Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
Editor: Paul Halsall
This page is a subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks listed below, along with added texts and web site indicators. For more contextual
information, for instance about Western imperialism, the Islamic world, or the history of
a given period, check out these web sites.
Notes: |
In addition to direct links to documents, links are made to a
number of other web resources. |
Link to a secondary article, review or discussion on a given
topic. |
Link to a website focused on a specific issue.. These are not
links to every site on a given topic, but to sites of real value. |
- The People of Israel
- Pre-Israelite Canaan/Palestine/Syria
- The Bible as a Source
- Ethnogenesis
- Moses and Monotheism
- Conquest of the Land
- The National Monarchy
- Mythological Foundations
- The Emergence of Judaism
- General
- Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel
- The First Century CE Context
- The Qumran Sect
- Jews in the Diaspora
- Diaspora Religious Developments
- The Conflict with Rome
- Triumph of Rabbinic Judaism
- Modern Perspectives on Ancient Israel
- The Jewish Middle Ages
- General
- Jewish Communities and Individuals in Islam
- Jewish Communities and Individuals in Christendom
- Jews and the State in Christendom
- Jewish Communities Outside Islam and Christendom
- Jewish Intellectual and Religious Life
- Christian Anti-Semitism
- Early Modern Jewish Life
- Jewish Life since the
- The Enlightenment and the Jews
- The Jewish Enlightenment [The Haskalah]
- Alternate Jewish Reactions to Modernity
- The History of the Ashkenazi in Eastern Europe
- The History of the Sephardic Communities
- Jewish Life in Western Europe
- The New World Diaspora
- Modern Jewish Religious Thought
- The Impact of Secular Jews on ModernThought
- Jews and the Political Left
- Modern AntiSemitism
- The Shoah
- Zionism
- The State of Israel
- Gender and Judaism
- Further Resources on Jewish
The People of Israel
Pre-Israelite Canaan/Palestine/Syria
- WEB Ancient Near East Texts
Related to the Bible [At Internet Archive, from Brandeis]
- WEB The Middle Bronze Age 2220-1570 BCE [Was At BU, now Internet Archive]
- WEB The Late Bronze Age 1570-1200 BCE [Was At BU, now Internet Archive]
- WEB The Iron Age 1200-550 BCE [Was At BU, now Internet Archive]
All three are outstanding webpages at BU by John R. Abercrombie which contain modern
accounts of the periods' material cultures, and very extensive image files connected to
the ANEP by Pritchard.
- WEB Material Cultures of the Ancient Canaanites, Israelites, and Related Peoples[Was At BU, now Internet Archive]
An alternative index, using Tables, of Abercrombie's website.
The Bible as a Source
- WEB Resources for Biblical Studies [Website]
- WEB The Madain Project
Madain Project is an online archive of Abrahamic History and Archaeology, the study of history and archaeology with respect to the three Abrahamic Faiths without considering the religious and theological aspects.
- 2ND Gerald A. Larue: Old Testament Life and
Literature [Modern Text] [Internet Archive version here]
The entire book is online at This is a "secularist" website, which
attitude can be just as distorting as Biblical literalism. In this case the text is
2ND Gerald A. Simkins: Composition of the
Pentateuch [At Internet Archive, from Creighton][Modern Account]
- Genesis 6-9:
Flood Story J and P [At Internet Archive, from Creighton]
Exodus 14: The
Exodus According to J and P [At Internet Archive, from Creighton]
- The Documentary Hypothesis
- 2ND Criticism of the Documentary
Hypothesis [Modern Annotated Bibliography][Internet Archive version here]
Literalist Jews and Christians have long rejected the documentary hypothesis, and, as in
this link, many modern scholars agree that it is not as simple as was proposed in the
past. The problems of the Bible's creation and editing are real, however, and admission by
scholars of difficulties with one theory does not indicate that these can be ignored.
- 2ND Who Where the
Hebrews? [At][Modern Account] [Internet Archive version here]
Has useful maps
- 2ND The Hebrews [Modern Account][Was At
WSU, now Internet Archive]
- The "Children of Israel"
- The "Hebrews"/'Apiru/Habiru
- Later Stories
The Gezer Calendar c.925
BCE [At K.C. Hanson's website] [Internet Archive version here]
The oldest example of written Hebrew
Moses and Monotheism
Conquest of the Land (1250-1000 BCE?)
- Stele of
Merneptah [At Internet Archive, from ANET]
- Stele of Merneptah c.
1220 BCE [At Christian Answers][Image and Discussion]
- Joshua 1-12 - aggressive account [At Bible Gateway]
- Judges 1-2 - peaceful account [At Bible Gateway]
- Wikipedia: Biblical Archeology
The discipline known as Biblical archaeology sought to prove the text of the Bible was correct in terms of history. That is not how many current scholars see it. Quoted in the Wiki article: "This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, YHWH, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai." This is not to deny that some kernels of history might be contained the "history books" that cover from Genesis until the mid 8th cenury BCE, but its only from the Omrid dynasty on that sources other the Bible can be used to confirm events depicted there.
- WEB PBS Nova: Archeology of the Hebrew Bible
The National Monarchy (c.1020-586 BCE)
- Problems with Philistines
- Saul (c.1020-1000 BCE), 1 Samuel 8 [At Bible Gateway]
- David (1000-961 BCE)
- Solomon (961-922 BCE)
- Israel and Judah (922-586 BCE)
- The Exile (587-538 BCE)
- The Prophets (750-550 BCE)
- Amos (8th Cent. BCE): Book of Amos [At this Site]
The first of the prophets to write.
- Jeremiah (526-586 BCE), Jeremiah 7-8 23 31.[At Bible Gateway]
The notion of a "new covenant".
- Second Isaiah (c.550 )[from Isaiah 40 on]
[At Bible Gateway]
Mythological Foundations
Back to Index
The Emergence of
Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel
- Reforms By Hezekiah (r. 715-687 BCE): 2 Chronicles 30:1 [At Bible Gateway]
The enforcement of Monotheism.
- Discovery of Deuteronomy (c.621 BCE):
2 Kings 18:4, 22 [At Bible Gateway]
- The Restoration of the Temple (c 520-515 BCE):
Ezra 1-2
Haggai 1-2 [At Bible Gateway]
- Nehemiah (gov. c.445-c.433) and Ezra (5th Cent. BCE) define the Jewish community.
- Book of Judith [At Bible Gateway]
Judith is a kind of novel, and is in the RC and Orthodox Bible, bit not the Jewish
or Protestant canons. The book contains an account of conversion to Judaism (Judith 14: 6-10)
- Editing of the Bible
Josephus (37 CE - after 93 CE): Against Apion See 1:8 [Project Gutenberg]
First mention of a five-book Torah.
- The Invention of the Synagogue
- Samaritans
- The Macabbees and After
- The Revolt (175-135 BCE): I Maccabees
[At Bible Gateway]
- Hasmonean Rule (134-64 BCE)
- Conquest By Pompey 63 BCE
The First Century CE Context
The Qumran Sect
Jews in the Diaspora
Diaspora Religious Developments
- WEB Old Testament Pseudepigrapha [Website] [Internet Archive back up here]
Full texts.
- The Septuagint (made under Ptolemy II r. 283-246 BCE ?)
- Philo (c.30 BCE-45 CE)
- Proselytism
The Conflict with Rome
Triumph of Rabbinic Judaism
Modern Perspectives on Ancient Israel
Back to Index
The Jewish Middle
Jewish Communities and Individuals in Islam
Jewish Communities and Individuals in Christendom
- Claudia Rapp and Johannes Prieser-Kapeller, eds.. Mobility and Migration in Byzantium; A Sourcebook [At] PDF [Internet Archive version here]
Five hundred pages of translations into English on sources about migration in Byzantium. Includes both internal migration, and sections on Jews, Slavs, Armenians, Varangians (Norse), Catalans, Turks, and in relation to the Crusades. Gender-related migration is also covered.
- Maximos the Confessor (c.580-662): Letter 8 (end): On the forced conversion of Jews and Samaritans by Heraclius
- Álvaro of Córdoba: Exchange of Letters with Eleazar the Jew trans
by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, from Annales Bertiniani 839 CE. [At] [Internet Archive version here]
Eleazar was a convert to Judaism, and he was originally a Catholic clergyman of Germanic origin called Bodo.
- Rashi (1040-1105): Communal
Affairs in Troyes c.1100 [At this Site]
- Ahimaaz ben Paltiel: The Arab invasions of Southern Italy, according to The Chronicle of Ahimaaz 1054 [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
Information in regard to the history of the early Jewish settlements in such towns as Oria, Bari, Otranto, Gaeta, Benevente, Capua, Amalfi, and Pavia in southern Italy,
Benjamin of Tudela (1160-1173): The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela Critical Text, Translation and Commentary by Marcus Nathan Adler.
- Jewish Ethical Wills (12th and 14th Centuries)
- Maimonides (1138-1204): Letter to Obadiah the Proselyte [Internet Archive]
- Converts to
Judaism: France and Germany trans. Elka Klein
- Royal Grants to the
Jewish Community of Barcelona 1241-1271, trans. Elka Klein
- A Rabbinic Responsum: The
Shabbat Goy
- Gerald of Wales: Two Cistercian
Monks turn Jews before 1200
- Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: A Daughter's Inheritance
1293, trans. Elka Klein
- Barcelona Jewish Court Documents: A Jewish Widow and her
Daughter 1261-1262, trans. Elka Klein
- Reciting the
Grace after Meals: The Status of Jewish Women from Berakhot, chap. 7, trans.
Elka Klein
- Jewish Community of Barcelona: The Book of Document
Forms 13th century, trans. Elka Klein
- Inventaire des bijoux provenant des Juifs de Sauve (Gard), reçus par le délégué de l'évêque, 4 octobre
1307, in Latin [At Livre des sources médiévales]
- Formule du serment qui était exigé des Juifs avant d'être admis à l'exercice d'une charge quelconque dans la ville de Narbonne XIIIe siècle, In
Occitan, [At Livre des sources médiévales]
- The Black Death and the Jews 1348-1349 CE
[At this Site]
Contains: The Confession of Agimet of Geneva, , October 20, 1349; Jacob von
Königshofen (1346-1420); Chonicle; The Epitaph of Asher aben Turiel,
Toledo, Spain, 1349.
- Ordinance
of the Jews of the Crown of Aragon 1354 CE
This ordinance or takkanah was the product of an increased sense of Jewish
vulnerability in the years after the Black Death (1348).
- Synod of
Castilian Jews 1432
Ordinances from assembly of the Jews of the kingdom of Castile at Valladolid in
- Relations between Christians and Jews
Jews and the State in Christendom
- Legislation
Affecting the Jews 300 to 800 CE [At this Site]
Index to Roman, Western and canonical laws
- Jews and the Later Roman Law 315-531 CE [At this
Laws by Constantine the Great, Constantius (337-361), Theodosius II (408-410), and
Justinian (527-565).
- Julian and the Jews 361-363 CE [At this Site]
From Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History written about 443-450 CE
- The Jews of Spain and the Visigothic Code 654-681
CE [At this Site]
- Charlemagne: Capitulary
for the Jews 814
- From the Dialogue
of the Exchequer: On Usury c.1170
- Henry II of England: Concerning
Loans From The Jews
- The Expulsion of the Jews from France 1182 CE
[At this Site]
Account by Rigord from the Gesta Philippi Augusti.
- Richard I of England: Charter by
Which Many Liberties are Granted and Confirmed to the Jews 22 March, 1190
- English Jewry is Organised: The Ordinances of the Jews
- Appointment of
an Archpriest of the Jews in England July 1199 King John of England and the Jews: Charters c.1201
- St. Louis and the Jews of France before 1270 CE
[At this Site]
Account by Joinville.
- The Charter of the Jews of the Duchy of Austria July 1, 1244 CE [At this Site]
- Jews and Christians in
Teruel: The Fuero of Teruel 1176 CE [At this Site]
Excerpts from the Fuero, or urban ordinance.
- The Siete Partidas: Concerning Jews 1265
[At this Site]
- An Oath Taken by Jews Frankfort on the Main
about 1392 CE [At this Site]
- Sentencia-Estatuto de Toledo 1449, trans Kenneth Baxter Wolf [At Canilup] [Internet Archive version here]
This text, from Toledo in 1449, is the earliest known reference to Jewish blood , as opposed to Jewish beliefs and rituals (judaizing), being held against Christian conversos in Spain. It marks the formalisation of the theoru of purity of blood, or limpieza de sangre.
- The Expulsion from Spain 1492 CE [At this
Account by an Italian Jew.
Jews and Economic Activity
Three facts predominate when considering the important role of Jews in the Medieval
economy. In most places and times, medieval Jews were legally unable to participate in
agriculture, the economic activity of the vast majority of both Christian and Muslim
populations. There is a lot of evidence that scattered Jewish communities kept in contact
with each other. Finally, although credit was essential to economic activity, lending
money on interest (usury) was forbidden by Muslim and Christian law [although there were,
in practice, many Christian money-lenders]. (Jewish law also forbids usury within the
Jewish community, but permits loans to those outside).
The result of these situations was that Jewish economic activity had to focus on
professional skills, trading, or credit provision.
Jewish Communities Outside Islam and Christendom
- Khazaria
- China
- India
- Africa
Jewish Cultures
Jewish Intellectual and Religious Life
- Toledoth
Yeshu A sixth-century Jewish (negative) account of Jesus. [At UPenn]. [Internet Archive version here]
- WEB Jewish Views of Jesus a
page with more texts. [Internet Archive backup here]
- Sepher Yetzirah [or Sefer Yatzira], translated from the Hebrew by Wm. Wynn Westcott, PDF [At Public Library UK] [Internet Archive version here]
The Sepher Yetzirah is one of the most famous of the ancient Qabalistic texts. It was
first put into writing around 200 C.E. Westcott's Translation was first published in 1887
- Judah Ha-Levi (ca 1075-1141): The Kuzari also known as The
Book of Argument and Proof in Defense of the Despised Faith (Kitab al Khazari). Or here [Wikisource]
The entire first book of the Kuzari, a philosophical treatise written by the
Spanish Jewish philosopher and poet, Judah Ha-Levi. It is written in the form of a
dialogue, purportedly between the king of the Khazars and the representatives of various
belief systems, culminating with a rabbi.
- Medieval Hebrew featuring THE MIDRASH [At Sacred Texts] [Internet Archive backup here]
- Maimonides: The Guide for the Perplexed trans M. Friedländer (1903)
[At Sacred Texts] [Internet Archive backup here]
- Maimonides: The Thirteen
Principles of Judaism [At this Site]
- Maimonides: The 613
Mitzvot [At this Site]
- Maimonides: The
Laws and Basic Principles of the Torah [At this Site]
- Maimonides: The Laws
Concerning Mashiach [At this Site]
Chapters 11 & 12 of Hilchos Melachim from the Mishneh Torah of the Rambam
- Maimonides: Oath of
Maimonides and in
Spanish [At Internet Archive, from]
- The Hypertext Halacha .[At Project
A translation of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishna Berurah. An excellent source
for the details of Jewish religious law..
Christian Anti-Semitism
- General
- Byzantium
- Socrates Scholasticus: The Blood Libel in
Syria late 4th century, [At this Site]
- Byzantine Liturgy
for Good Friday [At this Site]
This is a current English translation. It shows how the very negative Christian message
that Jews were "Christ-killers" was conveyed to the people through the liturgy
of the churches. Latin Catholic Good Friday services were just as anti-Semitic, although
it has now been reformed. This aspect of Christian liturgy made Holy Week an extremely
dangerous time for Jews thoughout Christian-majority lands.
- John Chrysostom (c.347-407): Homilies Against the
Jews [At this Site] from sometime before 398. Horrific.
- Justinian I: Novella 146:
On Jews [At this Site]
- Antiochus Strategos: The
Sack of Jerusalem 614 [At this Site]
An example of Byzantine Antisemitism, and a version of the Blood libel.
- Latin Christian
- Prayers for
Making a Synagogue into a Church in Latin. [At this Site]
From the Liber Sacramentorum Romanae Ecclesiae
- Fourth Council of Toledo: On
the Keeping of Slaves 633
- Agobard of Lyon: On
the Insolence of the Jews To Louis the Pious trans. William L. North, 826/827
- Agobard of Lyon: On
the Baptism of Slaves Belonging to Jews (to Adalard, Wala, and Helisachar) trans.
William L. North
- Ralph Glaber: The Year
1000 AD [At this Site]
from the Miracles de Saint-Benoit, (d.c. 1044) - discusses early 11th century
- Soloman bar Samson: The
Crusaders in Mainz 1096 [At this Site]
written in mid 12th century
- Shlomo Eidelberg: The Jews And The Crusaders: The Hebrew Chronicles of the First and Second Crusades (1977) full text [At Internet Archive] or local copy [At this Site] [Text marked at IA as public domain]
-Translated full texts of: The Chronicle of Solomon bar Simson; The Chronicle of Rabbi Eliezer bar Nathan; The Narrative of the Old Persecutions, or Mainz Anonymous; Sefer Zekhirah, of The Book of Remembrance of Rabbi Ephraim of Bonn. See Wikipedia: Rhineland Massacres
- Gerald of Wales: Barnacle Geese
Should Convince the Jew of the Immaculate Conception 1188
- Peter of Blois: Against
the Perfidy of the Jews , before 1198
- Image: Jewish Usurers from the Rotulus Judeorum,
An English caricature of Jews as coinclippers and and usurers.
- Thomas of Monmouth: The Life and Miracles
of St. William of Norwich 1144, excerpts [At this Site]
One of the major accusations against Jews of the charge that they killed Christian
children. This blood-libel was the center of a number of saint's cults. See the Catholic
Encylopedia [1913] article William
of Norwich for much background information. [Note that this article, while rejecting
the Ritual Murder and Blood Libels, does end by suggesting that some of the cases were
based on real incidents.]
- Image and Story of Anderl von
Rinn: A Blood Libel Saint supposedly 1462, in fact 17th century [At this Site]
An image from Rinn showing the ritual murder of Anderl von Rinn. This file also contains
many links to other "blood libel" information.
- Ephraim ben Jacob: The
Ritual Murder Accusation at Blois May, 1171 [At this Site]
- The Abbey of St.
Edmund’s and the Jews 1173-1182
- Roger of Hoveden: Persecution
of Jews Following Coronation of Richard I 1189 [At this Site]
- Ephraim of Bonn: On the
York Massacre of 1189-90 [At this Site]
- Innocent III: Letter on
the Jews - toleration 1199 [At this Site]
- Innocent III: Constitution
for the Jews - toleration 1199 [At this Site]
- The Fourth Lateran Council: Canon 68 - on Jews
[At this Site]
- Pope Innocent III: The
Keeping of Slaves by the Jews 1204
- Gregory X (r.1271-1276): Letter on the Jews
[At this Site]
- Martin V: From
Declaration on Protection for the Jews 1419 [At this Site]
- Anti-Semitic Legends
Translated and/or edited by D. L. Ashliman, [Was At Pitt, now Internet Archive]
- Image: Simon of Trent being "martyred", 1475
- Protestant
- Martin Luther: Before 1517: Letters
to Spalatin [At this Site]
These letters are interesting in showing Luther's atitude towards Rome and towards
theology. They also reveal that Luther's hatred of Jews, best seen in his 1543 letter, was
not some affectation of old age, but was present very early on.
- "On The Jews and Their Lies" a treatise by Martin Luther (translated by Martin H. Bertram, Luther's Works, Vol. 47: The Christian In Society IV, ed. by Franklin Sherman (c) 1971
Fortress Press, pages 121-306)
Early Modern Jewish Life
- General
- Jewish Life in the Ottoman Empire
- Jewish Life in Holland
- Jewish Life in England
- Image: Rodrigo Lopez 1594
Lopez was a Portugese Marrano (a "hidden Jew"), who was Queen Elizabeth's
physician. He was executed for working to poison her.
- Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593): The Jew of Malta1589
[At Project Gutenberg]
Not merely an anti-Semitic play, since it attacks Christian hypocrisy, but the Jewish
villain would be seen by an audience without any actual Jews to counter the image.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616): The
Merchant of Venice first performed 1597?, [At Project Gutenberg]
Surely the most famous of all early modern plays with Jewish characters. The question of
whether the play is Antisemitic remains open for some commentators.
- Image: Manasseh Ben Israel
The man who negotiated with Oliver Cromwell for the return of Jews to England in 1655.
- Bevis Marks Synagogue
- Jewish Life in South America
Back to Index
Life since the Enlightenment
- WEB Judaism in the Modern
Age [At Calgary][Internet Archive backup here]
Eliezer Segal's course page, with clear explanations of the variety of modern forms of
The Enlightenment and the Jews
The Jewish Enlightenment [The Haskalah]
Alternate Jewish Reactions to Modernity
The History of the Ashkenazi in Eastern Europe
Jewish Life in Western Europe
- Germany
- Austrian Empire
- France
- Napoleonic Laws
- Isrealite Community
- England
- WEB The Jewish Museum London
- WEB Manchester Jewish Museum
- Charles Dickens (1812-1870): Oliver Twist 1838 [Project Gutenberg]
Fagin was Victorian literature's most famous Jewish character, and an Antisemitic one. .
- Charles Dickens (1812-1870): Our Mutual Friend 1864-1865 [Project Gutenberg]
Dickens accepted complaits about
the Antisemitic trops in Oliver Twist and created a very sympathich Jewish character called Riah in Our Mutual Friend.
- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881): The Wondrous Tale of Alroy (1833) [Project Gutenberg]
A novel with a Jewish main character set id medieval Baghdad.
- George Eliot (1819-1880: Daniel Deronda (1876) [Project Gutenberg]
Probably the most overtly pro-Jewish and proto-Zionist Victorian novel
- Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918): Poems [At Poem Hunter]
An Anglo-Jewish war poet
- Netherlands
- Italy
The History of the Sephardic Communities
The New World Diaspora
- General
- 19th Century
- WEB Walnut Street [Internet Archive version here]
19th Century Jewish-American history, poetry and fiction, polemics and philosophy. Has an
online library of 19th century Jewish books.
- WEB Jews in the Civil War [Internet Archive version here]
Contains an impressive collection of original texts from both Union and Confederate sides.
- Catechism for Jewish Children 1863 [At Walnut Street] [Internet Archive version here]
- Yiddish Culture
- American Zionism
[Internet Archive version here]
Jews and the Political Left
Modern Jewish Religious Thought
The Impact of Secular Jews on Modern Thought
- See the Internet
Modern History Sourcebook for texts by and about Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and Albert
Einstein. Marx was the son of convert parents, Freud rejected religion, and Einstein was
not conventionally religious.
Albert Einstein: Letter to Roosevelt Aug 2, 1939 [At OSTI], along with Roosevelt's response and the discussion by
the scientific community [Internet Archive version here]
Albert Einstein: Science
and Religion 1939 [At Einstein and Religion] ] Archive version here]
Modern Antisemitism
- General
- Religious Anti-Semitism
- Racist Anti-Semitism
- Emile Zola (1840-1902): J'accuse L'Aurore, 13 January 1898, in French [at Cnam] [Internet Archive version here] or J'accuse [French
text][At BPJJ]
Zola's scathing attack on the Dreyfus case
T.S. Eliot, Burbank with a
Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar [At Bartleby]
Eliot, one of the greatest of 20th-century poets was, nevertheless, an anti-Semite. The
casual anti-Semitism of much of the Western elite tends to be overlooked in discussions of
religious and racial anti-Semitism, but was an important contributor to the tragedy of the
Holocaust. [See also Eliot's The Waste Land.]
- Henry Ford: The International Jew
- Violent Racist Anti-Semitism
- Islamic Antisemitism
- Sites Showing Antisemitism
- Sites Analysing Antisemitism
- 2ND Winthrop D. Jordan: Slavery and the Jews
review of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews at The Atlantic,
September 1995 [At The Atlantic Magazine] [Internet Archive version here]
The Shoah [or Holocaust]
- Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust
- The Catholic Church and the Holocaust
- Revisionism
The State of Israel
- General
- Documents: Pre-1947
- Independence 1948
- Since the Establishment of the State
- Israeli Culture
- Palestinian Documents
Post-World War II Jewish Thought
- General
Religious: Orthodox/Hasidic/Haredi
R. Schneur Zalman of Lyady: Tanya [At Chabad]
- Religious: Conservative
- Religious: Reform
- Religious: Reconstructionist/Humanist
- Mordecai Kaplan: The Thirteen Wants - Reconstructionist Judaism [At Sacred Texts] [Internet Archive version here]
- Liberal
- Secular Jews
Leonard Cohen: Poems [At Leonard Cohen Files
- The Problem of Christian Missionaries
- Jews and Buddhism
Gender and Judaism
Back to Index
Resources on Jewish History
- WEB Khazaria
Information Center
A Resource for Turkic and Jewish History in Russia and Ukraine. Also conatins a very
extensive guide to the web on Eastern European Jewish history.
Back to Index
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The Internet Jewish History Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The date of inception was
4/8/1998. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location]. WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]