Internal Funding Opportunities

Internal funds are available from the Office of Research and from the University Research Council to support research, scholarship, and creative activities through annual university-wide competition.
Learn more about the following funding opportunities:
- Connecting Research to Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
- Distinguished Research Award
- Faculty Research Abroad Program
- Faculty Research Grant
- Fordham AI Research Grant (FAIR)
- Fordham Research Fellow and Research Intern Programs
- Fordham Review Panel for External Proposals
- Fordham Social Innovation Research Fellow and Intern Program
- Fordham Strategic Research Consortia
- High Performance Computing
- Institutional Grant Preparation Fund
- Interdisciplinary Research Grant
- Large Proposal Grant Writing Fund
- Manuscript and Book Publication Award
- Sponsored Research Travel Grant Program
For general information on how to access internal funding please review the Office of Research Internal Funding Management Guide