Na(1)Prous Bonnet, the daughter of Durand Bonnet, of the parish of
Saint-Michel de la Cadière in the diocese of Nîmes, an inhabitant of
Montpellier since she was around seven (so she says), was arrested
there as one accused and suspected of the heresy of the Beguines
who were burned, and was brought to the prison at Carcassone, as is
established by her confession made in legitimate judicial proceedings.
She spoke freely, willingly, and without interrogation on the sixth of
August, in the year of our Lord 1325.
She claimed that on Good Friday, four years before she made the
confession written below, while she was in the church of the
Franciscans in Montpellier listening to the service with some other
people, she adored the crucifix, as it is customary to do. When she had
made her adoration in this way and had returned to her seat, after
the mass was over and most of the people had left the church, the
Lord Jesus Christ transported her in spirit (that is, in her soul) to the
first heaven. When she was there she saw Jesus Christ in the form of
a man as well as in his divinity. He appeared to her and showed her
his heart opened like the door of a lantern. Out of this heart came
rays of the sun, but, brighter than rays of the sun, which illuminated
her all over. Immediately she saw, clearly and openly, the divinity of
God, who gave her his heart in the spirit. She said, "Lord, I have little
to recommend myself," and Christ replied," I will give you more if you
are faithful to me."(2)
She drew near to him and put her head beneath Christ's body, and she
saw nothing but that great light which Christ gave to her in those
rays. Then she returned to the place where she first saw that light
and looked on Christ himself, and thus gazing at the rays, little by
little they covered the whole of Christ's body. When this had been
seen and done, Christ replaced her in her seat where she had been
before. Then she came to herself with great weeping and tears, in
great fervor and love toward God, and she wanted her companions
and other people to know what had happened. She did not move from
there until her companions called her. Then she got up and went out of
the church, and in the cemetery she saw again a man from whom she
wanted to separate herself, and the light which she had seen before
surrounded her again.
When she was at home and at table with her companions, and they
were talking about the sermon they had heard, the rays again shone
all about her, and because of them she was so kindled with fervor and
love that she could not eat. Leaving the table, she went up to the
solar and began to pray. Afterwards they went to the Tenebrae
service, and there in the same church as before she saw a certain
lady who spoke to her and immediately vanished.
She also claimed that on the following Holy Saturday, when she was
again there in the church for the service, at the time of the elevation
of Christ's body or a little before, God the Father appeared to her.
High contemplation was given to her by God, and the grace of
contemplating heaven and of seeing our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as
continuous prayer and a continual sensing of Our Lord. From then on,
so she claims, very often our Lord God said to her, "I myself have
given Him to you as to the Virgin, and I have kept Him with me." She
claims that she frequently saw the Lord God face to face, and he came
there in the form and appearance of a man. Afterwards an indulgence
was preached at Maguelone and she wanted to go to it, but the Lord
prevented her from going and said to her, "Shall I be the Lord of one
soul?" He then added, "Saint John the Baptist was the herald of the
advent of Jesus Christ's holy baptism, and you are the herald of the
advent of the Holy Spirit."
Hearing this, she realized that the Lord was comparing her first to the
Virgin and then to Blessed John the Baptist, and in her heart she
thought that she was unworthy of being compared with the Virgin and
of being called the handmaiden of Christ, and unworthy of being
compared with Saint John, a voice crying in the wilderness. So she
replied to the Lord, "Lord, I am truly nothing, for I feel myself to be a
sinner and sin is nothing." She gave herself to contemplation, and
asked God to give that grace to another.
At length the Lord responded, "Whether you want it or not, this shall
be yours." And the Lord added, "I give myself to you, and I retain
myself." But this time He did not say "as to the virgin" as he had said
above, but he said it as she reported here.
She also claims that she was accustomed to say prayers. She cried
out three times to God in a loud voice, "Friend, friend, friend," but the
Lord did not reply until the third cry, and then he showed himself in a
cloud and said this:
"And you, what do you want?"
She answered, "Lord, may you have mercy on all the sins of the Jews,
the Saracens, and all the peoples of the world. Lord, grant this to us
by your great mercy, and by the merit of your good servants, that we
may always live faithful to you in your faithfulness. Also, Lord, may
you have mercy on yourself and your poor family. May honor and
glory be given to you, Lord . "
When this prayer was over, the Lord God replied, "I know what I have
chosen to do." And however many times she completed this prayer,
she fell into ecstasy, so she said, for she desired so much that God be
loved and honored, and she was so bound to him, that he frequently
sent her into it.(3)
For a year she kept all this hidden and revealed it to no one, until she
had a guilty conscience, for she could no longer say her hours as
completely and perfectly as she had before, that is, the thirty
paternosters that she used to say for Matins and so on. Finally, when
she wished to reveal all this to a certain religious man whom she
named, the Lord prevented her from revealing it. At length, she
revealed it to a certain person whom she named, with the permission
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Afterward, God rebuked her for having
spoken to this person, who was a man.
Then she spoke as follows to the Lord God: "Lord, you are a man as he
is, and thus you should not come within."
The Lord replied, "I am not like other men, for divinity took on human
nature, and the root of the Christ's person is divinity, whereas you
others are and were of the root of sin." Having said this the Lord
fashioned a fire for her saying, "See this fire, how it converts the
whole matter and substance of the wood into its nature? In the same
way the nature of divinity converts into itself souls it wishes for
itself." Thus God proved that he could better come to the home of her
telling this than could the aforementioned man.
Shortly afterwards she saw two other persons like God himself, who
were joined in order, one after the other. One of them began to run,
and as he did so placed himself on the neck of her who is telling this,
and the other placed himself on her right arm, saying, "You and I have
been made one, and thus those words are fulfilled which I spoke to
you when I gave you the Holy Spirit, and you replied that you had
little to recommend yourself, and I replied that I would give you more
if you were faithful to me; and now, since I have given you the other
two persons, those of the Father and the Son, that promise has now
been fulfilled. I promised to give you more, and now you have the
whole trinity." From then on the three persons of the Trinity came to
her and she saw them, though this seeing was spiritual and not
corporeal, just as sometimes it seems mentally to a person that she
sees physically what she is really seeing only spiritually.
She also claims that God frequently said to her, "I go away totally and
I return, for I have chosen and made my chamber in you."
Also one time the Lord leapt on her neck and fashioned a white horse
with a man on it, saying, "See how this man controls this horse just as
he wishes. Thus I am above all nature, and I rule you as I will, and I
am with you wherever you are.Ó She claims that from that moment
on the entire holy trinity was with her in spirit, and that Christ said to
her, "When you made the vow of virginity, I forgave you all your sins
just as completely as I forgave my mother's when she was in her own
mother's womb. And she asserted that she made a vow of virginity
and has observed it for twenty years. Again, she said and asserted
Christ had told her that on the day she made the vow of virginity, nine
months before the day of the feast of Brother Pierre Déjean , the Lord
God had conceived Na Prous in the spirit; and that on that feast day,
while she was in Narbonne at the sepulcre of the aforesaid Brother
Pierre Déjean , the Lord had given birth to her in the spirit and given
her three gifts: the gift of tears or weeping whenever she stood at
the aforementioned sepulchre; a greater fragrance or odor than she
had ever before smelled; and a gentle, sweet warmth as if a mantle
had been thrown over her shoulders and wrapped around her. Again,
at that time the Lord told her that he nourished her with two things,
bodily labors and spiritual foods; and fifteen years after she had been
at the sepulchre the Lord had given her the Holy Spirit. Again, she
claims that God gave her the entire divinity in the spirit as completely
as he had given it to his virgin mother and her son, and that the entire
human nature was not sufficient for seeking the truth unless God also
gave the Holy Spirit.
She further claims that the divinity which God gave to her formed for
itself a body of the spirit of more precious and more pure
understanding than the one she had, and there was no angel nor
archangel nor saint in paradise who might have become involved in
this or impeded it.
She likewise claims that the spirit which God gave her was the same
one that at another time despoiled hell and restored all human nature.
Also that God said to her, "The Blessed Virgin Mary was the donatrix of
the Son of God and you shall be the donatrix of the Holy Spirit." When
she heard this she became afraid and prayed to God, saying, "Lord
God, guard me from that sin of pride through which the angel Lucifer
fell from heaven." And the Lord God replied, "I shall hear your prayer.
" After that the Lord fashioned in her spirit and vision a great number
of men, that is, men of penance. He also showed her a great river,
and there was a causeway which turned all the water to one side of
the river and not the other. God said to her that on the day he gave
her the Holy Spirit he had placed that causeway in the river. Later she
saw that little water flowed to that side, and later still she saw that
none at all flowed there, and it was entirely dried out. Then the Lord
explained the symbol to her, saying that the flowing of that water
represented his grace. He added that the grace of God began to
lessen in part when the gospel of Christ was destroyed, that is, when
the writing of Pierre Déjean was condemned, for at that time the
sacrament of the altar lost its power. This coming Christmas it will
have been two years since that occurred
She also claim God told her that Christ had two natures, one human
and the other divine, and that the destruction of the Gospel was an
offense against his human nature, while the destruction of the
writing of the Holy Spirit given to Brother Pierre Déjean is an offense
against his divine nature.
Also Christ told her that the pope preceding the present one was like
that good man who placed the crucified body of Christ in a tomb, and
that this present pope, John XXII, is like Caiaphas, who crucified
Christ. Moreover, the poor beguins who were burned, and also the
burned lepers, were like the innocents beheaded by Herod's command.
Again, just as Herod procured the death of innocent children, thus this
Herod, the devil, procured the death of those burned beguins and
lepers. Again, she claims that Christ told her the sin of this pope is as
great as the sin of Cain, and a fourth part of it is as great as the sin of
Caiaphas, and a fifth part as great as was the sin of Simon Magus, and
another part as great as was the sin of Herod.
Christ also told her, she asserts, that the sin of this pope when he
betrayed the Franciscan friars to death was as great as the sin of
Adam when he ate the apple. And when he condemned the Gospel, the
sin of this pope was as great as the sin of Adam when he tasted the
apple and took it out of greed, perceiving that he sinned; for it was
then that he ought to have sought mercy from the Lord God our God.
Again, the sin of this pope, when he condemned the writing of Brother
Pierre Déjean, the holy father, was as great as the sin of Adam when
he ate the apple and on account of that accused the woman Eve,
saying that he had eaten the apple offered to him by her; for he ought
to have ruled her, since the man is the head of the woman, and
instead he accused her. In similar fashion this pope, as head of the
holy church of God, should have ruled the church according to God's
will, that is, the will of our Lord Jesus Christ. And just as Adam, on
account of this sin, lost the grace given to him earlier by God, so this
pope, on account of his sin, lost the grace given to him by the Lord
Jesus Christ, for the punishment is equal to the sin, and consequently
the sacraments have lost their power. Also, just as Adam could never
regain the grace which he had lost, so this pope will never be able to
regain the grace he had at first and then lost, that ; for just as the
whole human nature was spiritually dead through the sin of Adam, the
first man, so Christianity as a whole is spiritually dead because of this
pope's sin.
Again, she asserted that this pope's sin is as great as Cain's, because
just as Cain killed his brother, so this pope killed all of human nature,
which is, as Christ told her, this pope's brother. Again, it is as great as
the sin of Simon Magus, because Simon Magus wanted to be adored by
the peoples of the world and this pope wants to be adored in the
same way. Again, Simon Magus honored the cross of Jesus Christ and
he honored a cock which Simon carried with him and claimed was the
Holy Spirit; whereas the pope does not honor Christ's cross (that is,
Christ's poor) nor does he honor the cock (that is, holy scripture, for
the cock stands for the Holy Spirit, who crows out in holy scripture).
Again, this pope matched the evil of Herod, for Herod killed the
innocents, and in a similar way this pope kills many innocents,
prophets, patriarchs, apostles, disciples, virgins, confessors and
Again, she says that this pope has stolen from Christ the conversion
of the cock, that is, the conversion of the whole world,(4) for Christ has
prepared for himself a society as solemn as the one he prepared at
the time of his passion. Because of this Christ asked the pope to
render him an account of the conversion of the world, and because
the pope was foolish and stupid enough to transgress God's order,
that pope, Christ told her, has fallen from the grace he held, the grace
given by Christ to the blessed apostle Peter. He lost it when he
condemned or gave over to death the aforesaid friars. And neither he
nor anyone else will ever recover that grace.
Moreover, she said that because the pope destroyed the writings of
Brother Pierre Déjean, written by the hand of divinity, the sacrament
of the altar lost its effectiveness and power, which it will never
recover. For this reason God took away from the pope and all others
the grace of the sacraments. Likewise Jesus Christ told her, so she
claims, that St. Peter had confessed that Jesus Christ was the true
Son of the living God, and that this pope confessed Christ to be a
sinner when he said that Christ owned things both individually and in
Again, Jesus Christ told her that St. Francis began his order in that
same perfection and altitude as had Christ, when he began with his
apostles to hold to poverty. In that same perfection and altitude St.
Francis began to hold to poverty with his brothers.
Again, Christ told her that just as the noblest name among the angels
was given to Lucibel, in the same way the noblest name among all
men in this world was given to the present pope; and just as the most
terrible name among the all the demons was given to Lucifer, so the
most terrible name among all men in the world was given to this
pope. As Christ says, God first gave to Lucibel a nobler and more
beautiful name than those given to the other angels, and later God
gave him another name more terrible than all the names of the other
demons, Lucifer. Again, Jesus Christ said to her that because this
pope has produced so much wind and stupidity, so much malice and
evil, for that reason, just as Christ first gave him the most beautiful
name given to any man in this world, because he was first called
"apostle" or "pope,"(5) so Christ later gave him that most terrible of
names, "Antichrist." Christ imposed that name on him, so she claimed,
on the next to the last Friday before the feast of the Lord's Nativity
just passed.
Again Christ said, so she claims, that after God created all the angels
in the heavenly paradise and Adam and Eve in the terrestrial paradise,
and saw that both lost the grace first given to them, it was later the
will and counsel of the whole trinity to give both graces to man and
woman, both that grace which the angels lost and that which Adam
lost; that is, the celestial paradise lost by the angels and the
terrestrial paradise lost by Adam and Eve through their sin.
Likewise Christ told her that by the counsel of the whole Trinity, he
placed his son in the Virgin Mary, and that God placed his son in the
Virgin in such a way that God did not diminish himself. Likewise, that
divinity which was given to the Virgin formed for itself a body of the
more precious and pure blood that might be in the Virgin; and there
was no angel nor archangel nor saint in paradise who was involved in
this, but only Jesus Christ himself formed his body; likewise that
Christ did not return to God the Father until he had fulfilled everything
that the whole Trinity had established, and that the whole Holy Trinity
had established that Christ had to to receive human flesh in the
Virgin, and that he was God and man, and that he should return to man
that which man had lost, that is, the terrestrial paradise.
Likewise, she testified, Christ said that by virtue of his passion Christ
himself ordained the terrestrial paradise and enclosed it with the ten
commandments. In this paradise be placed the seven sacraments and
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the four cardinal virtues; and in
the terrestrial paradise - that is, in the church - people might confess
their sins with such bitterness of heart that all things were forgiven
by God. Again, in that earthly paradise people could view the body of
Christ with such reverence that all their sins were forgiven. Again,
they might hear mass with so much reverence that all their sins were
remitted. Again, in that earthly paradise people could receive the
body of Christ with such reverence that all their sins were remitted,
even forgotten mortal sins that had been forgotten [and therefore
not confessed].
Again, Christ told her, so she claims, that in that terrestrial paradise
Christ placed Elijah and Enoch, and that Elijah was Saint Francis while
Enoch was Brother Pierre Déjean, both of whom bore witness to Jesus
Christ. Saint Francis bore witness to the life of poverty instituted by
Christ, while Brother Pierre Déjean bore witness to the divinity in holy
scripture, in which he discovered all the words of the saints and
conveyed them in his writings through the power of the Holy Spirit
given to him. Again, Christ told her, so she claims, that Antichrist
killed Elijah and Enoch, that is, Saint Francis and Brother Pierre
Déjean, in the middle of the street,(6) which street she said was holy
Again, Christ told he, so she claims, that he would have pardoned
Lucifer and forgiven his sin if he had acknowledged it, and that,
because Adam did acknowledge his sin, God forgave it. Again, if Cain,
Caiaphas, Simon Magus and Herod had repented and asked God for
mercy they would have received it. Again, Christ told her, so she
claims, that to say "Antichrist" is the same as saying "the sum total
of all evil," that Antichrist himself - by which she means this pope -
matches the complete evil of all the demons, Lucifer and all the rest
who fell from heaven. Again, this Antichrist matches all the evil of all
the evil men who ever lived, and because of this Antichrist will, unless
he repents, be given as great a punishment as Lucifer and all his
demons received, and unless he repents he will receive as much
punishment in hell as all the people currently there combined are
receiving. Christ said, however, so she claims, that he would forgive
Antichrist for all his flaws if he repented, acknowledged his sins, and
believed in the Holy Spirit.
Again, Christ told her, so she claims, that he endured suffering and
death in his flesh because of Adam's sin, and thus he endured
suffering and death in the spirit because of Antichrist's sin, for just as
God has only one son, he has only one spirit. Again, she claimed, God
had told her that power lasted from that time until the time when God
the Father placed his Son in the Virgin Mary, and then the entire
trinity gave all of its power to God the Son in the Virgin Mary, and this
power given to the Son lasted until the time when God gave the Holy
Spirit to the aforesaid Pierre Déjean. The entire holy trinity gave its
power to the Holy Spirit, which was given to Pierre Déjean.
Again, Christ told her, so she claimed, that the son of God battled with
the devil in single combat, and in a similar way the writing of the Holy
Spirit given to the aforesaid Pierre Déjean battled with Antichrist in
single combat. Again, Na Prous said and claimed that at that time the
Lord Jesus Christ told her she should go to a certain village (which she
named) and say the following to certain people whom he named to
her (and whom she also named): "I shall have nothing to do with your
gifts or your prayers, for I am interested in only two things, namely
that you put your heart and mind into the work of the Holy Spirit and
that henceforth you should keep your body prepared for martyrdom if
it shouldbe necessary, for the Holy Spirit will do great things and give
great gifts." She said the people gave her no response, and later she
returned to another village and said to certain people, "Today I am
compelled to speak to you, and unless you believe what I have said,
now say and will say you will never be saved. Then the people asked
her, "What are these things that you have said, now say, and will
say?" She replied, Here is someone who will tell you," showing them
a certain man (whom she named) who was there.
Again, the Lord said to her, so she claims, that the first pope whom
the Son of God ordained was Saint Peter, and the first pope whom the
Holy Spirit ordained was Brother Guillaume Giraud of the Franciscan
order, and that because this present pope deserved to lose his grace,
God gave it to the aforementioned Guillaume Giraud.
Again, she said that God once told her two women were named or
described in holy scripture. The son of God was to be given to one,
and the Holy Spirit was to be given to the other. And God told her that
it was she, Na Prous, to whom the Holy Spirit was to be given. When
she begged God that she not be known the Lord said to her, "It is
necessary that you be known as the virgin Mary was known among
the apostles," and she finally consented. Again, she claimed that
Jesus Christ told her at that hour in which Christ was born the
sacrament of the altar lost its power, that is, two years ago from this
coming Christmas, and at that hour the gates of paradise were shut
and barred, and from that point on not a single soul entered. All those
whom He wishes to save he puts in the place where the holy fathers
were,(7) and because the sin of this pope is, as has been said, as great
as that of Adam, it was necessary for Christ to die again in person and
spirit so that souls could be saved, because otherwise no soul would
ever again enter paradise. And this has occurred, she claims. Christ
has died a second time in person and spirit, so she claims the lord God
himself told her.
Again, the Lord Jesus Christ said to her, so she claims, that a certain
notary whom she names, to whom Na Prous set forth and related the
aforesaid things and who was unwilling to believe her, along with
those who held to the opinion of this notary, publicly crucified the
Lord Jesus Christ in spirit, and that a certain apostate Franciscan friar
whom she named, to whom she revealed the aforesaid things, and
those who maintained themselves in the opinion of the said apostate
(whom she does not call an apostate), crucified the Lord Jesus Christ
secretly. Using this similitude, she said that in the same way as God
first sent his Son to the legal experts among the Jews, so God first
sent the Holy Spirit to the legal experts among the Christians, that is,
to the aforesaid notary, and thus it is obvious that just as the legal
experts among the Jews knew the Son of God, so the legal experts of
the Christians knew the Holy Spirit of God, for in the same way as the
Jews crucified the Son of God in his person, so did these, that is, the
legal experts of the Christians, crucify the Holy Spirit in person, that
is, in the person of the speaker, Na Prous. Accordingly all these
things, so she claims, the Lord God said to her, and God, as she said
above, gave her the Holy Spirit.
Again, she says that God, when he ordained the orders of St. Francis
and St. Dominic, did a great work, as great as when he created the
world. Moreover, that as many souls as he has saved from the
creation of the world up to that time in which he established the two
orders, so many souls will he save between then and the end of the
world. Again that as many saints as there were up to the aforesaid
time, so many great saints shall there be from then until the end of
the world.
Again, that Saint Francis is as great a saint in paradise as is Blessed
John the Baptist, for just as Blessed John prepared the way for the
Lord, so Saint Francis prepared the way for the Holy Spirit. Likewise
the Lord told her, so she claims, that he gave as many graces and as
much glory to Brother Pierre Déjean as he gave to the Son of God in
his person, that is, insofar as he was man and not insofar as he was
God; and thus from now on it will be necessary to believe that the
Lord God gave the spirit completely to the aforesaid Brother Pierre
Déjean, for otherwise men and women could not be saved. For, so she
claims God told her, in the body of Jesus Christ and in the body of his
Mother, that is, the Virgin Mary, there was no mixture, since all was
the same. Likewise in the body of the spirit of the aforesaid Brother
Pierre Déjean and in the body of the spirit of the one speaking, Na
Prous, there is no mixture, for the spirit of friar Pierre Déjean and
the spirit of Na Prous are one and the same, since the whole descends
from God, as she said.
Again, the Lord told her that just as God ruled the Church through two
bodies of flesh, that is, the bodies of Christ and of his mother the
Virgin Mary, so in the same way he henceforth rules the church
through the two bodies of spirit given to the aforesaid friar Pierre
Déjean and to her who is speaking, Na Prous, both of which spirits
are one, as she said. Again, she claimed that the Lord told her
whoever wishes to be saved must believe the words of the writing of
Brother Pierre Déjean, since they were written by the power of the
Holy Spirit, and likewise must believe the words of Na Prous, since
they are spoken by the power of the Holy Spirit, as she said. Once they
have known these things, they cannot be saved otherwise, and
whoever does not believe in the words of Na Prous shall die an
eternal death.
Again, the Lord God shall give two things to every person who
believes in the words of Na Prous; that is, he will forgive the sins of
the believing person, and he will give that person the Holy Spirit.
Again, the Lord gave as much grace and glory and as many gifts to
Saint Dominic as he did to Abraham. Again, that Abraham had one son
from his servant, and God commanded Abraham to send that son into
the desert with a full barrel of water. God calls this modern church a
servant, and from this servant the order of Saint Dominic had a spirit.
And just as it is clear that the other was legitimate, so is it clear that
this spirit is legitimate, because just as Abraham sent that son whom
he had begotten into the desert, thus the Preachers(8) sent this spirit
into the desert. And just as Abraham ordered his son to take a full
barrel of water along, so God ordered the Preachers that they should
weep because they have not ruled their order well according to our
Lord. And God commands both the Preachers and the Minors(9) that
henceforth they should conduct no more inquisitions. Again, God
commanded the Preaching Brothers and Brothers Minor that, just as
he once commanded Abraham to take as a wife a free woman who
was old, so he commands them that they should take and hold fast to
their old disciplines as established and observed by the blessed
Dominic and Saint Francis. Again, just as Abraham's son by the free
woman had twelve sons who were patriarchs, so this new order of
Preachers, if it observes its discipline as before, will have twelve sons
by this spirit, and these are called the twelve gates in holy scripture,
and God will rehabilitate the Jewish people through this order. Again,
she claimed that just as Adam had two sons, Abel and Cain, so now in
this age the lord God refers to himself as Adam and has said that he
has engendered two sons. Just as Adam had two sons by Eve, so God
has had two sons by the modern church, because, as he said, just as
Eve was disobedient so this church was disobedient. Thus God calls
this church Eve, or so she said. Again, just as Adam had two sons by
Eve, Abel and Cain, so the lord God had two sons, Abel and Cain, by the
church, which he calls Eve. That son of the church who is was similar
to Abel was Brother Pierre Déjean, and the other, Cain, was Brother
Thomas Aquinas,of the order of Preachers, recently canonized. And
just as Cain physicially slew Abel his brother, so Brother Thomas slew
his brother, the aforesaid Pierre Déjean, spiritually. That is, he slew
his writing. Again, just as the blood of Abel cried to God for justice,
so the spirit of the aforesaid Pierre Déjean cries to God for justice.
She heard all this from the lord God, so she says.
Again, she claims that the Lord told her she would bear as much
suffering as the Virgin did, and as much as Christ bore in his person,
and she would bear all these in the spirit.
Again, she said and claimed that the Lord God told her that book which
Blessed John said he had seen sealed with seven seals, she herself, Na
Prous, opened. And that the first seal was opened by the notary of
whom she spoke above, and the second was opened by a certain
apostate Minorite friar of whom she spoke above, and the third seal
was opened by a certain other person whom she names, and
moreover that the whole book was opened to me, Mennetus the
notary, who writes this.
Again, that horse which the blessed John says in the book of
Revelations he saw is Na Prous herself, and he who sits on this white
horse is Jesus Christ. Again, the Lord wants the rules of blessed
Francis and Saint Dominic to be raised up again and observed as
strictly and gloriously as when Saint Francis and Dominic instituted
them, and there is not a living person who would contradict this, for if
that should occur, God's curse would fall upon that person. Again, she
said God told her that all the works spoken by Na Prous and written
above were words of the Holy Spirit provided to her who spoke them
by the Holy Spirit after God gave her the Holy Spirit, which occurred
four years ago this coming Good Friday. God commands everyone to
govern themselves wisely in accordance with them, and wishes them
to be known throughout the entire world. Again, the lord God has told
her, so she claims, that the truth of these things, or at least some of
them, can be found in three books of sacred scripture: the
Apocalypse, the Bible,(10) and Daniel. She says she fervently believes
that everything she has said is true and should take place as stated.
She thinks it will occur and thus be verified. On this coming Good
Friday it will have been four years since she received the Holy Spirit,
and she still possesses it. Although if she were following her own will
in the matter she would not want all the aforesaid things divulged
throughout the whole world, God wants them divulged.
Asked about it, she says she was never told any of these things by
any living person, but it was God alone and the Holy Spirit who gave
her knowledge of them. She says she wants to live and die in the
aforesaid beliefs, because God, who has never lied, told her they were
true, and she does not believe that he lied to her. Again, she said that
if this present pope, that is, Pope John XXII, and the cardinals,
prelates, and doctors of the sacred page should tell her and
demonstrate by reason and by the authority of holy scripture that the
aforesaid things, which she holds and claims that she believes and
holds, are erroneous and heretical, and should warn her to revoke the
aforesaid errors, she would neither believe nor obey them, because,
as she said, the Lord Jesus Christ, who told her the aforesaid things,
is more learned and more prudent than all the men in the whole
Again, she said that if the pope should excommunicate her on account
of that disobedience, she would not think herself to be
excommunicated nor would she even believe herself to be damned if
she were to die under the aforesaid excommunication, for God has
made her certain in another way, as she said, claiming that no matter
who should condemn her and burn her on account of the foregoing,
she would still believe herself to be saved and a glorious martyr in
Again, since she had said the sacraments did not contribute to
salvation, she was asked if she referred to all seven sacraments. She
replied that the power given to the blessed Peter and to the
sacrament of the altar had lost its effectiveness, as the Lord told her.
She believes, as she says, that no sacrament administered by anyone
who does not share her views contributes to salvation. Moreover, no
one who celebrates the eucharist can confer the body of Christ any
more no matter how thoroughly they believe in the works of the Holy
Spirit, because they have all lost the grace of conferring Christ's body
and will never get it back, as she has said. Again, she said that two
types of people will be saved: first, those who understand and
believe those things which she has said, and to these God will give
understanding of scripture and of the grace of the Holy Spirit; and
second, those who do not understand but believe anyway. She claims
that no one who does not believe the aforementioned two things, or
at least one of them, will be saved, nor can such a person be saved, so
the Lord has told her.
Again, she said that it will henceforth be necessary for whoever
wishes to be saved to believe in the works of the Holy Spirit given to
Brother Pierre Déjean and to her, that is, to believe in the words that
are in the writing of the said Brother Pierre Déjean and in the words
that she herself has spoken, which words are all the work of the Holy
Spirit. She says that now she had great discomfort, for it was
necessary to say such things about herself that it might seem
possible she said them out of vainglory; for she would prefer, as she
claims, to be cut in pieces with swords, or that lightning from heaven
should fall upon her and lay her stretched out upon the ground, than
to say such things about herself, and she would rather speak about
any other creature. But because God wishes and commands her, she
must do the will of God and say them. For the lord God told her, as
she claims, that all who believe the writings of the said Brother Pierre
Déjean and the words of the same Na Prous, and obeys his
commandments, shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the Lord will
forgive their sins.
Again, she said and claimed that just as the sin of Adam our first
parent was wiped away and redeemed through Christ's passion, the
time of which passion she says is now over and done with, so the sin
of this pope, which is a great as the sin of Adam, is wiped away and
redeemed by the power of the Holy Spirit, the beginning of which is
the end of the passion of the lord Jesus Christ. She claims that the
new time of the Holy Spirit and the new age of the church began with
Brother Pierre Déjean and continues in herself, as she said. Thus
there is now a new age of the church in which it is necessary to
believe in the work of the Holy Spirit.
Again, she said that all who believe in the work of the Holy Spirit and
obey God's commandments, should they sometimes transgress one of
the commandments, can be saved as long as they repent in their
hearts and feel contrition, without participating in the sacrament of
confession or the sacrament of the altar, because, as the Lord said to
her (so she claims), he who forgave sins through confession of the
mouth during the time of Christ's passion will, in the time of the work
of the Holy Spirit, through the grace and work of the Holy Spirit,
forgive these same sins through contrition of the heart. Thus these
two sacraments, the sacrament of the altar and oral confession, are
completely annulled and finished, as she said, but the sacrament of
penance remains. She claims that the aforesaid sacraments are not
necessary for salvation, but only belief in the work of the Holy Spirit,
obedience of the commandments, and contrition of the heart suffice
for salvation of souls.
Likewise, when questioned, she said that God commanded the
sacrament of matrimony to be maintained and observed in that way it
was performed between Adam and Eve and in Saint John,(11) and in the
same way in which the marriage was performed when Christ was
present in the nuptials with the Blessed John, although, when
questioned, she said she did not know in what way that marriage was
Again, she said she believed that all who sin mortally and feel
contrition in their hearts can be saved without confession of the
mouth as long as they believe in the work of the Holy Spirit. She says
there is no need to impose a penance to be carried out in this world,
like fasting or some other thing, because by virtue of the fact that
the person is contrite, that person does penance, and thus no other
penance is necessary. Such persons will be saved, as she said,
because the Holy Spirit, in the work of which these persons believe,
has conferred on them grace and salvation. She says from now on
however often chaplains celebrate mass and say the proper words
consecrating the body of Christ in the eucharist, it will contribute
nothing to anyone's salvation, nor will they confer Christ's body,
because, as she has claimed and still claims, the sacraments have lost
their power.
Again, she said that he who gave the law can take it away; but Christ
gave the law of the sacraments and grace, and he has taken it away,
as she said, because of the pope's sin. Again, she said that all men
and women, whether Christian or Jew, Saracen or anything else, who
believe in the work of the Holy Spirit will be saved. Again, she said
that letters, prayers of the saints, gospels, paternosters, and the
good words of the prophets and other holy men can be read in
churches and elsewhere to praise God and memorialize God and the
saints, but the sacraments should not be performed, and if they are
they will be of no avail.
Likewise she said that every day and night and every hour she sees
God in the spirit, and he never leaves her; she says that Christ himself
wishes to be head of the church and to rule souls, and that henceforth
he will not permit them to be ruled by any pope, even if another
should be elected by the cardinals, since the papacy is permanently
annulled. Questioned as to how God rules souls, she said he does it by
the Holy Spirit and by the work of the Holy Spirit. Again, she claimed
that the Lord told her Christ took his body of flesh from a poor virgin
so that poor people and rich would not be afraid to find fault with him
and finally crucify him, and no one should console him as they
crucified him; and in the same way Christ took a body of spirit in a
poor virgin so that poor and rich would not be afraid to find fault with
him and persecute him and finally to crucify him in the spirit, because,
as God told her (as she claims), he took his body from a virgin, and
from her, Na Prous, he took the word, for as much as Christ was
vituperated in the body which he took from the Virgin, it is necessary
that he be vituperated the same amount in that body of words of her
speaking, that is, in the spirit.
Again, she said God told her that just as Eve, the first woman, was
beginning and cause of the damnation of all human nature or
humankind through Adam's sin, in the same way "you shall be the
beginning and cause of the salvation of all human nature or
humankind through those words I make you speak, if they are
believed." Again, God told her, so she claims, that Saint John saw
three angels the first of which bore the sign of the living God,(12) and
that was Saint Francis. The second had a face like the sun,(13)and that
was Brother Pierre Déjean. The third carried the keys of the abyss,(14)
and that was the Holy Spirit whom God gave to her who speaks.
Again, she said the abyss will be shut and barred to those who believe
her words, and opened to those who do not.
When asked if God told her what she had said above, she said yes, but
that she would not say them to anyone living unless compelled to do
so by God himself.
The aforesaid made her deposition and confessed freely and willingly,
and as many times as her testimony was read to her in the vernacular
she confirmed and approved it. And having been warned, asked, and
exhorted many times in judicial proceedings and on other occasions to
revoke and abjure all the things reported above as erroneous and
heretical, she persevered in them, claiming that in the aforesaid, as in
the truth, she wishes to live and die.
(1)Short for domina.
(2)This exchange may be translated incorrectly. For some reason
Christ begins to speak Provençal at this point.
(3)One more questionable translation of a passage no one seems to
understand. There is, I think, a problem in the manuscript at this
(4)The text is mutilated here and I'm guessing at what it said.
(5)Remember that the Latin papa actually means both "pope" and "father."
(6)Apoc. 11:8.
(7)Limbo. According to medieval belief, between the crucifixion and
resurrection Christ went down to Limbo and released all the Old Testament figures who had anticipated the Messiah and had been
awaiting his arrival.
(8)The Dominicans, officially named the Order of Preachers.
(9)The Franciscans, officially named the Order of Brothers Minor.
(10)She probably means the gospels.
(11)Presumably John 2.
(12)Apoc. 7:2.
(13)Apoc. 10:1.
(14)Apoc. 20:1, although 9:1 also speaks of a key to the abyss.
Translation by David Burr [[email protected]]. See his home page. He indicated that the translations are available for educational use. He intends to expand the number of translations, so keep a note of his home page.
Paul Halsall Jan 1996
[email protected]
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]