Internet Ancient History Sourcebook
New Additions
[Archived: This list of additions is not maintained as it was not very useful. The various links from it may not work. Any linked documents will however have correct links in the main Ancient History Sourcebook subject sections.]
October 2000
- Suetonius: Lives of the Caesars [Index to all the
lives] [At this Site][added 10/24/2000]
- Rolfe Translation
- Worthington Translation
- Diogenes Laërtius: The Lives and Opinions
of Eminent Philosophers Book VI: The Cynics [Antisthenes, Diogenes, Monimus,
Onesicritus, Crates, Metrocles, Hipparchia, Menippus, Menedemus.][At this Site][added
- Diogenes Laërtius: The Lives and
Opinions of Eminent Philosophers The Sceptics: Life of Pyrrho [At this Site][added
- Diogenes Laërtius: The Lives and Opinions
of Eminent Philosophers: Book VII: The Stoics [Zeno, Ariston, Herillus, Dionysius,
Cleanthes, Sphaerus, Chrysippus] [At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Aristotle: Spartan Women [At this Site][added
- Letter of Pabi, Prince of Lachish, to Akhnaton, King of Kemet
(i.e. Egypt), circa 1350 BCE.
- Strabo: Geography: Book XV: On India [At
this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Arrian: Anabasis Alexandri: Book VIII (Indica) [At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Pliny: Natural History 6.96-111. (On India) [At
this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: Travel and Trade in the
Indian Ocean by a Merchant of the First Century [At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- India and the Mediterranean: Bibliography [At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- The Rosetta Stone: Translation of
the Greek Section [PDF file at] or HTML version
- Cicero (105-43 BCE): The Second Philippic [At
this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Chart: Roman Government Under
Augustus [GIF File][At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Chart: Roman Government: Checks and
Balances [From Polybius, Histories, 6] [At this Site][added 10/11/2000]
- Chinese Accounts of
Rome, Byzantium and the Middle East, c. 91 B.C.E. - 1643 C.E. [At this Site][added
March 1999
- WEB Electronic
New Testament Manuscripts Project [added 3/5/99]
- Junillus: Instituta
Regularia c. 542 CE [At U Penn][added 3/5/99]
- WEB The Ancient City of Athens [At
Indiana][added 3/5/99]
A photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens.
- WEB The Acropolis [At][added 3/5/99]
Includes a model reconstruction.
- WEB Images of Orality and Literacy in
Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth and Third Centuries BCE, ed. Andrew Weisner [At
U Penn][added 3/5/99]
- WEB Manuscript Images:
Technology of the Word in the Middle Ages, ed. James O'Donnel [At U Penn][added
- WEB Levels of Greek and Latin Literary
Activity [At U Penn][added 3/5/99]
- The Pyramids [At][added 3/5/99]
A spectacular picture.
- The Black Athena Dispute [At Reed College][added 3/5/99]
With links to source material.
- 2ND Ancient
Hellenes in America? [At][added 3/5/99]
A sort of "White Athena", useful for showing the type of argument which
concentrates on minor details and ignores the wider picture.
- A Collection of Mesopotamian Laws, c. 2250 - 550 BCE [At
this Site][added 3/5/99]
- The Reports of the Magicians & Astrologers of
Nineveh & Babylon, c. 2500 - 670 BCE [At this Site][added 3/5/99]
- Some Neo-Babylonian Legal Decisions, c.
555-427 BCE [At this Site][added 3/5/99]
- A Collection of Contracts from Mesopotamia, c.
2300 - 428 BCE [At this Site][added 3/5/99]
- Hesiod: Theogony, excerpts [At this Site][added
- The Lot of the Hellenic Woman, c. 700-300 BCE [At this
Site][added 3/5/99]
- Euripides: Orestes a
modern actable translation by Andrew Wilson [At Classics Pages][added 3/5/99]
- Euripides: The
Phoenissae a modern actable translation by Andrew Wilson [At Classics Pages][added
- Euripides: Helen, a
modern actable translation by Andrew Wilson [At Classics Pages][added 3/5/99]
- Testamentum porcelli [At U
Penn][added 3/5/99]
A Roman pig sees its doom.
- Claudius Claudian: Panegyricus de
Sexto Consulatu Honorii Augusti. In Latin [At Upenn][added 3/5/99]
- Donatus: De barbarismo, with
trans. by Jim Marchand [At U Penn][added 3/5/99]
- Suetonius: De Vita Caesarum-Tiberius, trans J.C.
Rolfe [At this Site][added 3/5/99]
- Suetonius: De Vita Caesarum-Augustus, trans J.C.
Rolfe [At this Site][added 3/5/99]
- Juvenal: Satire VI [On Women][At this Site][added
- Julius Capitolinus: The Life of Antoninus Pius [At
this Site][added 3/5/99]
- Galgacus: On Roman Imperialism, From Tacitus, [At
this Site][added 3/5/99]
January 1999
- WEB Complete On-Line Works and
Commentary. [At Bjorn][added 1/27/99]
- Galen (129-199 CE): On the
Natural Faculties, [At Medicina Antiqua, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Galen (129-199 CE): On
Hippocrates On the Nature of Man [At Medicina Antiqua, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Plotinus (c.205-c.270 CE): Six Enneads [At this
Site, formerly ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Lucretius (98-c.55 BCE): The Nature of Things [At
this Site, formerly ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Tacitus: Annals [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The
Acharnians 425 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The Birds 414 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The Clouds 423 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The
Ecclesiazusae (Women in Politics) [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The Frogs 405 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The
Knights 424BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: Lysistrata 411 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: Peace 421
BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: Plutus 382
BCE (his last play) [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The
Thesmophorizusae 411BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Aristophanes: The Wasps 422 BCE [At Eserver, formerly ERIS][added 1/27/99]
- Euripides: The Bacchae [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Euripides: Hippolytus [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Sophocles: Antigone 442 BCE [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aeschylus: Agamemnon [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aeschylus: Eumendides [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics [At this Site,
formerly ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristotle: Politics [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristotle: Metaphysics [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristotle: Physics [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Aristotle: Poetics [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Meno [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full
Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Gorgias [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Symposium [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Republic [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full
Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Crito [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full
Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Phaedo [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full
Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Plato: The Phaedrus [At this Site, formerly ERIS][Full
Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Homer: The Iliad trans. Samuel Butler [At this Site,
formerly ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Homer: The Odyssey [At this Site, formerly
ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- Herodotus: The Histories 440BCE [At this Site,
formerly ERIS][Full Text][Ascii Text in one file][added 1/27/99]
- The Tale of The Eloquent Peasant, c. 1800 BCE [At
this Site][added 1/25/99]
- The Offering of Uha, c. 2400 BCE [At this Site][added
Male and Female Circumcision in Egypt.
- Coffin Text: The Tale of Horus and the Pig, c. 1900 BCE
[At this Site][added 1/25/99]
- Egyptian Love Poetry, c. 2000 - 1100 BCE [At this
Site][added 1/25/99]
- The Ludlul Bêl Nimeqi, c. 1700 BCE [At this Site][added
A Sumerian Job.
- The Akkadêan Precepts, c. 2200 BCE [At this
Site][added 1/25/99]
- A Collection of Babylonian Prayers, c. 1600 BCE
[At this Site][added 1/25/99]
- Some Babylonian Proverbs from the Library of
Ashurbanipal, c. 1600 BCE [At this Site][added 1/25/99]
- The Story of King Vahahran & his Queen, c. 300 CE [At
this Site]
- Theocritus: Fifteenth Idyll, c. 250 BCE [At this
Site][added 1/25/99]
- Aesop (6th Century BCE): Fables [At this Site][added
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Delian League [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: History of Ancient Greece [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Euripides [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Pericles [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Themistocles [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Herodotus [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Pericles [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Sparta [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND 11th Brittanica: Thucydides [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- 2ND Edward Gibbon: The Idea of Roman Jurisprudence [At this Site][added 1/17/99
to Rome]
- Cicero (105-43 BCE): On Friendship, or Laelius,
full text, trans by W. Melmoth [At this Site][added 1/17/99 to Rome]
- St. Vincent of Lerins: The "Vincentian Canon",
434 CE, [At this Site][added 1/17/99 to Rome]
- Zeno of Elea: Paradoxes [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Book of Genesis [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Book of Exodus [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Book of Job [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Book of Amos [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- The Emperor Julian: Mispogon (or
"Beard-Hater")[At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Aelius Spartianus: Life of Hadrian, (r. 117-138 CE.),
complete [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Tacitus: Life of Cnaeus Julius Agricola, c.98 CE,
trans. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. [At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War [These are MSWord files, in Greek
with embedded fonts][At this Site][added 1/17/99]
- Juvenal and Persius: Satires: Introduction [At
this Site][added 1/17/99]
- The Legend of Sargon of Akkadê, c. 2300 BCE [At this
Site][added 1/17/99]
- The Carthaginian Law of Sacrifices, c. 400 BCE
[At this Site][added 1/17/99]
December 1998
- Linear
B [At Ancient Scripts][At this Site][added 12/7/98]
Image files of the linear B script deciphered in 1952 by Michael Ventris and John
November 1998
- Pausanias (fl.c.160 CE): Description of Greece: Book I:
Attica (Athens and Megara) [At this Site][added 11/29/98]
- Pausanias (fl.c.160 CE): Description of Greece: Book II:
Corinth [At this Site][added 11/29/98]
- Aeschines (c.390-c.322 BCE): On the Embassy, full
text [At this Site][added 11/29/98]
- Practical
Public Beneficence [At Kansas][added 11/28/98]
An inscription, including a photo, transcription, translation and brief commentary, of
another typical witness to Roman euergetism.
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): De Vita Caesarum: Caius
Caligula (The Lives of the Caesars: Caius Caligula), written c. 110 CE, Rolfe
translation [At this Site][added 11/28/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): De Vita Caesarum,
Divus Iulius (The Lives of the Caesars, The Deified Julius), written c. 110 CE, Rolfe
translation. [At this Site][added 11/28/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): Life of Augustus,
complete, Worthington translation, [At this Site][added 11/28/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): Life of Claudius, complete,
Worthington translation, [At Princeton][added 11/28/98]
- Petronius Arbiter (c.27-66 CE): The Satyricon, c. 61. CE chaps
1-17 (separate files), or in Html (one file) or in plain text (one file),
translated by Alfred R. Allinson, 1930. [At K Collins][added 11/28/98]
- Juvenal (c. 55/60-127 CE): Satires 1,2,3,8,9,
trans. N. Rudd, [At Princeton][added 11/28/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): Life of Nero, 32-34. in Latin [At
Gabli][added 11/28/98]
- Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE): On the Germans, 53 BCE [At
Princeton][added 11/28/98]
- Pliny the Younger (61/62-113 CE): The Letters of Pliny the
Consul. With Occasional Remarks., Vol.2, (Tenth Edition), William Melmoth, London
(1805) [lightly emended] Book 10 [At Princeton][added 11/28/98]
- Notitia
Dignitatum (Register of Dignitaries), c. 400 [At this Site][added
A list of all the officials in the Roman Empire, East and West, circa. 400 CE. [At this
- Tales of Ancient Egypt: The Shipwrecked Sailor, c. 2200
BCE [At this Site][added 11/22/98]
- Princess Ahura: The Magic Book, c. 1100 BCE [At this
Site][added 11/22/98]
On the brother-sister marriage of the two children of the King Merneptah.
- Pen-ta-ur: The Victory of Ramses II Over the Khita, 1326
BCE [At this Site][added 11/22/98]
- Sir Monier Monier-Williams: The Towers of Silence,
1870 [At this Site][added 11/21/98]
The Parsees (modern Zoroastrians) in Bombay in the 19th century..
- Callimachus (c.305-c.240 BCE): Hymn III: To Artemis [At
Montclair][added 11/21/98]
- Letter Home of a Roman "University" Student,
44 BCE [At this Site][added 11/17/98]
From Cicero's son.
- The Need for Source Criticism: A Letter from Alexander to
Aristotle? [At this Site][added 11/9/98]
- Parmenides of Elea (c.515-after 450 BCE): On Nature (Peri Physis) [At A
Randell][added 11/1/98]
- (ps.-?) Plato: Seventh
Letter: To the Relatives and Friends of Dion, [At UPenn][added 11/1/98]
- The Karnamik-I-Ardashir, or The Records of Ardashir, [At
this Site][added 11/1/98]
In the records of Ardashir, Founder of the Sassanian Kingdom
October 1998
September 1998
- Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE): The Germans, c. 51
BCE [At Medieval Sourcebook][added 9/14/98]
- Tacitus (b.56/57-after 117 CE): Germania, trans.
Thomas Gordon, full text, Also available in Latin. [At
Medieval Sourcebook][added 9/14/98]
- Tacitus (b.56/57-after 117 CE): Germania,
shorter excerpts. [At Medieval Sourcebook][added 9/14/98]
August 1998
- Xenophon: When Cyrus the Great was a Boy [At this
Site][added 8/28/98]
- Homer: The Odyssey [At this Site][added 8/28/98]
Complete text [in one 769k HTML file] of the translation by Samuel Henry Butcher
(1850-1910) and Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
- 2ND George Long: Philosophy
Of Antoninus [At this Site][added 8/20/98]
A discussion of Stoic philosophy and Marcus Aurelius.
- Pliny the Younger (61/62-113 CE): Selected Letters, c
100 CE (Harvard Classics series)[At this Site][added 8/20/98]
Selected letters: General (110 letters), and Correspondence with the Emperor Trajan (122
- Cicero (105-43 BCE): Old Age, c. 65 BCE (Harvard
Classics series)[At this Site][added 8/20/98]
- Cicero (105-43 BCE): Selected Letters. 36 selected
letters (Harvard Classics series). [At this Site][added 8/16/98]
- Cicero (105-43 BCE): On Friendship, or Laelius,
[At this Site][added 8/16/98]
- Tertullian: On Pagan Learning, c. 220 CE [At this
Site][added 8/15/98]
On the distinction between "Athens" and "Jerusalem".
- Accounts of Personal Religion, c. 430 BCE - 300 CE [At
this Site][added 8/15/98]
- Accounts of Hellenic Religious Beliefs, c. 800 BCE - 110 CE
[At this Site][added 8/15/98]
- Roman Religiones Licitae and Illicitae, c. 204 BCE
- 112 CE [At this Site][added 8/15/98]
- Accounts of Roman State Religion, c. 200 BCE- 250CE [At
this Site][added 8/15/98]
- Petition to the Emperor Philip: On Official & Military
Extortion, 246 CE [At this Site][added 8/15/98]
- (Pseudo)-Plutarch: Des Opinions des philosophes [At this Site][added 8/10/98]
Full text of a French translation.
- Marcus Aurelius Antonius (b.121-r.161-d.180 CE): Meditations,
167 CE [At this Site][added 8/10/98]
- Greek Reports of India & Aryavarta [At this
Site][added 8/10/98]
From Herodotus.
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): Queen Tomyris of the Massagetai and
the Defeat of the Persians under Cyrus [At this Site][added 8/10/98]
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): The Persians Reject
Democracy/Darius' State [At this Site][added 8/10/98]
- Greek Reports of Babylonia, Chaldea, and Assyria [At
this Site][added 8/10/98]
From Herodotus.
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): The Carthaginian Attack on
Sicily, 480 BCE [At this Site][added 8/10/98, Greece and Rome pages]
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): Artemisia at Salamis, 480
BCE [At this Site][added 8/10/98]
Artemesia was ruler of Halicarnassus, and took part in the Persian attack on Athens.
- Xenophon (c.428-c.354 BCE): On Men and Women,
from Oikonomikos, c. 370 BCE [At this Site][added 8/7/98]
- Reports of the Etruscans, c. 430 BCE - 10 CE [At this
Site][added 8/6/98]
From Herodotus and Livy.
- Reports of Minos and Knossos [At this Site][added 8/6/98]
From Plutrach and Herodotus.
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): On the Kings of Sparta,
c. 430 BC [At this Site][added 8/6/98]
- Xenophon (c.428-c.354 BCE): The Polity of the Spartans,
c. 375 BCE [At this Site][added 8/6/98]
- Xenophon (c.428-c.354 BCE): The Spartan War Machine,
c. 375 BCE [At this Site][added 8/6/98]
- Aristotle (384-323 BCE): On a Good Wife, from Oikonomikos,
c. 330 BCE [At this Site][added 8/6/98]
- Documents on Greek Slavery, c. 750 - 330 BCE [At this
Site][added 8/6/98]
from Hesiod, Strabo, Antiphon, Demosthenes, and Aristotle.
- Documents of The Hoplite Revolution, c. 750 - 650 BCE [At
this Site][added 8/6/98]
from Homer, The Drinking Song of Hybrias, and Tyrtaeus.
- Documents on The Hellenic Drama, c. 560 - 330 BCE [At
this Site][added 8/6/98]
The historical origins, from Plutarch, Demosthenes, and Aristotle.
- Reports of The Origins of Athens, c. 430 BCE - 110 CE
[At this Site][added 8/6/98]
from Herodotus, Thucydides, Plutarch, and Aristotle.
- The Polity of the Athenians, c. 424 BCE [At this
Site][added 8/6/98]
Sometimes known as the "Old Oligarch".
- Ancient History Sourcebook: Ancient Legal Sources [added 8/4/98]
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): Hellenes & Phoenicians,
c. 430 BCE [At this Site][added 8/4/98]
- Documents of the Rise of Hellenic Tyranny, c. 650-550 BCE
[At this Site][added 8/4/98]
From Herodotus Plutarch, about Corinth and Athens.
- Accounts of the Hellenic Games, c. 470 BCE-175 CE [At this
Site][added 8/4/98]
From Pindar: Olympian Odes, c. 470 BCE, Thucydides: The History of the
Peloponnesian War, c. 404 BCE, Xenophon: Hellenica, c. 370 BCE, Strabo: Geographia,
c. 20 CE, Pausanias: Description of Greece, c. 175 CE
- Documents of the Founding of Cyrene, c. 630 BCE [At this
Site][added 8/4/98]
From Herodotus and Strabo.
- Accounts of Persian "Despotism" and Law, c.
430-300 BCE [At this Site][added 8/4/98]
From Herodotus and the Bible.
- Herodotus (c.490-c.425 BCE): On Libya, from The
Histories, c. 430 BCE [At this Site][added 8/3/98]
- Thucydides (c.460/455-c.399 BCE): On The Early History of
the Hellenes (written c. 395 BCE) [At this Site][added 8/3/98]
- The Law Code of Gortyn (Crete), c. 450 BCE [At this
Site][added 8/2/98]
- Kurash (Cyrus) the Great: The Decree of Return for the Jews,
539 BCE [At this Site][added 8/2/98]
From Persian and Biblical sources.
- Accounts of the Campaign of Sennacherib, 701 BCE
[At this Site][added 8/2/98]
- Proverbs from Ki-en-gir (Sumer), c. 2000 BCE
[At this Site][added 8/2/98]
July 1998
- The Code of the Assyrians, c. 1075 BCE [At
this Site][added 7/26/98]
Excerpts on sex and gender matters.
- The Code of the Nesilim, c. 1650-1500 BCE [At this
Site][added 7/26/98]
Excerpts on sex and gender matters.
- The Advice of an Akkadian Father to His Son, c. 2200
BCE [At this Site][added 7/26/98]
- 2ND Two Approaches to an Egyptian Pantheon [At
UNT][added 7/22/98]
- Polybius (c.200-after 118 BCE): The Destruction of
Corinth, 146 BCE The Histories, Book XXXVIII, Chapters 3-11; Book XXXIX,
Chapters 7-17 [At this Site][added 7/13/98]
- Polybius (c.200-after 118 BCE): The Character of
Hannibal, [At this Site][added 7/12/98]
- Polybius (c.200-after 118 BCE): The Roman Maniple vs.
The Macedonian Phalanx, The Histories, Book XVIII, Chapters 28-32 [At this
Site][added 7/12/98]
- Polybius (c.200-after 118 BCE): The Third Punic War,
149-146 BCE, The Histories, Book XXXVI-XXXIX [At this Site][added 7/12/98]
- Procopius of Caesarea (c.500-after 562 CE): Gaiseric
& The Vandal Conquest of North Africa, 406 - 477 CE, History of the Wars [written c. 550 CE], Book III, chapters iii-vii [At this Site][added 7/12/98]
- Procopius of Caesarea (c.500-after 562 CE): Alaric's Sack of
Rome, 410 CE, History of the Wars [written c. 550 CE], III.ii.7-39 [At this
Site][added 7/12/98]
- Accounts of Ancient Mauretania, c. 430 BCE- 550 CE [At
this Site][added 7/11/98]
From Herodotus, Strabo, and Procopius of Caesarea
- Accounts of Meröe, Kush, and Axum, Accounts of Meroe, Kush,
and Axum, c. 430 BCE - 550 CE, [At this Site][added 7/11/98]
From Herodotus, Strabo, Dio Cassius, the King of Axum, and and Procopius of Caesarea.
- Xenophon (c.428-c.354 BCE): Anabasis, or March
Up Country or Persia Expedition, full text [At this Site][added 7/7/98]
The story of a Greek army of mercenaries and their march into the Persian Empire.
- Ammianus Marcellinus (330-395 CE): The Battle of
Adrianopole, 378 CE [At this Site][added 7/7/98]
- Polybius: The Battle of Cannae, 216 BCE, History,
Book III.107 [At this Site][added 7/7/98]
- 2ND Ralph W. Mathisen: Diocletian (284-305 CE) [At
DIR/ORB][added 7/5/98]
- 2ND Michael DiMaio, Jr.: Constantine I (ca.272 or 273-336 CE) [At DIR/ORB][added 7/5/98]
The Ritual Cannabilism Charge Against Christians,
excerpts from Mincius Felix and Hippolytus, [At this Site][added 7/4/98]
- The Defeat of Attila.Ammianus Marcellinus (330-395 CE): The
Battle of Adrianople 378 CE. [At Hillsdale] [added 7/2/98]
- Edward Gibbon: On the
Fall of the Roman Empire [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Seneca (b.4 BC/1 CE-d. 65 CE): Epistles 7: The
Gladiatorial Games [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Petronius Arbiter (c.27-66 CE): The Banquet of
Trimalchio from the Satyricon [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Macrobius: Saturnalia Convivia, III.13: The Bill
of Fare of a Great Roman Banquet, 63 BCE [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Statius (45-96 CE): Silvae, II.2 A Roman
Seaside Villa [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Pliny the Elder (23/4-79 CE): Natural History,
XXXIII.6: Luxury in the Use of Rings [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Pliny the Elder (23/4-79 CE): Natural
History, XXXIII.47: A Wealthy Roman's Fortune [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Juvenal (c.55-c.130 CE): Satire 6, long excerpts, [At this
Site][added 7/2/98]
- Inscriptions from Pompeii [At this Site][added
- Ammianus Marcellinus (c.330-395 CE): History, XIV.16:
The Luxury of the Rich in Rome, c. 400 CE [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Pliny the Younger (61/62-113 CE): Letters, III.1:
The Life of a Refined Roman Gentleman [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Pliny the Younger (61/62-113 CE): Letters, II.14:
The Decline of Oratory [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Martial (40-103/4 CE): Immigrants in Rome, Epigrams,
IX.3 [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- The Manner of Roman Charity [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Strabo (64/3 BCE- c.21 CE): The Grandeur of Rome, c. 20
from Geography, 5.3i [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Roman Educational Practices, [At this Site][added
Texts from Horace: Satires, I.6.xi.70-90; Pliny the Younger: Letters,
IV.13; and Martial: Epigrams, X.62
- Jordanes (fl.c.550 CE): History of the Goths Chap. 38: The Battle of Chalôns, 451 CE [At this Site] [added 7/2/98]
- Jordanes (fl.c.550 CE): History of the Goths Chap.
20: The Devastation of the Goths in the Reign of Gallienus, 260-268 CE [At this
Site][added 7/2/98]
- Rutilius Numantius: On His Return, I.xi.47, The
Greatness of Rome in the Days of Ruin, 413CE [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Marcus Aurelius (b.121- r.161-d.180): The
Character of Antoninus Pius (b.86-r.138-d.161 CE), from Meditations I.16:
[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Herodian of Syria (3rd Cent. CE): History of the
Emperors, Boo II.6ff: "How Didius Julianus Bought the Empire at Auction",
193 CE [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Eutropius (4th Cent CE): The Reign of Marcus
Aurelius, (b.121- r.161-d.180) CE, from Compendium of Roman History, 8:.12-14
[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Aelius Spartianus: Life of Hadrian, (r. 117-138 CE.)
[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): Life of Vitellius (b. 15 - r. 69 -d.69 CE)
Chap. 13: The Gormandizing of the Emperor Vitellius.[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE): Life of Domitian (b. 51 - r. 81 - d. 96 CE) Chap. IV: How Domitian Attempted to Amuse the Roman
Populace.[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Vopiscus: Aurelian's Conquest of Palmyra, 273 CE
[At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Deeds of Zenophilus: How the Romans Tried to Seize
Christian Books, c. 395 CE [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Sozomen (d. c. 450 CE): Constantine Founds
Constantinople, 324 CE, from Ecclesiastical History 2.3 [At this Site][added
- Theodoret (c.393-466 CE): St. Ambrose Humiliates
Theodosius the Great, Ecclesiastical History, V.17-18, [At this Site][added
- Dio Cassius (c.155-235 CE): Nero and the Great Fire of
Rome, 64 CE, from Roman History, 62.16-18 [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Claudius: A Discourse in the Senate, c. 48 CE [At
this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Augustus (63 BCE-14 CE): Res Gestae Divi Augusti,
c. 14 CE, long excerpts, in English. [At this Site][added 7/2/98]
- Appian: The Funeral of Julius Caesar, 44 BCE [At
this Site][added 7/2/98]
An ancient account of Mark Anthony's funeral oration.
- Ancient Accounts of Arabia:
Accounts from Herodotus: The Histories, c. 430 BCE,
Strabo: Geography, c. 22 CE, Dio Cassius: History of Rome, c. 220 CE, Ammianus Marcellinus: The Roman History, c. 380 CE [At this
Site][added 7/2/98]
- Augustan Encomiums, c. 31 BCE - 14 CE
Horace: Secular hymn, and Vergil: Aeneid, VI.ii.789-800, 847-853. [At
This Site] [added 7/2/98]
- Egypt under the Roman Empire, excerpts from Strabo,
Geography and Oxyrhynchus papyri. [At This Site] [added 7/2/98]
Dates of accession of material added since July 1998 can be seen in the New Additions page.. The date of inception was
Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location]. Locally available texts are marked by [At this Site].
WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is part of the
Internet History Sourcebooks Project.
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall, created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]