Indexes |
Subjects covered by the source texts in each sub-section. |
Studying History |
- Using Primary Sources
- Close Reading
- Medieval Documents
- Accessing Medieval Documents
- The Uses of History
End of Rome & the Three Successor Civilizations |
End of the Classical World |
- Pagan Late Antiquity
- Late Antique Government and Culture
- The "Fall" of the Roman Empire
- Christian Late Antiquity
- Early Christianity After 100
- Persecution of Christians
- The "Triumph" of the Church
- Persecution by Christians/The End of Paganism
- Early Dogmatic Disputes
- Disputes over the Trinity: Arianism
- Disputes over Christology: Nestorianism and Monophysitism
- The World of the Church Fathers
- Eastern Fathers
- Western Fathers
- Christianity and Classical Learning
- The German Impact
- Early Germans
- Invading Germans/Other "Barbarians"
Byzantium |
- General
- Foundations
- Justinian (b.483- r.527-d.565)
- Justinian and Theodora
- Government
- Society and Economy
- Church Policy
- Wars
- Buildings
- Laws
- After Justinian
- Iconoclasm
- Byzantine Imperial Centuries (843-1204)
- Macedonian Dynasty
- Eleventh Century Conflicts
- The Komnenoi
- The Final Centuries
- The Crusades and Latin Empire (1204-1261)
- The Nicean Period
- The Palaiologoi
- The Peloponnese and Mistra
- Trebizond
- The Fall of Constantinople and Aftermath
- After Byzantium
- Byzantine Religion
- General Religion
- Ecclesiastical Organization
- Theology
- Spirituality
- Liturgy
- Sanctity
- Monasticism
- Heresy and Dissent
- The Byzantine Commonwealth
- Syria
- Armenia
- Bulgaria
- Serbia/Montenegro
- Vikings
- Inner Asia
- The Byzantine Commonwealth: Russia
- Accounts of Byzantium by Others
Islam |
- General
- Pre-Islamic Arabia
- Muhammad and Foundations - to 632 CE
- Islamic Expansion and Empire - to 750 CE
- The Abbasid Caliphate - after 750 CE
- Politics
- Philosophy
- Science
- Literature
- Crusades
- Al-Andalus: Muslim Spain
- Muslim Persia
- Egypt and North Africa
- Muslim Religious Development
- Muslim Life
- The Sunni Tradition
- The Shia Tradition
- Sufism
- Relations with Other Religions
- The Turks
Formation of Latin Christendom |
The Church |
- The Rise of the Church of Rome
- Monasticism to A.D. 900
- Eastern Origins
- Celtic Monasticism
- The Benedictine Movement
- The Conversion of Europe
- Franks
- Celtic Missions
- England
- Germany
- Scandinavia
- The Slavs
- Rus
- Other Missionary Areas
Early Germanic States |
- Romanized (Christian) Goths
- Vandals
- Ostrogoths
- Visgoths
- Lombards
- Non-Christian Germans
- Franks
- Northlands/Scandinavia
- Germanic Cultures
Anglo-Saxons |
- Britain after the Romans
- Anglo-Saxons
- Arthuriana
Celtic World |
- The Celtic Loss of Britain
- Wales
- Scotland
- Ireland
- Brittany
- Celtic Christianity
- Celtic Literature
Carolingians and After |
- The Rise of the Carolingian Dynasty and Papal Support
- Charlemagne
- Legal and Social Documents
- Carolingian Culture
- Carolingian and later East Francia (Germany)
- Carolingian and later West Francia (France)
- Carolingian Decline and Division
Collapse and Recovery |
Crisis, Recovery, Feudalism? |
- External Attacks: Vikings: Magyars: Arabs
- The Collapse of Security
- A Castellan Revolution
- Viking Adventures
- The Viking World
- Feudalism?
- Essay on the Problem
- Online Reviews of Fiefs and Vassals
- Oaths and Contracts
- Methods of Land Transfer
- Methods of Government
- Methods of Supporting an Army
- Development of the Later Legal Terminology of "Feudalism"
- A Militarized Society
- Monetization of Military Activity
- The Ottonian Dynasty and After
- The Y1K Problem: The Year 1000
Economic Life |
- Economic Life Before the 11th Century
- Late Antique Italy
- The Merovingian Era
- The Carolingian Economy
- Anglo-Saxon England
- Celtic World
- Roots of the Commercial Revolution
- Population Growth
- Attitude Towards Work
- The Control and Granting of Rights
- Trade and Commerce
- Money and Coinage
- Credit
- Fairs and Markets
- State Interference in Trade
- Sea Trade
- Long Distance Trade
- Mid-Distance Trade
- The Slave Trade
- The Hanse
- Tolls
- Book-Keeping
- Business Contracts
- Prices
- The Rise of Towns
- The Communal Movement
- Bourgeois Institutions: Gilds
- Craft Gilds
- Gild Merchants
- Legal Controls
- Urban Cultures
- Industries
- General
- Mining
- Tanning
- Cloth Manufacture
- Masonry
- The State and the Economy
- The Church and the Economy
- General
- Tithes
- Tax Exemptions
- Monastic Property
- Slavery and Serfdom
- Economic Thought
- Rural Life
- The Peasantry
- Farming Activity
- Legal Position
- Peasant Customary Obligations
- Peasant Revolts
- Manorialism
- Archeology of Medieval Villages
- The Big Picture
- The Medieval Economy in the Context of Ancient and Modern Economies
- The Crucial Role of Egypt
- World Systems Theory
- The Great Transition
Crusades |
- General
- Background
- The First Crusade
- Urban II's Speech, 1095
- Attacks on the Jews
- The Journeys and Battles of the Crusade
- The Historians of the First Crusade
- "Crusades" after the First Crusade
- The Kingdom of Jerusalem
- Government
- Economics
- Cultures
- Christian Muslim Interaction
- The Crusader Orders
- General
- Templars
- Hospitallers
- Teutonic Knights
- The Second Crusade and Aftermath
- Calling the Crusade
- Successes and Failures
- Criticism of the Crusade
- The Third Crusade
- Latin Problems
- The Loss of Jerusalem
- The Failure of Europe's Monarchs
- The German Crusade of 1197
- The Fourth Crusade
- The Fifth and Later Crusades
- St Louis' Crusades
- The Fall of the Latin East
- The Effects of the Crusade Ideal in the West
of Medieval States |
Empire and Papacy |
- Introductory Essay
- Phase I: The Invesituture Controversy
- Emergence of Reform Ideology
- The Conflict over Invesitures
- Solutions
- Phase II: Barbarossa: The Empire at its Height
- General
- The Besançon Episode 1157
- Barbarossa and Alexander III
- Barbarossa in Italy
- Canonical Response
- Innocent III: The Papacy at its Height
- The Holy Roman Empire: Frederick II and After
- Frederick II
- The Empire's Regions
- The Papacy Overreaches
- Papal Claims
- Reaction: Political
- Reaction: Intellectual and Theological
France |
- General
- The Regions of the Kingdom of France
- The Rise of Capetian France
- The France of Philip II Augustus
- St. Louis (King Louis IX)
- Philip IV
- The Apanage System
- Burgundy
- Paris
- The Hundred Years War
England |
- Norman England
- The Conquest 1066
- William I: Administration & the Domesday Book
- William II
- Henry I and the Norman Regnum
- Angevin England
- Henry II
- The Man and His Family
- Thomas Becket
- Wars
- Administration & Origins of Common Law
- Richard I Lionheart
- England under Angevin Rule
- Parliamentary Origins in England
- Common Law: A Law of Real Property
- The Barons Revolt and Magna Carta
- The Struggle of Henry III and His Barons
- Parliament Coalesces
- Later Medieval England
- Government
- Henry III
- Edward I
- Legal Texts
- Yorkists and Lancastrians
- The Tudor Victory
Celtic States |
Nordic Europe |
- General
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Norway
- Orkney, Shetland, and Faroees
- Iceland
- Greenland
- Vinland
Iberia |
- General
- Visigothic Spain
- Al-Andulus: Moorish Spain
- The "Reconquista"
- Leon and Castile
- Aragon
- Portugal
- The Life of Christian Spain
- Seferad: Jewish Spain
Italy |
- General
- South Italy
- Sicily
- Florence
- Milan
- Venice
- Other Cities
Eastern Europe |
- General
- Bulgaria
- Serbia
- Rus' and Russia
- Poland and Lithuania
- Czech Lands
- Hungary
- Romanians
- Northern Crusades
Flowering of Western Medieval Civilization |
Intellectual Life |
- General
- Carolingian Thought
- 11th-12th Century Thought
- Legal Studies
- Philosophy: The Emergence of the Scholastic Approach
- Jewish Thinkers
- Intuitive Theology
- Abelard and Heloise
- The Discovery of the Individual?
- 13th-14th Century Scholasticism
- Educational Institutions
- Theology and Philosophy
- Aquinas
- Bonaventure
- Averroëists
- Nominalists
- Rhetoric
- Medieval Political Thought
- Science and Technology
- Western European Literature
- General
- Epic
- Lyric
- Romance
- Drama
High Medieval Church |
- Western Monasticism - After A.D. 900
- Benedictines
- Cluny
- Cistercians
- Carthusians
- Other Orders
- Women's Monasticism
- The Mendicant Orders
- Franciscans
- Dominicans
- Other Orders
- The Secular Clergy
- Cathedral Chapters
- Parish Pastoral Clergy
- Medieval Heresy
- General
- Waldensianism
- Catharism
- The Inquisition
- Lollardy
- Hussites
- Christian Spirituality
- The Life of Christ
- The Cultus of the Virgin Mary
- Saints and Relics
- Pilgrimage
- The Sacramental System
- The Eucharist
- Penance
- Confirmation
- Heaven, Hell, and In Between
- Aspects of Popular Beliefs
Jewish Life |
- General
- Jewish Communities and Individuals
- Khazaria
- In Islam
- In Christian Iberia
- In France/Germany
- Relations between Christians and Jews
- Jewish Economic Activity
- Jews and the State
- Roman Empire
- Islam
- Christian Iberia
- France/Germany
- England
- Jewish Intellectual and Religious Life
- Anti-Semitism
Social History |
- General
- Social Classes
- Slaves
- The Slave Trade
- The Church and Slavery
- Peasants
- Aristocracies
- Medieval People Reflected in Literature
- Law: Theory and Practice
Sex and Gender |
- Women's Roles
- General
- Women in Religion
- Women as Writers
- Women in Politics
- Noblewomen
- "Middle" Class Women
- Towns Women
- Peasant Women
- Jewish Women
- Women at Home
- Women at Work Outside the Home
- Women in Business Activities
- Woman and Misogyny
- Men's Roles
- Constructions of Sexuality and Gender
- General
- Legal Control of Sexualuty
- Theological Norms
- Homoerotic/Transgendered Subcultures
- Marriage
- General
- Theology
- Law and Marriage
- Married Lives
Transformations |
States and Society |
- The "Calamitous" 14th Century
- A Malthusian Crisis?
- The Black Death
- Warfare
- Ecclesiastical Disarray
- The Great Schism
- Conciliarism
- The Papal Response
- Late Medieval Governments
- The Empire
- Italy
- France
- England
Renaissance |
- Early Italian Humanism
- Artists
- Politics and Politicians
- The Arts of Civilization
- The Northern Renaissance
Reformation |
- General
- Protestant Reformation
- Luther
- Calvin
- Radicals
- Religious Wars
- England
- Catholic Reformation
Exploration and Expansion |
- General
- Western Orientalism
- Maritime Exploration and Conquest
- Portuguese Exploration
- Columbus