People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Sex Panic Meeting Leaflet, New York (June 1997)
In response to the slew of "anti-gay" publications
- both in books, and by magazine publishers, June 1997 saw the
beginning of a reaction. The analysis offered was that the "anti-gay/anti-sex"
message of Rotello. Signorile and co should be understood as a
classic American sex panic.
This leaflet was handed out at Pride events in early June,
The media tells us AIDS is over, and we want to badly to believe it. HIV continues to spread. A new generation is at risk. meanwhile, we feel burnout and despair. Sexual Liberation is mocked, our community's past achievements are forgotten, and lesbian voices are drowned out. What's happening to us?
Giuliani has closed down bars and dance clubs, including Cake, Crowbar, Edelweiss, Rounds, Sound Factory, Limelight and many others. He's fenced off the piers, zoned adult businesses out of the city and pad-locked sex clubs and theaters. Cops have entrapped more and more men in gay cruising grounds, parks, bathrooms and the streets of Chelsea and the Village. Queer New York is being shut down. Not since Stonewall have we faced so much harassment. What is our response?
They have bad answers for real questions. They say we caused AIDS; they blame us for spreading it; they tell us to get married. Andrew Sullivan, Michaelangelo Signorile, Larry Kramer, and Gabriel Rotello talk all the time. But look at what they are saying: they don't like gay culture, they don't believe in safer sex, they don't trust you. They reduce lesbians to sexless homebodies and want gay men to be the same. Are shame, enforced monogamy, and small town values what you want?
Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center
in the Assembly Hall.
208 West 13th St. New York City
JUNE 25 7-9PM
[for more information call 212-229-9102]
From: Sex Panic Meeting Leaflet, New York (June 1997)
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