Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Selected Sources: The Celtic World to c.1100
The Celtic Loss of Britain
- Alan Orr Anderson, Early sources of Scottish history, A.D. 500 to 1286 (1922). Translation of many texts. PDF. [Internet Archive]
- Adamnan: Life of St. Columba and Latin Text: Book I and Book II, cc.1-30. An English/Latin side-by-side version,
[Was At Utah now at Internet Archive]
St. Columba, who established the monastery at Iona, was one of the most famous of the
Irish missionary saints.
- Jocelyn, a monk of Furness: The Life
of Kentigern (Mungo), translated by Cynthia Whidden Green
- Ancient Lives of Scottish Saints, trans W.M. Metcalfe 1845 [At Internet Archive]
St, Ninian vy Ailred of Rievaux; St Columbia by Cuimine the Fair; St. Columba by Adamnan; St. Sevanus; St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, by Turgot; St. Magnus
- WEB Uist Saints: Early Christianity in Uist
This project seeks to take the first steps towards a better understanding of early Christianity in Uist, focusing primarily on place-names and archaeological evidence. On the basis of an initial survey of the material, 45 sites have been identified as of potential interest.
- The Life of St Cainnech of Aghaboe [Also known as St Kenneth] Translation and notes by Gilbert Márkus PDF [Internet Archive version here] [At Uist Saints]
- Chronicle of the Kings of Alba (c.850-c.975)
Celtic Christianity
Celtic Literature
- See also Later Medieval Ireland section.
- The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel, c 1100 full
- Irish Poem: An
inaugural poem of a ri tuatha, [trans. Maureen S. O'Brien, [email protected]>][At
Irish Poems]
- Irish Poem: from
the pov of Gormflaith, the widow of Niall, [trans. Maureen S. O'Brien,
[email protected]][At Irish Poems]
- Irish Poem: from
the pov of Gormflaith, the widow of Niall, [trans. Maureen S. O'Brien,
[email protected]][At Irish Poems]
- Irish Poem:
First part of a poetic dispute over the ownership of the River Shannon, [trans.
Maureen S. O'Brien,[email protected]][At Irish Poems]
NOTES: copyrighted means the text is not available for free distribution. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site name or
location]. No indication means that the text file is local. WEB indicates a link to one of
small number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially
valuable overview.
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
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Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]