Medieval Sourcebook:
Accounts of The Arab Conquest of Egypt, 642
The History of
The Patriarchs of Alexandria
And in those days Heraclius saw a dream in which it was said to him: "Verily there
shall come against you a circumcised nation, and they shall vanquish you and take
possession of the land." So Heraclius thought that they would be the Jews, and
accordingly gave orders that all the Jews and Samaritans should be baptized in all the
provinces which were under his dominion. But after a few days there appeared a man of the
Arabs, from the southern districts, that is to say, from Mecca or its neighbourhood, whose
name was Muhammad; and he brought back the worshippers of idols to the knowledge of the
One God, and bade them declare that Muhammad was his apostle; and his nation were
circumcised in the Hesh, not by the law, and prayed towards the South, turning towards a
place which they called the Kaabah. And he took possession of Damascus and Syria, and
crossed the Jordan, and dammed it up. And the Lord abandoned the army of the Romans before
him, as a punishment for their corrupt faith, and because of the anathemas uttered against
them, on account of the council of Chalcedon, by the ancient fathers.
When Heraclius saw this, he assembled all his troops from Egypt as far as the frontiers
of Aswan. And he continued for three years to pay to the Muslims the taxes which he had
demanded for the purpose of applying them to himself and all his troops; and they used to
call the tax the bakt, that is to say that it was a sum levied at so much a head.
And this went on until Heraclius had paid to the Muslims the greater part of his money;
and many people died through the troubles which they had endured.
So when ten years were over of the rule of Heraclius together with the Colchian, who
sought for the patriarch Benjamin, while he was fleeing from him from place to place,
hiding himself in the fortified churches, the prince of the Muslims sent an army to Egypt,
under one of his trusty companions, named Amr ibn Al-Asi, in the year 357 of Diocletian,
the slayer of the martyrs. And this army of Islam came down into Egypt in great force, on
the twelfth day of Baunah, which is the sixth of June, according to the months of the
Now the commander Amr had destroyed the fort, and burnt the boats with fire, and
defeated the Romans, and taken possession of part of the country. For he had first arrived
by the desert; and the horsemen took the road through the mountains, until they arrived at
a fortress built of stone, between Upper Egypt and the Delta, called Babylon. So they
pitched their tents there, until they were prepared to fight the Romans, and make war
against them; and afterwards they named that place, I mean the fortress, in their
language, Bablun Al-Fustat; and that is its name to the present day.
After fighting three battles with the Romans, the Muslims conquered them. So when the
chief men of the city saw these things, they went to Amr, and received a certificate of
security for the city, that it might not be plundered. This kind of treaty which Muhammad,
the chief of the Arabs, taught them, they called the Law; and he says with regard to it:
"As for the province of Egypt and any city that agrees with its inhabitants to pay
the land-tax to you and to submit to your authority, make a treaty with them, and do them
no injury. But plunder and take as prisoners those that will not consent to this and
resist you." For this reason the Muslims kept their hands off the province and its
inhabitants, but destroyed the nation of the Romans, and their general who was named
Marianus. And those of the Romans who escaped fled to Alexandria, and shut its gates upon
the Arabs, and fortified themselves within the city.
And in the year 360 of Diocletian, in the month of December, three years after Amr had
taken possession of Memphis, the Muslims captured the city of Alexandria, and destroyed
its walls, and burnt many churches with fire. And they burnt the church of Saint Mark,
which was built by the sea, where his body was laid; and this was the place to which the
father and patriarch, Peter the Martyr, went before his martyrdom, and blessed Saint Mark,
and committed to him his reasonable flock, as he had received it. So they burnt this place
and the monasteries around it....
When Amr took full possession of the city of Alexandria, and settled its affairs, that
infidel, the governor of Alexandria, feared, he being both prefect and patriarch of the
city under the Romans, that Amr would kill him; therefore he sucked a poisoned ring, and
died on the spot. But Sanutius, the believing dux, made known to Amr the circumstances of
that militant father, the patriarch Benjamin, and how he was a fugitive from the Romans,
through fear of them. Then Amr, son of Al-Asi, wrote to the provinces of Egypt a letter,
in which he said: "There is protection and security for the place where Benjamin, the
patriarch of the Coptic Christians is, and peace from God; therefore let him come forth
secure and tranquil, and administer the affairs of his Church, and the government of his
nation." Therefore when the holy Benjamin heard this, he returned to Alexandria with
great joy, clothed with the crown of patience and sore conflict which had befallen the
orthodox people through their persecution by the heretics, after having been absent during
thirteen years, ten of which were years of Heraclius, the misbelieving Roman, with the
three years before the Muslims conquered Alexandria. When Benjamin appeared, the people
and the whole city rejoiced, and made his arrival known to Sanutius, the dux who believed
in Christ, who had settled with the commander Amr that the patriarch should return, and
had received a safe-conduct from Amr for him. Thereupon Sanutius went to the commander and
announced that the patriarch had arrived, and Amr gave orders that Benjamin should be
brought before him with honour and veneration and love. And Amr, when he saw the
patriarch, received him with respect, and said to his companions and private friends:
"Verily in all the lands of which we have taken possession hitherto I have never seen
a man of God like this man." For the Father Benjamin was beautiful of countenance,
excellent in speech, discoursing with calmness and dignity.
Then Amr turned to him, and said to him: "Resume the government of all your
churches and of your people, and administer their affairs. And if you will pray for me,
that I may go to the West and to Pentapolis, and take possession of them, as I have of
Egypt, and return to you in safety and speedily, I will do for you all that you shall ask
of me." Then the holy Benjamin prayed for Amr, and pronounced an eloquent discourse,
which made Amr and those present with him marvel, and which contained words of exhortation
and much profit for those that heard him; and he revealed certain matters to Amr, and
departed from his presence honoured and revered. And all that the blessed father said to
the commander Amr, son of Al-Asi, he found true, and not a letter of it was unfulfilled.
Al-Baladhuri: The Conquest
of Alexandria
'Amr kept his way until he arrived in Alexandria whose inhabitants he found ready to
resist him, but the Copts in it preferred peace. Al-Mukaukis communicated with 'Amr and
asked him for peace and a truce for a time; but 'Amr refused. Al-Mukaukis then ordered
that the women stand on the wall with their faces turned towards the city, and that the
men stand armed, with their faces towards the Moslems, thus hoping to scare them. 'Amr
sent word, saying, "We see what you have done. It was not by mere numbers that we
conquered those we have conquered. We have met your king Heraclius, and there befell him
what has befallen him." Hearing this, al-Mukaukis said to his followers, "These
people are telling the truth. They have chased our king from his kingdom as far as
Constantinople. It is much more preferable, therefore, that we submit." His
followers, however, spoke harshly to him and insisted on fighting. The Moslems fought
fiercely against them and invested them for three months. At last, 'Amr reduced the city
by the sword and plundered all that was in it, sparing its inhabitants of whom none was
killed or taken captive. He reduced them to the position of dhimmis like the people
of Alyunah. He communicated the news of the victory to 'Umar through Mu'awiyah ibn-Hudaij
al-Kindi (later as-Sakuni) and sent with him the fifth.
The Greeks wrote to Constantine, son of Heraclius, who was their king at that time,
telling him how few the Moslems in Alexandria were, and how humiliating the Greeks'
condition was, and how they had to pay poll-tax. Constantine sent one of his men, called
Manuwil, with three hundred ships full of fighters. Manuwil entered Alexandria and killed
all the guard that was in it, with the exception of a few who by the use of subtle means
took to flight and escaped. This took place in the year 25. Hearing the news, 'Amr set out
at the head of 15,000 men and found the Greek fighters doing mischief in the Egyptian
villages next to Alexandria. The Moslems met them and for one hour were subjected to a
shower of arrows, during which they were covered by their shields. They then advanced
boldly and the battle raged with great ferocity until the polytheists were routed; and
nothing could divert or stop them before they reached Alexandria. Here they fortified
themselves and set mangonels. 'Amr made a heavy assault, set the ballistae, and destroyed
the walls of the city. He pressed the fight so hard until he entered the city by assault,
killed the fathers and carried away the children as captives. Some of its Greek
inhabitants left to join the Greeks somewhere else; and Allah's enemy, Manuwil, was
killed. 'Amr and the Moslems destroyed the wall of Alexandria in pursuance of a vow that
'Amr had made to that effect, in case he reduced the city....'Amr ibn-al-Asi conquered
Alexandria, and some Moslems took up their abode in it as a cavalry guard.
From: Sawirus ibn al-Muqaffa, History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of
Alexandria, trans. Basil Evetts, (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1904), pt. I, ch. 1, from Patrologia
Orientalis, Vol. I, pp. 489-497, reprinted in Deno John Geanakoplos, Byzantium:
Church, Society, and Civilization Seen Through Contemporary Eyes, (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 336-338;
Philip Hitti, trans., The Origins of the Islamic State, (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1916), Vol. I, pp. 346-349, reprinted in Deno John Geanakoplos, Byzantium:
Church, Society, and Civilization Seen Through Contemporary Eyes, (Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1984), pp. 338-339.
Scanned by Jerome S. Arkenberg, Cal. State Fullerton. The text has been modernized by
Prof. Arkenberg.
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