Medieval Sourcebook:
Peter the Hermit and the Popular Crusade:
Collected Accounts
March-October 1096
Peter the Hermit
Folcmar and Gottschalk
The End of the Popular Crusade
Peter the Hermit
1. Version of Guibert of Nogent
Guibert's account of Peter is probably more accurate than the
much later inflated accounts which prevailed from the time of
William of Tyre until the mid-19th century
Therefore, while the princes, who felt the need of many expenses
and great services from their attendants, made their preparations
slowly and carefully; the common people who had little property,
but were very numerous, joined a certain Peter the Hermit, and
obeyed him as a master while these affairs were going on among
He was, if I am not mistaken, from the city of Amiens, and have
we learned that he had lived as a hermit, dressed as a monk somewhere
in Upper Gaul. After he had departed from there - I do not know
with what intention - we saw him going through the cities and
towns under a pretense of preaching. He was surrounded by so great
throngs of people, he received such enormous gifts, his holiness
was lauded so highly, that no one within my memory has been held
in such honor.
He was very liberal in the distribution to the poor of what he
had received. He restored prostitutes to their husbands with gifts.
By his wonderful authority he restored everywhere peace and concord,
in place of discord. For in whatever he did or said it seemed
as if there was something divine, especially when the hairs were
snatched from his mule for relies. We do not report this as true
but for the common people who love novelties. He wore a wool shirt,
and over it a mantle reaching to his ankles; his arms and feet
were bare. He lived on wine and fish; he hardly ever, never, ate
Dana C. Munro, "Urban and the Crusaders", Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of
European History, Vol 1:2, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania,
1895), 20
2. Version of William of Tyre
William of Tyre was born in the Holy Land, born in the Holy
Land and was, after a French education, appointed Archbishop of
Tyre and Chancellor of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. He wrote at the
end of the twelfth century. Although William is an excellent historian,
his account of Peter the Hermit, written almost a century later,
shows how Peter became a mythic figure. Research by Hegenmeyer
in the mid 19th century showed that Peter did not incite
Urban to preach, did not speak at Clermont, and preached for only
a few months.
A certain priest named Peter, from the kingdom of the Franks and
the bishopric of Amiens, a hermit both in deed and name, I by
the same ardor, arrived at Jerusalem. He was small in stature
and his external appearance contemptible, but greater valor ruled
in his slight frame. For be was sharp witted, his glance was bright
and captivating, and be spoke with ease and eloquence. Having
paid the tax which was exacted from all Christians who wished
to enter, he went into the city and was entertained by a trusty
man who was also a confessor of Christ. He diligently questioned
his host, as he was a zealous man, and learned more fully from
him not only the existing perils, but also the persecutions which
their ancestors had suffered long before. And if in what he heard
any details were lacking, he completed the account from the witness
of his own eyes. For remaining in the city and visiting the churches
he learned more fully the truth of what had been told to him by
Hearing also that the Patriarch of the city was a devout and God-fearing
man, he wished to confer with him and to learn more fully from
him the truth concerning some matters. Accordingly lie went to
him, and having been presented by a trustworthy man, both be and
the Patriarch mutually enjoyed their conferences.
The name of the Patriarch was Simeon. As he learned from Peter's
conversation that the latter was prudent, able and eloquent, and
a man of great experience, be began to disclose to him more confidentially
all the evils which the people of God bad suffered while dwelling
in Jerusalem.
To whom Peter replied: "You may be assured, holy father,
that if the Roman church and the princes of the West should learn
from a zealous and a reliable witness the calamities which you
suffer, there is not the slightest doubt that they would hasten
to remedy the evil, both by words and deeds. Write them zealously
both to the lord Pope and the Roman church and to the kings and
princes of the West, and confirm your letter by the authority
Of your seal. I, truly, for the sake of the salvation of my soul,
do not hesitate to undertake this task. And I aim prepared under
God's guidance to visit them all, to exhort them all, zealously
to inform them of the greatness of your sufferings and to urge
them to hasten to your relief."
Of a truth, Thou art great, 0 Lord our God, and to thy mercy there
is no end! Of a truth, blessed Jesus, those who trust in Thee
shall not be brought to confusion! How did this poor pilgrim,
destitute of all resources and far from his native land, have
so great confidence that he dared to undertake an enterprise so
much beyond his strength and to hope to accomplish his vow, unless
it was that he turned all his thoughts to Thee, his protector,
and filled with charity, pitying the misfortunes of his brethren,
loving, his neighbor as himself, he was content to fulfill the
law? Strength', is a vain thing, but charity overcometh. What
his brethren prescribed might appear difficult and even impossible,
but the love of God and of his neighbor rendered it easy for him,
for love is strong as death. Faith which worketh by love availeth
with Thee, and the good deeds near Thee do not remain without
fruit. Accordingly Thou didst not permit Thy servant long to remain
in doubt. Thou didst manifest Thyself to him. Thou didst fortify,
him by Thy revelation that he might not hesitate, and breathing
into him Thy hidden spirit, Thou madest him arise with greater
strength to accomplish the work of charity.
Therefore, after performing the usual prayers, taking leave of
the lord Patriarch and receiving his blessing, he went to the
seacoast. There he found a vessel belonging to some merchants
who were preparing to cross to Apulia. He went on board, and after
a successful journey arrived at Bari. Thence he proceeded to Rome,
and found the lord Pope Urban in the vicinity. He presented the
letters of the Patriarch and of the Christians who dwelt at Jerusalem,
and showed their misery and the abominations which the unclean
races wrought in the holy places. Thus faithfully and prudently
he performed the commission entrusted to him.
Dana C. Munro, "Urban and the Crusaders", Translations
and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History,
Vol 1:2, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1895), 20
3. Version of Albert of Aix
Albert of Aix (or Aachen) wrote a history of the Crusades down
to c. 1120. He wrote in the mid twelfth century and never visited
the East. His Chronicle is based on eyewitness accounts
and written sources.
There was a priest, Peter by name, formerly a hermit. He was born
in the city of Amiens, which is in the western part of the kingdom
of the Franks, and he was appointed preacher in Berri in the aforesaid
kingdom. In every admonition and sermon, with all the persuasion
of which he was capable, he urged setting out on the journey as
soon as possible. In response to his constant admonition and call,
bishops, abbots, clerics, and monks set out; next, most noble
laymen, and princes of the different kingdoms; then, all the common
people, the chaste as well as the sinful, adulterers, homicides,
thieves, perjurers, and robbers; indeed, every class of the Christian
profession, nay, also, women and those influenced by the spirit
of penance -- all joyfully entered upon this expedition. . . .
In the year of the Incarnation of the Lord, 1096, in the fourth
Indiction, in the thirteenth year of the reign of Henry IV, third
august Emperor of the Romans, and in the forty-third year of the
Empire, in the reign of Pope Urban II, formerly Odoard, on the
eighth day of March, Walter, surnamed the Penniless, a well-known
soldier, set out, as a result of the preaching of Peter the Hermit,
with a great company of Frankish foot soldiers and only about
eight knights. On the beginning of the journey to Jerusalem he
entered into the kingdom of Hungary. When his intention, and the
reason for his taking this journey became known to Lord Coloman,
most Christian king of Hungary, he was kindly received and was
given peaceful transit across the entire realm, with permission
to trade. And so without giving offence, and without being attacked,
he set out even to Belgrade, a Bulgarian city, passing over to Malevilla, where the realm of the king of Hungary ends.
Thence he peacefully crossed the Morava river.
But sixteen of Walter's company remained in Malevilla, that
they might purchase arms. Of this Walter was ignorant, for he
had crossed long before. Then some of the Hungarians of perverse
minds, seeing the absence of Walter and his army, laid bands upon
those sixteen and robbed them of arms, garments, gold and silver
and so let them depart, naked and empty-handed. Then these distressed
pilgrims, deprived of arms and other things, hastened on their
way to Belgrade, which has been mentioned before, where Walter
with all his band had pitched tents for camp. They reported to
him the misfortune which had befallen them, but Walter heard this
with equanimity, because it would take too long to return for
On the very night when those comrades, naked and empty-handed,
were received, Walter sought to buy the necessaries of life from
a chief of the Bulgarians and the magistrate of the city; but
these men, thinking it a pretense, and regarding them as spies,
forbade the sale of any thing to them. Wherefore, Walter and his
companions, greatly angered, began forcibly to seize and lead
away the herds of cattle and sheep, which were wandering h and
there through the fields in search of pasture. As a result serious
strife arose between the Bulgarians and the pilgrims who were
driving away the flocks, and they came to blows. However, while
the strength of the Bulgarians was growing even to one hundred
and forty, some of the pilgrim army, cut off from the multitude
of their companions, arrived in flight at a chapel. But the Bulgarians,
their army growing in number, while the band of Walter was weakening
and his entire company scattered, besieged the chapel and burned
sixty who were within; on most of the others, who escaped from
the enemy and the chapel in defense of their lives, the Bulgarians
inflicted grave wounds.
After this calamity and the loss of his people, and after he had
passed eight days as a fugitive in the forests of Bulgaria, Walter
leaving his men scattered everywhere, withdrew to Nisb, a very
wealthy city in the midst of the Bulgarian realm. There be found
the duke and prince of the land and reported to him the injury
and damage which bad been done him. From the duke he obtained
justice for all; nay, more, in reconciliation the duke bestowed
upon him arms and money, and the same lord of the land gave him
peaceful conduct through the cities of Bulgaria, Sofia, Philippopolis,
and Adrianople, and also license to trade.
He went down with all his band, even to the imperial ciity, Constantinople,
which is the capital of the entire Greek empire. And when he arrived
there, with all possible earnestness and most humble petition
be implored from the Lord Emperor himself permission to delay
peacefully in his kingdom, with license to buy the necessaries
of life, until he should have as his companion Peter the Hermit,
upon whose admonition and persuasion he had begun this journey.
And he also begged that, when the troops were united, they might
cross in ships over the arm of the sea called the Strait of St.
George, and thus they would be able to resist more safely the
squadrons of the Turks and the Gentiles. The outcome was that
the requests made of the Lord Emperor, Alexius by name, were granted.
Not long after these events, Peter and his large army, innumerable
as the sands of the sea - an army which he had brought together
from the various realms of the nations of the Franks, Swabians,
Bavarians, and Lotharingianswere making their way to Jerusalem.
Descending on that march into the kingdom of Hungary, he and his
army pitched their tents before the gate of Oedenburg. . . .
Peter heard this report and, because the Hungarians and Bulgarians
were fellow Christians, absolutely refused to believe so great
crime of them, until his men, coming to Malevilla, saw
banging from the walls the arms and spoils of the sixteen companions
of Walter who had stayed behind a short time before, and whom
the Hungarians had treacherously presumed to rob. But when Peter
recognized the injury to his brethren, at the sight of their arms
and spoils, he urged his companions to avenge their wrongs.
These sounded the trumpet loudly, and with upraised banners they
rushed to the walls and attacked the enemy with a hail of arrows.
In such quick succession and in such incredible numbers did they
burl them in the face of those standing on the walls that the
Hungarians, in no wise able to resist the force of the besieging
Franks, left the walls, hoping that within the city they might
be able to withstand the strength of the Gauls. Godfrey, surnamed
Burela native of the city Etampes, master and standard-bearer
of two hundred foot soldiers, himself a foot soldier, and a man
of great strength - seeing the flight of the Hungarians away from
the walls, then quickly crossed over the walls by means of a ladder
he chanced to find there. Reinald of Broyes, a distinguished knight,
clad in helmet and coat of mail, ascended just after Godfrey;
soon all the knights, as well as the footsoldiers, hastened to
enter the city. The Hungarians, seeing their own imminent peril,
gathered seven thousand strong for defense; and, having passed
out through another gate which looked toward the east, they stationed
themselves on the summit of a lofty crag, beyond which flowed
the Danube, where they were invincibly fortified. A very large
part of these were unable to escape quickly through the narrow
passage, and they fell before the gate. Some who hoped to find
refuge on the top of the mountain were cut down by the pursuing
pilgrims; still others, thrown headlong from the summit of the
mountain, were buried in the waves of the Danube, but many escaped
by boat. About four thousand Hungarians fell there, but only a
hundred pilgrims, not counting the wounded, were killed at that
same place.
This victory won, Peter remained with all his followers in the
same citadel five days, for he found there an abundance of grain
flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, a plentiful supply of wine,
and infinite number of horses. . . .
When Peter learned of the wrath of the King and his very formidable
gathering of troops, he deserted Malevilla with all his
followers and planned to cross the Morava with all spoils and
flocks and herds of horses. But on the whole bank he found very
few boats, only one hundred and fifty, in which the great multitude
must pass quickly over and escape, lest the King should overtake
them with a great force. Hence many who were unable to cross in
boats tried to cross on rafts made by fastening poles together
with twigs. But driven hither and thither in these rafts without
rudders, and at times separated from their companions, many perished,
pierced with arrows from the bows of the Patzinaks, who inhabited
Bulgaria. As Peter saw the drowning and destruction which was
befalling his men, he commanded the Bavarians, the Alemanni, and
the other Teutons, by their promise of obedience to come to the
aid of their Frankish brethren. They were earned to that place
by seven rafts; then they sank seven small boats of the Patzinaks
with their occupants, but took only seven men captive. They led
these seven captives into the presence of Peter and killed them
by his order.
When he had thus avenged his men, Peter crossed the Morava river
and entered the large and spacious forests of the Bulgarians with
supplies of food, with every necessary, and with the spoils from
Belgrade. And after a delay of eight days in those vast' woods
and pastures, he and his followers approached Nish, a city very
strongly fortified with walls. After crossing the river before
the city by a stone bridge, they occupied the field, pleasing
in its verdure and extent, and pitched their tents on the banks
of the river. . . .
Peter, obedient to the mandate of the Emperor, advanced from the
city of Sofia and withdrew with all his people to the city Philippopolis.
When he had related the entire story of his misfortune in the
hearing of all the Greek citizens, he received, in the name of
Jesus and in fear of God, very many gifts for him. Next, the third
day after, he withdrew to Adrianople, cheerful and joyful in the
abundance of all necessaries. There he tarried in camp outside
the walls of the city only two days, and then withdrew after sunrise
on the third day. A second message of the Emperor was urging him
to hasten his march to Constantinople, for, on account of the
reports about him, the Emperor was burning with desire to see
this same Peter. When they had come to Constantinople, the army
of Peterwas ordered to encamp at a distance from the city, and
license to trade was fully granted. .
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 48-52
Folcmar and Gottschalk
4. The Version of Albert of
Not long after the passage of Peter, a certain priest Gottschalk
by name, a Teuton in race, an inhabitant of the Rhine country,
inflamed by the preaching of Peter with a love and a desire for
that same journey to Jerusalem, by his own preachings likewise
stirred the hearts of very many peoples of diverse nations to
go on that journey. He assembled from the various regions of Lorraine,
eastern France, Bavaria, and Alemannia, more than fifteen thousand
persons of military station, as well as ordinary foot soldiers,
who, having collected an inexpressible amount of money, together
with other necessaries, are said to have continued on their way
peacefully, even to the kingdom of Hungary.
When they arrived at the gate of Wieselburg and its fortress,
they were honorably received by the favor of King Coloman. They
were likewise granted permission to buy the necessaries of life,
and peace was commanded on both sides by an order of the King,
lest any outbreak should arise from so large an army. But as they
delayed there for several days, they began to roam about, and
the Bavarians and Swabians, spirited peoples, together with other
thoughtless persons, drank beyond measure and violated the peace
which had been commanded. Little by little they took away from
the Hungarians wine, grain, and all other necessaries; finally,
they devastated the fields, killing sheep and cattle, and also
destroying those who resisted, or who wished to drive them out.
Like a rough people, rude in manners, undisciplined and haughty,
they committed very many other crimes, all of which we cannot
relate. As some who were present say, they transfixed a certain
Hungarian youth in the market place with a stake through his body.
C plaints of this matter and of other wrongs were brought to ears
of the King and their own leaders. . . .
When Gottschalk and the other sensible men heard this, they trusted
with pure faith in these words, and also because the Hungarians
were of the Christian profession, they counselled the entire assembly
to give their arms in satisfaction to the King, according to this
command. Thus everything would return to peace and concord. .
. .
And yet, when all their arms had been placed under lock and key,
the Hungarians proved false regarding all the faith and clemency
which they had promised that the King would show to. the people;
nay, rather they fell upon them with cruel slaughter, cut down
the defenceless and unarmed and inflicted upon them frightful
slaughter, to such an extent (as those affirm for a truth' who
were Present and barely escaped) that the entire plain of Belgrade
was filled by the bodies of the slain and was covered with their
blood. Few escaped from that martyrdom.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 52-53
5. The Version of Ekkehard
of Aura
Now, as has been said, a band followed Folcmar through Bohemia.
At the city of Neitra, in Pannonia, an uprising took place, in
which a part were killed, and a part were taken prisoners, while
the very few survivors are wont to testify that the sign of the
cross, appearing in the heavens above them, delivered them from
imminent death.
Then Gottschalk, not a true, but a false servant of God, entered
Hungary with his followers, and that not without injury to East
Noricum. Next, under an astonishing glamour of false piety, he
fortified a certain town situated on a height and placed a garrison
there and began, with the rest of his company, to ravage Pannonia
round about. This town, forsooth, was captured by the natives
without delay, and great numbers of the band having been killed
or taken prisoners, the rest were dispersed, and he himself, a
hireling, not the shepherd of the flock, was driven away from
there in disgrace.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 53
6. Version of Ekkehard of Aura
Just at that time, there appeared a certain soldier, Emico, Count
of the lands around the Rhine, a man long of very ill repute on
account of his tyrannical mode of life. Called by divine revelation,
like another Saul, as he maintained, to the practice of religion
of this kind, he usurped to himself the command of almost twelve
thousand cross bearers. As they were led through the cities of
the Rhine and the Main and also the Danube, they either utterly
destroyed the execrable race of the Jews wherever they found them
(being even in this matter zealously devoted to the Christian
religion) or forced them into the bosom of the Church. When their
forces, already increased by a. great number of men and women,
reached the boundary of Pannonia, they were prevented by well
fortified garrisons from entering that kingdom, which is surrounded
partly by swamps and partly by woods. For rumor had reached and
forewarned the ears of King Coloman; a rumor that, to the minds
of the Teutons, there was no difference between killing pagans
and Hungarians. And so, for six weeks they besieged the fortress Wieselburg and suffered many hardships there; yet, during
this very time, they were in the throes of a most foolish civil
quarrel over which one of them should be King of Pannonia. Moreover,
while engaged in the final assault, although the walls had already
been broken through, and the citizens were fleeing, and the army
of the besieged were setting fire to their own town, yet, through
the wonderful providence of Almighty God, the army of pilgrims,
though victorious, fled. And they left behind them all their equipment,
for no one carried away any reward except his wretched life.
And thus the men of our race, zealous, doubtless, for God, though
not according to the knowledge of God, began to persecute other
Christians while yet upon the expedition which Christ had provided
for freeing Christians. They were kept from fraternal bloodshed
only by divine mercy; and the Hungarians, also were freed. This
is the reason why some of the more guileless brethren, ignorant
of the matter, and too hasty in their judgement were scandalized
and concluded that the whole expedition was vain and foolish.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade:
The Accounts of Eyewitnesses and Participants, (Princeton:
1921), 53-54
7. The Version of Albert of Aix
At the beginning of summer in the same year in which Peter, and
Gottschalk, after collecting an army, had set out, there assembled
in like fashion a large and innumerable host of Christians from
diverse kingdoms and lands; namely, from the realms of France,
England, Flanders, and Lorraine. . . . I know n whether by a judgment
of the Lord, or by some error of mind;, they rose in a spirit
of cruelty against the Jewish people scattered throughout these
cities and slaughtered them without mercy, especially in the Kingdom
of Lorraine, asserting it to be the beginning of their expedition
and their duty against the enemies of the Christian faith. This
slaughter of Jews was done first by citizens of Cologne. These
suddenly fell upon a small band of Jews and severely wounded and
killed many; they destroyed the houses and synagogues of the Jews
and divided among themselves a very large, amount of money. When
the Jews saw this cruelty, about two hundred in the silence of
the night began flight by boat to Neuss. The pilgrims and crusaders
discovered them, and after taking away all their possessions,
inflicted on them similar slaughter, leaving not even one alive.
Not long after this, they started upon their journey, as they
had vowed, and arrived in a great multitude at the city of Mainz.
There Count Emico, a nobleman, a very mighty man in this region,
was awaiting, with a large band of Teutons, the arrival of the
pilgrims who were coming thither from diverse lands by the King's
The Jews of this city, knowing of the slaughter of their brethren,
and that they themselves could not escape the hands of so many,
fled in hope of safety to Bishop Rothard. They put an infinite
treasure in his guard and trust, having much faith in his protection,
because he was Bishop of the city. Then that excellent Bishop
of the city cautiously set aside the incredible amcunt of money
received from them. He placed the Jews in the very spacious hall
of his own house, away from the sight of Count Emico and his followers,
that they might remain safe and sound in a very secure and strong
But Emico and the rest of his band held a council and, after sunrise,
attacked the Jews in the hall with arrows and lances. Breaking
the bolts and doors, they killed the Jews, about seven hundred
in number, who in vain resisted the force and attack of so many
thousands. They killed the women, also, and with their swords
pierced tender children of whatever age and sex. The Jews, seeing
that their Christian enemies were attacking them and their children,
and that they were sparing no age, likewise fell upon one another,
brother, children, wives, and sisters, and thus they perished
at each other's hands. Horrible to say, mothers cut the throats
of nursing children with knives and stabbed others, preferring
them to perish thus by their own hands rather than to be killed
by the weapons of the uncircumcised.
From this cruel slaughter of the Jews a few escaped; and a few
because of fear, rather than because of love of the Christian
faith, were baptized. With very great spoils taken from these
people, Count Emico, Clarebold, Thomas, and all that intolerable
company of men and women then continued on their way to Jerusalem,
directing their course towards the Kingdom of Hungary, where passage
along the royal highway was usually not denied the pilgrims. But
on arriving at Wieselburg, the fortress of the King, which
the rivers Danube and Leytha protect with marshes, the bridge
and gate of the fortress were found closed by command of the King
of Hungary, for great fear had entered all the Hungarians because
of the slaughter which had happened to their brethren. . . .
But while almost everything had turned out favorably for the Christians,
and while they had penetrated the walls with great openings, by
some chance or misfortune, I know not what, such great fear entered
the whole army that they turned in flight, just as sheep are scattered
and alarmed when wolves rush upon them. And seeking a refuge here
and there, they forgot thei companions. . . .
Emico and some of his followers continued in their flight along
the way by which they had come. Thomas, Clarebold, and several
of their men escaped in flight toward Carinthia and Italy. So
the hand of the Lord is believed to have been against the pilgrim
who had sinned by excessive impurity and fornication, and who
had slaughtered the exiled Jews through greed of money, rather
than for the sake of God's justice, although the Jews were opposed
to Christ. The Lord is a just judge and orders no one unwillingly,
or under compulsion, to come under the yoke of the Catholic faith.
There was another detestable crime in this assemblage of wayfaring
people, who were foolish and insanely fickle. That the crime was
hateful to the Lord and incredible to the faithful is not to be
doubted. They asserted that a certain goose was inspired by the
Holy Spirit, and that a she goat was not less filled by the same
Spirit. These they made their guides on this holy journey to Jerusalem;
these they worshipped excessively; and most of the people following
them, like beasts, believed with their whole minds that this was
the true course. May the hearts of the faithful be free from the
thought that the Lord Jesus wished the Sepulchre of His most sacred
body to be visited by brutish and insensate animals, or that He
wished these to become the guides of Christian souls, which by
the price of His own blood He deigned to redeem from the filth
of idols! . . .
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 54-56
The End of the Popular Crusade:
8. Version of Anna Comnena
[Alexiad 10:5]
. . . Moreover, Alexius was not yet, or very slightly, rested
from his labors when he heard rumors of the arrival of innumerable
Frankish armies. He feared the incursions of these people, for
he had already experienced the savage fury of their attack, their
fickleness of mind, and their readiness to approach anything with
And finally, he kept ever in mind this information, which was
often repeated and most true that they were known to be always
immoderately covetous of anything they strove after and to break
very easily, for any reason whatsoever, treaties which they had
made. Accordingly, he did not indulge in any rest, but made ready
his forces in every way, so that when occasion should demand he
would be ready for battle. For it was a matter greater and more
terrible than famine which was then reported. Forsooth, the whole
West, and as much of the land of barbarian peoples as lies beyond
the Adriatic Sea up to the Pillars of Herculesall this, changing
its seat, was bursting forth into Asia in a solid mass, with all
its belongings, taking its march through the intervening portion
of Europe.
A certain Gaul, Peter by name, surnamed KukuPeter, bad set out
from his home to adore the Holy Sepulchre. After suffering many
dangers and wrongs from the Turks and Saracens, who were devastating
all Asia, be returned to his own country most sorrowfully. He
could not bear to see himself thus cut off from his proposed pilgrimage
and intended to undertake the expedition a second time. . . .
After Peter had promoted the expedition, he, with 80,000 foot
soldiers and 100,000 knights, was the first of all to cross the
Lombard strait. Then passing through the territory of Hungary,
he arrived at the queenly city. For, as anyone may conjecture
from the outcome, the race of the Gauls is not only very passionate
and impetuous in other ways, but, also, when urged on by an impulse,
cannot thereafter be checked. Our Emperor, aware of what Peter
had suffered from the Turks before, urged him to await the arrival
of the other counts.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 70-71
9. The Gesta Version
But the abovementioned Peter was the first to reach Constantinople,
on the Kalends of August, and with him was a very large host of
Alemanni. There he found assembled Lombards, and Longobards, and
many others. The Emperor had ordered such a market as was in the
city to be given to these people. And he said to them, "Do
not cross the Strait until the chief host of the Chritians has
come, for you are not so strong that you can do battle with the
Turks." The Christians conducted themselves badly, inasmuch
as they tore down and burned buildings of the city and carried
off the lead with which the churches were constructed sold it
to the Greeks. The Emperor was enraged thereat and ordered them
to cross the Strait. After they bad crossed, they did not cease
doing all manner of evil, burning and plundering houses and churches.
At length they reached Nicomedia, where the Lombards and Longobards
and Alemanni separated from the Franks because the Franks were
constantly swelled with arrogance.
The Lombards and Longobards chose a leader over themselves whose
name was Reinald. The Alemanni did likewise. They entered Romania
and proceeded for four days beyond the city of Nicaea.
They found a certain fortress, Xerogord by name, which
was empty of people, and they seized it. In it they found an ample
supply of grain, wine, and meat, and an abundance of all goods.
The Turks, accordingly, bearing that the Christians were in the
fortress, came to besiege it. Before the gate of the fortress
was a cistern, and at the foot of the fortress was a fountain
of running water, near which Reinald went out to trap the Turks.
But the Turks, who came on the day of the Dedication of St. Michael,
found Reinald and those who were with him and killed many of them.
Those who remained alive fled to the fortress, which the Turks
straightway besieged, thus depriving them of water. Our people
were in such distress from thirst that they bled their horses
and asses and drank the blood; others let their r girdles and
handkerchiefs down into the cistern and squeezed out the water
from them into their mouths; some urinated into one another's
hollowed hands and drank; and others dug up the moist ground and
lay down on their backs and spread the earth over their breasts
to relieve the excessive dryness of thirst. The bishops and priests,
indeed, continued to comfort our people, and to admonish them
not to yield, saying, "Be everywhere strong in the faith
of Christ, and do not fear those who persecute you, just as the
Lord saith, 'Be not afraid of them that kill the body, but are
not able to kill the soul."' This distress lasted for eight
days. Then the lord of the Alemanni made an agreement with the
Turks to surrender his companions to them; and, feigning to go
out to fight, he fled to them, and many with him. Those, however,
who were unwilling to deny the Lord received the sentence of death;
some, whom they took alive, they divided among themselves, like
sheep; some they placed as a target and shot with arrows; others
they sold and gave away, like animals. Some they took captive
to their own home, some to Chorosan, some to Antioch, others to
Aleppo, or wherever they themselves lived. These were the first
to receive a happy martyrdom in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Next, the Turks, hearing that Peter the Hermit and Walter the
Penniless were in Civitote, which is located above the city of
Nicaea, went there with great joy to kill them and those who were
with them. And when they had come, they encountered Walter with
his men (all of) whom the Turks soon killed. But Peter the Hermit
had gone to Constantinople a short while before because he was
unable to restrain that varied host, which was not willing to
listen either to him or to his words. The Turks, indeed, rushed
upon these people and killed many of them. Some they found sleeping,
some lying down, others naked - all of whom they killed. With
these people they found a certain priest celebrating mass, whom
they straightway martyred upon the altar. Those who could escape
fled to Civitote; others hurled themselves headlong into the sea,
while some hid in the forests and mountains. But the Turks, pursuing
them to the fortress, collected wood to bum them with the fort.
The Christians who were in the fort, therefore, set fire to the
wood that had been collected, and the fire, turning in the direction
of the Turks, cremated some of them; but from the fire the Lord
delivered our people at that time. Nevertheless, the Turks took
them alive and divided them, just as they had done the others,
and scattered them through all these regions, some to Chorosan,
and others to Persia. This all happened in the month of October.
The Emperor, upon hearing that the Turks had so scattered our
people, was exceedingly glad and sent for them (the Turks) had
them cross the Strait.. After they were across, he purchased all
their arms.
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 71-72
10. The Version of Albert of Aix
The Emperor was moved by compassion on hearing this humble narrative
and ordered two hundred gold besants to be given to Peter; of
that money which was called tartaron he disbursed one measure
for his army. After that, peter retired from the conference and
from the palace of the Emperor. Although under the kind protection
of the Emperor, he rested only five days in the fields and lands
near Constantinople, where Walter the Penniless had likewise pitched
his tents. Becoming companions from that very day, thereafter
their troops, arms, and all necessary provisions were joined together.
Next, after five days, they moved their tents and, with the aid
of the Emperor, passed by boat over the Strait of St. George.
Entering the confines of Cappadocia, they advanced through mountainous
country into Nicomedia. and there passed the night. After this,
they pitched camp at the port called Civitote. There merchants
were constantly bringing ships laden with supplies of wine, corn,
oil, and barley, and with abundance of cheese, selling all to
the pilgrims with just measure.
While they were rejoicing in this abundance of necessities and
were resting their tired bodies, there came messengers from the
most Christian Emperor. Because of the danger of ambushes and
attacks from the Turks, thev forbade Peter and his whole army
front marching towards the mountainous region of the city of Nicaea,
until a greater number of Christians should be added to their
number. Peter heard the message, and he with all the Christian
people assented to the counsel of the Emperor. They tarried there
for the course of two months, feasting in peace and joy, and sleeping
secure from all hostile attacks.
And so two months later, having become wanton and unrestrained
because of ease and an inestimable abundance of food, heeding
not the voice of Peter, but against his will, they entered into
the region of the city of Nicaea and the realms of Soliman. They
took as plunder cattle, sheep, goats, the herds of the Greek servants
of the Turks, and carried them off to their fellows. Peter, seeing
this, was sorrowful in heart, knowing that they did it not with
impunity. Whereupon he often admonished them not to seize any
more booty contrary to the counsel of the Emperor, but in vain
did he speak to a foolish and rebellious people. . . .
But the Teutons, seeing that affairs turned out so well for the
Romans and the Franks, and that they returned unhindered so many
times with their booty, were inflamed with an inordinate desire
for plunder. About three thousand footsoldiers were collected
and about two hundred knights. . . .
And thus, after all the stronghold had been captured and its inhabitants
driven out, they rejoiced in the abundance of food found there.
And exulting in that victory, they in turn gave counsel that,
by remaining in that fortress, they could easily obtain, through
their own valor, the lands and principality of Soliman; that they
would gather from all sides booty and food, and thus could easily
weaken Soliman, until the promised army of the great leaders should
approach. Soliman, the leader and chief of the army of the Turks,
having heard of the arrival of the Christians, and of their plunder
and booty, assembled from all Romania and the territory of Chorosan
fifteen thousand of his Turks, most agile archers, very skilful
in the use of bows of horn and bone. . . . Next, it is said, that
after sunrise on the third day, Soliman with his followers arrived
from Nicaea at the fortress which the Teutons had invaded. . .
Therefore, the Turks, unable to drive out the Alemanni with this
assault and shower of arrows, gathered all kinds of wood at the
very gate of the fortress. They set fire to it and burned the
gate and very many buildings which were within the citadel. As
the heat of the flames became greater, some were burned to death;
others, hoping for safety, leaped from the walls. But the Turks
who were outside the walls cut down with swords those who were
fleeing and took captive about two hundred who were pleasing in
appearance and youthful in body; all the others they destroyed
with sword and arrow. . . .
In the meantime, the truth was discovered and tumult arose among
the people. The footsoldiers came in a body to Reinald of Broyes,
Walter the Penniless, to Walter of Breteuil, also, and to Folker
of Orleans, who were leaders of Peter's army, to urge them to
rise in a body in vindication of their brethren and against audacity
of the Turks. But they positively refused to go without the presence
and the counsel of Peter. Then Godfrey Burel, master of the footsoldiers,
upon hearing their response, asserted that the timid by no means
avail so much in war as the bold; and in sharp words he frequently
reproached those men who prevented their other companions from
pursuing the Turks to avenge their brethren. On the other band,
the leaders of the legion, unable to endure his insults and reproaches
any longer, or those of their own followers, were deeply moved
by wrath and indignation and promised that they would go against
the strength and wiles of the Turks, even if it should happen
that they died in battle.
Nor was there delay: at dawn on the fourth day, all the knights
and footsoldiers throughout the entire camp were ordered to arm
themselves, to sound the trumpets, and to assemble for battle.
Only the unarmed, the countless sick, and the women remained in
camp. But all the armed men, to the number of 25,000 footsoldiers
and 500 knights in armor, pressed on their way together toward
Nicaea, in order to avenge their brethren by provoking Soliman
and the rest of the Turks to engage in battle. And so, divided
and arrayed in six battle lines, with standards uplifted in each,
they advanced on the right and on the left.
Boasting and shouting with vehement tumult and great clamor, they
had scarcely advanced through the aforesaid forest and mountain
region three miles from the port of Civitote, their halting place,
(Peter being absent and unaware of all this), when lo! Soliman,
with all his intolerable following, entered that same forest from
the opposite side. He was coming down from the city of Nicaea
to fall suddenly u on the Gauls in camp, intending at thepoint
of the sword to wipe out and destroy them, unaware and unprepared.
Upon hearing the approach and the violent outcry of the Christians,
he marvelled greatly what this tumult meant, for all that the
Christians had decided was unknown to him. Finding out straightway
that they were pilgrims, Soliman addressed his men as follows,
"Behold the Franks, against whom we were marching, are at
band. Let us withdraw from the forest and the mountains into the
open plain, where we may freely engage in battle with them, and
they can find no refuge." Accordingly, this was done without
delay, at Soliman's command, and in deep silence they withdrew
from the forest and the mountains.
But the Franks, unaware of Soliman's approach, advanced from the
forest and the mountains with shouting and loud clamor. There
they first beheld the battle lines of Soliman in the midst of
the field, awaiting them for battle. When they had seen the Turks,
they began to encourage one another in the name of the Lord....
There Walter the Penniless fell, pierced by seven arrows which
bad penetrated his coat of mail. Reinald of Broyes and Folker
of Chartres, men of the greatest renown in their own lands, fell
in like martyrdom, destroyed by the enemy, though not without
great slaughter of the Turks. But Walter of Breuteuil, son of
Waleramnus, and Godfrey Burel, master of the footsoldiers, having
slipped away in flight through briars and thickets, turned back
along the narrow path where the entire band, withdrawn from battle,
had gathered together. When the flight and desertion of these
men became known, all turned in flight, hastening their course
towards Civitote along the same route by which they had come,
but with little defense against the enemy.
And so the Turks, rejoicing in the pleasing success of victory,
were destroying the wretched band of pilgrims, whom they followed
for a distance of three miles, killing them even at the camp of
Peter. And going within the tents, they destroyed with the sword
whomever they found, the weak and the feeble, clerics, monks,
old women, nursing children, persons of every age. But they led
away young girls whose face and form was pleasing in their eyes,
and beardless youths of comely countenance. They carried off to
Nicaea money, garments, mules, horses, and all valuable things,
as well as the tents themselves,
But above the shore of the sea, near the aforesaid Civitote, was
an ancient, deserted fortress. Towards that fortress three thousand
pilgrims rushed in flight. They entered the ruined fortress in
hope of defense. But finding no gates or other obstacles, and
anxious and deprived of aid, they piled up their shields for a
gate, along with a huge pile of rocks; and with lances, wooden
bows, and slingstones, they bravely defended themselves from the
enemy. But the Turks, seeing that they were having little success
in killing those inside, surrounded the fortress, which was without
a roof on all sides. They aimed their arrows high, so that, as
they fell from the air in a shower, they would strike the bodies
of the enclosed Christians, destroying the poor wretches; and
that all the others, at the sight of this, might be compelled
to surrender. In this way very many are said to have been wounded
and killed there; but the rest, fearing yet more cruel treatment
from the impious enemy, could not be compelled to come out either
by.' force or by arms.
The Emperor was moved with pity when he bad heard from Peter about
the siege and the fall of his men. So he summoned the Turcopoles
and all the nations , of his kingdom, and commanded them to go
in all haste across the Strait to the aid of the fugitive and
besieged Christians, and to drive the assaulting Turks from the
siege. But the Turks, having learned of the Emperor's edict moved
from the fortress at midnight with their Christian captives and
very great spoils, and so the pilgrim soldiers who had been shut
up and besieged by the impious (Turks) were freed. . . .
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 73-76
11. Anna Comnena: The Byzantines Save Peter
[Alexiad 10:6]
But relying on the multitude of those who followed him, Peter
did not heed the warning and, after crossing the strait, pitched
camp at a little town called Helenopolis.
But since there were also Normans in his army, estimated at about
ten thousand men, these, separating themselves from the rest of
the body, devastated the region lying around the city of Nicaea,
rioting most cruelly in every way. For they tore some of the children
apart, limb from limb and, piercing others through with wooden
stakes, roasted them in fire; likewise, upon those advanced in
years they inflicted every kind of torture. When those in the
city saw this being done, they opened the gates and went out against
them. As a result, a fierce battle took place, in which, since
the Normans fought ferociously, the citizens were hurled back
into the fortress. The Normans, after gathering up all the plunder,
again returned to Helenopolis. There a quarrel arose between
themselves and the other pilgrims who had not gone off with them,
a thing which usually happens in an affair of this kind, envy
inflaming the wrath of those left behind, and a riotous fight
followed the quarrel. The fierce Normans again separated (from
the others) and captured Xerogord on their way at the first
attack. When this was learned, the Sultan sent Elchanes against
them with a suitable number of troops. When he reached them, he
recaptured Xerogord, killed some of the Normans with the
sword, and carried off the rest as captives, planning at the same
time, also, an attack upon those who bad remained with KukuPeter.
And he set ambushes at opportune places into which, when they
left for Nicaea, they would unexpectedly fall and be killed. But
knowing also of the avarice of the Gauls, he had summoned two
men of bold spirit and ordered them to go to the camp of KukuPeter
to announce that the Normans had captured Nicaea and were now
sacking it to the utmost. This report, brought to the camp of
Peter, excited all violently; for when the mention of plunder
and riches was heard, they straightway set out in tumult on the
road which leads to Nicaea, forgetful of their military training
and of observing discipline in going out to battle. For the Latins
are not only most fond of riches, as we said above, but when they
give themselves to raiding any region for plunder, are also no
longer obedient to reason, or any other check. Accordingly, since
they were neither keeping order nor forming into lines, they fell
into the ambush of the Turks around Draco and were wretchedly
cut to pieces. Indeed, so great a multitude of Gauls and Normans
were cut down by the Ishmaelite sword that when the dead bodies
of the killed, which were lying all about in the place, were brought
together, they made a very great mound , or hill, or lookout place,
lofty as a mountain, and occupying a space very conspicuous for
its width and depth. So high did that mound of bones tower, that
some barbarians of the same race as the killed later used the
bones of the slain instead of stones in constructing a wall, thus
making that fortress a sort of sepulchre for them. It stands to
this day, an enclosure of walls built with mixed rocks and bones.
And thus, after all had been wiped out in the slaughter, Peter
returned with only a few to Helenopolis. The Turks, in
their desire to get him into their power, again beset him with
an ambush. But when the Emperor heard of the whole affair and
learned how great was the slaughter of men, he held it very wrong
that Peter should also be e taken. Immediately, therefore, he
summoned Catacalon Constantine Euphorbenus, of whom mention has
often been made in this t history, and sent him with suitable
forces on war vessels across t the sea as a succour to Peter.
When the Turks saw him approach, they fled. . . .
August. C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses
and Participants, (Princeton: 1921), 76-78
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