Fordham Review Panel for External Proposals


I. Purposes

A. Select and invite experienced PIs and/or reviewers to serve on an internal review panel.

B. Evaluate external proposals internally prior to submission.

C. Improve the quality of proposals in hopes of increasing the probability of winning awards.

II. Organization

A. The Office of Research and the Office of Sponsored Programs will select and invite experienced PIs/reviewers from the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the professional schools to serve on a panel of internal proposal reviewers. Service on this panel is voluntary and reviews are dependent upon availability of reviewers’ time.

B. The panel will be administered by Mr. Rogel Nuguid, Grants and Contracts Administrator, in coordination with the Office of Sponsored Programs staff.

C. The review panel members will be supported by the internal professional development fund provided by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Members must review an external grant proposal within two weeks of receipt, for which they will receive up to $300.

III. Procedure

A. Faculty interested in having their proposal reviewed by a panel should contact Mr. Rogel Nuguid at [email protected] at least one month before the deadline of proposal submission. Proposals must be provided to review panel members at least three weeks prior to submission deadline. Reviewers will have two weeks to complete their reviews, giving the submitter at least a week to incorporate suggestions prior to submission.

B. Faculty may indicate a preference of a specific reviewer or reviewers. If these individuals are not currently part of the internal review panel, invitations will be extended to them.

C. Working with the Office of Sponsored Programs, Mr. Rogel Nuguid will assign the appropriate reviewers.

D. Once review is completed, Mr. Rogel Nuguid will request the reviewer’s FIDN, which will be provided to the Office of Research along with the reviewer’s name and a request for a payment of up to $300 for the reviewer. The payment amount may be subjected to payroll taxes.