Extracurricular Involvement for Students

Gain experience and build connections on campus.

Joining student clubs and organizations is a great way to make the most of your college experience, but did you know that it can also boost your professional development? Extracurricular involvement can help you discover your passions and interests, help narrow options for a major or career path, and meet like-minded peers. Plus, you'll also be able to develop leadership skills and gain experience with essential skills, especially if you join an executive board. No matter how you choose to get involved, you can add this experience to your resume and LinkedIn profile! Learn more about extracurricular involvement opportunities through student life.

Lincoln Center Student Organizations

Rose Hill Student Organizations

Are you interested in getting more involved with the Career Center? Learn more about the Fordham Career Ambassadors (FCAs) and Humanities Student Ambassadors (HSAs) by clicking here

Want to learn more about opportunities for volunteering and community service? Get in touch with the Center for Community Engaged Learning