Modern History Sourcebook: War, Conflict, & Progress
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Paul Halsall, [email protected],
Sourcebook Compiler
Research Help: Although I am more than happy to receive notes if you have comments on this web site, I
cannot answer specific research enquiries [and - for students - I cannot, or rather will
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for more suggestions on texts and research.
IMPORTANT: New Structure for the Modern History SourcebookAs of January 20 1999, the Internet Modern History Sourcebook has been completely reorganized. Each of the main sections had became too large
[nearly 300k] to maintain as one file. To see the new arrangement go to the Main Index. The four older index files - Early Modern | Three Revolutions | 19th Century | Modern World (this page) - will
all remain available indefinitely, and the URLs of individual files will not alter. But no
new texts (after 12/31/1998) will be added to these large index pages. For new texts, use
the new structure, or check the New Additions page.The new structure also includes a comprehensive Full Texts index, a HELP! page, and a Search page.
- Main
- Early Modern Europe
- I: Reformation Europe
- Precursors and Papal Critics
- Luther
- Calvin
- Radical Reformers
- English and Scottish Reformation
- Catholic Reformation
- Conflict
- Women and Reformation
- II: The Ancien Regime
- The Early Modern World System
- Structures of Life
- Structures of Politics - Absolutism
- England, Holland, and America - Alternative Polities and Economies
- Scientific, Political, and Industrial Revolutions:
The Transformation of the West
- The Long 19th Century: The Hegemony
of the West
- VI: The Century of Ideology and Power
- The Council of Vienna System and Challenges
- Nationalism
- Liberalism
- Conservatism
- 19th-Century Feminism
- 1848: Europe in Revolt
- Britain
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Other Western European Countries
- Eastern European Countries
- Power and Ideology in the US: North vs. South
- Canada: Another North American Society
- Latin America
- Australia and New Zealand
- Responses to Economic Growth: Socialism and Marxism
- Responses to Economic Growth: Imperialism
- The Second Industrial Revolution and Advanced Capitalism
- Contradictions of the Enlightenment: Darwin, Freud, Einstein and Modern Art
- Religion in the Face of Modernity
- War, Conflict and Progress: The Emerging World [this page]
- New Additions Page
From July 1, 1998 additions to the Modern History Sourcebook will be recorded in this list of document accessions.
VII: The End of European Hegemony
World War I
- World War I: Trenches on the Web. It is best to
start at the Library Page [At]
Covers many aspects of the war, with efforts at interactive presentation.
- WEB WWI Sites - Links to Resources [At Ukansas]
- WEB The
World War I Document Archive [At BYU]
has hundreds of documents.
- WEB Documents of World War I, [At Mt.
- WEB Balkan History Documents, 1456-1997 [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Hague Conventions,
[At Yale]
- The Path to War
- WEB Steven W. Sowards:Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan
History [At MSU]
In depth coverage of Balkan history from 1804 until today. Especially useful in reference
to the 19th century background of empires and nationalisms.
- Ottoman Empire: Weakness
- The Balkans: Conflict
- Austria Hungary
- German Arms Race
- The Alliance System
- The War
- Private Donald Fraser: War Diary, September 1915 [At this
Fraser, a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, recounts his experiences on the
battle field.
- Fritz Kriesler: Four
Weeks in the Trenches, 1915 [At H-net]
- Siegfried Sassoon: Attack [At this Site]
- Captain Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen [The Red Baron] (1892-1918): Air Warfare [At this Site]
- Erich Maria Remarque: All
Quiet on the Western Front, excerpts [At Clinch Valley College], or here [At
- Zimmerman
Telegram [At NARA]
- Telegram from the American
Consulater in Sweden to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 17, 1917 [At Hanover]
- Telegram from the American
Consulate in Petrograd to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 20, 1917 [At Hanover]
- Telegram from the American
Consulate in Moscow to the U.S. Secretary of State, March 20, 1917 [At Hanover]
- United States: Espionage
Act 1918 [At Ukansas]
- Resistence to War
- Literary Responses
- World War I Poetry, Poems by Siegfried Sasson, Wilfred
Owen, Herbert Read, and others [At this Site]
- Rupert Brooke: War Sonnets [At this Site]
- Siegfried Sassoon: Poems [At Columbia]
- John McCrae (1872-1918): In
Flanders Field, 1915 [At WSU]
- John McCrae (1872-1918): In Flanders Fields 1915 [At
this Site]
- Helena Coleman: Marching Men: War
Verses, 1917 [At CMU]
- Wilfred Owen: Dulce
et Decorum Est, 1918 [At CCNY]
- Vera Brittain: Testament
of Youth, excerpts [At Clinch Valley College]
- Henri Barbusse (1874-1935): Under
Fire: The Story of a Squad, 1916, full text [At Eldritch]
- John Dos Passos: One Man's
Initiation: 1917: A Novel, 1920 full text [At Eldritch]
- Georges Duhamel (Denis Thévenin)(1884-1966): Civilization 1914-1917,
translated by E. S. Brooks [At Eldritch]
- Émile Zola: Germinal, 1885
Translated by Havelock Ellis (1894), full text [At Eldritch Press]
See also Paul Brian's Study
Guide [At WSU]
- The Aftermath
- The Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,
1918 [At Yale] and here [At
- Tomas Masaryk: Independent
Bohemia, 1915 [At Hnet]
- Woodrow Wilson: The Fourteen Points, Jan 8,1918, excerpts
[At this Site] and here [At Civnet] and here [At
- The Versailles Treaty, 1919, excerpts [At this Site]
- The Treaty of Versailles,
June 28, 1919 [At Yale]
- WEB Treaty of
Versailles, June 28, 1919 [At ACUSD]
Full text, with many accompanying maps and cartoons.
The Russian Revolution
- WEB Russian Revolution on the Web
- WEB History of
Russia and the former USSR
- WEB The Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Internet
Archive [At]
- WEB The Leon Trotsky Internet Archive [At]
- WEB The Josef Stalin Internet Archive [At]
- SUMMARY: The Russian
- The Tsarist State
- Count von Moltke: The Coronation of Tsar Alexander
II, 1855 [At this Site]
- Alexander II, The Emancipation
Manifesto, March 3 1861 [new style][At Durham]
- Théophile Gautier: The Races on the Neva River, 1870 [At
this Site]
- Mary Antin: A Little Jewish Girl in the Russian Pale,
1890 [At this Site]
- Prince Ukhtomskii: Russia's Imperial Destiny, 1891 [At
this Site]
- Sergei Witte, On the tasks for
economic policy, 1900 [At Durham]
- Commander Vladimir Semenoff: Coaling at Sea, 1905
[At this Site]
The adventures of a Russian ship on its way to the Russo-Japanese war.
- Lindon Bates, Jr.: In a Tartar Tent, c. 1909 [At
this Site]
- The Development of the Opposition
- Lenin
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): Full Texts [index at Hanover]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): Our Programme,
1899, [At this Site]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): What is to Be Done?,
1902, extended excerpts [At this Site]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): What
is to Be Done?, extracts [At WSU]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): The State and
Revolution, 1918, extended excerpts,[At this Site]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): State and
Revolution, 1918 [At Idaho]
- Vladimir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): Excerpts from Lenin's
Testament, 1922 [At this Site]
Lenin's judegments on his colleagues.
- 1905
- 1917
- Tsar Nicholas II, Abdication,
March 15, 1917 [At Durham]
- The First Provisional Government, Izvestiia, 3 March 1917 [At Durham]
- Resolutions adopted by the First
All-Russian Congress of Soviest, June 1917 [At Durham]
- Vladmir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): On
His April Theses [At Durham]
- Vladmir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): Call to Power, Oct 24,
1917 [At this Site]
- Declaration of the Rights of the
Toilng and Exploited Peoples, 1917(?) [At Durham]
- Vladmir Illyich Lenin (1870-1924): On
the Organization of and Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter Revolution, Letter
to Dzerzhinskii, December 19, 1917 [At Durham]
The origins of the Cheka, NKVD, and KGB.
- Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky: Leo
Trotsky, from Revolutionary Silhouttes [At Artbin]
- John Reed: 10 Days that Shook the World
- Bolshevik Rule to 1924
- Stalinism
- WEB Revelations From the Russian
Archives [At LC]
A tremendous resource.
- Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Marxism and the
National Question 1913 [At Stalin Internet Archive]
- Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Trotskyism or
Leninism? 1924 [At Stalin Internet Archive]
- Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Industrialization of the Country,
1928 [At this Site]
- Josef Stalin (1879-1953): Dialectical and
Historical Materialism 1936 [At Stalin Internet Archive]
- Dizzy With Success: Concerning
Questions of the Collective Farm Movement, from Pravda, March 2, 1930. [At
- Collective Farms of the USSR,
1929-1940 [At Durham]
- Memorandum on the Grain
Problem, 1932 [At LC]
The memo which indicates the deliberate start of the Ukrainian famine.
- Constitution
of the USSR, 1936 [At Bucknell] or represented as an Organizational Chart [At Brooklyn]
- Joseph Stalin: Dialectical and
Historical Materialism (September 1938) [At Atbin]
- Hymn to Stalin,
The cult of personality.
- Osip Mandelstam (1934?), and Yevgeny Yevtushenko (1962): Poems
on Stalin [At this Site]
- The Soviet Purges: Official Explanation, 1936, excerpts
[At this Site]
- The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite
Terrorist Centre, Heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R.,
Moscow, August 19-24, 1936" (Overview) [Divided into 10 files][At Artbin]
- N.I. Bukharin: Last Plea, from
"The case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites', Heard before the
Military Colegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, March 2-13, 1938 [At
- Rapprochement between The Orthodox
Church and Soviet Government. Speech of M. G. Karpov at Council of the Orthodox
Church, 1945. [At Durham]
An Age of Anxiety? The Inter-War Years
- Europe
- Paul Valéry: On European Civilization and the European Mind,
c. 1919, 1922 [At this Site]
- T.S. Eliot: Gerontion [At Columbia]
- T.S. Eliot: Love Song of J.
Alfred Prufrock [At Columbia]
- T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land, 1922 [At
- T.S. Eliot: The Hollow Men,
1925 [At Oxford]
- Franz Kafka: The Trial,
excerpts [At Clinch Valley College]
- Bertrand Russell: Icarus, or,
the Future of Science, 1924 [At Wisconsin]
- Bertrand Russell: On
Modern Uncertainity, 1932 [At Wisconsin]
- Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894-1963): Brave
New World, 1932, full text, [At Yggdrasil]
The site claims the US copyright is expired.
- Franz Kafka (1883-1924): Metamorphosis,
full text [At]
- Jose Ortega y Gasset: The
Revolt of the Masses, excerpts [At Hanover]
- Jose Ortega y Gasset: The
Revolt of the Masses, Full Text [At HK]. [This text is copyrighted in the US. The link
here is an informational link to the site in Hong Kong which has a copy.]
- W.H. Auden (1907-1973) : The
Unknown Citizen, March 1939, part of Poems [At
- Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936): Poems, In
English and Spanish [At Norconnect]
- Britain
- WEB Modern British Literature [At ACCD]
Listing of the major British authors, with dates of their works, and links to the works
when online. Mostly Pre-WW II authors.
- France
- The New States of Eastern Europe
- Yugoslavia
- Czechoslovakia
- Romania
- Greece
- Turkey
- United States of America
- Latin America in the Early 20th Century
- United States Intervention
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Chile
- Gabriela Mistral: Poems,
1922 [At WSU]
- Uruguay
- Juana de Ibarbarou: The
Hour, 1918 [At WSU]
- Inter-War International Relations
- WEB Documents of the Interwar Period [At Mt. Holyoke]
- H.G. Wells: The Idea of a
League of Nations and Part
II,The Atlantic Monthly, January and February, 1919, [At The Atlantic]
- Raymond B. Fosdick: The
League of Nations is Alive, The Atlantic Monthly, June 1920 [At The Atlantic]
- Raymond B. Fosdick, The
League of Nations as an Instrument of Liberalism, The Atlantic Monthly,
October 1920, [At The Atlantic]
- L. P. Jacks. A League of
Nations or of Governments, The Atlantic Monthly, February, 1923 [At The
- League of Nations Covenant,
1924 [At Yale] or here [At Tufts]
- United States: Neutrality Acts of 1937 & 1939 [At Wiretap]
- Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1929
[At Yale]
- Abyssinia, 1936
- Miklos Horthy: Annotated
Memoirs, 1957, [At MS State]
Economic Problems and the
- War Reparations
- Economic Problems in Europe
- The Depression
- WEB The Great Depression
Includes hard statistics.
- WEB American Life Histories,
Manuscripts from the Federal Writers's Project, 1936-1940 [At Library of Congress]
Over 2,900 online oral histories from the Depressison era. The site also has image files.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): First Inaugural, March
4, 1933 [At Hanover]
Nazism and World War II
- WEB WWII Resources and Documents [At
- Italy
- Spain
- Germany: The Weimar Republic
- National Socialism
- The 25 Points, 1920 [At this Site]
An early Nazi program.
- Adolf Hitler: Speech,
April 12, 1921 [At Hanover]
- Weimar Elections - Table,
1919-1933 [At]
- Weimar Elections - Table,
1919-1933 [At VWC]
- Adolf Hitler: Reichstag
Speech, February 20, 1938 [At Yale]
- Bruno Heilig: "Why
the German Republic Fell", 1938 [At Hanover]
- The Horst Wessel Song [At this Site][with multimedia]
- Songs of the German Army: World War II [At this
Site][with multimedia]
- Pope Pius XI (b. 1857. pope. 1922-1939): On the
Church and the German Reich (Mit Brennender Sorge), 14 Mar 1937 [At American], compare On
Atheistic Communism (Divini Redemptoris), 19 Mar 1937 [At American]
- National Socialism and the
Protestant Church, 1934-1938, collected documents in German, [At AOL]
- The Barmen Declaration, 1934 [At
A call to resistance against the theological claims of the Nazi state, In 1934 the
emerging "Confessing Church" adopted this declaration drafted by Reformed
theologian Karl Barth and Lutheran theologian Hans Asmussen.
- Lead Up to War
- War In Europe
- WEB World War II - Documents,
1940-45 [At Yale]
- WEB Documents of World War II [At Mt.
- World War II Documents [index at
- Adolf Hitler: The Obersalzberg Speech [At this
- Franco-German Armistice,
June 25, 1940 [At Yale]
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): Address at Charlottesville,
1940 [At Civnet]
Roosevelt rebuts isolationism and promised to aid Britain against Germany.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): America, the Arsenal
of Democracy [At this Site]
- US Declaration of War on Germany Dec. 11, 1941 [At U Oklahoma]
- The Atlantic Charter,
1941 [At Civnet]
- Vyacheslav Molotov (1889-1986): Broadcast Speech on the
Invasion of The Soviet Union, June 22, 1941 [At this Site]
- German Surrender Documents of
World War II May 8, 1945 [At U Oklahoma]
- War In Asia
- The Home Front
- Winston S. Churchill, "We
Shall Fight on the Beaches" - Speech to the House of Commons, June 4 1940 [At
- Winston S. Churchill, "Blood, Toil, Tears and
Sweat" Speech, 1940 [At this Site]
- Winston S. Churchill: "Their Finest Hour",
To the House of Commons, 18 June 1940 [At this Site]
- British Songs of World War II [At this Site][with
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): The Four Freedoms,
from his message to Congress given on January 6, 1941 [At Civnet]
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): 'A Call
for Sacrifice', 28 April, 1942 [At this Site]
The speech indicates the tremendous increase in governmental power, and control over the
economy, needed to fight the war.
- After the War
The Holocaust
- WEB Jewish History Sourcebook
- 2ND Bernard Lazare: Antisemitism: Its History
and Causes, 1894, full text [At this Site]
- Anti-Semitism
- Religious Anti-Semitism
- Racist Anti-Semitism
- Emile Zola (1840-1902): J'accuse, L'Aurore, 13 January 1898, in French [at Cnam] or Émile Zola: J'accuse [French
text][At BPJJ]
Zola's scathing attack on the Dreyfus case.
- T.S. Eliot, Burbank with a
Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar [At Columbia]
Eliot, one of the greatest of 20th-century poets was, nevertheless, an anti-Semite. The
casual anti-Semitism of much of the Western elite tends to be overlooked in discussions of
religious and racial anti-Semitism, but was an important contributor to the tragedy of the
Holocaust. [See also Eliot's The Waste Land.]
- Violent Racist Anti-Semitism
- The "Final Solution"
- Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust
- The Handicapped
- The Roma [Gypsies]
- Serbs
- Homosexuals -
- Revisionism
- Pre- and Post-Holocaust Genocides
- UN Resolution 260- On Genocide, 1948 [At this Site]
- Armenia 1914-
- WEB The Armenian Genocide [At]
The genocide of Armenians took place during WWI in Turkey's eastern provinces.
- Bangladesh 1971
- East Timor 1975-
- Cambodia 1978
- Rwanda 1996
- Former Yugoslavia
Back to Index
VIII: The World Since 1945
A Bipolar World
- The United Nations
- Human Rights: Universal Ideals or a Western Impositions?
- WEB The Laws of War [At
The Hague Conventions, Geneva Conventions, and Pacific Protocol.
- WEB International Human Rights
Instruments [At Minnesota]
Texts of all major treaties, agreements, etc. since 1945, in English. Many also in French
and Spanish.
- WWW International Constitutional Law [At
Wuerzburg][Added 7/20/98]
Maintains online texts in English, and search machines for comparative studies of
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 [At this
- American
Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man [At Civnet]
Adopted by the Ninth International Conference of American States at Bogota, Colombia,
- European Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 [At]
- The Helsinki
Accords, 1975 [At Civnet]
- Universal Declaration on the
Human Genome and Human Rights, 199? [At Minnesota]
- Female Genital Mutilation [At Religious Tolerance][Summary]
- Freedom of
Speech and Salman Rusdie's Satanic Verses [At Unn.Uk] - a Muslim discussion.
- Nelson Mandela: Address
on Human Rights, 1991 [At Civnet]
- Elie Wiesel: Dedication
of Holocaust Museum, 1993 [At Civnet]
- The Cold War
- WEB Cold
War International History Project
The site has a huge and accessible online library.
- WEB Cold War Hot Links
- WEB Coldwar Timeline
- WEB Documents Relating to American
Foreign Policy--the Cold War [At Mt. Holyoke]
- WEB Documents Relating to American
Foreign Policy--NATO [At Mt. Holyoke]
- WEB Documents
on the Truman Doctrine [At Truman Archives]
- The
Atlantic Charter, 1941
- Beginnings
- Berlin Crises
- Cuban Crises
- Cold Warriors
- United States Atomic Energy Commission: In The Matter of J. Robert
Oppenheimer [At Yale]
Texts of Principal Documents and Letters of Personnel Security Board, General Manager,
Commissioners Washington, D.C., May 27, 1954, through June 29, 1954
- President Eisenhower: The Eisenhower Doctrine on
the Middle
- TASS: Statement on the Eisenhower Doctrine,
January 14 1957 [At this Site]
- John Foster Dulles: Dynamic Peace, 1957 [At
this Site]
- Khrushchev and Eisenhower: Summit Statements,
May 16 1960 [At this Site]
- Nikita Krushchev: Address to the UN General Assembly,
Sept. 23 1960 [At this Site]
- East, A Message to Congress, January 5,
1957 [At this Site]
- President John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address, 1961 [At
this Site]
- President John F. Kennedy: Towards a Strategy of
Peace, June 10, 1963 [At this Site]
- A. V. Efimov: Modern
History: Textbook for the Ninth Form, 1965. [At MCPS]
A Soviet textbook on US History from the height of the Cold War.
- 2ND Jacob Heilbrunn: Viewer
Discretion Advised - CNN's tendentious "Cold War." The New
Republic 11/9/1998, [At TNR]
Interesting attempt to accuse CNN of being contentious by a writer who surely cannot think
he is exempt?
- Various Detentes
- Literary Reflections
America as World Leader: External
Power, Internal Change
- American Foreign Relations
- Relations with Soviet Union [also see above under "Cold War]
- Relations with China
- The Korean War
- The Vietnam War
- WEB Vietnam War
Documents and Links
- WEB Documents Relating to American
Foreign Policy--Vietnam [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Ho Chi Minh (1890-1968): Program for Communist of Indochina,
1930, excerpts [At this Site]
- Vietnamese Declaration of Independence, 1945 [At this
- The Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference: On
Restoring Peace in Indochina, July 21, 1954 [At this Site]
- The Manifesto of The Laodong Party, February1951
- Two
Letters to Ngo Dinh Diem [At Wiretap]
Eisenhower, October 23, 1954 (Department of State Bulletin, November 15, 1954): and
Kennedy, December 14, 1961 (Department of State Bulletin, January 1, 1962)
- President Eisenhower: Letter to Ngo Dinh
Diem, October 23, 1954 [At this Site]
Beginning US "humanitarian" aid.
- Viet Cong Program, 1962 [At this Site]
- Charles de Gaulle: France's Attitude Toward US
Policy in Vietnam, 1964 [At this Site]
- Tonkin Gulf Incident, 1964
[At Yale]
- The Tonkin Bay Resolution, 1964 [At this Site]
- US State Department: North Vietnamese
Aggression, 1965 [At this Site]
- State Department: White Paper on
Vietnam Feb. 27, 1965 [At Wiretap]
- U.S. State Department: Aggression from the
North, February 27, 1965 [At this Site]
- President Lyndon Johnson and Ho Chi Minh: Letter
Exchange, 1967 [At this Site]
- John Kerry, for Vietnam Veterans Against the War: Statement to
the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, 1971 [At this Site]
- War
Powers Resolution Nov. 7, 1973 [At U Ms State]
- US Domestic Politics: The State
- American Conservatism
- Russell Kirk, The
Conservative Movement: Then and Now [At LSU]
- Harvey Cox: The
Warring Visions of the Religious Right, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1995
[At The Atlantic]
- McCarthyism
- Republicans
- Democrats
- John F Kennedy: Address
to Southern Baptist Leaders, 1960 [At Civnet]
On his Catholicism and politics.
- The 1964 Election, The
Atlantic Monthly, October 1964, [At The Atlantic]
Endorsement of Johnson.
- President Lyndon B. Johnson: The War on Poverty,
March 1964 [At this Site]
- Jimmy Carter: Inaugural
Address, Jan 20, 1977 [At Columbia]
- Excerpts from
Presidential Debates, 1992 [At Civnet]
- Maya Angelou,
"On the Pulse of Morning", 1993, introduction (text omitted) [At Civnet].
See text [At
- American Radicalism
- American Society: Immigration
- Map: US: Origin of Immigrants 1970-1990, [At this
- The Atlantic: Immigration:
The Perpetual Controversy, The Atlantic Monthly, April 1996
- James Fallows: Immigration:
How It's Affecting Us, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1983 [At The Atlantic]
"Immigration tends to select for those who are especially resilient, adaptable, and
- Lowell Weiss: Timing is
Everything, The Atlantic Monthly, January1994 [At The Atlantic]
The fate of two groups of Vietnamese immigrants in America.
- Roy Beck: The
Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau, The Atlantic Monthly, April 1994 [At The
Effects of Southeast Asian refugees in Wausau.
- Jack Miles: A Bold Proposal
on Immigration, The Atlantic Monthly, June 1994 [At The Atlantic]
"The United States can and should clamp down on points of illegal entry into this
- Benjamin Schwarz: The Diversity
Myth, The Atlantic Monthly, May 1995 [At The Atlantic]
- Matthew Connelly and Paul Kennedy: Must It Be the
Rest Against the West?, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1994 [At The Atlantic]
Immigration issue as a problem of global inequalities. See critique by Virginia Abernethy: Optimism and
Overpopulation [At The Atlantic]
- The 20th Century Expansion of Legal Rights
- William O Douglas (1898-1980): A Living Bill of
Rights, excerpts, 1961 [At Civnet]
- Balance of Power
- Rights in Court
- Gideon v. Wainwright,
1963 [At Civnet]
Extended 6th Amendment right to counsel to defendants in state court cases.
- Racial Equality
- Free Speech
- Abrams v. United
States, 1919 [At Civnet]
The dissent by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes which is seen as the start of modern judicial
approaches to free speech.
- Whitney v. California,
1927 [At Civnet]
Justice Louis D. Brandeis's concurrence is counted as one of the greatest defences of free
- Near v. Minnesota,
1931 [At Civnet]
Extended the First Amendment to cover state courts.
- West Virginia Board of
Education v.Barnette, 1943 [At Civnet]
In Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940), the Supreme Court sustained local
school board requirements that all students salute the flag. Jehovah's Witnesses refused
to compromise, and in this case the Supreme Court reversed its earlier decision.
- Engel v. Vitale,
1962 [At Civnet]
The Supreme court effectively bans school prayer.
- New York Times Co. v.
United States, 1971 [At Civnet]
The Supreme Court rules against "prior restraint" in publication.
- Popular Culture
- Sports: The Opium of the People?
- The Atlantic: Ballpark Memories, The Atlantic Monthly, April 1997 [At The Atlantic]
- Birdie Tebbetts: I'd Rather Catch, The Atlantic Monthly, September, 1949 [At The Atlantic]
- Jim Brosnan: The
Fantasy World of Baseball, The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1964 [At The
- Donald Honig: Out
of Reach of All the Glory, The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1975 [At The Atlantic]
an excerpt from his book Baseball When the Grass Was Green
- Michael Lenehan: Pure Baseball Men, The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1981
- Thomas P. Curtis: High Hurdles and
White Gloves, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1956 [At The Atlantic]
The selection of the US Olympic team in 1932.
Europe, Yalta to Malta
- The Division of Europe
- Reconstruction
- The Marshall Plan,
1947 [At Civnet]
- The Marshall Plan, 1947 [At this Site]
Long excerpts from the Speech delivered by General George Marshall at Harvard University
on June 5, 1947
- European Union
- The Welfare State
- William H. Beveridge (1879-1963): Social Insurance and Allied Services (The Beveridge
Report), 1942
See this Introduction
- Christian Democracy
Principles and Programme of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Adopted by the 5th
Party Conference Hamburg, 21th to 23rd February 1994 [At CDU Web Site][Full Text in
English: German Available]
- Social Democracy
- Britain
- WEB Guide to British Politics [At Keele]
- WEB Timeline of British
Politics Since 1900 [At Keele]
- WEB British Election Manifestos Since
1945 - full texts of all three main parties' election manifestos [At Keele]
- Let Us Face the Future,
Labourt Party Manifestos 1945 [At Keele], with excerpts [At Hanover]
Classic example of mid-century democratic socialism.
- Let Us Face The Future: A Declaration of Labour
Policy for the Consideration of the Nation, 1945 [At this Site]
- G. R. Strauss, Minister of Supply: Speech
Delivered on Nationalizing the Iron and Steel Industry, November 15, 1948 [At this
- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965): Conservative
Party Principles, 1946 [At this Site]
- Margaret Thatcher: Christianity and Wealth, Speech made
to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, May 21, 1988 [At this Site]
- Chris MacNeil: The Paradox of
Liberalism versus Illiberalism: The British Middle Class Portrayed in 1980s Popular
Culture [At Oregon][Modern Discussion]
- New Labour?
- Germany
- France
- WEB French Documents [At Mt.
- WEB Paris
Libéré! [At]
- Charles de Gaulle: Speech
at the Hôtel de Ville, 25 August 1944, in French [At]
- Constitution of the
Fourth Republic, 1946, in French [At]
- Constitution
of the Fifth Republic, 1958, in French, [At Solon Law Archive]
- Constitution of the
Fifth Republic, 1958 [At Lyons][Full Text - In French] and in English [At
France Diplomatie]
- Code Civil [At FDN]
- Code Pénal [At FDN]
- Charles de Gaulle, French Premier: Speech at
Constantine, Algeria, October 3, 1958 [At this Site]
- Charles de Gaulle, President of France: Europe and
Its Role In World Affairs, July 23, 1964 [At this Site]
- Charles de Gaulle: France's Attitude Toward US
Policy in Vietnam, 1964 [At this Site]
- Maurice Couve de Murville, Foreign Minister: France's
View of the Atlantic Alliance and NATO, 1966 [At this Site]
- President Charles de Gaulle: Le Grand
"Non": Britain's Proposed Entry Into The Common Market, May 16, 1967
[At this Site]
- Italy
- Spain
- Ireland
- Proclamation of the Irish Republic, Easter 1916 [readable
image file of poster][At this Site]
- Henry W. Massingham: Ireland, 1916--And
Beyond, The Atlantic Monthly, December1916 [At The Atlantic]
- Ireland: Constitution [At TCD]
- John V. Kelleher: Can Ireland Unite?, The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1954 [At The Atlantic]
- Robert Coles: Ulster's
Children, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1980 [At The Atlantic]
- Conor Cruise O'Brien: Twentieth-Century
Witness, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1992 [At The Atlantic]
- Conor Cruise O'Brien: The Roots of My
Preoccupations, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1994
His experiences in government in Catholic Ireland of the 1950s.
- Bobby Sands (d.1981): The Diary
of Bobby Sands, March 1981 [At Larkspirit]
- Other Western European Countries
- The Soviet Union/Russia
- WEB Russia [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Domestic Politics
- Nikita Krushchev: Secret Speech, 1956 [At this Site]
- Nikita S. Khrushchev: The Secret Speech - On the
Cult of Personality, 1956 [At this Site]
Longer excerpts.
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: What I
Learned in the Gulag, excerpts [At Virginia]
- Treatment of Dissidents in the
'Years of Stagnation', Petition on the Legality of the Trial of Ginzburg, Galanskov,
Dobrovol'skii and Lashkova, Novoe russkoe slovo, 27 Feb.-7 Mar. 1968. [At Durham]
- Constitution
of the USSR, 1977 [At Bucknell]
- Economics
- The Gulag
- Gorbachev
- Letter from St.
Petersburg, 1994 [At Letters Magazine]
- Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Letters to Patrick
Buchanan, 1996 [At Letters Magazine]
- Sam Marcy: The
Collapse of the USSR and the Destiny of Socialism [At CMU]
- Foreign Policy
- See also under Cold War above
RUSSIE Traités et documents de base - in extenso
A major collection of documents on Soviet history especially as it relates to Lativia. All
in French.
- The Warsaw Pact, 1955 [At this Site]
- Soviet Statement: Friendship and Co-operation Between
the Soviet Union and Other Socialist States, October 30, 1956 [At this Site]
- Chinese Communist Party: The Leaders of the CPSU are the
Greates Splitters of Our Times, February 4, 1964 [At this Site]
- The Romanian Workers' Party: Statement on the
Sino-Soviet Dispute, April 22, 1964 [At this Site]
- Pravda: Editorial: The Anti-Soviet Policy of Communist
China, February 16,1967 [At this Site]
- The Brezhnev Doctrine, November, 1968, excerpts [At this
- Other Central and Eastern European Countries
- Albania
- Hungary
- WEB The Hungarian
Revolt, October 23 - November 4, 1956 [At MS State]
- Hungarian Students: Sixteen Political, Economic, and
Ideological Points, Budapest, October 22, 1956 [At this Site]
- Hungary 1956 [At this Site
Statement of the Soviet Government, October 30, 1956 and Imry Nage: Last Message (November
4, 1956)
- Trybuna Ludu: Clear Current and Scum, 1956
[At this Site]
A Polish newspaper on events in Hungary.
- Soviet Statement: Friendship and Co-operation Between
the Soviet Union and Other Socialist States, October 30, 1956 [At this Site]
- Yugoslavia
- 1989: What Happened and Why?
- WEB Steven W. Sowards:Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan
History [At MSU]
In depth coverage of Balkan history from 1804 until today. Topic 13 examines modern
conflicts after Tito and in re: 1989.
- Gerhard Rempel Revolution in
Eastern Europe: 1989 [At Western New England College]
Extended lecture notes.
- The Phillipines and People Power.
The incident which showed the people could bring down a government
- Tiananmen Square and State Force
The incident which showed the state could suppress a rebellion.
- Economic Liberalization in Hungary
- Polish Problems
- The Crisis in East Germany
- The US Embassy in Prague
- Mass Movements in East Germany
- Krenz and The Decision on Force
- Czechoslovakia and "Velvet Revolution"
- Bulgaria - any real change?
- Romania
- After 1989
- Retreat from Empire
- The Non-Aligned Movement
- India
- WEB Indian History Sourcebook
- WEB Documents Relating to Jammu and
Kashmir [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Rabindranath Tagore: Once
There Was a King, 1916 [At WSU]
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920): Address to the Indian National
Congress, 1907 [At this Site]
- Jabez Sunderland: The New
Nationalist Movement in India, The Atlantic Monthly, October 1908, [At The
- Mohandas K. Gandhi : Indian
Home Rule, 1909 [At WSU] and here [AT
- British Government Statement: Policy in India,
1946 [At this Site]
- Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964): Speech On the Granting of Indian
Independence, August 14, 1947 [At this Site]
- Arthur Bonner: India's
Masses: the Public That Can't Be Reached, The Atlantic Monthly, October 1959,
[At The Atlantic]
- Leland Hazard: Strong
Medicine for India; The Atlantic Monthly, December 1965, [At The Atlantic]
- Declaration of Pakistan and India on Jammu and Kashmir,
1966 [At this Site]
- Conor Cruise O'Brien: Holy
War Against India, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1988, [At The Atlantic]
On Sikh Nationalism.
- Other Asian Countries
- China
- WEB East Asian History
- WEB Inside
Current events in China.
- One China, The
Atlantic Monthly, March 1996 [At The Atlantic]
Coverage by the magazine of China in the 20th century.
- Chinese Efforts to Modernize: 1911-1949
- The Atlantic: The
Break-up of China, and Our Interest in It, The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1899
[At The Atlantic]
- Zou Rong (1885-1911): The
Revolutionary Army, 1905 [At Sharib]
- Paul S. Reinsch: A Parliament for
China, The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1909 [At The Atlantic]
- Proclamation of The Abdication of the Manchus, 1912
[At this Site]
- Ching Chun Wang: A
Plea for the Recognition of the Chinese Republic, The Atlantic Monthly,
January 1913 [At The Atlantic]
- Sun Yat Sen: Fundamentals
of National Reconstruction, 1923 [At Brooklyn College]
- Luxun Lu Hsun (1881-1936): Selected Stories of Lu Hsun,
Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, full text of 20 stories. [At Eldritch Press]
A leading May 4th Movement writer.
- Communist Rule
- WEB Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Writings [Mao Tse-tung
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Report on an Investigation of the Peasant
Movement in Hunan, March 1927 [At this Site]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): In Commemoration of the 28th Anniversary
of the Communist Party of China, June 30, 1949, excerpts [At this Site]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Quotations
of Chairman Mao [At WSU]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Quotations of
Chairman Mao, full text. [At Artbin]
- Statement of the Central Committee of The Chinese
Communist Party, February 1, 1947 [At this Site]
- The Common Program of The Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference, 1949 [At this Site]
- Lu Ting-yi: Let Flowers of Many Kinds Blossom, Diverse
Schools of Thought Contend!, 1956 [At this Site]
- Chinese Communist Party: The Leaders of the CPSU are the
Greates Splitters of Our Times, February 4, 1964 [At this Site]
- The Romanian Workers' Party: Statement on the
Sino-Soviet Dispute, April 22, 1964 [At this Site]
- Pravda: Editorial: The Anti-Soviet Policy of Communist
China, February 16,1967 [At this Site]
- China Gets the Bomb, 1964 [At this Site]
- Defense Minister Lin Piao: The Nature of People's War,
Statement of September 3, 1965 [At this Site]
A standard Maoist view.
- Editorial of the Liberation Army Daily (Jiefangjun Bao): Mao Tse-Tung's Thought is the Telescope and Microscope
of Our Revolutionary Cause, June 7, 1966 [At this Site]
- Dissidents
- Post Mao China
- Orville Schell: Once
Again, Long Live Chairman Mao, The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1992 [At The
- Xiao-huang Yin: China's
Gilded Age, The Atlantic Monthly, April 1994, [At The Atlantic]
The changes in China's society wrought by Deng's drive toward a free-market economy
- Hong Kong
- Atlantic Report: Hong Kong, The Atlantic Monthly, June 1957 [At The Atlantic]
Hong Kong still in the early stages of its emergence as an economic powerhouse.
- Maynard Parker: Report on
Hong Kong, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1967 [At The Atlantic]
Hong Kong in the face of Mao's Cultural Revolution.
- Cait Murphy: A Culture of
Emigration, The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1991 [At The Atlantic]
The growing unease among Chinese Hong Kong citizens about the impending Chinese rule.
- Japan
- Africa
- WEB African History Sourcebook
- WEB Documents from the Organization of African
Unity [At Diana]
- WEB Africa [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Second
Pan African Congress: Manifesto, 1921 [At CCNY]
- Jomo Kenyatta: The Kenya Africa Union is Not the Mau
Mau, 1952 [At this Site]
- All-African People's Conference: Resolution on Imperialism
and Colonialism, Accra, December 5-13, 1958 [At this Site]
- U Thant: The Congo Problem, 1962 [At this
- Charter of the Organisation of African Unity, May 25
1963 [At this Site]
- Rhodesia: Unilateral Declaration of Independence
Documents, 1965 [At this Site]
- Prime Minister Ian Smith: Announcement of Unilateral Declaration of Independence,
November 11, 1965
- Prime Minister Harold Wilson: The Position of the British Government on the Unilateral
Declaration of Independenec by Rhodesia, Speech to Parliament, November 11,1965
- Soviet Government Statement: The Situation in Southern Rhodesia, November 15, 1965
- President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia: African
Development and Foreign Aid, Speech of March 18, 1966 [At this Site]
- Tanzania: The Arusha Declaration, 1967 [At this
- Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972): I Speak of Freedom, 1961,
excerpts [At this Site]
- South Africa
- The National Party's Colour Policy, 1948 [At
this Site]
- UN Resolution 1598: On Race Conflict in South Africa,
1961 [At this Site]
- A.L. Geyer: The Case for Apartheid, 1953, excerpts [At this
- Umkhonto we Sizwe (Military wing of the African National Congress): We
are at War!, December 16, 1961 [At WSU]
- Bishop Demond Tutu (1931-): The Question of South Africa,
1984, excerpts [At this Site]
- Nelson Mandela : Speech on Release From Jail, 1990 [At
this Site]
- Nelson Mandela : Inaugural
Address, May 10, 1994 [At WSU]
- Bill Berkeley: Zaire:
An African Horror Story, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1993, [At The Atlantic]
- Robert D. Kaplan: The Coming
Anarchy February 1996, and Proportionalism August 1996, , The Atlantic Monthly, [At The Atlantic]
Address Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, and he US response.
- Stanley Meisler: Rwanda and Burundi, The Atlantic Monthly, September 1973, [At The Atlantic]
- The Atlantic Report: Rwanda, The
Atlantic Monthly, June 1964, [At The Atlantic]
- Violence and
Unrest in Central Africa, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1996, [At The
- Israel and Palestine
- WEB Jewish History Sourcebook
- WEB Islamic History Sourcebook
- WEB Basic Texts of Israel-Palestine History,
1917-1997 [At Israel Government Gopher]
- WEB Documents on
US Recognition of Israel [At Truman Archives]
- WEB Documents Relating to the Middle
East [At Mt. Holyoke]
- WEB Political Islam [At Mt.
- WEB Israeli-Palestinian Conflict [At
Mt. Holyoke]
- Theodor Herzl (1860-1904): On the Jewish State, 1896,
excerpts [At this Site]
- Theodor Herzl (1860-1904): The Jewish State, 1896 [At this
- H. Sacher, A Jewish
Palestine, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1919, [At The Atlantic]
- Hatikvah: Israeli National
Anthem and midi file [At
Anthems of the World]
- 2ND Itamar Even-Zohar: "The Emergence of a Native
Hebrew Culture in Palestine, 1882-1948.", Poetics Today 11:1 (1990),
175-191. [At TAU]
- 2ND Anita Shapira: Historiography and Memory:
Latrun, 1948, Jewish Social Studies Volume 3, Number 1 [At JSS]
- The Balfour Declaration, 1917 [At this Site]
- League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24,
1922 [At this Site]
- A.J. Balfour (1848-1930): Defense of the Palestine Mandate,
1922 [At this Site]
- Sir Henry McMahon: Letter to Ali ibn Husain, 1915 [At
this Site]
British promises to Arab leaders during World War I.
- United Nations Resolution 181,
1947 [At Yale]
- UN General Assembly Resolution 181: The Partition of Palestine,
November 29, 1947 [At this Site]
- Israeli Declaration of
Independence, 1948 [At Yale]
- Israel Basic Laws 1960-1994
[At Wuerzburg]
- President Eisenhower: The Eisenhower Doctrine on
the Middle
- TASS: Statement on the Eisenhower Doctrine,
January 14 1957 [At this Site]
- WEB United Nations Security Council
Resolutions Relating to the Middle East [At Yale]
- The Palestinian National Charter,
1968 [At Yale]
- Hamas Covenant, 1988 [At Yale]
- Yehoshua Zamir: Survival is Not
Enough [At Eserver]
An Israeli reflects on the Lebanon war.
- Jonathan Mahler: Uprooting
the Past: Israel's New Historians Take a Hard Look at Their Nation's Past, August 1997
[Modern Account][At Lingua Franca]
- Egypt
- Algeria
- WEB Algeria [At Mt. Holyoke]
- Proclamation
of Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN), November 1, 1954 [At MS State]
- Charles de Gaulle, French Premier: Speech at
Constantine, Algeria, October 3, 1958 [At this Site]
- The Islamic Salvation Front National Provisional Executive Bureau:
No. 42, Algiers, November 14 1993 [At MS State]
- 2ND William Lewis, "Algeria at the
Brink," Strategic Forum, National Defense University, Number 32, June,
1995 [At NDU]
- Iran
- Kurds
- Robert Kaplan: Sons
of Devils, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1987 [At The Atlantic]
On Kurdish identity.
- Laurie Mylroie: After
Saddam Hussein, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1992 [At The Atlantic]
On the Kurds in the Middle East.
Modern Latin America
- WEB Latin
American Studies [At UTexas]
Perhaps the main guide on the web.
- WEB The Buried Mirror: Etexts
A major collection of sources and secondary material on Latin American history.
- Common Themes and Issue
- United States Interference
- Roy R. Rubottom, Jr.: Communism in
the Americas, Department of State Bulletin, February 3, 1958 [At MS
Cold War view of Communist efforts in Latin America.
- 2ND Brian Loveman: When You Wish Upon The
Stars: Why the Generals (and Admirals) Say ‘Yes’ to Latin American
“Transitions” to Civilian Government [At UCSD]
- Senator Fulbright: Appraisal of US Policy in
the Dominican Crisis, September 15, 1965 [At this Site]
A wide-ranging critique of US foreign policy.
- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.: The
Lowering Hemisphere, The Atlantic Monthly, January, 1970, [At The Atlantic]
On US policy in Latin America.
- Pan-American Efforts
- Economic Progress
- National Identity
- Liberation Theology
- Pope Paul VI: Populorum
Progressio: The Development of Peoples, 1967 [At]
Probably the most radical encyclical ever issued. Vigorously anti-liberal capitalism, Paul
VI is mistaken as a "conservative" by those who think only of his teaching on
- Pope John Paul II: Opening
Address at the Puebla Conference, 1979 []
Far more worried than Paul VI about correct doctrine, but not opposed to social justice.
- Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Instruction on Certain Aspects of
"Theology of Liberation", August 6, 1984 [At New Advent]
- Gustavo Gutierrez: Solidarity: The
Victory of Life, homily on Death of Romero, [At APC]
- Straight Talk on Shining Path and the Catholic
Church in Peru, 1992 [At csrp]
- Phillip Berryman: Church and
Revolution, NACLA Report on the Americas, March/April, 1997 [At WHA]
- Are liberation theology, feminism compatible? [At UMR]
On a clash between US Feminist and Liberation theologians.
- Anne Geyer: Pope's Cuban
Visit Puts Cap on Marxist Liberation Theology, 1998, [At UExpress]
Somewhat oversimple column.
- Argentina
- Chile
- Pablo Neruda (1904-1973): Poems [At
Nobel Prize winner, and one of the writers of the century.
- Pinochet
- Brazil
- Brazil Constitution,1993
[At Wuerzburg]
- Paraguay
- Paraguay Constitution, 1992
[At Wuerzburg]
- Uruguay
- The Institution of the Welfare State
- Peru
- Central America
- Nicaragua
- Ernesto Cardenal (1925-): Poems, in
English and Spanish [At Norconnect]
- Mexico
- Cuba
- Indigenous Peoples
Social Movements
- Feminism
- Black Power
- Booker T Washington (1856-1915): Speech at the
Atlanta Exposition, 1895
- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915): The Awakening of the
Negro, The Atlantic Monthly, September 1896 [At The Atlantic]
- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915): The Case of the Negro, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1889, [At The Atlantic]
- Booker T. Washington: The Case of the Negro,
1899 [At Hanover]
- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915): Atlanta Exposition Address,
from Up From Slavery, 1895 [At Alcyone]
- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915): Up From Slavery [At
Wiretap][Full Text - one big text file] or HTML Version [At Alcyone]
- WEB Booker T. Washington Links
- W. E. Burghardt Du Bois: Strivings of the
Negro People, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1897, [At The Atlantic]
- W. E. B. Du Bois: A Negro
Schoolmaster in the New South, The Atlantic Monthly, January 1889, [At The
Du Bois recounts some of his own experiences as a rural schoolteacher in Tennessee, and
expresses frustration at the barriers that confronted some of his more ambitious students.
- W. E. B. Du Bois: Of the Training of
Black Men, The Atlantic Monthly, September 1902 [At The Atlantic]
His response to Booker T Washington's approach.
- W.E.B. DuBois: The Souls of Black Folk, 1903, excerpts [At Hanover]
- Ralph McGill: Interview
with W.E.B Dubois, The Atlantic Monthly, June 1977, [At The Atlantic]
- W.E.B. DuBois: The Souls of
Black Folk, 1903 [At ProjectGutenberg][Full Text] and here [At Bartleby - in HTML]
- Brown v. Board of Education, 1954, excerpts [At this Site]
- James Baldwin: A Letter to my
Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Emancipation, 1963 [At Northpark]
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968): The Negro is Your Brother,
Letter from a Birmingham Jail, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1963, [At The
- Martin Luther King Jr.: Letter From A Birmingham
Jail, April 16, 1963 [At Hanover] or here [At
MS State]
- Martin Luther King Jr.: "I
have a dream" speech - August 28, 1963 [At The American Revolution Site] or here [At Eserver] or here [At UC Boulder]
- Martin Luther King Jr.: "I Have a Dream",
1963 (introduction) [At Civnet]
- George Wallace: The Civil Rights Movement: Fraud Sham and
Hoax,, July 5, 1964 [At this Site]
- Robert F. Kennedy: Speech on the Death of Martin Luther King,,
April 4, 1968 [At this Site]
- Malcolm X
- The Black Panthers: Party
Platform, 1966 [At Hanover]
- Civil Rights Act,
1991 [At Wiretap]
- Jesse L. Jackson: After
the Million Man March, October 23, 1995 [At LSU]
- Maya Angelou: I Know Why
Caged Birds Sing part of Poems [At
- Maya Angelou: A Poem from
the Million Man March [At Norconnect]
- Other Ethnic/Minority Movements
- Lesbian and Gay Rights
- WEBSee People With a
History: Online Guide to LGBT History
- WEB The Letter Wars
A real series of letters, which reads better than a novel.
- Homosexuals in
Government, 1950. [At UPenn]
A brief, but very explicit, excerpt from the U.S. Congressional Record vol 96, part 4
[81st Congress 2nd Session March 29 -- April 24, 1950]
- Jerry Lisker, Homo
Nest Raided: Queen Bees are Stinging. Daily News (New York), July 6, 1969 [At CMU],
Account of Stonewall riots in the Daily News. New York Daily News. See also Robert Amsel: A Walk on the
Wild Side, from The Advocate, 1987 [At CMU]
- Gay Liberation Front (London): Manifesto,
1971 (rev. 1979) [At PWH]
- Manifesto of First Chinese
Tongzhi Conference, 1996 [At HKGAY]
Tongzhi is being used in Chinese for Gay. This manifesto directly asserts a
historical basis for modern Chinese homosexuals and the differences of Chinese Tongzhi
movements with western gay movements.
Post-War Popular Culture
Post-World War II Philosophy
- Existentialism
- Post-Structuralism and Offspring
Post-World War II Religious
- WEB Religious Tolerance Page
This is an excellent source for information about a myriad of religious groups, and about
discussions of major issues.
- WEB Comparative Religion [At U.
An very full guide to information on the Internet.
- Roman Catholic
- Protestant
- WEB The Christian Religion [At
Religious Tolerance][Summary]
- The Barmen Declaration, 1934 [At
A call to resistance against the theological claims of the Nazi state, In 1934 the
emerging "Confessing Church" adopted this declaration drafted by Reformed
theologian Karl Barth and Lutheran theologian Hans Asmussen.
- Paul Tillich: The Courage to Be, 1952, excerpts [At this
- Southern Baptist Convention: Statement
on Religious Liberty, adopted 1963, [At ERLC]
- Evangelism Code of
Ethics, 1989, [At IVP]
- Harvey Cox: The
Warring Visions of the Religious Right, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1995
[At The Atlantic]
- Charles Trueheart: Welcome to The Next
Church, The Atlantic Monthly, August 1996 [At The Atlantic]
On consumerist Christianity.
- Eastern Orthodox
- Jewish
- Muslim
- Buddhist
- WEB Buddhism [At Religious
- Humanist-Religious Debate
Science, Technology and the Transformation in the
Means of Production
- WEB See History of Science
- Biology: The DNA Revolution
- Physics
- Space Exploration
- Computers
- Knowledge Based Production
- Mass Education
- Tables showing shift in proportions of economic activity [Agriculture, Manufacture,
- The Internet
- The World Environment: Cornucopeian Plenty or a Crisis Situation
Back to Index
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renewed after 28 years. This site seeks to abide by US copyright law: the copyright status
of texts here outside the US may be different.] Efforts have been made to ascertain the
copyright status of all texts on this site, although, occasionally, this has not been
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recently translated texts on this site are copyright to the translators indicated in each
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the copyright status of offsite links: note that for the Modern History Sourcebook,
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© Paul Halsall January 1997 - January 1999
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The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]