leipzig: 1887) 

critical ed. and French trans., Francois Paschoud,  Histoire nouvelle [par] Zosime. Texte etabli et traduit, (Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1971-1989), 3 vols.

English trans as The History of Count Zosimus, Sometime Advocate and Chancellor of the Roman Empire, trans from Original Greek, (London: Printed for J. Davis, 1814) 

English trans. J. J. Buchanan and H. T. Davies (San Antonio TX: 1967). 

Superseded by 

 English translation by Ronald D. Ridley,, Byzantina Australiensa 2, (Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies,1982) 

German trans. Neue Geschichte / Zosimos ; ubersetzt und eingeleitet von Otto Veh ; durchgesehen und erlautert by Stefan Rebenich, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1990), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 31. 

FE 3838 

Augustus-410, full from Diocletian
Sokrates Scholastikos 



Ekklesiastike historia /Ecclesiastical History 

ed. Migne PG 67:28-842 

The ecclesiastical history of Socrates, surnamed Scholasticus, or the Advocate : comprising a history of the church in seven books, from the accession of Constantine, A.D. 305, to the 38th year of Theodosius..., (London : Henry G. Bohn, 1853) reprinted several times 




Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History 

ed. Migne PG 67:843-1630 

ed. and French tr. Histoire ecclesiastique, Greek text of the edition by J. Bidez ; introduction by Bernard Grillet and Guy Sabbah ; translation by Andre-Jean Festugiere ; annotation by Guy Sabbah, (Paris : Editions du Cerf, 1983-) Sources chretiennes ; no 306- 

A history of the church in nine books, from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440, tran. Edward Walford, (London : Bagster, 1846) 

Theodoret of Cyprus 

d.c. 547 


Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History 

ed. L. Parmentier, (Leipzig: 1911) 

English trans. by B. Jackson as "The Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues and Letters of Theodoret", in Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, III, (New York: 1893) 

English trans as A History of The Church, in Five Books from AD 322 to the Death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, AD 427, a new translation from the Original Greek Ecclesiastical Historians 5, (London: S. Bagster and Sons, 1843) 

FE 3607-08 



[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 69-100 

ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus, (Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..

and for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960) [Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped into one narrative] 




works include 

The Wars [written 551, addition to 553] 

The Buildings [written 554]  

The Secret History [written ?] 

edition, Opera Omnia 3 vols., ed. J. Haury, (Leipzig: 1905-13; rev. G. Wirth, 4 vols. Leipzig: Teubner series, 1962-64) 

English translation, Works 7 vols., ed. and trans. H.B. Dewing, (New York and London: Loeb Classical Library, 1914-35) 

English translation, History of the Wars, Secret History and Building, trans., ed. and abridged Averil Cameron, Great Histories Series, (New York: 1967) 

English translation, The Secret History, trans. G.A. Williamson, (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966, 1981) 

The Secret History, trans. R. Atwater, (New York: 1927; repr. With intro by A.E.R. Boark, Ann Arbor, Mi.: 1961) 

Justinian's reign to 552
Agathias of Myrina 



Historiarum Libri Quinque 

[intended to follow Prokopios] 

ed. R. Keysdell, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 2A (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1967) 

partial English trans, Averil Cameron, "Agathias on the Sassanians", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23-24 (1969-70), 67-183 

trans as The Histories, Joseph D. Frendo, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 2A (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1975) 


c. 536- c.595 


Ecclesiastical History 

ed J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, (London: 1898, reprinted Amsterdam: 1964) 

French trans: A-J. Festugière, in Byzantion 45:2 (1975) 

English trans: A history of the church in six books, from A.D.431 to A.D.594. A new translation from the Greek: with an account of the author and his writings, trans. Edward Wlaford, (London, S. Bagster and sons, 1846, reissued London: H.G. Bohn, 1854) 

John of Epiphaneia 


 [a cousin of Evagrios] 

[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 272-76  572-
Theophanes of Byzantium [fragments] 

in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 270-71 and in Photios, Bibliotheca, ed. R. Henry, Vol 2, (Paris: 1959), pp. 76-79 

Menander Protector [the Guardsman] 


Historia [survives in fragments] 

[intended to follow Agathias of Myrina] 

ed. and English trans. The History of Menander the Guardsman, trans. R.C. Blockley, (Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1985)

Theophylakt of Simokatta 

 b.c. 580s - d. p. 641? 



[intended to follow Menander] 

ed. C. de Boor, corr. P. Wirth, (Stuttgart: 1972) 

English trans. as The History of Theophylact of Simocatta: An English Translation with Introduction and Notes, trans. Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986) 

German trans. Geschichte / Theophylaktos Simokates ; ubersetzt und erlautert, by Peter Schreiner, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1985), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 20 

Rumanian trans. Teofilact simocata istorie bizantina : domnia imparatului mauricius (582-602), by H. Mihaescu, (Bucharest:: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste, 1985), Scriptores Byzantini ; v. 9. 

582-602 [reign of Maurice]
Nikephoros, Pat CP 806-815 


Historia Syntomos 

[intended to follow Theophylakt] 

ed. C. de Boor, (Leipzig: 1880) 

ed. and English trans, as Short history / Nikephoros, Patriarch of Constantinople ; text, translation, and commentary, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 13. by Cyril Mango, (Washington, D.C : Dumbarton Oaks, 1990) 

Joseph Genesios 

fl. 912-959 


Basileiai / Regum Libri Quattuor [written 945-59] 

["Official" account of Michael III and Basil I] 

ed. C. Lachmon, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1828) 

ed. A. Lesmüller-Werner, and H. Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. XIV, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973) 

German trans. Byzanz am Vorabend neuer Grosse : Uberwindung des Bilderstreites und der innenpolitischen Schwache (813-886) : die vier Bucherder Kaisergeschichte des Ioseph Genesios ; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Anni Lesmuller-Werner, (Vienna: Fassbaender, 1989), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol. 18. 

2nd iconclast period and to 886
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos, Emperor 905-959. 


Historike diegesis tou viou kai ton praxeon Vasileiou tou aoidimou Vasileos. Book 5. 

German trans as. Vom Bauernhof auf den Kaiserthron : Leben des Kaisers Basileios I., des Begrunders der Makedonischen Dynastie / beschrieben von seinem Enkel, dem Kaiser Konstantinos VII. Porphyrogennetos ; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Leopold Breyer. (Graz: Styria, c1981) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber ; Bd. 14. 

John Kaminatos 


Eis ten alosin tes Thessalonikes / De Expugnatione Thessalonicae 

ed., Gertrude Böhlig, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. IV, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973) 

ed. and German tr. as Einnahme Thessalonikes durch die Araber im Jahre 904: ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Gertrud Böhlig. 1. (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1975) 

Arab sack of 904
Anon Vita Euthymii patriarchae CP 

ed and trans . Patricia Karlin-Hayter, Bibliotheque de Byzantion 3, (Brussels: Éditions de Byzantion, 1970) [Despite its title, this is an historical account of the reign of Leo VI] 

Leo the Deacon 



[modeled on Agathias] 

ed., C. B. Hase, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1828) 

German trans, Nikephoros Phokas "Der bleiche Tod der Sarazenen" und Johannes Tzimiskes : die Zeit von 959 bis 976 in der Darstellung des Leon Diakonos, by Franz Loretto, (Graz : Styria, c1961), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 10 

Russian trans. Istoriia / Lev Diakon, perevod M.M. Kopylenko ; stat'ia M.IA. Siuziumova ; kommentarii M.IA. Siuziumova, S.A. Ivanova ; otvetstvennyi redaktor G.G. Litavrin, (Moscow: Izd-vo "Nauka", 1988), Pamiatniki istoricheskoi mysli. 

English trans. by Alice Mary Talbot, in typescript 

Michael Psellos 


Chronographia [only 1 12C ms survived] 

[intended to follow Leo the Deacon] 

ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol 4, (Paris: 1874) 

The history of Psellus, edited with critical notes and indices by Constantine Sathas. 1st AMS ed. (New York : AMS Press, 1979), Reprint of the 1899 ed. of Chronographia, published by Methuen, London 

ed. J.B. Bury, (London: 1899) 

ed and French trans E. Renauld, 2 vols, (Paris: 1926-18) 

English trans. as Fourteen Byzantine Rulers, trans. E.R.A. Sewter, rev. ed., (New York: Penguin, 1966) 

ed. and Italian trans. Imperatori di Bisanzio : (cronografia): introduzione di Dario Del Corno ; testo critico a cura di Salvatore Impellizzeri ; commento di Ugo Criscuolo; traduzione di Silvia Ronchey. 1a ed., (Milan: Fondazione L.Valla : A. Mondadori, 1984) 

Russian trans. Khronografiia, perevod, stat'ia i primechaniia IA.N. Liubarskogo, (Moskva : "Nauka", 1978) 

 Historia syntomos, recensuit, Anglice vertit et commentario instruxit W.J. Aerts. Editio princeps, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; Series Berolinensis, Vol 30., (Berlin; W. de Gruyter, 1990), edition with English translation 

Michael Attaliates 



ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae 34, (Bonn: 1853) 

Partial French trans, chaps 1-32, by Henri Gregoire, Byzantion 28 (1958),. 325-362 

Partial English trans. {Bonn pp 93-151), by George T. Dennis, typescript in Dumbarton Oaks Library 

Anna Komnena 


The Alexiad [only 2 mss survived] 

[intended to follow Michael Psellos] 

ed. and French trans., B. Lieb, 3 vols., (Paris: 1937-45: rep. 1967) 

English trans. E.A. Dawes, (London: 1928) 

English trans. E.R.A. Sewter, (New York: Penguin, 1969) 

Partial Italian trans. La precrociata di Roberto il Guiscardo; pagine dall'Alessiade,, by Salvatore Impellizzeri. (Bari: Dedalo, 1965) 

see also: 

 Anonyme Metaphrase zu Anna Komnene, Alexias XI-XIII : ein Beitrag zur Erschliessung der byzantinischen Umgangssprache, by Herbert Hunger, (Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, 1981) 

Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 15. 

Nicephoras Bryennios 


 [husband of Anna Komnena] 

Materials for a History

ed. as Comentarii, Augustus Meinecke, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1836) 

ed. as Histoire with French trans. by Paul Gautier, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. IX, (Brussels: 1975 

French trans. by Henri Gregoire, Byzantion 23 (1953), 469-530, and Byzantion 25-27 (1955-57), 881-925 

John Kinnamos 

b. after 1143 - d. after 1185, wrote c.1180-1182. 

Epitome [Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus] [1 13C ms survives.] 

[intended to follow Anna Komnena] 

ed. as Historia, Augustus Meinecke, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1836) 

English trans. Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus, Charles. M. Brand, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976) 

Eustathios of Thessalonica, dc. 1194 


The Capture of Thessalonica 

ed as La espugnazione di Tessalonica, by S. Kyriakades, with an Italian translation by V. Rotolo, (Palermo: 1961) 

English trans by John Melville-Jones, Byzantina Australiensia 8, (Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1988) 

German translation Die Normannen in Thessalonike; die Eroberung von Thessalonike durch die Normannen, 1185 n. Chr., in der Augenzeugenschilderung des Bischofs Eustathios. Ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Herbert Hunger, (Graz, Verlag Styria, 1955) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 3 

Niketas Choniates 

b. c. 1155-1215/16


ed. as Historia, Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1835) 

ed. Jan-Louis Van Dieten, (Nicetae Choniatae), Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Series Berolinensis, Vols. XI/1 and XI/2, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1975). 

English translation, O City of Byzantium, Annals of Niketas Choniates, trans. Harry J. Magoulias, (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1984) 

German trans. as 

-----Die Krone der Komnenen : die Regierungszeit der Kaiser Joannes und Manuel Komnenos (1118-1180) / aus dem Geschichtswerk des Niketas Choniates. Ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Franz Grabler. (Graz : Styria, 1958) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 7. 

-----Abenteurer auf dem Kaiserthron : die Regierungszeit der Kaiser Alexios II., Andronikos und Isaak Angelos (1180-1195) aus dem Geschichtswerk des Niketas Choniates / ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Franz Grabler. (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1958) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 8 

-----Die Kreuzfahrer erobern Konstantinopel; die Regierungszeit der Kaiser Alexios Angelos, Isaak Angelos und Alexios Dukas, die Schicksale der Stadt nach der Einnahme sowie das "Buch von den Bildsaulen" (1195-1206) aus.., , by Franz Grabler. (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1958) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 9 

George Akropolites 


Chonike Sungraphe 

critical ed. as Opera, by A. Heisenberg, (Leipzig: 1903) 

German trans. Die Chronik / Georgios Akropolites ; ubersetzt und erlautert, von Wilhelm Blum, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1989), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur ; Bd. 28. 

English trans by R.M. Magdalino in typescript [where?] 

George Pachymeres 

 1242- c. 1310 


De Michaele et Andronico Paleologus 

[continues Akropolites] 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1835) 

ed. as Relationes historicas, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Series Berolinensis, Vol. XXII, ed. Albert Failler with French translation by Vitalien Laurent, (Paris: Less Belles Lettres, 1984) 

Nikephoras Gregoras 



Romaike Historia [in 37 books] 

ed. as Historia Byzantina, Ludwig Schopen and Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, 3 vols. (Bonn: Weber, 1829-30) 

German trans. Rhomaische Geschichte = Historia Rhomaike [von] Nikephoros Gregoras. Ubers. und erlautert, by Jan Louis van Dieten, (Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 1973-<1994 >), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung Byzantinistik Bd. 15, 24, 39. 

English trans of Plague description in Bartsocas, C.S., "Two 14th Century Greek Descriptions of the `Black Death'", Journal of the History of Medicine 21:4 (1966), pp. 395ff. 

John Kantakuzenos 




ed. Ludwig Schopen, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, 3.vols. (Bonn: Weber, 1828-32) 

ed. Opera / Johannis Cantacuzeni ; nunc primum editae curantibus, Edmond Voordeckers and Franz Tinnefeld. (Turnhout : Brepols ; Leuven : University Press, 1987-): Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca ; 16 

English partial trans. by R. Trone History I: 1-19 (Ph.D Dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1979) [==Bonn I, 1-98] 

English partial trans. by Timothy S. Miller as The History of John Cantacuzenus, Book IV, Text, Translation and Commentary (Ph.D Dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1975; Ann Arbor, Mi.: University Microfilms, 75-19,517) [==Bonn III, 8-107] 

English trans of Plague description in Bartsocas, C.S., "Two 14th Century Greek Descriptions of the `Black Death'", Journal of the History of Medicine 21:4 (1966), pp. 395ff 

German trans. Geschichte, Johannes Kantakuzenos ubersetzt und erlautert, by Georgios Fatouros und Tilman Krischer., (Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1982-<1986 >), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur ; Bd. 17, etc. 

Symeon, Abp. of Thessalonike 


Politico-historical works of Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica, (1416/17 to 1429), critical Greek text with introd. and commentary / by David Balfour, (Vienna:: Verl. d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1979), Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 13.   
Leontios Makhairos 


Recital Concerning the Sweet Land of Cyprus 

ed. and trans. R. M. Dawkins, 2 vols. (Oxford: 1932) 

esp. 1359-1432
John Kanonas 



ed. with Sphrantzes by Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838), pp. 457-78 

German trans. Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen, (Graz: Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2. 

Contents: - Die Nordlandreise des Laskaris Kananos (alles eingeleitet und erklart von Franz Gabler) 

Murad II's 1422 attack on Constantinople
John Anagostes 


ed. with Sphrantzes by Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838), pp. 457-78  Capture of Thessalonica 1430
Laonikos Chalkokondyles  


Historiarum demonstrationes [written in 1480s] 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1843) 

ed. E. Darkó, 2 vols., (Budapest: 1922-27) 

German trans. in Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen, (Graz: Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2. 

Contents: Aus dem Geschichtswerk des Laonikos Chaikokondyles -- Die Nordlandreise des Laskaris Kananos -- Zwei Briefe des Manuel Chrysoloras, je ubers. (alles eingeleitet und erklart von Franz Gabler) 

Adam to Ottom beginnings in 1299, then 1298-1463 in detail 


Historia Turco-Byzantina [written in vernacular] 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1834) 

critical ed. Vasile Grecu, (Bucharest: 1958) 

English trans. as Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks, by Harry J. Magoulias, (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1975) 

George Sphrantzes

b. 1401 


Chronicon Maius [attrib to Sphrantzes] 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838) 

Partial German trans as, Die letzten Tage von Konstantinopel : der auf den Fall Konstantinopels 1453 bezugliche Teil des dem Georgios Sphrantzes zugeschriebenen "Chronicon Maius", ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Endre von Ivanka, (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1954, repr. 1965), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 1. [Translation of part of the Melissenos version of the Chronikon.] 

Chronicon Minus 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838) 

ed. J-P Migne, Patrologia greaca 156: 1025-80 (Bonn: 1834) 

critical ed. J. B. Papadopoulos, (Leipzig: Teubner, 1935) 

ed. and Italian trans. Cronaca, ed. Giorgio Sfranze ; a cura di Riccardo Maisano. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Italica., Vol 29 (Roma : Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1990) 

English trans. as The Fall of the Byzantine Empire, by Marios Philippides, (Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980) [This edition includes a short except on the fall of Constantinople by Michael Melissenos. ] 



Michael Kritovoulos (Critoboulus) 


Vios tou Moameth II / De rebus gestibus Mahumetis II 

ed. C. Müller in Fragmentum historicum greacorum, (Paris: 1883), V:52-164 

critical ed. V. Grecu, (Bucharet: 1963) 

ed. Critobuli Imbriotae historiaem by Diether Roderich Reinsch, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 22. (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1983) 

English trans as History of Mehmed the Conqueror, trans. Charles T. Rigg, (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1954) 

German trans. Mehmet II. Erobert Konstantinopel : die ersten Regierungsjahre des Sultans Mehmet Fatih, des Eroberers von Konstantinopel 1453 : das Geschichtswerk des Kritobulos von Imbros; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Diether Roderich, (Graz : Styria, c1986), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber ; Bd. 17. 

Sylvester Syropoulos 


Les "Memoires" du Grand Ecclesiarche de l'Eglise de Constantinople Sylvestre Syropoulos sur le concile de Florence (1438-39), ed. & trans. V. Laurent, Concilium Florentium: Documenta et Scriptores, Series B, 9, (Rome: 1971)  1438-39


Ekthesis chronike synometera syntethesia en haploteti lexeon 

ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol 7, (Paris: 1894) 

Text and English trans. as Emperors, Patriarchs and Sultans of Constantinople, by Marios Philippides, (Brookline MA: Hellenic College Press, 1990) 



Chronikon peri ton Tourkon soultanon

English trans. Byzantium, Europe, and the early Ottoman sultans, 1373-1513 : an anonymous Greek chronicle of the seventeenth century (Codex Barberinus Graecus 111), translated and annotated by Marios Philippides, (New Rochelle, N.Y. : A.D. Caratzas, c1990), Late Byzantine & Ottoman studies 4. 


  TABLE II: Byzantine Chroniclers
Period Covered 
Eusebius of Caesarea  

written late 3C


[First full scale Christian chronicle] 

Adam - late 3rc century.
John Malalas [aka John the Rhetor, or John of Antioch?] 

 b.c. 490- d.c. 570 


ed, L. Dindorf, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1831) 

ed. John Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. ?, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, ?) announced 


English trans. The Chronicle of John Malalas, trans. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys, Roger Scott, et al, Byzantine Australiensia 4, (Melbourne: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1986) 

English trans from Church Slavonic version, Chronicle of John Malalas: Books 8-18, trans., M. Spinka in collaboration with Glanville Downey, (ChicagoL University of Chicago Press, 1940) 

and for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960) [Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped into one narrative] 

Adam - 563


Chronicon Paschale 

[intended to extend Malalas] 

ed. L. Dindorf, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1832) 

Partial English trans. Chronicon Paschale 284-628 AD / translated with notes and introduction by Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby, (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, c 1989), Translated texts for historians 7. 

Adam - 628
John of Nikiou 



[orginally written in Greek, survives in a mutilated Ethiopic translation of an Arab translation] 

English trans. by R.H. Charles, The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiou, Text and Translation Society, (London and Oxford: Williams and Norgate, 1916) 

Adam - Arab Conquest of Egypt
George the Synkellos  


Theophanes the Confessor 



[intended to continue George the Synkellos] 

ed. C. de Boor, 2 vols., Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Leipzig: 1883-85; repr. Hildesheim: 1963) 

English trans., The Chronicle of Theophanes : An English Translation of anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813), trans Harry Turtledove, (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982). 

German trans of 717-813 AD as Bilderstreit und Arabersturm in Byzanz : das 8. Jahrhundert (717-813) aus der Weltchronik des Theophanes / ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Leopold Breyer, (Graz: Verlag Styria, 1964, c1957.), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 6. 

English trans R. Scott and Cyril Mango, in typescript? - Signalled in Albu, "Annotated Guide". 

English trans of "Conversation Between Justinian and the Green Party in the Hippodorme" in J.B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius I, to the Death of Justinian (AD 395 to AD 565), (London: Macmillan, 1923), II, 71-74 

Also trans in Alan Cameron, Circus Factions: Blues and Greens at Rome and Byzantium, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976), 318-333 

284-813, essential for 602-813
(Pseudo-) Symeon magister 



ed. I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1838) 

Theophanes Continuatus 



[Book 5 written by Constantine VII Porphygenitos] 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1838) 

Nikephoros, Pat CP 806-815 




Adam - 829
George Monachos 


Chronicle [written 842-67] 

ed. C. de Boor, (Leipzig: 1905) 

Adam to 842
Symeon the Logothete 


Chronicle survives in several versions known as: The Chronicle of Theodosios Melitenos [ed. T. Tafel, (Munich: 1859)]; George Monachos Continuatos; and the Chronicle of Leo Grammatikos, [ed., Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1842); also Migne PG: 108:1037-1164] 

English trans from Old Church Slavic text, Walter K. Hanak, The Chronicle of Symeon Logothetes, publication planned [Signalled by Albu, "Annotated Sources"] 

Adam to 948 [some versions go to 11C]
John Skylitzes 

fl. 1081 


Synopsis Historiarum 

ed. Hans Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. V, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978) 

German trans. as Byzanz, wieder ein Weltreich : das Zeitalter der makedonischen Dynastie / nach dem Geschichtswerk des Johannes Skylitzes; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Hans Thurn. (Graz: Verlag Styria, c1983-), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 15. 

811 -1057
Skylitzes Continuatos Ioannis Scylizes Continuatus 

ed. E.T. Tsolakes, (Thessalonica: 1968) 

George Kedrenos 


Historiarum Compendium 

ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae 35-36, 2 vols, (Berlin: 1838-39) 

John Zonaras 


Epitome historiarum 

ed. M. Pindar and M. Büttner-Wobst, 3 vols, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1841-97) 

ed. L. Dindorf, 6 vols., (Leipzig, 1868-75) 

Partial English trans, by Michael DiMaio, Jr. Zonaras' Account of the Neo-Flavian Emperors: A Commentary, (Ph.D diss., University of 

 Missouri-Columbia, 1977; Diss Abs Accession No: AAG7814112) [DiMaio has more in typescript] 

Partial German trans. Militars und Hoflinge im Ringen um das Kaisertum : Byzantinische Geschichte 969 bis 1118 Nach der Chronik des Johannes Zonaras ; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Erich Trapp. (Graz : Verlag Styria, c1986), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 16. 

Adam - 1118
Constantine Manassas 



ed. as Breviarum historiae metricum, ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1837) 

Adam - 1081
Michael Glykas 



ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1836) 

Adam - 1118




Adam - 1204
Theodore Skutariotes 



[often known as Synopis Sathas] 

ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol 7, (Paris: 1894), 1-556 

Adam - 1261


Chronicle of Morea [exists in various languages] 

Greek version, ed., J.Schmitt, as The Chronicle of the Morea, (London: 1904) 

English trans. H.E. Lurier, Crusaders as Conquerors: The Chronicle of Morea, (New York: Columbia UP, 1964) 

First Crusade, then 1202-1292
Michael Panaretos 



critical ed. O. Lampsides, (Athens: 1958) 

3-15 C in Trebizond
Anon Short Chronicles 

ed. as Brachea Chronika, by S.P. Lampros & K, Amantos (Athens: Akademia Athenon Mnemeia tes Ellenikes Istorias, A, 1932-1933) No. 27 (also in 1834 Bonn edition of Ducas, op. cit., ed. I Bekker, pp. 515-5270 

ed. Peter Schreiner, as, Die byzantinischen Kleinchronikon, I Introduction and Text, II Historical Commentary, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae XII:1 & 2, (Vienna: 1975, 1977) 



Charanis, Peter, "An Important Short Chronicle of the Fourteenth Century", Byzantion 13 (1938), pp. 335-362   


Dennis, G.T., trans., "The Short Chronicle of Lesbos 1355-1428", Lesbiaca 5 (1966), pp. 123-144  1355-1428


Loernertz, R-J, ed. and trans., "La Chronique breve mereote de 1423", Melanges Eugene Tisserunt II, Studi e Testi 232, (Vatican: 1964), pp. 399-439, text 403-409 
[A collation of Brachea Chronika Nos. 19 & 27 with a previously unpublished text.] 
Ephraim Ainios 


Ephraem Aenii Historia chronica, ed. Odysseus Lampsides, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; Series Atheniensis, V. 27, (Athens: Academiae Atheniensis, 1990)   


Cronaca dei Tocco di Cefalonia; prolegomeni, testo critico e traduzione, by Giuseppe Schiro, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 10. (Rome: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1975)   


Chronikon peri ktiseos Monembasias

Ed. and Ital. trans. Cronaca di Monemvasia ; introduzione, testo critico e note, by Ivan Duicev, (Palermo : Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici, 1976) 



  TABLE III: The Greek Tradition
Work [Usual English Form] 


The Illiad 

[Not exactly a history but the an important contributor to the later Greek historiographical tradition] 

Mythical Trojan war
Hekataeos of Miletos 

 c 500 BCE

Periegesis or Guide [fragments survive] 

Histories or Geneaologies 

guide to a map of the world

 c.490-c.425 BCE

The Histories [in 9 books] 

ed. W.W. How and J. Wells, (Oxford: 1912) 

ed. and English translation, A.D. Godley, Loeb Classical Library, 4 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English translation 

Mid-6th Cent - 478 BCE, with many historical digressions [e.g. Book 2 on history of Egypt] 

c.460-c.399 BCE

History of the Peloponnesian War [in 8 books] 

ed., (Oxford: 19) 

ed. and English translation, 4 Vols., C.F. Smith, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English translation 

479-411 BCE 

 Wars of Greek City States

Theopompos and Kratippos 


continued Thukydides [now lost]   

 c428-c.352 BCE

Anabasis or The Persian Expedition 

ed. and English translation, C.L. Brownson, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans, Rex Warner, (New York: Penguin, 1949, new ed. 1972) 

The Hellenica 

[continues Thukydides] 

ed. and English translation, C.L. Brownson, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. as A History of My Times, by , (New York: Penguin, 19 ) 

401-399 BCE 

Greek mercenaries for Persia 

411-362 BCE 

Ephoros of Cyme 

 b.c. 405

Universal History [in 30 books, all now lost, but used in books 11-16 of Diodoros Sikulos]]  1100-341 BCE 

history of cities of Greece and Asia Minor 


 384-322 BCE

The Athenian Constitution [part of a collected study of the constitutions of 158 Greek cities by A's students. Only this survives, recovered from an Egyptian papyrus in 1890] 

ed. and English translation, H. Rackham, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. 

Hieronymous of Cardia 

 3rd Cent BCE

History [Lost, but used by Diodoros Sikulos, Arrian, and Plutarch]  323-272 (poss 263) BCE 

After death of Alexander 

Manetho of Heiropolis 

 3rc Cent BCE

History of Egypt [survives in fragments] 

ed. and English translation, W.G. Wadell, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

Egyptian origins to 323 BCE

c.200-c.118 BCE

Universal History [in 40 books, 5 survive complete plus substantial parts of others.] 

ed. and English translation, W.R. Paton, Loeb Classical Library, 6 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

Partial English trans, Ian Scott-Kilvert, (New York: Penguin, 1979) 

220-146 BCE, but esp after 200 

 Rise of Roman Empire 


 c. 160 CE

Roman History [24 books, 9 survive] 

ed. and English translation, Horace White, Loeb Classical Library, 4 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

German trans. Romische Geschichte / Appian von Alexandria ; ubersetzt von Otto Veh ; durchgesehen, eingeleitet und erlautert von Kai Brodersen, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1987-1989), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 23, 27. 

earliest times to Vespasian, most valuable for 146-70BCE 
Diodoros Sikulos 

1st Cent BCE

Biblitheke historia or World History [written bet 60 and 30 BCE] [Survives in part - a complet copy perished during capture of CP in 1453] 


ed. and English translation, C.H. Oldfather, C.L. Sherman, C.B. Welles, Russel M. Geer, F.R. Walton, Loeb Classical Library, 12 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

German trans. Griechische Weltgeschichte : Buch I-X / Diodoros ; ubersetzt von Gerhard Wirth (Buch I-III) und Otto Veh (Buch IV-X); eingeleitet und kommentiert von Thomas Nothers, 2 vols. (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1992-1993). Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 34-35. 

earliest times to 54BCE
Dionysios of Halikarnassos 

1st Cent BCE 

Romaike Archiologia or Roman Antiquities [Books 1-9, and parts of 11 and 12 survive. It went up to where Polybios began] 

ed. and English translation, trans Spelman, rev. E. Cary, Loeb Classical Library, 7 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

Mythical times to 264 BCE , although only survives to 441 BCE 
Josephus Flavius 

 37-d.p.93 CE

The Jewish War [originally in Aramaic] 

Antiquities of the Jews 

ed. of Works with English translation, S. St.-J. Thackery, Ralph Marcus, Allen Wikgren, and L.H. Feldman, Loeb Classical Library, 9 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. The Jewish War, by G.A. Williamson, rev.ed., (New York: Penguin, 1970) 


Adam to 66 CE


 46-120 CE

Parallel Lives [23 pairs of lives, and 4 single lives] 


ed. and English translation, B. Perrin, Loeb Classical Library, 11 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans, John Dryden, in multiple editions. 

Figures from Greek and Roman history

 b. 85/80 CE

Anabasis or Campaigns of Alexander the Great [in 7 books with a 8th descriving India] 

ed. and English translation, P. Brunt and E. Iliffe Robson, Loeb Classical Library, 2 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) [based on a bad text - see comments in Penguin edition.] 

English trans, Aubrey de Sélincourt, rev. J.R. Hamilton, (New York: Penguin, 1971) 

Events After Alexander [in 10 books, only first 2 years survive.] 

Parthian History [in 17 books, fragments survive] 

History of Bithynia [fragments survive] 

334-323 BCE 

323- BCE 

Trajan's campaigns 

earliest times to 74 BCE 

Dio Cassius [or Cassius Dio] 


Roman History 

critical ed. U.P. Boissevin, 5 vols, (Berlin: 1895-1931) 

ed. and English translation, E. Cary, Loeb Classical Library, 9 Vols, (London and New York: 1914-1927) 

Partial English trans [books 50-56, 32BC-14CE], Ian Scott-Kilvert, (New York: Penguin, 1987) 

727BCE-3rd Cent CE 

 Portions 64BCE-46CE survive 

 Foundation of Rome to 3rd century CE 

Herodion of Syria 

 fl. c. 230CE

History of the Empire From the Time of Marcus [in 8 books] 

ed. and English translation, C.R. Whittaker, Loeb Classical Library, 2 Vols, (London and New York: 1914-1927) 

180-238 CE 

 Death of Marcus Aurelius to accession of Gordian III 


  TABLE IV: The Latin Tradition
Fabius Pictor 

2nd Cent BCE

[wrote in Greek, survives in fragments]  Foundation to 2nd Cent BCE

 wrote btw 168 and 149 BCE

Origines [fragments]   
Cassius Hemina Annals   
Calpurnius Piso Annals   

86-c.35 BCE

The Jurgathine War 

Conspiracy of Catiline 

ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. (New York: Penguin, 19) 

63 BCE
Cicero Opera  


History of Rome [142 books, of which 35 survive] 

ed. and English translation, B.O> Foster, F.G. Moore, Evan T. Sage, A.C. Schelsinger and R.M. Geer, Loeb Classical Library, 14 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English translation - various long sections in Penguin volumes trans, Aubrey de Sélincourt 

Foundation of Rome to 9BCE
Julius Caesar 


Gallic Wars or The Conquest of Gaul [8 books, only first 7 by Caesar, 8th by Aulus Hirtius] 

ed. and English translation, H.J. Edwards, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. S. A. Hanford, rev. Jame Gardner, (New York: Penguin, 1982) 

The Civil War 

ed. and English translation, A.G. Peskett, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. (New York: Penguin, 19 ) 

58-52 BCE
Quintus Curtius Rufus 

 1st Cent CE

History of Alexander the Great [in ten books, first 2 are lost] 

English trans, (Baltimore: Penguin, 19 ) 

334-323 BCE

 c 55-c.117 CE


English trans. Michael Grant, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1956) 

The Histories 

ed. Histories and Annals with English translation, C.H. Moore and J. Jackson, Loeb Classical Library, 4 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) 

The Germania 

ed. and English translation, M. Hutton, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English translation 

14-68 CE 

68-96 CE 


 c.69-c.140 CE

Lives, or The Twelve Caesars 

ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, (London and New York: 19 ) 

English trans. Robert Graves, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1957) 

100BCE-96 CE 

 Julius Caesar to Domitian 



Breviarum ab urbe condita. 

English trans: The breviarum ab urbe condita of Eutropius : the right honourable secretary of state for general petitions : dedicated to Lord Valens, Gothicus Maximus & perpetual emperor, translated with an introduction and commentary by H.W. Bird., (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1993) 

Ammianus Marcellinus 

b.c 330 CE 

 Greek, but writes in Latin 

Res Gestae 

[intended as a continuation of Tacitus -only books 14-31 survive in a single 9th centuty copy] 

English trans. as The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus, During the Reigns of Emperor's Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinianm and Valens, trans C.D. Young, Bohn's Classical Library, (London H.G. Bohn: 1862, repr. 1887, 1894) 

ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, 3 Vols, (London and New York: 1935-39) 

Partial English trans, Walter Hamilton, (New York: Penguin, 1986) 

353-378 CE


Augustan History 

English trans. The lives of the Roman emperors from Domitian where Suetonius ends, to Constantine the Great : containing those of Nerva and Trajan from dion Cassius: a translation of the six writers of the Augustean history,... John Bernard, (London : Printed for Charles Harper, 1698) 

Partial English trans. as Lives of the Later Caesars, by Anthony Birley, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1976) [also includes lives of Nerva and Trajan, 96-117CE] 

117-260 CE
Marcellinus, comes, fl. 500-534. 


Latin and English. The Chronicle of Marcellinus : a translation and commentary : (with a reproduction of Mommsen's edition of the text), Brian Croke, (Sydney: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1995), Byzantina Australiensia 7.   


  Useful Bibliographical Resources

Albu, Emily, "An Annotated Bibliography of Byzantine Sources in English Translation", Byzantine Stuides/Etudes Byzantines 9:1 (1982), 68-87

Bak, Janos M., Medieval Narrative Sources: A chronological guide, (New York: Garland, 1987).

Farrar, Clarissa P. and Austin P. Evans, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1946)

Ferguson, Mary Ann Heyward, Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, 1943-1967, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967).


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