Medieval Sourcebook:
Peter of Blois: Description of Henry II
[Letter no. 66: to Walter, archbishop of Palermo, 1177)]
To Walter, by the grace of God archbishop of Palermo, once associate, now lord and
dearest friend in Christ, Peter of Blois sends greeting and wished continual success of
your desires.
The blessed Lord God of Israel, who visited and made his mercy upon you, raised you up
in need from the dust, so that you may sit with kings and princes and may hold the throne
of glory. Terrible is the Lord in his judgments, and great in his compassion, very worthy
of praise, for "His compassion is over all that he made." [Psalm 145:9]
Therefore of his compassion, which he has magnified in you, you have continual and
steadfast memory, nor is that Judaic reproach seen in you: "They are not mindful of
His benefits and of his wonders which he has shown to them." [Psalm 77:11] There is
nothing like ingratitude to provoke the indignation of the Most High: the very provocation
of evils, deprivation of benefits, extermination of merits. On account of reverence for
that one, who delivered you from contemptible poverty, may you exhibit most fully the
office of humanity to the Cisalpine poor; truly those who go to, or return from the land
in which walked the feet of our Lord, you could strike down in many ways, but you must
fulfill their needs with the solace of more humane grace, just as your predecessors in
office. You will recognize that the Father is himself Father of orphans and paupers, who
exalts the humble, and humiliates the proud: for which on behalf of his poor pilgrims he
will uncover you, so that they may find among you aid of customary goodness. And therefore
let it frighten you, lest their clamor and complaint ascend to the ears of that one, who
is terrible among the kings of the earth, who judges the case of the poor, and accuses on
behalf of the meek of the earth.
For the golden sash and silken girdle, and samite, and other exotic goods, which
through the bearer of gifts from your largess I receive not as much as I wish, but as much
as I deserve, I give back thanks. Truly from this the ancient integrity of your liberality
is clear, which neither intervening time nor distance of places, nor assumption of honor,
nor other things destructive to friendship were able to undo.
Since however you have demanded from me with all insistence that I should send to you
the shape and habits of the lord king of England in an accurate description - which
exceeds my faculties, and for which indeed the vein of Mantuan genius would seem
insufficient enough - I nevertheless will communicate to you what I know without envy and
detraction. About David it was said [I Kings 16] to the commendation of his beauty, that
he was red-haired; however you will know that the lord king has been red-haired so far,
except that the coming of old age and gray hair has altered that color somewhat. His
height is medium, so that neither does he appear great among the small, nor yet does he
seem small among the great. His head is round, just as if the seat of great wisdom, and
specially a shrine of lofty counsel. Such is the size of his head, that so it matches with
his neck and with the whole body in proportionate moderation. His eyes are round, and
white and plain, while he is of calm spirit; but in anger and disorder of heart they shine
like fire and flash in fury. His hair is not in fear of the losses of baldness,
nevertheless on top there is a tonsure of hairs; his leonine face is rather square. The
eminence of his nose is weighed to the beauty of the whole body with natural moderation;
curved legs, a horseman's shins, broad chest, and a boxer's arms all announce him as a man
strong, agile and bold; nevertheless, in a certain joint of his foot the part of the
toenail is grown into the flesh of his foot, to the vehement outrage of the whole foot.
His hands testify grossly to the same neglect of his men; truly he neglects their care all
the time; nor at any time, unless carrying birds, does he use gloves. Daily in mass, in
counsels and in other public doings of the realm always from morning until vespers he
stands on his feet. And, he never sits, unless riding a horse or eating, although he has
shins greatly wounded and bruised with frequent blows of horses' hooves. In a single day,
if necessary, he can run through four or five day-marches and, thus foiling the plots of
his enemies, frequently mocks their plots with surprise sudden arrivals; he wears boots
without a fold, caps without decoration, light apparel. He is a passionate lover of woods;
while not engaged in battles, he occupies himself with birds and dogs. For in fact his
flesh would weigh him down enormously with a great burden of fat, if he did not subdue the
insolence of his belly with fasts and exercise; and also in getting onto a horse,
preserving the lightness of youth, he fatigues almost every day the most powerful for the
labor. Truly he does not, like other kings, linger in his palace, but traveling through
the provinces he investigates the doings of all, judging powerfully those whom he has made
judges of others. No one is more cunning in counsel, more fiery in speech, more secure in
the midst of dangers, more cautious in fortune, more constant in adversity. Whom once he
has esteemed, with difficulty he unloves them; whom once he has hated, with difficulty he
receives into the grace of his familiarity. Always are in his hands bow, sword, spear and
arrow, unless he be in council or in books. As often as he is able to rest from cares and
anxieties, he occupies himself by reading alone, or in a crowd of clerics he labors to
untangle some knot of inquiry. For while your king knows his letters well, our king is
more literate by far. Truly I have judged the abilities of both in learned matters. You
know that the king of Sicily was my student for a year, and had had from you the basic
arts of versification and literature; he obtained more benefit of knowledge through my
industry and solicitude. However as soon as I had departed the kingdom, that one turned
himself over to abject books in imperial leisure. But yet in the household of the lord
king of the English every day is school, in the constant conversation of the most literate
and discussion of questions. No one is more honest in speech than our king, more polite in
eating, more moderate in drinking; no one is more magnificent in gift-giving, no one more
munificent in alms-giving: and therefore his name is like poured oil, and the entire
church of saints describes the alms of such a one. Our king is peaceable, victorious in
war, glorious in peace: he is zealous for the things to be desired in this world and he
procures peace for his people. He considers whatever pertains to the peace of the people,
in whatever he speaks, in whatever he does; so that his people may rest, he incessantly
takes on troubled and enormous labors. It aims to the peace of his people that he calls
councils, that he makes laws, that he makes friendships, that he brings low the proud,
that he threatens battles, that he launches terror to the princes. Also that immensity of
money aims at the peace of his people, which he gives out, which he receives, which he
gathers, which he disperses. In walls, in ramparts, in fortifications, in ditches, in
enclosures of wild beasts and fish, and in palaces there is no one more subtle, and no one
more magnificent to be found.
His most powerful and most noble father the count [of Anjou] extended his borders
greatly; but the king added to his paternal lands with abundance in his strong hands the
duchy of Normandy, the duchy of Brittany, the kingdom of England, the kingdom of Scotland,
the kingdom of Ireland, the kingdom of Wales; he increased inestimably the titles of his
magnificent inheritance. No one is more mild to the afflicted, no one more friendly to the
poor, no one more unbearable to the proud; he always strives to oppress the proud with the
semblance of divinity, to raise up the oppressed, and to stir up against swelling of pride
continual persecutions and deadly troubles. When however he may according to the custom of
the kingdom have had roles in making elections of most important and most powerful, he
nevertheless always had his hands pure and free from all venality. I merely touch upon, I
will not describe these and other endowments of soul as much as body, with which nature
has marked him out before others; truly I confess my insufficiency and would believe that
Cicero and Virgil themselves would sweat under such a labor. I have briefly tasted this
little morsel of his appearance and habits at your request; truly I shall seem either to
have undertaken an unbearable work, or to have cut back much about the magnificence of so
great a man through jealousy. Nevertheless I, serving your charity, do what I can do, and
what I know without envy and without detraction, I communicate with most prompt good will,
and also among other great men, who write in praise of my lord, I put my might of devotion
in a treasure chest along with the poor widow.
Because however you asked about the death of the blessed martyr Thomas, I say in the
word of the Lord and in the order of deacon to you, that in conscience I believe in no way
that the king was guilty of this thing; and the most complete confirmation of this the
lord Theodinus, bishop of San Vitale and the lord Albert the chancellor [the future Pope
Gregory VIII] will make to you, who because of this matter investigated in our regions
performing the office of legate; they confirmed the innocence of the man: and also they
will assure you that this deed was done by certain men under his shadow, that all this
iniquity came out from the sanctuary. For in fact, the canonical purgation having been
accepted by them, they pronounced a judgment publicly by order of the highest pontiff,
that he was free of this crime before God and men, and they bent back the mark of infamy
on those very magnates, whose malice they had clearly proven in this matter.
Also you will have learned that the lord king has made the glorious martyr his chief
patron in all his needs. For in fact on the very day when he first visited the tomb of the
martyr, he subjected the king of Scots, persecutor and attacker most strong in prison
chains. Thereafter he has triumphed most gloriously with the continual favor of successes
by the help of the martyr over all his enemies. You know therefore most certainly what
kind of love it was, by which once king and martyr loved each other mutually, which
neither death nor the sword has abolished: For "love is strong as death"; [Song
of Solomon 8:6] and while everything passes away, "love never faileth." [I
Corinthians 13:8] This is the beautiful gate, which remained whole and intact in the
destruction of Jerusalem; and while all is destroyed in death, love does not perish in
death, to whose strength death itself succumbs.
Indeed the kingdom of England, which he won by the sweat of war from King Stephen, most
strong in arms, although but a youth and of no account, his sons, with the counsel and aid
of the neighboring princes, have thrown into confusion by grave sedition. That one
however, destitute of his men, and attacked by foreigners, with the martyr helping him, in
whose virtue one alone has put to flight ten thousand, prevailed over all, and the Lord
delivered into his hands his enemies, "To bind their kings with chains, and their
nobles with fetters of iron". [Psalm 149:8] That one therefore, who turned the hearts
of the sons toward their father, himself stirred up or sent filial and devoted affection
to the sons of our king; may he himself establish the seat of our father for a long time,
and may he bring peace. For I know that if they stir up wars against their parents, the
Lord will mow them down. For by the judgment and fatal law of God it is sanctified, that
whenever they presume to assault that one from their own blood with wars, he will not even
have half his days. This however we read in the book of experience now about many people,
and we know it by visible proof.
Peter of Blois: Description of Henry II [Letter no. 66: to Walter, archbishop of
Palermo, 1177)]
©1994, translated by Scott McLetchie. Permission granted for non-commercial
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