Benjamin M. Cole
Area(s) of Expertise: Business
Specializations: Industry Regulation, Global Business, Economic Exchanges, Technological Innovation
Mark Conrad
Mark Conrad

Porfessor, Director, Sports Business Concentration

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Area(s) of Expertise: Business Law
Specializations: Sports Business, Law and Ethics, Sports Law, NIL, Media Law, Intellectual Property Law
Saul Cornell
Area(s) of Expertise: History
Specializations: American History, Second Amendment, Gun Regulation, Firearms, Gun Control, American Constitutional Thought
Thomas Daniels
Area(s) of Expertise: Biology
Specializations: Biology, Lyme Disease, Ticks, Vector Ecology
John J. Davenport
Area(s) of Expertise: Philosophy
Specializations: Philosophy, International politics, Drones, Constitution
Nestor M. Davidson
Nestor M. Davidson

Professor, Faculty Director, Urban Law Center

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Area(s) of Expertise: Law
Specializations: Administrative and Regulatory Law, Constitutional Law, Housing Law and Policy, Poverty Law, Social Welfare, Property Law, Real E
Kenneth R. Davis
Area(s) of Expertise: Business Law
Specializations: Law and Ethics, Employment Discrimination, Arbitration
Thomas De Luca
Thomas De Luca

Professor, Director of International Studies

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Area(s) of Expertise: Politics
Specializations: Political Science, U.S.-China Relations, Chinese Politics, Democracy, Civil Rights
George E. Demacopoulos
George E. Demacopoulos

Professor, Director of Orthodox Christian Studies Center

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Area(s) of Expertise: Religion
Specializations: Theology, Orthodox Christian Church, Historical Theology, Byzantine Christianity, Postcolonial Theory
Deborah W. Denno
Deborah W. Denno

Professor, Founding Director, Neuroscience and Law Center

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Area(s) of Expertise: Law
Specializations: Death Penalty, Capital Punishment, Neuroscience, Execution Methods, Rape Law, Postpartum Psychosis