Medieval Sourcebook:
Jordanes: The Battle of Chalôns, 451 CE
[Introduction (adapted from Davis)]
In 451 CE. Attila the Hun with his horsemen, after having been repulsed before
Orleans in Gaul, was brought to bay by Aetius, the Roman general, and his allies, the
Germanic Visigoths, Burgundians, and Franks. It should be remembered in this connection
that the Huns were, if possible, more hated by the Germans than by the Romans.
History of the Goths, chap. 38:
The armies met in the Catalaunian Plains. The battlefield was a plain rising by a sharp
slope to a ridge which both armies sought to gain; for advantage of position is a great
help. The Huns with their forces seized the right side, the Romans, the Visigoths and
their allies the left, and then began a struggle for the yet untaken crest. Now Theodoric
with his Visigoths held the right wing, and Aetius with the Romans the left [of the line
against Attila]. On the other side, the battle line of the Huns was so arranged that
Attila and his bravest followers were stationed in the center. In arranging them thus the
king had chiefly his own safety in view, since by his position in the very midst of his
race, he would be kept out of the way of threatened danger. The innumerable peoples of
divers tribes, which he had subjected to his sway, formed the wings. Now the crowd of
kings---if we may call them so---and the leaders of various nations hung upon Attila's nod
like slaves, and when he gave a sign even by a glance, without a murmur each stood forth
in fear and trembling, or at all events did as he was bid. Attila alone was king of kings
over all and concerned for all.
So then the struggle began for the advantage of position we have mentioned. Attila sent
his men to take the summit of the mountain, but was outstripped by Thorismud [crown prince
of the Visigoths] and Aetius, who in their effort to gain the top of the hill reached
higher ground, and through this advantage easily routed the Huns as they came up. When
Attila saw his army was thrown into confusion by the event he [urged them on with a fiery
harangue and . . .] inflamed by his words they all dashed into the battle.
And although the situation was itself fearful, yet the presence of the king dispelled
anxiety and hesitation. Hand to hand they clashed in battle, and the fight grew fierce,
confused, monstrous, unrelenting---a fight whose like no ancient time has ever recorded.
There were such deeds done that a brave man who missed this marvelous spectacle could not
hope to see anything so wonderful all his life long. For if we may believe our elders a
brook flowing between low banks through the plain was greatly increased by blood from the
wounds of the slain. Those whose wounds drove them to slake their parching thirst drank
water mingled with gore. In their wretched plight they were forced to drink what they
thought was the blood they had poured out from their own wounds.
Here King Theodoric [the Visigoth] while riding by to encourage his army, was thrown
from his horse and trampled underfoot by his own men, thus ending his days at a ripe old
age. But others say he was slain by the spear of Andag of the host of the Ostrogoths who
were then under the sway of Attila. Then the Visigoths fell on the horde of the Huns and
nearly slew Attila. But he prudently took flight and straightway shut himself and his
companions within the barriers of the camp which he had fortified with wagons. [The battle
now became confused: chieftains became separated from their forces: night fell with the
Roman-Gothic army holding the field of combat.]
At dawn on the next day the Romans saw that the fields were piled high with corpses,
and that the Huns did not venture forth; they thought that the victory was theirs, but
knew that Attila would not flee from battle unless overwhelmed by a great disaster. Yet he
did nothing cowardly, like one that is overcome, but with clash of arms sounded the
trumpets and threatened an attack. [His enemies] determined to wear him out by a siege. It
is said that the king remained supremely brave even in this extremity and had heaped up a
funeral pyre of horse trappings, so that if the enemy should attack him he was determined
to cast himself into the flames; that none might have the joy of wounding him, and that
the lord of so many races might not fall into the hands of his foes. However, owing to
dissensions between the Romans and Goths he was allowed to escape to his home land, and in
this most famous war of the bravest tribes, 160,000 men are said to have been slain on
both sides.
From: William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts
from the Sources, 2 Vols. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1912-13), Vol. II: Rome and the
West, pp. 322-325.
Scanned in and modernized by Dr. Jerome S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State
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