Medieval Sourcebook:
Contract For Quarrying & Dressing Stone, 1248
May the second. We, John Tollon and William Pazerne, acknowledge and confess to you,
William, by the grace of God, Lord Abbot of St. Mary of Huveaune, that we have sold to you
as purchaser for the said abbey ten thousand pieces of stone, faced and dressed, from the
quarry of the late Raymond Daumas, or from the quarry belonging to the said abbey, at a
price of ten pounds in the mixed money now current in Marseilles, of which we admit we
have already received sixty solidi. Another sixty will be paid to us when we have
extracted and dressed three thousand of the said pieces of stone, and the remaining three
pounds when we have obtained and prepared the remaining seven thousand pieces. We promise
by this agreement to extract the said stone beginning on Monday next, and not to work
elsewhere until we have completed your work.
Pledging all our goods, etc. Done at Marseilles, near the tables of the money-changers.
From: L. Blancard, Documents Inedits sur le Commerce de Marseille au Moyen Age,
(Marseilles: Barlatier-Feissat, Pere et Fils, 1884), Vol. 11, p. 129, reprinted in Roy C.
Cave & Herbert H. Coulson, A Source Book for Medieval Economic History, (Milwaukee:
The Bruce Publishing Co., 1936; reprint ed., New York: Biblo & Tannen, 1965), p. 85.
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