GSAS Consortium Programs
Inter-University Doctoral Consortium
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences doctoral students have the opportunity to take graduate courses in New York area schools participating in the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium (IUDC). The IUDC has been in existence for over 25 years and offers students an array of courses and opportunities for contact with faculty and students in their fields.
Requirements to take IUDC graduate courses:
- To be a doctoral student (terminal masters students and non-Arts and Sciences students are not eligible).
- To have completed at least one year of full time study toward the Ph.D.
- Columbia University
- Fordham University
- Graduate Center, CUNY
- New York University
- New School for Social Research
- Princeton University
- Rutgers University
- Stony Brook University
- Teacher's College, Columbia University
To take consortium courses you need the approval of your Department/Program Chair and to complete the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium Registration Form. The link to the form is posted on the IUDC website.
For more information, please visit the IUDC website.
New York Theological Group Cross Registration Consortium
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences master's and doctoral students have the opportunity to take graduate courses in New York-area schools participating in the New York Theological Group Cross-Registration.
Requirements to take New York Theological Group Cross-Registration graduate courses:
- Be a Graduate School of Arts and Sciences master's or doctoral student
- Students will be permitted to take courses not available at the home institution in the academic year in which cross-registration is sought and not “core” or “required” courses for the degree at the home institution without the explicit permission of the program coordinator at the home institution
- Students will be allowed to take one course per semester or other academic terms (except for summer language courses if necessary).
- Only GSAS graduate students in good standing shall be eligible to register for classes
- Fordham University, Graduate School of Arts and Science
- Fordham University, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education
- Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
- The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church
- St. Vladimirʼs Orthodox Theological Seminary
- New York Theological Seminary
- Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion
- The Jewish Theological Seminary
To take Theological consortium courses you need the approval of your Department/Program Chair and to complete the New York Theological Group Cross Registration Form.
*In order to digitally complete the forms, please:
- Download Adobe Acrobat Reader at the following link:
- Download the forms and save the forms to your desktop
- Open Adobe Reader, open each form in Adobe Reader, and complete the form